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‫الْ ِه َوايَة‬ sehari?

HOBI .‫أقرأ ثالث ساعات تقريبًا‬ : ‫شريف‬

: ‫ما هوايتك يا شريف ؟‬ ‫شاكر‬
Saya membaca kira-kira tiga jam.
Apa hobimu, wahai Syarif?Syakir .‫أنا أقرأ أربع ساعات في اليوم‬ : ‫شاكر‬
Saya membaca empat jam dalam
.‫ والمراسلة‬،‫ والسفر‬،‫ القراءة‬:‫هواياتي كثيرة‬ : ‫شريف‬ sehari.
.‫ القراءة هواية مفيدة‬: ‫شريف‬
Hobiku banyak: membaca,
bepergian (safar) dan surat- Syarif Membaca adalah hobi yang
menyurat bermanfaat.

‫وما هوايتك أنت ؟‬ : ‫شريف‬ The Greedy Man  

Once upon a time in Riau, lived a
Kalau engkau, apa hobimu?
pair of husband and wife. They
ً ‫ الرياضة والرحالت والقراءة أي‬:‫هواياتي‬ : ‫شاكر‬ were very poor. The wife was
very diligent, while the husband
Hobiku: olahraga, berwisata dan was very lazy. He just slept and
juga membaca. slept everyday. He did not want
to help his wife to earn a living.
‫ماذا تقرأ يا شريف ؟‬ : ‫شاكر‬ The wife was helpless, she often
prayed to God to help her
Apa saja yang engkau baca, wahai
Syarif? husband.
‫شريف‬ One night the husband had a
‫ وماذا تقرأ أنت ؟‬.‫أقرأ الكتب والمجالت اإلسالمية‬ : dream. In his dream, an old man
came to him. He told the husband
Saya membaca buku-buku dan to take his sampan and went to
majalah-majalah keislaman. Dan river. "Go to the middle of the
kalau engkau, apa yang engkau river and wait until a rope
baca? appears from the river. Take the
.‫ والمجالت العلمية‬،‫أقرأ الكتب اإلسالمية‬ : ‫شاكر‬ rope slowly, and then you will find
a golden chain. You can cut and
Saya membaca buku-buku take it, but don't take the chain
keislaman dan majalah-majalah too long," said the old man. The
.sains husband then woke up from his
‫هل لديك مكتبة ؟‬ : ‫شاكر‬ In the next day, the husband took
his sampan and went to river. He
Apakah engkau mempunyai
wanted to do the old man's
advice as said in his dream last
.‫ لدي مكتبة كبيرة‬،‫نعم‬ : ‫شريف‬ night. "Where are you going?"
asked the wife. She was so
Iya, saya mempunyai perpustakaan surprised to see her husband was
besar. busy preparing the sampan. "I
want to go fishing, Honey. See
‫كم ساعة تقرأ في اليوم ؟‬ : ‫شاكر‬
you later!" the husband didn’t
Berapa jam engkau membaca dalam want to tell his wife about his
dream. He knew his wife would But then he realized that it was a
think he was crazy by following lesson for him to work hard if he
up a dream. wanted to earn money.
After the husband arrived in the
river, he rowed his sampan until
he reached the middle of the
river. He then looked around the
water surface very carefully.
Suddenly a rope appeared from
the river. "The old man was
right!" said the husband to
himself. He then slowly pulled the
rope and at the end of the rope
he saw a golden chain! The chain
was sparkling and glowing. It was
made from pure gold. "Wow! It’s
really made of gold. I’m rich. I’m
rich," the husband said happily.
He kept pulling the chain. He
forgot the old man's advice to
take only short chain because it
was enough for him. The poor
man became greedy. He wanted
to take the golden chain as long
as possible.
While he was busy pulling out the
golden chain, a bird came to him.
It talked, "Remember the old
man's advice. Take only a short
golden chain." But the poor man
ignored the bird and kept on
pulling out the chain. Slow but
sure, his sampan was full of the
golden chain. It was so full that
finally the sampan could not hold
the weight any more. The sampan
started to drown. The golden
chain was sinking and went to the
bottom of the river creating a big
wave in the river. The wave
almost swallowed the poor man.
He was so panicked. He swam as
fast as possible to the river side.
When he arrived on the river side,
he felt sorry to himself. He
blamed himself for being a greedy
man. But it was already too late.

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