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Wat. Res. Vol. 29, No. 1, pp.

349-355, 1995
Pergamon 0043-1354(94)E0102-C ElsevierScienceLtd. Printedin Great Britain




Department of Civil Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 7RU, England

(First received April 1993; accepted in revised form March 1994)

Al~tract--The specific methanogenic activity test (SMA) was used to determine a suitable organic loading
rate during the start-up phase of a crossflow ultrafiltration membrane anaerobic reactor system
(CUMAR). The SMA test was immediately carried out after seeding the reactor with sludge taken from
a municipal wastewater treatment plant digester in order to determine the most acceptable initial organic
loading rate. The initial test results during the first week showed that the acetoclastic capacity of the
reactor sludge, at an organic loading rate (OLR) of 1 kg COD/m3 • d, was found to be low which resulted
in a very poor COD removal et~ciency, i.e. 14%. Therefore the OLR was maintained at approximately
0.7 kg COD/m 3. d in the next two weeks of operation resulting in the COD removal et~ciency of over
65% in the effluent. Based upon the SMA tests results, the OLRs were either increased or decreased in
order to improve performance of the system and to achieve stable conditions which further resulted in
an excellent organic matter removal, i.e. over 98% COD and almost 100% BOD removal at an OLR of
over 1 kg COD/m3. d. At this point the ratio of actual methane production (AMP) rate of the CUMAR
system to potential methane production (PMP) rate determined from the SMA test was 0.45, which
ensured that the CUMAR system could be loaded at higher organic loading rates for the remainder of
the operating period.

Key words--anaerobic contact digester, specific methanogenic activity test, crossflow ultrafiltration,
brewery wastewater

INTRODUCTION the reactor sludge since approximately 70% of the

methane formed during the anaerobic digestion
It is important to recognize that the amount of active of a complex substrate results from acetic acid
methanogenic population in an anaerobic reactor is (McCarty, 1964).
the critical factor in achieving efficient wastewater Although it has been well established that stable
treatment. A long sludge retention time, as reflected operation of anaerobic processes requires the regular
by the traditional volatile suspended solids (VSS) measurement of parameters such as pH, alkalinity,
measurements do not distinguish between microbial gas production and gas composition, removal of
biomass and any other particulate organic material organic matter, as well as the maintenance of a stable
which may be present in the reactor, nor does it give temperature, preferably at mesophilic or thermophilic
any indication of the potential methanogenic activity conditions these parameters only provide infor-
of the microbial biomass present (Reynolds, 1986). mation concerning the current conditions inside
From the standpoint of the design and operation the reactors. Therefore the use of SMA test as a
of anaerobic processes, methanogenic "activity" is control parameter could provide safer operation
of great importance. The methanogenic "activity" in under field conditions, i.e. under varied influent flows
the C U M A R system was, therefore, measured and and variable concentrations of organic matter.
controlled by the use of the specific methanogenic The SMA test can also be used for the determi-
activity (SMA) test during the start-up period. nation of optimum operating conditions of anaerobic
In order to determine specific methanogenic reactors. Three fundamental operating conditions
activity, different techniques have been developed by were defined by Monteggia (1991) in a study of
a number of researchers (Monteggia, 1991; James laboratory-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket
et al., 1990; Concennon et al., 1988a, b; Reynolds, reactors. Operating condition one corresponded to an
1986; Dolfing and Bloemen, 1985; Shelton and actual methane production (AMP) rate in the digester
Tiedje, 1984; Valcke and Verstraete, 1983; Owen of 60% of the potential methane production (PMP)
et al., 1979; Van den Berg et aL, 1974). In this rate of the sludge using the SMA test, thus resulting
study the technique developed by Monteggia (1991) in high operating stability and an excellent COD
was used to determine the acetoclastic capacity of removal. Operating condition two was identified as

