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__**Grenadier Education I**__


In the Grenadier Guard, we care about education, therefore the Governor assigns an assignment
to be done on a regular basis and they are to be read and reviewed.

As per usual, The reading responses are to be submitted to your squad Sergeant for each topic
that has been posted since our last assignment.

Read #education. You will write one mini response per each individual topic.

This is your opportunity to demonstrate your intellectual abilities which include a variety of
things such as critical thinking and logical reasoning as these are important tools to make up
good leaders.

All Private - Lance Corporal MUST submit the assignment.

__**Paper Requirements**__

- Date
- Professional Writing
- Minimum of 250 words
- Copy and paste the assignment on the bottom
- Make it publicly viewable


The Deadline will be ​Saturday, May 12th, 11:59 PM EST​.

If you entered the Grenadiers after the day it was posted or deadline, you have up to ​1 week​to
submit your response.

After the deadline, you cannot submit your paper and it will be disqualified.

Sergeants​have up to ​12 hours (May 13th, 11:59 AM EST)​after the deadline to comply them
all in a single document and have it ready for the Officers. Send the responses to ​Drill
Sergeants​. Make sure the documents are publicly viewable, you are responsible for your squad.
Double check to see if the ​Drill Sergeant​has your squad’s documents.

After the deadline you are to stop receiving any more responses, the responses that are late will
be disqualified. Only comply those turned in On Time.

__**Drill Sergeants**__

Drill Sergeants​have up to ​12 hours(May 13th, 11:59 PM EST)​to make sure everything is
correct and that you’ve received the responses from each squad. Send them to the ​Staff
Sergeants​for proofreading.

__**Review & Approval**__

The Ensign will review the responses submitted and form a list of personnel, who has failed
to submit their responses. Those who fail to turn in their assignments will face punishment
and disciplinary actions by the Warrant Officers.

University of Saint Michael’s College Staffs
On Behalf of the Lord Governor General Komnenos

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