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Fina : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’ailaikum wr wb.

Fina : Hello Students, how are you today?

Semua : wa’alaikumsalam, alhamdulillah fine/good, etc.
Fina : Alhamdulillah semua baik, okay. Today we will continue learning about buffer solution.
Before we start the class, it would be better if we pray the first. Pray begin.! And finish.
Fina : I will checking your attendence, i have attached on classroom. Please check it and i give
3 minutes for u filling ur attendence.
Fina : *absen*
1. Ananda Mutiara Aulia
2. Aulia Rahma Dita
3. Ayu Andini
4. Azizah Larasati
5. Fakhira ainun nisa
6. Madroup
7. Mutiariska Dyah Paramita
8. Nadiyah Aulia Rahma
9. Nira Nidaul Zannah
10. Resti Prihatiningsih
Fina : Alhamdulillah semua hadir. Everyone has joined this class.
Fina : OK.btw, I have given an e-book about the material that we will studied today on
classroom. Have you checked it?
Semua : Yes miss, sudah.
Fina : Semoga semua sudah membaca yaa.., Karena kalian sudah membacanya, saya ingin
mengetahui apa yang kalian dapatkan mengenai buffer solution dari bacaan kalian.
Fina : I will share a link jamboard, and please you klik and join that link. After you join, see
there is any questions for you and that's question is "what’s your opinion about the buffer
Fina : Sudahkah kalian klik link nya?
Semua : Sudah miss
Fina : Please you write your opinion using the sticky notes on the left. (kalian tulis opini kalian
dengan menggunakan sticky notes yang ada di bagian kiri). Do you understand?
Semua : Yes, miss.
Fina : Ok. I give u 3 minutes for writing ur opinion.
Semua : *menulis di sticky notes*
Fina : So far, all of you already know the outline of the buffer solution material. Untuk itu, kita
akan belajar lebih dalam mengenai larutan penyangga.
*Gambar es jeruk sama cuka*
Fina : Apakah kalau kita makan atau minum es jeruk yang asam ini, maka pH di tubuh kita
akan menjadi asam?
Semua : Tidak miss
Fina : why our body’s ph doesn’t become acidic?? Anyone knows?
Mutiariska : when we drinking orange juice, the pH in our body will not change to become
acidic, because in human blood there is a buffer solution that can maintain pH stability.
Fina : That’s great answer mutia.
Fina : If our blood doesn’t have a buffer, when we drink orange juice, which is acidic. So our
body will happen acidosis, it means the blood’s pH becomes acidic and consequently the heart
and kidneys will be disturbed.
*share ppt*
Resti : *bacain salah satu slide ppt*
Fina : *study check* please matching the answers that you think are correct. And then write ur
answer on chat box and send personal to me. (kuis di ppt 1 soal)
Fina : Ok. Sudah ada yang mengirimkan jawabannya, silahkan ayu sebutkan dan jelaskan
jawaban menurut kamu.
Ayu : H2CO3 and HCO3- are components of the acidic buffer, because H 2CO3 is a weak acid
and HCO3- is a conjugate base.
PO42- and HPO42- are components of the alkaline buffer, because PO42- is a weak bases and HPO42-
is a conjugating acids.
H2SO4 and SO42- are not buffer components, because H2SO4 is a strong acid that cannot to form
a buffer solution.
Fina : Ok, thank u ayu. How about others? do you agree with ayu's answer?
Semua : Yes, miss.
Fina : *study check ke-2*. Fakhira please explain ur answer.
Fakhira : in my opinion, H2S combine with Na2S, because H2S is a weak acid, and Na2S
is a salt has the same anion as H2S.
HCN combine with NaCN, because HCN is a weak acid, and NaCN is a salt has the same anion
as HCN.
NH4OH combine with (NH4)2SO4, because NH4OH is a weak base, and (NH4)2SO4 is a salt
has the same cation as NH4OH.
Fina : That’s good answer fakhira. How about others? Any different answer?
Semua : No, Same with Fakhira miss.
Fina : We continue the material, the principle of the buffer solution. please watch this video.
after that, I'll ask you something.
Fina : Based on the video, please explain again based on your understanding. Anyone want to
Nanda : When an acid is added to the buffer solution, the ion H + will react with the conjugate
base to form a weak acid, thereby increasing the concentration of weak acids, but the
concentration of H+ ions doesn’t increase and doesn’t affect the concentration of the solution, so
the pH constant.
(Ketika asam ditambahkan ke larutan penyangga, maka ion H + akan berekasi dengan basa
konjugasi membentuk asam lemah sehingga meningkatkan konsentrasi asam lemah, tetapi
konsentrasi ion H+ tidak meningkat dan tidak mempengaruhi konsentrasi larutan, sehingga PH
Fina : OK. Thank you nanda, what about adding base to the buffer solution?
Azizah : In my understanding. When a base is added to buffer solution, the ion OH - will react
with a weak base to form a conjugate base, so the concentration of conjugate base will
increasing. The concentration of OH- from base doesn’t affect to pH of buffer solution.
Fina : Thank you Azizah. Do everyone understand about the principle of buffer solution?
Semua : Yes, understand. Miss
Fina : *Study Check* (kirim jawaban di chatbox : pH= 5-log1,8)
Fina : The last material. Buffer in human body. I will show the video about buffer in human
body, please watching this video and listen carefully.
Fina : Based on the video, How many buffer systems are there in the human body?
Semua : Ada 3 sistem.
Fina : Coba roup tolong sebutkan apa saja.
Roup : Protein buffer system, Phospat Buffer system, and Carbonic Buffer System.
Fina : Yes, Good answer roup.
*di materi terkahir* any question?
Nira : what are the consequences if the pH of the blood exceeds the normal or neutral of 7.4?
Uli : If the pH of the blood exceeds the normal pH blood, the body will hyperventilate by
breathing excessively or rapidly.
*Discussion Time*
Setelah nonton video praktikum larutan penyangga.
Fina : I have grouped you into 3 group.
Group 1 : Ananda, Aulia, Ayu, Aziza
Group 2 : Fakhira, Madroup, Mutiariska
Group 3 : Nadiyah, Nira, Resti
Fina : now you discuss with your group to answer this question. I give you 10 minutes for
discussing time.
*Setelah diskusi*
Fina : Silakan group 1 mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya.
Aulia : Based on the experimental results from the video. In the detergent sample there was a
slight change in color when acid was added but did not change color when the base was added.
This shows that the detergent is a buffer solution and the buffer components are stearat acid and
Fina : Excellent for group 1. Next group, please.
Mutiariska : The results from our discussion. In the NaCl solution after adding acids and bases
there is a significant change in color from the color of the standard solution. This indicates that
the NaCl solution is not a buffer solution.
Fina : Good, Thank u for group 2. The last group, please.
Resti : Based on the video, we conclude that the carbonated drink sample does not change
color. So this sample is included in the buffer solution. The buffer components are citrate ion and
citrate salt.
Fina : OK. Everyone has a good job. Thank you for ur presentation, I apreciated.
*Ice Breaking* (kalau Sempet)
Fina : Materi kita sampai di sini, ada yang ingin menyimpulkan.
Nira : The conclusion of this material today is that the buffer solution is a solution that can
maintain pH when given a little acid or base. The pH of the buffer solution will tend to be
constant. There is two types of buffer solution is acidic buffer and alkaline buffer.
Fina : Thank you for ur attention, wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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