350 O. INCE et al.

being from approximately 6 0 - 1 0 0 % o f the P M P rate, Vent

resulting in a lower C O D removal a n d a stability 3-Way valve &3
d e p e n d e n t on the available alkalinity. O p e r a t i n g
condition three t o o k place at excessive organic load- sensor Signal
ing rates (i.e. where the A M P rate in the digester is
greater t h a n the P M P rate) resulting in a n irreversible
imbalance in the sequential stages o f a n a e r o b i c
De Zeeuv (1984) stated t h a t at the beginning of
the start-up of a new reactor, the specific activity of Fig. 2. Schematic description of gas flow metering system.
the seed sludge together with the a m o u n t o f sludge
present determines the permissible initial organic necessary tubing for interconnection of the anaerobic
loading rate. Subsequent m e a s u r e m e n t s of S M A a n d reactor and the units of the system. The solenoid valve was
total volatile suspended solids would provide a safe set so that the two normally open ports (1 and 2) commu-
guideline for further increases in organic loading rate nicate with the pressure measurement device and the gas
bulb. When the third port was closed, the pressure in the
d u r i n g the start-up period.
reactor and in the bulb increased progressively. As the
In this current study therefore, the S M A test was pressure inside the system reached a set value, the control
carried out in order to control the organic loading system sent an electric signal to a control interface that
rate thus giving a m o r e reliable start-up o f the activated the three-way solenoid valve, simultaneously
C U M A R system. closing the second port (to maintain the pressure inside the
reactor) and opened the third port to the atmosphere.
This made the connection of the bulb to the atmosphere,
MATERIALS AND METHODS releasing excess gas accumulated during the build-up in
pressure. The valve was deactivated after an interval of time
Experimental equipment (3 s for the complete release of the gases) and a new cycle
The SMA test equipment used in this study was originally was initiated.
used by Monteggia (1991), a schematic diagram being A microcomputer Amstrad Model 1620 connected to the
shown in Fig. 1. The system consisted of eight, I-1 digestion gas metering system by using an 8 channel analog input
flasks submerged in a water bath which had a temperature board Model DAS-4 supplied by Metrabyte Corporation
controller. Continuous mixing of the sludge in the digestion was used to simultaneously monitor the gas production of
flasks was maintained using magnetic stirrers during the test the eight independent digesters.
period. The device used for calibration of the eight digesters with
The gas metering system is shown in Fig. 2 and consisted their respective gas flow meters is shown in Fig. 3 and was
of a three-way solenoid valve controlled by a pressure described by Monteggia (1991), the eight digesters and the
measurement device (manometer or pressure transducer), respective gas flow meters were individually calibrated by
a gas bulb for temporary storage of the gases and the injecting a known volume of gas.

® 1. Digestion flasks V=I000 ml

2. Port with septum for gas sampling
3. Magnetic stirrer
4. Three-way solenoid valve
5. Gas bulb V=80ml
6. Manometer with electric contact points
7. Wiring
8. Water bath heater
9. Water bath
@ 10. Stirrer motor
11. Solenoid valve controller board
12. Micro computer with data
acquisition interface

Fig. 1. Illustration of experimental set-up for Specific Methanogenic Activity test.

Methanogenic activity test and organic loading rate 351

Table 1. Characteristics of brewery wastewater and composition of trace nutrients in brewery

Parameter Concentration (mg/I) Compound Concentration (mg/I)
COD 80,000-90,000 MgSO4 " 7H20 0.005
BOD5 65,000-80,000 FeCI3 0.005
TKN 110-210 CaC12 0.005
PO4-P 90-100 KCI 0.005
Suspended Solids 100-150 CoCI2 0.001
pH (units) 3.5-4.5 NiCI 0.001

