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Aaah, _____________, you gleaming bin of bounty.

Scrooge Beakley?!
Beakley I __________ I should prepare you, for ___________________.
Scrooge How bad can it be? Lid left off the ____________? Errant roller-skate left
Scrooge An _____________ series of cutthroat ________ games?
Dewey __________________!
Scrooge Dewey! Don't _______ at your ___________ before you fire, you'll lose
the ______________ of surprise.
Louie Good _________, Beakley!
Beakley When I said you _________ spend more time with your family
_________________________ them ____!
Webby Target ____________.
Louie You _________________!? It's just a game!
Webby You're not a player, you're a pawn.
Dewey W-Webby, maybe ___________________ a notch.
Webby TELL THAT TO MY _______________________ IN PEKING!
Dewey ___________?
Webby It's part of my character's ________________; grizzled ex-special forces
_________________ of ______________ for revenge. What's yours?
Dewey ...My guy has a _______________?
Webby Not anymore.
Webby Ha ha!
Huey The foyer is a _______________________! The foyer is a saf- AH!
Webby This is no ________... this is a ________.
Huey Ow! My tailbone!
Scrooge Heh-heh... "a tomb"...
Beakley Sir, this is _______________!
Scrooge Kids will be kids. For ______________________, we've all got to make
Donald Um, ocupado!
Scrooge ____________________. NOW.
Scrooge __________, time for some ______________.
Scrooge Rule 1: My __________________. My ________, my sleeping quarters-
My washroom. Rule 2... Defer to Mrs. Beakley for all subsequent rules.
I'm pleased to have you here, as long as it ____________________ me.
Good ________!
Beakley This __________ Mr McDuck's ___________, but it's my house. So...
Beakley My house rules. ________________. Comprehensive.
Donald I've got unmentionables to ________.
Beakley Rule ___: if you need something ask _______________.
Donald ________________ that, boys? Ask permission!
Beakley Rule number _____: no one is __________ rules. Donald. If you had
________ asked for ___________ we could have avoided what I'm
_____________ to as the "Undergarment ____________."
Donald I _____ take care of _________.
Beakley That is not ____________________. You live here, you answer
Donald I _______________!
Louie Wait, are ________________?
Huey, Dewey Ew!
and Webby
Donald and ________________, now!
Webby Death darts _________!
Louie Again, __________ to be darts.
Webby Oh, what do you wanna _________? ________________________?
Cannonball Fury?
Huey How about a _______________?
Webby Ooh! ________________ Hacky-Sack?
Louie Or... _____________________.
Dewey You __________?
Louie I do, _________ Dewford.
Huey, Dewey _______________ Funso's Fun Zone!
and Louie
Webby What's that?
Louie Only the greatest place ______ could ever _______________________!
Huey _______________ dreams become _____________, and reality becomes
some kind of crazy hyper-_______________!
Dewey Where punch refills ___________________!
All three in Funso's Fun Zone! Where fun is ___ the zone!
Webby Oh yeah. That... Funso's. Of course. Hah. _______________________
Louie Let's go boys!
Webby Oh. Well... _________________.
Dewey You coming?
Webby Wha? Yeah! Let me __________________!
Louie I don't know. Webby's great _______________________________ and
minecart-_______________, but she's not exactly _____________ for
everyday kid stuff.
Huey I still _______ the darts when I _______________ my eyes.
Dewey She's been cooped up in the ______________ her whole _______. Of
course she's going to be a little... _____... but we can help her!
Webby Alright, Webby. Just a ____________ casual ___________ in the real
world. Like regular kids do. _______________. Play it cool.
Donald Howdy neighbor. kielbasa? I'll just live by the boat while I _____ it. Out
of your house, out ___________________.
Beakley Causing several fire ___________. If you have checked with me I
Donald ______________________
Beakley And how would you like to ____________ the water _________?
Donald What? ______________________ in the world can't spare a dime. Keep
your ____________.
Scrooge Aaahhhh!
Huey You've been _______________________, right?
Webby Absolutely. So is it ________________ seating or...
Huey Don't ______________ anybody. Don't __________ anything. Don't
________ anything. Don't go near the ___________________.
Webby I'm Webby. Have you _________________ a ravine in this _______?
Can I try? I'm Webby. Look, a dog wearing a ________________. Did
he ___________ himself? _______________________!
Webby It was a _______ bow tie. Sorry.
Huey It's fine.
Dewey It's just a ________________ to Funso's...
Huey ...through the sketchiest ______________________ in town.
Webby Bet it's a blast to run. _________ you.
Huey Uh, _________ way.
Webby Whoop.
Bouncer Hey! Is that the McDuck brats?
Big Time Let's _________________!
Bouncer Burger's ______. Ma told us we's ______________ to take down the
Big Time Oh, forger the truck! That's the _________! ________________!
Bouncer Sorry, Carl. ________________ next month?
Webby Funso's Fun Zone.
Boys ______________________ is in the zone.
Webby Pizza? __________? A pit of ________?
Louie ___________, Webbigail, ball pits are for babies.
_______________________. You're in the zone now. If you want
__________________ in this world, you gotta know the people that
make it __________. Josie, new token _____________? Nice.
Waitstaff Your ______________ table, ______.
Louie Merci, Toby. Webby, your money _____________________ here.
Webby What do __________________? I have pounds, pesos, rubles...
Louie The oldest _________________ in the world.
Webby Ancient obsidian rune ______________?
Louie No, flattery. I can't tell. Is that the _____________________, or your
natural __________?
Waitstaff Oh Mr. Duck, the usual?
Louie Yep, ______________________ for water please.
Webby That's not water.
Louie It's all part of the system. You try.

