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6. Live in the moment.

I believe that one of the reasons little kids and happy couples on dates
are happy is because they live in the moment. They focus on what is
happening in front of them and pay attention to the person they are
with. When you live in the moment and do your best, you just feel
happy. Why wouldn't you? You don't worry about the future, neither
do you feel sad about the past.

Take every waking hour as it comes and do what you are supposed to
do and complete what you're supposed to complete. Stop
overanalyzing or trying to predict and plan things too far. The only
constant in life is change. Just live in the moment and do your best.

7. Avoid overanalyzing.
This is what a lot of us do -- overanalyzing things from relationships
to career and finances. Overanalyzing is dwelling on the thought
about something, thinking about it over and over, trying to dig deeper
and deeper, because somehow you believe it could end up giving you
a way out. When in doubt, overanalyzing somehow gives us comfort.
Most of the time, we never actually get an answer but a set of worries.

In order to avoid overanalyzing, we need to be more outspoken with

people whom we have doubts about, take things as they come, and
listen closely to our intuition.

8. Stop worrying about the future.

Many of us worry. We worry about our future -- about our career,
health, living, finances, and about the people we love. We worry
because we are scared. However, worrying doesn't make anything
better unless we stop worrying and start taking actions towards our
goals. If you're worried about your health when you get older, then
you should start eating healthy and exercising regularly. If you're
worried about your finances, then you should start saving up for the
rainy days. If you're worried about your kids, then encourage them to
take actions to help you ease your worries.

Remember that worrying about your loved ones doesn't actually

make them better. It only affects your health and your blood
pressure. Your loved ones will need to take actions themselves. All
you can do is to encourage them and help them move towards the
right direction.

9. Drop your ego and be true.

We have our ego as our security guard that protects our self-esteem
from being attacked. However, sometimes we become a victim of our
own ego. This is when the ego takes control and we become too
arrogant and act above ourselves. We distort the reality about us. We
live in an illusion. Sometimes we do so because we believe it will take
us somewhere. Sometimes we do it because it makes us feel good
about ourselves.

Whatever it maybe, letting your ego become your front shield actually
hurts you more on the inside because you can't be your true self. You
just live with lies. In the end, you just can't take it anymore because
you are just faking it and are attracting people who are also faking it.
Over and over, you will become tired of it and feel like no one really
understands you. This is when you will realize that you will never be
truly happy unless you stay true to yourself and others.

10. Have an open mind.

Having a narrow mind can hurt you more than you think because
naturally we as humans don't like being disapproved of. We don't like
feeling like we're wrong because it makes us feel rejected and

So if you don't have an open mind which means you stand firmly on
your beliefs and ideas and oppose others who think otherwise, you
will feel extremely agitated and uncomfortable when people with
different beliefs and ideas are presented in front of you.

On the other hand, if you have an open mind, you wouldn't mind
hearing about the different beliefs. In fact, you would embrace the
difference, want to understand it better, and become adaptable and
flexible in your approach. You wouldn't have to fight with yourself in
accepting others. You'd feel at ease with differences and feel positive
about change.

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