controlling the reactor feed pump, hence the active volume

Expelled air of the digester remained constant throughout the study.
To digestion A variable speed pump was used to recirculate the reactor
contents through the membranes which were themselves
operated in parallel. The crossflow velocity and operating
pressure were controlled by adjusting the flow and pressure
1 .~__._ Graduated
cylinder The crossflow membrane unit consisted of two indepen-
dent but identical cells with two cylindrical channels, each
12 mm diameter and 320 mm long. Each cell held an ultra-
filtration membrane (UF) of 0.024 m 2 total surface area. The
Peristalticpump UF membrane used in this study (supplied by Paterson
Candy International) was manufactured from fluoro-
polymer with a molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of
approximately 200,000.
Water reservoir Reactor operation
Fig. 3. Device used for calibration of gas flow meters. During the operation of the membrane reactor, tempera-
ture, pH, operating pressure, gas composition, gas pro-
duction rate and crossflow velocity were monitored daily,
Description of Crossflow Ultrafiltration Membrane Anaerobic Feed and effluent samples were taken for the analyses
Reactor (CUMAR) system of total and filtered COD, turbidity, alkalinity and total
Figure 4 shows a schematic drawing of the experimental volatile fatty acids (TVFAs) once every other day. Total
system used in this study. It consisted of a crossflow kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N),
membrane unit and a 1201 completely mixed, suspended phosphate phosphorus (PO4-P), reactor suspended and
growth anaerobic reactor which was initially inoculated volatile suspended solids (SS/VSS) and BOD 5 analyses were
with digesting sludge taken from a local municipal waste- carried out once per week. All analyses were carried out
water treatment plant. Table 1 shows the composition of according to Standard Methods (APHA, 1985).
the brewery wastewater used as feed throughout the study.
The reactor pH and temperature were automatically main- RESULTS
tained within the ranges of 6.9-7.2 and 36°C + I°C. The
reactor was fed at the same rate as the permeate rate by The C U M A R system was initially fed with diluted
using a level controller placed within the reactor and brewery wastewater at a n organic loading rate ( O L R )

Gas meter

pH Controller

Level Controller
Alkali (to feed pump)

Probe Pressure

Cooler Reeireulation Permeate

Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of CUMAR system

352 O. INCE et al.

1.0 20-
11~0mlgl~.ate] ,,

0.s- ~ 10-
"~ 5-

0.0 30 60 90 120 1;0 180 0 40 l~0 210

Time (hours) Time (hours)
Fig. 5. Plot of specific methanogenic activity at an organic Fig. 7. Plot of specific methanogenic activity at an organic
loading rate of 1 kg COD/m 3' d (on day 3). loading rate of 0.7 kg COD/m 3. d (on day 21).