Webby Hey, uh (reads name tag) Jaa-nay.

Waitstaff It's Jane.

Webby I'm Webby. I was hoping you could hook a girl up with one of those free water cups, you
know, for (winks) fruit punch.
Jane You sure you don't want it for water?

Webby Yes, for water. Fruity water that really packs a punch (double wink) am I right?
Jane I, I don't know what you mean.

Webby (whispers) I mean fruit punch.

Manager Is there a problem here? What did I tell you about handing out freebies, Jane? You paid for
that punch, Duck?

Louie Yeah, I was just about to, yeah. Thanks, Webby.

Delivery Special delivery for D. Duck.

Donald Put them out back. portable generators. Keep your power, Mrs B. I'm off the grid.
Beakley That idiot is going to get himself killed. (smiles to herself)

Funso Welcome to Funso's. There' no place finer, but all cool adults must be accompanied by a
minor. Bablebablam!
The Beagle Boys had dressed Bouncer in a baby costume.

Bouncer You buying this?

Funso shakes his head no, and Bouncer attacks him. Webby enters arcade and sees Dewey
playing a video game.

Webby Uke or Puke?

Dewey Behold, the best game ever created. Japanese import. There's only one in the US, and I
have the top ten scores. So I'm pretty much the best in the country. You gotta try this.
Webby I don't know. I've never actually played a computer game.
Dewey You played an instrument?

Webby I've had seven years of cello.

Dewey Same thing.

Webby tries to stand the controller on the floor. Dewey corrects her by putting it around
her. Webby plays it.
Dewey Your first strum. Cherish it.

Game Oi. goin dame da dame dame.

Dewey Yes, yes. Be one with the flow.

Game Pu-ke kudasai.

Webby I am both uking and puking.

The Beagle Boys dressed as Funso try to grab Webby.

Funso Time...

Webby Stranger danger!

Dewey Webby, no.

Funso trips over the power cord, unplugging it.

Webby I killed Funso!

Dewey No, no, don't you die on me!

Game Dame da dame dame.

Dewey My scores! Noooo! It's like I don't even know you anymore.
Mrs. Beakley watches Donald maintain his generators and start a fire.

Beakley (To Scrooge) Perhaps we can put your nephew up in a hotel in New Zealand.
Scrooge No time, guest pass are calling. Beakley problem.

Webby belly flops into the ball pit.

Webby Ow.

Louie Room for three more?

Webby You guys aren't mad I ruined Funso's?

Louie Please, Funso's is a place of magic and wonder and light.

Dewey Think fast.

Webby Wait, what's happening?

Huey Don't. You're fine.

Webby It's a trap. I'm sinking! Ahhh!!

Webby fires a grappling hook which pops a balloon, breaks a spotlight, and pulls down a
palm tree causing a fire. She's confronted by the manager as she pulls herself out.
Webby Haha, I'm Webby.

Manager You are banned from Funso's for life!

Huey No, please, I've never been kicked out of anything.

Louie And this is why we shouldn't bring her, thanks Dewey.

Manager Funso, take them out.

Funso With pleasure. Call ma. (sinister laughter)

Someone approaches Funso's and opens the door.

Manager You can't come in here without a child!

The person punches him in the stomach and walks past him, to the fear of the other parents
and children.

??? Everybody out!

They dunk a man's head into his ice cream, flip the waitresses tray into her face and open
the door to find the Beagle Boys standing there.

Big Time This is it, Ma! The big day! The perfect scam! The-
Ma Save it! What's so important that I don't see an armoured car parked out front?

Big Time May I present our new meal ticket. (improvised drum roll) Scrooge McDuck's family!
Ma Beagle opens the door to see Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby tied up inside the locker.
They scream and shout until Ma shuts the door.

Ma (sighs) And how did you manage this?

Big Time Well, we cornered 'em, we captured 'em, and we sent (Scrooge) a ransom note.

Ma You did what?

Donald gets hit with a ransom note tied to a brick.

Ma Beagle (rubs temples) How could someone so brilliant raise such morons?
Bouncer (to Burger) I think she's talking about you.

