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People management is very situationally-dependent.
When scaling a tech business, speed is important.
By layering on more steps in a process, you’re more likely to introduce
indecision and divergence of opinion regarding your top candidate within
your team. Worse however, you’re likely to lose top candidates to other
companies that have more nimble processes.

Firing quickly

Firing quickly is usually a Band-Aid solution to an ineffective recruiting

process and can be detrimental to corporate culture and reputation. High
turnover generally results in a terrible and uninspired culture that leads to
low risk tolerance and fear of experimentation. When employees have job
security fear in the back of their minds, they generally will seek that security
elsewhere. Furthermore, firing quickly also instills a divisive culture that
threatens accountability and encourages politics.

Firing quickly can often also result from internal impediments to new hire
success. If a candidate seems to be excellent in an interview but fails quickly
after starting, then you’re either not testing candidates properly or you’ve
set them up for failure.

Best practices to avoid this type of dissonance include formalized coaching,

a well thought out onboarding process, and more frequent two-way
feedback sessions for those first few months.
In conclusion

Hire slow, fire fast is generally symptomatic of a broken recruiting process

and poor people management. By being deliberate and thoughtful with your
process and with those first few months post-hire, you can achieve more
favorable recruiting outcomes without jeopardizing your team’s culture.

Hire Slow Hire Fast

Fi Hire Slow, Fire Slow Hire Fast, Fire Slow
re https://www.trcprofessionalsolutions.
Sl m/2018/12/19/slow-or-fast-to- com/2017/12/27/hire-fast-fire-slow-
ow hire-fast-or-slow-to-fire/ might-work-better/

Fi Hire Slow, Fire Fast Hire Fast, Fire Fast


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