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Christa Wiscombe

ATMO- 1010

Weather and Your Major

My goals are to become an Art teacher for K-12 grades. Below is my lesson plan that will

go along with the painting I created for this project.

Lesson Plan 7th-grade Art class.

Shapes with an idea of realism.

Incentive: This classroom activity will help kids be creative with two things they already know.

Shapes and the Earth.

Lesson: I plan to give this lesson to start off a more creative chapter. The lesson will have kids

pick an image in their own creativity that has to do with Earth. The shapes are to help the kids

see art from a different perspective. This activity will help them get into a different comfort

zone with Art perspectives.

What is needed: Students will need a canvas of a size already provided in the classroom, acrylic

paint, paintbrushes, cut-out images from magazines for inspiration.

Assignment requirements: The whole canvas needs to be covered in paint. There needs to be

three or more colors on their painting. With three or more different bold shapes to represent

things like plants or animals.

Outcome: Students will have an open creative activity that helps them see a new art concept

with the creativity of weather and the planet.

Accomplishments: Art will be hung up then the students are welcome to take home the art they


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