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Sex: F

Age: 22



Select a single paragraph within each assertion group. Choose the one who best reflects your
attitude and behavior, as you do most often in your ordinary life.

It is important to agree with the tone and general idea of the selected paragraph. If you agree
with 80% of it choose it from the other two. It does not reject a paragraph simply because of a
single inappropriate word or phrase. Look at the picture altogether.

Do not analyze and reconsider your choice. Choose the paragraph that you feel is right for you.
The general sense and the feeling you leave is more important than every element taken
separately. Leave your intuition to choose.

If you still cannot decide which paragraph suits you best, you can make two choices, but only for
one group. For example, C in group I, and X and Y in group II.

Note the letters corresponding to each selected paragraph. Take care and not cheat, no
personality is better than another!

Group I

A. I tend to be quite independent and I like to say. I felt it better to take my life in my chest. I set
my goals, I like to get involved and make things come out. I do not like to stay away. I want to
do great things and have an impact on others. I'm not really looking to face others, but I'm not
letting people in any way take me away. Most of the time I know what I want and I do everything
for that. I tend to work hard but also to have fun.
B. I tend to be silent and I like to be alone. I do not like to draw attention to myself and I
generally do not get used to saying it. I do not feel comfortable taking the lead or being
as competitive as the others. Many can say that I am a dreamer, much of my life is in my
imagination. I feel good if I do not need to be active all the time.

C. I tend to be very responsible and devoted. I feel terrible if I do not keep my promises and if I
do not do what others expect from me. I want people to know I'm here for them and that I will do
everything I think is best. Even if they do not know, I have often made great sacrifices for others.
I often do not care about myself. I do what I have to do and relax (or do what I really like) only if
there is time.

Group II

X. I am a person who usually has a positive image about life and feels things will end well. I can
easily find something to awaken my enthusiasm and always find something to do. I like to be
with others and help them be happy. I'm glad to share my good mood with the others. I do not
always feel great, but I'm not trying to show this to anyone! Aman often to solve my problems.

Y. I'm a person with strong feelings, most people can say when I do not like something. I
can be careful with the others, but I'm more sensitive than I can see. I want to know who I
can rely on and I prefer to clearly define my relationships with others. When I'm upset I
want the people around me to answer and be with me. I know the rules and I do not like
people telling me what to do. I want to decide myself.

Z. I tend to be logical and I'm mastering myself - but I do not feel comfortable when dealing with
feelings and emotions. I'm efficient - even perfectionist - and I prefer to work alone. When there
are problems or personal conflicts, I'm trying not to get emotionally involved in that situation.
Some say I'm too cold and detached, but I do not want emotions to distract me from what's
really important to me. I usually do not show my reactions even if the others insist.


Put together the two letters you have selected. A two-digit code is formed. For example, you
chose paragraph C of Group I and paragraph Y of Group II. The CY code was formed.

To find out what type of personality you are, check the indications in the table:

Tip Type Type Name and Basic Features

AX 7 Generalist: spontaneous, enthusiastic, impulsive

AY 8 Boss: self-confident, determined, domineering

AZ 3 Competitive: Ambitious, aware of his image

BX 9 Mediator: responsive, convincing, self-satisfied

BY 4 Artist: intuitive, estet, egocentric

BZ 5 Observatory: perceptive, inventive, detached

CX 2 Altruist: generous, thoughtful, possessive

CY 6 Devoted: Attractive, Responsible, Defensive

1 Perfectionist: rational, principled, controlled

The test helps:

- self-awareness;

-developing emotional intelligence.

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