of I kg COD/m 3. d corresponding to an F/M ratio of sludge was doubled while the PMP rate obtained
approximately 0.11 kg COD/kg VSS. d. A specific from the SMA test was found to have increased
methanogenic activity (SMA) test was immediately approx. 2.5 times its previous value (on day 12). This
carried out and the results obtained from both yielded an AMP/PMP ratio of 0.6. The TVFAs in
the reactor and the SMA test, as shown in Fig. 5, the permeate decreased to 40 mg/1 while the COD
indicated that the actual methane production (AMP) removal efficiency of the system improved to over
rate of the reactor sludge was very low, i.e. 1 ml 65% in the reactor and 77% in the permeate towards
CH4/g VSS • d, but was 90% of the potential methane the end of 3 weeks operation.
production (PMP) rate at this OLR. The TVFAs in According to the results obtained in the 3rd week
the effluent immediately increased to over 1600 mg/l it was assumed that the C U M A R system could be
after 3 days operation. The soluble COD removal loaded at higher OLRs. It was then decided to double
efficiencies were found to be 14% in the reactor the OLR to 1.5 kg COD/m 3. d on day 30. Both the
and 21% in the membrane permeate respectively AMP and the PMP rates were significantly increased
whilst the methane content of biogas produced in the to 24ml CH4/g V S S . d and 32ml CH4/g V S S . d
digester reached only 10% by the end of 1st weeks' respectively at this OLR yielding an AMP/PMP ratio
operation. of 0.76. However, the TVFAs and the COD concen-
The OLR was therefore maintained at approxi- trations in the reactor showed a sharp increase to 860
mately 0.7 kg COD/m 3. d in the 2nd week of oper- and 1360mg/1 respectively. This was thought to be
ation since an acclimatization period was necessary due to the increase in AMP/PMP ratio indicating that
for the biomass in the digester for the new waste- the system was operating near its maximum load
water and the different reactor configuration. On day (76%) leading to the conclusion that further increases
12, the results showed that both the A M P and the in OLR would probably have resulted in a sharp
PMP rates noticeably increased to approximately 6 increase in TVFAs in the digester causing a signifi-
and 7.5 ml CH4/g VSS" d respectively yielding an cant decrease in the COD removal efficiency of
AMP/PMP ratio of 0.8. The TVFAs decreased to the system or even system failure. In other words the
700 mg/l while COD removal efflciencies of 50% in amount of acetoclastic methanogenic bacteria in
the reactor and 65% in the permeate were achieved the digester was not sufficient to consume the COD
at this OLR. The methane content of biogas pro- load. The SMA results obtained on day 32 are shown
duced in the digester increased to 15%. The 2nd week in Fig. 8.
SMA test results are given in Fig. 6. On day 32, the OLR was, therefore, decreased to
The same OLR was maintained during the 1 kg COD/m 3 • d and maintained at the same level for
3rd week operation due to the high TVFAs in the the next 2 weeks (until day 46) after which the system
permeate and the low COD removal efficiency of performed very well, i.e. a COD removal efficiency of
the system. The 3rd week results, as shown in Fig. 7 96% in the digester and 98% in the permeate. The
(on day 21), showed that the AMP rate of the digester TVFAs in the permeate were found to be less than



o 0 6b l~0 l~o ~4o

0 40 80 120 160 200
Time (hours) Time (hours)

Fig. 6. Plot of specific methanogenic activity at an organic Fig. 8. Plot of specific methanogenic activity at an organic
loading rate of 0.7 kg COD/m 3. d (on day 12). loading rate of 1.5 kg COD/m 3. d (on day 32).
Methanogenic activity test and organic loading rate 353

54- 3 90

36- ," ".,

27- /" ~ \~ i 2-
18- -30
9- o
/. .. -. ~ p nl,~lll~
0 0
o 5; l~0 l;o 2oo 3() 6() 90 120
Time (hours) Operating time (days)

Fig. 9. Plot of specific methanogenic activity at an organic Fig. 11. Plot of organic loading rate (OLR) and methane
loading rate of 1 kg COD/m 3. d (on day 42). content of biogas produced in the reactor against operating
time of CUMAR system.

