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This is an example of a 4-port ATM switch using a SystemVerilog

testbench with virtual interfaces.

top.v Top level Verilog netlist

atm_if.v Interface definitions
test.v SV program block
driver.vh Driver class - sends cells into design
monitor.vh Monitor class - receives cells from design
scoreboard.vh Scoreboard class - matches expected with received
atm_router.v Design under test
atm.vh Macros / constants
atm_cell.vh ATM_Cell class

Run the design with:

> make

The test.v spawns 4 drivers, monitors, and scoreboards. The driver

randomizes the ATM-cell and sends it into the DUT with virtual ports,
and the scoreboard through a mailbox. The monitors listen for cells,
and send the cells to the scoreboard. The scoreboard just compares
the currently received cell to the expected cell.

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