Big Time But, but Scrooge will pay a fortune to get those ankle biters back.
Ma Beagle (hits Big Time with her purse) You think he got to be the richest duck in Duckberg by paying
people off? You just painted four twerp-sized targets on our backs. Bouncer, Burger, go

Big Time What about me, Ma?

Big Time gets thrown in the meat locker with the kids.

Ma Beagle You're on a timeout, mister.

Huey Who are these Guys?

Webby The Beagle Boys. They hate your uncle, try to break in to the mansion all the time.
Dewey Are they going to ransom us?
Louie Scrooge will never pay for all four of us.

Webby You're right. He'll probably throw one of off a cliff to send Scrooge a message.
Boys Aaahh!

Donald wakes up and notices the ransom note.

Donald (groans in pain as he reads the note and runs to the bathroom) Scrooge! The kids! The
Beagle Boys!

Scrooge Wait, something's wrong. (replaces cucumbers and bath water with gold coins) Much
Donald Ms. B! A note!

Beakley Look who's back to finally coming to ask me...

Donald screams and shoves the ransom note to Beakley.

Beakley (reads note) What is a Funso?

Big Time "Don't capture Scrooge's brats, Big Time. Don't stick up the Policeman's Ball, Big Time.
Tanks don't float, Big Time." She always treats me like the odd man out because my ideas
are too...

Webby ...intense?
Big Time Visionary. Well I'll show her. I'll show 'em all.

Louie Well that's not something you want to hear when you're tied up in a meat locker.
Big Time Starting with you!

Webby hits Big Time in the head with a frozen pizza.

Boys Webby?
Webby Oops, sorry, I'll just...
Huey You could slip out of those ropes the whole time?

Webby Well, yeah. That's like being captured: 101.

Louie So why didn't you?

Webby Because, I didn't want you to think I'm weird. I've been stuck in the mansion for so long, I'm
trying really hard to be normal, but everything I do is, you know, not.
Dewey Normal's overrated.

Louie We need you to be "Webby" normal.

Huey and Dewey nod in agreement. Webby drops her rope, unties the boys, and dons a pair
of night-vision goggles.

Webby I'm going to break every bone in her body, or maybe just higher up. Let's see how it plays
Webby uses a sausage as a boomerang to open an air grate. The four climb in it.'
Ma Beagle Alright, boys. McDuck's highfalutin hooligan Beakley is coming here to take you down. Are
you going to let her?
Burger hmm....

Ma Beagle No, you are not. Beakley may be strong, ruthless, and unforgiving, but you are the Beagle
Boys, my boys. It's time to mark your territory.
Burger and Bouncer look at each other.

Ma Beagle Do it for your dear old ma.

A different ransom note is chucked out the door.

Ma Beagle (reads note) Dear Ma Beagle, if you ever want to see your son again, (rolls eyes) oh for
crying out loud.
Mrs. Beakley and Donald drive up.

Ma Beagle You take care of them. I'll deal with the squirts.
Beakley Beagle boys are quite large, I'll take the big one and-- Donald?

Donald goes berserk and beats up both Burger and Bouncer.

Beakley I guess he can take care of himself. (charges)

The interior is cloaked in darkness. Ma Beagle sees Webby scurrying around.

Ma Beagle C'mon kid, I don't have time to play games.

Webby Then you're in the wrong place. (singing) Funso's Fun Zone: where fun is in the zone.
Ma Beagle You can't outrun me. You know how many two foot terrors I chased around the junkyard?

Webby But I'm not outrunning you. Whee. I'm leading you.
Webby leads Ma Beagle to the ball pit. Big Time is suspended over it.

Big Time Hi Ma.

Ma Beagle Seriously, Big Time? What the, stupid plastic garbage. Wait, no stop! It's a trap!

Webby I know right? Now!

The boys pull the rope, trapping Ma Beagle in a net. Donald and Ms. Beakley enter and turn
on the lights.

Donald Boys!
Beakley A slip stitch. Good choice, dear.

Webby Thanks Granny.

Big Time It's okay, Ma. I tried and that's what matters.

Ma Beagle Shut up, Big Time.

Big Time Why can't we have what they have?

Back at the mansion, Ms. Beakley opens the fuse box.

Beakley Now, flip the circuit on the boat's circuit and you'll have power.
Donald Thanks, Mrs. B. Hey, how does a housekeeper know so much about electricity and tae
kwan do?
Ms. Beakley Oh, simple. I'm a spy.

Both laugh uncomfortably

Huey Nice of Funso's to lift the ban and give us all those free tokens, you know, to keep us from
suing them.

Louie Yep, the system works.

Dewey So, what should we do next?

Huey I don't know. Webby, what do you want to play?

Webby Really? You mean it?

Louie Any crazy thing you want.

Webby Oh, how 'bout a nice game of Medieval Dungeon of Eternal Screaming!

Boys (in unison) I'm on Webby's team!

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