15 mg/l while the methane content of the biogas dehydrogenic activity and specific methanogenic
produced in the digester reached 79% with a methane activity (SMA) under controlled conditions.
yield of approximately 0.36 m 3 CH4/kg COD ..... ~ at Use of the MPN counting technique for
this OLR. The A M P rate of the digester sludge had enumeration of the various sub-populations present
not changed significantly but the increase in the in anaerobic sludge is not a practical proposition
quantity of biomass in the digester had increased the due to the long doubling times, the strict anaerobic
COD removal efficiency of the system. The PMP rate, conditions required and the difficulty experienced
as shown in Fig. 9, significantly increased to 50 ml in cultivating some of the species involved. Conse-
CH4/g VSS. d yielding an AMP/PMP rate of 0.45. quently, interest has focused on alternative methods
From this ratio it may be seen that only 45% of the based either on the quantification of specific molecu-
acetoclastic methanogenic capacity of the digester lar components exclusively associated with certain
sludge was used towards the end of the start-up trophic groups or on a determination of the specific
period, in other words a high acetoclastic biological activity of key reference groups (Colleran
methanogenic capacity had been established in the et al., 1992).
digester. The overall performance of the C U M A R Since coenzyme F420 is known to be exclusively
system can be seen in Figs 10-11. As can be seen present in methanogenic species (Cheeseman et al.,
from Fig. 11 acclimatization of the digester sludge 1972; Keltjens and Vogels, 1981), its quantification
was completed after 40 days operation followed by as an index of the specific methanogenic activity of
exponential increases in OLR (Ince et al., 1993). sludges was suggested by Delafontaine et aL (1979).
However, due to the variability in F4~0 content of
DISCUSSION different methanogens and the effect of environmen-
tal conditions on the F420 level in individual species,
An acceptable removal of organic matter in an it has not proved possible to use F420 determination
anaerobic reactor depends upon the presence of an as a reliable index of potential methanogenic activity
adequate level of methanogenic activity in which (Dolfing and Mulder, 1985; Reynolds and Colleran,
the methanogens are involved in the conversion of 1987). More meaningful data for the prediction of
volatile fatty acids to end products such as carbon methanogenic activity may be obtained by extraction
dioxide and methane. It is therefore, necessary to and separate quantification of individual F420types or
monitor any changes in the numbers or activities other unique cofactors and coenzymes (Gorris and
of the methanogenic bacteria in the digester using van der Drift, 1986a, b) but the techniques employed
such available techniques as microscopic count, are too complex for routine analysis (Colleran et al.,
most probable number (MPN), ATP, coenzyme F420, 1992).
The SMA technique is more rapid and reliable than
the other tests. In this study, therefore, it was decided
100 0.8
to use the SMA technique in order to determine the
methane production capacity of the C U M A R system,
~75- •0.6 i thus allowing suitable OLRs to be applied.
]--o--- COD,,.~I I The potential methane production (PMP) rates
50- • 0.4 ~
E I....-.~-w,v^~im~ I obtained from the SMA tests were used as a guideline
to compare the actual methane production (AMP)
25- • 0.2 ~
rates obtained in the C U M A R system at various
organic loading rates. It should be noted, however,
~ 7 - . ~ . . ~ ..........~,,~........
:0 2'0 3'o 40 so 6o 7o that the SMA test only measures the methane pro-
Time (days) duction from acetic acid, generally referred to as
the acetoclastic methanogenic activity and does not
Fig. 10. Plot of COD removal efficiency and volatile fatty
acids/alkalinity ratio against operating time of CUMAR include methane produced by hydrogen utilizing
system. methanogenic bacteria. The AMP rates in the
354 O. INCEet al.

Table 2. Comparison of methane production rates of two differentreactor types

Sludge Initial Initial sludge Gas
concentration concentration of load production
Reactor type (g VSS/I) HAc (g/l) (g HAc/gVSS) (ml CHJg VSS.d)
UASB~ 4.4 1.24 0.3 76
UASBa 4.4 2.48 0.6 80
UASBa 4.4 3.72 0.9 99
UASB~ 6.1 1.24 0.2 7I
UASBa 6.1 2.48 0.4 98
UASBa 6.1 3.72 0.6 103
CUMARb 3.0 1.50 0.5 50
~Valckeand Verstraete (1983).
blnce(this study).

