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Pilar Manzano Lopez Guerrero May 21st, 2018

Stress Management & Technology Research/Reflect Paper; 2 pages

Word Count: 314 words
Time Spent on this assignment: 45 minutes

Before I started this assignment, I used to practice yoga and some days I meditated and

journaled, but it was not regular enough; I usually meditated whenever I had the hardest

tests coming up or I was stressed about something. I also listened to music all the time

because music helps me zoom out and focus on myself.

For this assignment I used the app headspace, which is a meditation app that sends you

remainders every day. I tried to use the app calm but the subscription costed money, so I

thought headspace would be better.

The app helped me relax because it was a constant thing, it wasn’t a once in a while kind

of thing. I really enjoyed that I could choose the topic in which I wanted to work on, and I

chose stress and sleep management. I have been using the app for over a week and I have

really noticed progress in my level of stress since it way less stressed than I was at the

beginning of the mod. I have learned that I need to spend more time focusing on myself and

try to meditate more often since even though I have homework and classes, it can help me

focus more tightly on my studies instead of drifting away and spending more time studying

and doing my homework.

The app really helped me reduce my level of stress but if I pair meditation with my

music it might help me even more while to reach a level of relaxation.

What I’m going to do next is pair my new daily meditation, I’m going to add weekly

journaling and yoga. I feel like yoga is a really good activity to reduce levels of stress and
to spend time pampering your body and soul since practicing yoga is a time for yourself in

which you choose how you feel.

I pledge that I have neither given or received help on this assignment.


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