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Answer the Questions

Directions: Read each question and give the correct answer based on the article.

1. What did people in Berwick sell to France and other countries?

Answer : B. wool

Reason : (1st Paragraph) People sold wool to France and other countries...

2. Which two countries wanted control of Berwick?

Answer : A. England and Scotland

Reason : (2nd Paragraph) Both nations (England and Scotland) wanted control of Berwick[...]

3. What nationality are Berwickers called if they go to Newcastle?

Answer : C. Scottish

Reason : (4th Paragraph) But if Berwickers go to Newcastle, they are Scottish, and if they go to
Edinburgh, they are English.

Directions: Please answer each question freely or by using the situation given.

1. Do you think countries have reasons to fight over territory? Explain.

Sample answer:

Yes, I think countries have reasons to fight over territory because a certain area might have valuable
natural resources that another country wants. For example, a neighboring country might have oil,
natural gas, or minerals that another country wants to possess, so they could start a conflict to take
over that country.

2. Do you think that the residents of Berwick should be made to choose a side? Why or why not?

Sample answer:

No, I don't think that they should be made to choose a side because it could lead to disunity in
Berwick. For example, having to choose a side might result in conflicts that could affect local
communities and how people treat each other within the town.

3. Do you think borders will be removed between countries in the future?

Sample answer:

No, I don't think borders will be removed between countries in the future because countries have
rules regarding who can enter and exit the country. For example, countries usually need to monitor
the entry and exit of people, and this is usually done at borders and other entry points such as
airports or seaports.

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