C U M A R system were corrected by a multiplying (Ince et al., 1993) provided an SMA test is carried
factor of 0.70 since approximately 70% of the out before an increase in OLR applied since the
methane formed during the anaerobic digestion of a additional permissible OLR can be determined by
complex substrate results from acetic acid. this technique.
A set of substrate concentrations was used in order During the start-up period the MLVSS concen-
to enable the maximum activity to be determined at tration in the digester increased from approximately
which food would not be rate limiting during SMA 8500mg/l to over 10,000mg/l which resulted in
tests. The most favourable substrate concentrations an increase in the MLVSS/MLSS ratio of 5%.
were found to be in the range 1000-4000mg/1 (as The alkalinity added (as NaHCO3) to the feed
acetic acid). Similar results were also reported by was proportionally decreased from 3000mg/l (as
James et al. (1990) and Monteggia (1991). CaCO3) to 1500 mg/1 as the COD removal efficiency
At the beginning of the start-up an SMA test was of the system increased throughout the start-up
carried out in order to determine the most acceptable period. However, the alkali requirement was con-
initial organic loading rate. According to the previous trolled automatically, based on continuous measure-
SMA test results further increases in organic loading ments of the pH of the digester sludge using a pH
rate were applied during the start-up and the steady- meter and controller in order to ensure satisfactory
state operations of the C U M A R system. The SMA environmental conditions for the methanogenic
result obtained at the end of the start-up period is bacteria and to maintain the same pH range in the
given in Table 2 along with the other values reported digester.
by Valcke and Verstraete (1983). In their study
different anaerobic sludges were used in an upflow
anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor treating CONCLUSIONS
wastewater from a flax retting industry during the
start-up period. As can be seen from Table 2 the Results obtained from this study showed that
potential methane production rate of 50ml CHa/g the use of the SMA test compared to conventional
VSS. d obtained from this study was lower than parameters is its ability to predict OLRs which could
those reported values. This could be explained due to be applied to the anaerobic digestion reactors.
the different amounts of methanogenic population During start-up period the AMP/PMP ratio of
retained in the anaerobic reactors. less than 0.6 was found to be satisfactory in order to
The maximum potential methane production rate run the system efficiently in terms of COD removal
of enriched cultures cultivated on acetate has been and methane yield. The maximum SMA of the
reported to be approximately 1000 ml CH4/g VSS. d reactor sludge from the C U M A R system was 50 ml
(Valcke and Verstraete, 1983) if all the biomass CH4/g" V S S . d at an AMP/PMP ratio of 0.45 at
(measured as VSS) consists of acetoclastic methano- which point the system performed very well with over
gens. In this study the acetoclastic methanogens 98% COD and almost 100% BOD removal efficien-
constituted 5% of the VSS of the digester sludge from cies. On the other hand, an AMP rate of between
the C U M A R whilst that was found to be 9.9-10.3% 60 and 100% of the PMP rate resulted in low COD
of the VSS of the sludge obtained from their study. removal efficiencies with high TVFA concentrations
This could be due mainly to the high recirculations in the effluent.
of the digester contents of the C U M A R system, use The SMA tests were also carried out in the mem-
of a different type of feed and seed and the reactor brane permeate and the results showed that there was
configurations. However, this system performed very almost no acetoclastic methanogenic activity loss in
well, achieving over 98% COD removal efficiency. the effluent of the C U M A R system which resulted in
The ratio of the AMP rate of the C U M A R system to an increase in the stability of the system during the
the PMP rate determined by the SMA test was found operation.
to be 0.45 which ensured that the C U M A R system As a result, the SMA test can be used as a reliable
could be loaded at higher organic loading rates method for the determination of potential loading
without having any adverse effects on its performance capacity of anaerobic digestion reactors.
Methanogenic activity test and organic loading rate 355

Acknowledgements--The authors would like to acknowl- of methanogenic environments. J. Microbiol. Meth. 4,

edge the support of the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, 1-12.
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has allowed the use of its facilities for this study. Orhan Ince methanogenic cofactors in fluidised bed reactors. In
would like to express his deep gratitude to Istanbul Techan- Anaerobic Treatment; A grown up Technology,
ical University, Department of Environmental Engineering pp. 567-570. Industrial Presentations (Europe),
for their full support. Bahar Kasapgil would also like to Schiedam, The Netherlands.
acknowledge to the Turkish Ministry of Education for the Gorris L. and van der Drift C. (1986b) Methanogenic
financial support and express her gratitude to the METU for cofactors in pure cultures of methanogens in relation to
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