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The product that my company manufactures:

My company produces skin care products, which include under eyes care, face care, hand care, hair care
and nails care. Our market is the wholesale traders for skin cares all over the country. In their turn, they
distribute the products to retails traders.

Recently we, the board of the company, have decided to expand our trading to reach out to the local
consumers. So, we put down a marketing plan that includes our expected consumers. Where they are
located and how can we reach them.

The target markets

we produce skin cares products for women and men too. Men skin differ from women’s “ Male skin is
about 20% thicker, more toned, contains more collagen and elastin, is oily, has a greater activity of the
sebaceous glands, aging later than women's skin, but stronger and more visible” (Manolica et al., 2012,
n.d ). Because of this, men need products with different ingredients percentages. This means their skin
lose hydration then dry. So, our target market will be women and men all over the country. Household
women, working women and men, athletes, university students and even young girls and boys at
schools. Our marketing plan includes social media marketing particularly Instagram and Snapchat. The
IT officers will make accounts on all social media accounts. These accounts will show our products in
attractive ways. We will hire some ladies and men to introduce our products to the public through these
accounts. Our expected consumers can reach these products by order them online.

Our competitor’s target markets

The products we produce are high quality products. Includes ingredients that give very good result in
one-week use. for example, collagen, hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C are included. These three
components are very important to skin” It is known that the aging process of the skin is closely related
to the molecular metabolism and the modifications of the extracellular matrix in the dermis, resulting in
the modification of the structure and functionality of the collagen fibers, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
Clinical manifestations of this process include increased laxity, fragility, dryness of the skin and the
appearance of wrinkles” (Lupu et al., 2020, n.d). We compete the high-quality brands, which distribute
their products in pharmacies and cosmetic’s shops in malls.

value proposition statement

we should educate our customers about the benefits of our product’s ingredients on their skins. This
could be happened on social media. We will make gift boxes, which contain some of our products, that
could be affordable by anyone. Our customers can choose their products while they are setting on their
couch at their houses with no delivery charge. If they could not see good result after one week of use,
they can retrieve their money.

1- Lupu, M.-A., Pircalabioru, G. G., Chifiriuc, M.-C., Albulescu, R., & Tanase, C. (2020). Beneficial effects of
food supplements based on hydrolyzed collagen for skin care (Review). Experimental and Therapeutic
Medicine, 20(1), 12+.
2- Manolica, A., Roman, T., & Ciobanu, B. M. (2012). Men as consumers of body care products
specially designes for them. The Proceedings of the International Conference, Marketing - from Information
to Decision, (5), 243+.

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