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Group 8


Catherine Carolyn Wori ( 2004551165 )

I Made Kurniawan Arya Wangsa ( 2004551165 )
Ni Nyoman Ayu Septiantari Wijaya ( 2004551165 )
Gladys Vania Gracia ( 2004551165 )
Bryan Regis Horatius ( 2004551165 )
This videos mainly talks about how we, as a human being
should protect and also conserve nature and the
environment around us. in this case, the “sea world”.
these videos show us the dangers of environmental
pollution in the sea and it also gave us the real examples
of it. so it’s very necessary for us to understand and
increase our awareness about environmental health.
What law can be implemented in each
theme based on Indonesia’s Law?

Indonesian seas have a wealth of abundant resources.

However, the management and regulations governing the use of
marine resources are considered to be of little benefit to the
state. So that it needs efforts from various parties to cooperate in
the optimal and targeted utilization of marine resources. The law
is expected to be able to overcome various problems that arise in
relation to marine resources, especially marine genetic resources.
Law must be able to provide protection for intellectual works so
that it can encourage people to develop their creative power in
the fields of science, technology, arts, and literature, which
ultimately leads to the successful goal of legal protection of
marine natural resources.
UU Number 31 Of 2004
Where in UU, it is precisely in Article 8 paragraph 1 which reads "Every person is prohibited from catching
fish and / or breeding fish by using chemicals, biological materials, explosives, tools and / or methods, and /
or buildings that can harm and / or endanger the sustainability of fish resources and / or the environment in
the Indonesian Fish Cultivation Territory ”. Violation of this article is punishable by criminal law Article 84
paragraph (1) UU Number 31 of 2004. This act constitutes a criminal act. So far, the existence of various
fishery commodities in Indonesian waters which are quite abundant and of high value, has encouraged an
increase in fishing efforts continuously from year to year to the emergence of various fishing techniques
that are not environmentally friendly by fishermen and the number of illegal fishing practices.

UU Number 27 Of 2007
In the General Provisions UU 27 of 2007 concerning Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, it is
said that the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands is a process of planning, exploiting,
supervising and controlling Coastal Resources and Small Islands between sectors, between the Government
and Local government, between terrestrial and marine ecosystems, and between science and management
to improve community welfare. Coastal Resources and Small Islands are biological resources, non-living
resources; artificial resources, and environmental services; biological resources include fish, coral reefs,
seagrass beds, mangroves and other marine biota; non-living resources include sand, sea water, seabed
minerals; Artificial resources include marine infrastructure related to maritime affairs and fisheries, and
environmental services in the form of natural beauty, the surface of the seabed for underwater installations
related to marine and fisheries and ocean wave energy in the Coastal Zone.
How can be implemented?
UU especially UU Number 31 of 2004 can be implemented because of
the many problems in Indonesia in terms of damage and pollution to the
marine environment such as fishing with explosives, large-scale coral
reefs and disposal of hazardous materials from ships. The practice of
IUU fishing (illegal, unreported, unregulated fishing) in the Indonesian
sea area causes enormous losses to the country's economy and perhaps
even the dignity and sovereignty of the Indonesian nation.
what are the obstacles when
implementing in law?
Some obstacles that can be found when implementing this law is that
some local people are uneducated when it comes to law in the country,
so in this order to overcome this obstacles education regarding to this
matter is necessary. For example people in sanur beach are still littering
to this day because of how loose and unclear the law is.
Solution or Conclusion
a. Based on the problems and the discussion
above what is the best solution according to you?

• Prohibit trash dumping in the marine environment

• Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean

Strict fishing regulations

Government should establish more marine protected area

b. What can the citizen in general do to
participate as part of solution in each case?
• Prohibit trash dumping in the marine environment
• Use fewer plastic products
• Help take care of the beach

• Support Organizations Working to Protect the Ocean

• Financial Support
• Volunteering
• Strict fishing regulations
• Not using explosives
• Not using poison

• Government should establish more marine protected area

• Support the government
• Help find another marine area

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