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Meet the person responsible for you…: The meaning behind this bulletin board is to show the students

that they are responsible for keeping their grades up, and what they say. Meaning they have no one else
to blame for their actions but themselves.

Kinders: That bulletin board was kindergarteners learning about fire safety and what and what not to do if
there was a fire, along with talking about what to do in a fire drill. As a kindergartener they were going in
depth about why it’s important to listen to their teachers and adults if they see a fire.

Sight Words: This is all the students in Mrs. Andersons class along with each students name and how
many sight words they know the meaning of and the part of speech. It's to remind the students of their
goals to know all of their sight words.

Music Notes: this gets updated weekly its to put on display for the students to remember what they are
learning in music that week along with seeing where other grades levels are learning in music.

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