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Since the outbreak of the CoV in China, many cities in Hubei province,

including Wuhan, the epicentre, are under quarantine. Some staff from
GRANDBLUE ENVIRONMENT CO., LTD have to stay in the local facility or
their home for weeks, and found themselves facing the threat of anxiety and

Mike Huang, principal teacher of IAGC China, co-founder of the Institute of

Generative Trance in Guangzhou, has been contacted by the corporation to
provide practical solutions. 

Eight generative coaches have been gathered quickly, under Mike's supervision.
They ran 15 video group therapies for over 100 people from the company's Hubei
office as the first step to pass on the Generative Changes' idea to those people in
need, helping them find a better state, more creatively to cope with the challenges
brought by the CoV. 

Each group therapy has around 7 participants from different departments of the
company, some are from the frontline treatment facility, working with medical
waste, solid and liquid waste 24/7. Some are from the project in construction in
neighbouring cities.

The coaches make sure everyone has equal chance to speak out their feelings,
their concerns and ideas/insights in the group, help them to find their centres,
resources, as well as encourage them to take a small action to realise their new
ideas and true longings. 

First, the coaches worked on creating a COACH state for ourselves, and on
connecting with our centres, then from our centre, speak our gratitude, then our
pains, our desires, move on to our promises / create a positive intention / and finish
by what small action we will be taken. 
Every group member will share on each part, also with the support of body
We give everyone very simple pieces of feedback, holding all sharing, allowed
each to be seen and be listed, to be supported. 

The coaches were not giving a lecture to the group, instead, they provided their
presence, undivided attention, and positive intention to provide a holding space for
the participants. 

The feedback from the workers are highly positive, most of them said they have
more strength in their lives, and feel more stable, with calmness and peacefulness,
enable them to have more possibility to enjoy their life under the current

The coaches said, thanks to Mike and Steve, we are incredibly proud to be part of
this meaningful project, using the Generative change ideas to help people in Hubei
province, especially for Grandblue, a corporation with such a positive intention to
clean the world, that is definitely welcomed by the society and the universe.

Xin, who was part of the coaching team, said:

"Once again, I was amazed by the beauty of human connections, with 6 other
strangers, we not only were connected but also were surprisingly open and
I was many times deeply touched by what they said, even it was only some
"normal" things in life, like how much they miss their families, their loneliness, their
worries about the future...... because what they said was simply valid, everyone
could easily be resonated with. 
When I felt something is touching my heart, I took a deep breath and let the words
flow through me, I think what I provided FOR them (attention/guidance/holdings)
was FAR LESS then what they had taught me during that 1.5 hours, their insights,
promises and actions. 
It was no doubt, a wonderful experience. 
And I was glad to find out that they all found more calmness afterwards and had a
bit more hope for the future. Very meaningful works, thanks to Mike and Steve. "

Sorry. Probably Internet issues. Here is the link so you can enjoy it 100%:

Message from White Eagle, Hopi Nation on 16/03/2020:

" What humanity is going through right now can be seen as a portal and a black hole. The decision to
fall into the black hole or go through the gate is up to you. If they repent of the problem and consume
the information 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall
into the hole. But if you take this opportunity to look at yourself, rethink life and death, take care of
yourself and others, you will walk through the gate. Take care of your home, take care of your body.
Connect with the central body of your spiritual home. Connect to the Egregor of your spiritual home.
Body, house, medium body, spiritual home, all of this is synonymous, that is the same thing. When
you take care of it, you take care of everything else. Don't lose the spiritual dimension of this crisis,
have the look of the eagle, who from above, sees it all, sees more widely. There is a social demand in
this crisis, but there is also a spiritual demand. Both of them go hand in hand. Without the social
dimension, we fall into bigotry. But without the spiritual dimension, we fall into pessimism and lack
of meaning. You were ready to go through this crisis. Grab your toolbox and use all the tools at your
disposal. Learn more about the resistance of indigenous and African people: we have always been
and continue to be exterminated. But we still haven't stopped singing, dancing, lit a fire and having
fun. Don't feel guilty for being happy during this difficult time. You don't help at all by being sad and
energy-free. It helps if good things come from the Universe now. It is through joy that we resist. In
addition, when the storm passes, you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world.
You must be good and strong. And, for this, there is no other way but to maintain a beautiful, happy
and bright vibration. This has nothing to do with alienation. This is a resistance strategy. In the, there
is a rite of passage called the quest for vision. You spend a few days alone in the forest, with no
water, no food, no protection. When you go through this portal, you get a new view of the world, for
you faced your fears, your difficulties... That's what you're asked. Let them take advantage of this
time to perform their vision search rituals. What world do you want to build yourself up? For now,
here's what you can do: serenity in the storm. Calm down and pray. Every day. Establish a routine to
meet the sacred every day. Good things come, what you're doing now is the most important thing.
And sing, dance, resist by art, joy, faith and love. "
" Being linked to the earth does not mean that you cannot grow; on the contrary, it is even a sine
condition of it. No noble and high-forest tree has ever given up its dark roots. Not only does he push
up, but also down."
Jung (Soul and Life)

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