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Paris McFadden 

Dr. Powell 

Process Analysis  

3 December 2020 

How to Identify a Psychopath: The Red Flags for Psychopathy 

(1)​“One percent of the general population meets the criteria for a psychopath” (Morin 2). 

(Retyped: “Millions of people satisfy the requirements of a psychopath”, according to Morin. 

(Morin 2). ​When one hears the word “psychopath”, most would automatically assume that they 

are ​idiosyncratic ​killers or mentally insane. However, in certain situations, that is ​mendacious​. 

Not all psychopaths are as ​egregious a​ s people imagine them to be. There is a gigantic possibility 

everyone encounters a psychopath at some point in life without even knowing. There are several 

signs to identify a psychopath. Psychopathy is mostly identified by allure, high intellect, poor 

judgment, and incapability of love considering the brain of a psychopath functions much 

differently than one who is mentally stable; however, some psychopaths display different traits 

depending on their mental disorder. So, how would one identify a psychopath?  

True Definitions: Special Terms 

The true definition of “psychopathy” is, (2)​“a mental (antisocial) disorder in which an 

individual manifests amoral and antisocial behavior, shows a lack of ability to love or establish 

meaningful personal relationships, expresses extreme egocentricity, and demonstrates a failure to 

learn from experience and other behaviors associated with the condition” ( 

(Retyped: “a mental disorder in which an individual exhibits morally corrupt and unempathetic 

conduct, demonstrates a lack of ability to empathize or develop meaningful intimate relations, 

communicates severe grandiosity, and presents an inability to grasp from experience and other 
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habits associated with the disorder” ​( ​Psychopathy is a rare mental disorder 

that sets them apart from others. It identifies a range of personality characteristics and actions 

often correlated with an absence of empathy and emotional sensitivity, aggression, narcissistic 

personality, and insensitivity to harmful outcomes. (3)​According to the Harvard Mental Health 

Letter, “callous, deceitful, reckless, guiltless, often intimidating, sometimes violent--that is a 

standard description of a psychopath” ( ​(Retyped: As stated by Harvard Mental 

Health Center, “a typical description of a psychopath is cluel, manipulative, arrogant, repentant, 

frequently threatening, and often aggressive” ( ​These following qualities are often 

prevalent in a psychopathic individual. Additionally, a crucial quality, which psychopaths often 

lack, is empathy. It is defined as having the ability to understand what another individual is 

experiencing or to put oneself in another’s situation. However, psychopathic individuals tend to 

be immensely antisocial in most cases. Also, they tend to have little to no concern about how 

people can be affected by their actions. Charm is also a common quality found in psychopaths, 

which they often use to their advantage. Psychopathic charm is defined as, (4) ​“amusing and 

entertaining conversationalists, ready with a clever comeback, and are able to tell unlikely but 

convincing stories that cast themselves in a good light. They can be extremely effective in 

presenting themselves well and are often very likable” (Hare 23). ​(Retyped: According to Hare, 

“Conversationalists are comedic and engaging, eager for a witty comeback, and can say unlikely 

yet compelling stories that portray themselves in a positive light. They can be highly successful 

and also very charismatic in expressing themselves effectively” (Hare 23). ​Charm is a 

tremendously valuable trait for a psychopath. They use this characteristic to focus their attention 

on a single individual. They instantly ​burgeon ​a deep connection or an illusion of a deep 

connection with someone. A psychopath does not let themselves have distractions. For example, 
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a psychopath is not alarmed by insecurity, self-doubt, or social anxiety, which helps them 

connect with an individual quicker. 

Background of Psychopathy: An Overview 

(5)​“The psychopath lacks the normal emotional accompaniments of experience, that the 

raw feel of his emotional experience is attenuated much as is the color experience of people who 

are colorblind” (Lykken 12).​ ​(Retyped: As stated by Lykken, “The psychopath lacks the usual 

psychological accompaniments of knowledge that amplify the intense feeling of his emotional 

response just like the color experience of people who are visually impaired” (Lykken 

12).​Psychopathy is a condition consisting of a unique confluence of features of behavioral 

characteristics. Psychopathy has generally been considered a sign of impaired or dysfunctional 

emotional response. It has been proven that psychopathic individuals interpret emotions 

differently, demonstrating several variations in their capacity to experience emotions. It is a 

specific type of personality disorder that is closely connected to crime and violence. For 

generations, the idea of psychopathy has been recognized, but the substantial focus has been 

devoted to studies only in recent years. 

Uncovering the Face of a Psychopath: A Sequence of Steps 

There are multiple steps to identify a psychopath. One of the first steps is to look for false 

charm. ​Just as an actor has several roles, a psychopath can put on what professionals may call a 

likable and friendly cover of normality. The psychopath is considered to be the center of 

attention and attracts everyone in general. They essentially manipulate others to like them to 

potentially exploit them more efficiently. Moreover, look for grandiose self-perception. 

According to Hare, (6)​“psychopaths have a ​narcissistic​ and grossly inflated view of their own 

self-worth​ and importance, a truly astounding egocentricity and sense of entitlement” (Hare 17). 
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(Revised: According to Hare, “Psychopathic individuals possess a delusional perception of their 

self-worth and value, a remarkable egocentricity and an attitude of superiority” (Hare 

17).​Psychopaths will also believe that they are more intelligent or powerful than they certainly 

are. As it increases their own prestige, they frequently cozy up to significant and influential 

people. They believe they need special treatment over others. Also, pay attention to impulsivity 

and irresponsibility. Both traits are some of the numerous signs of psychopathy. They seem to 

find nothing wrong with their irresponsible behavior. Psychopaths are known for their inability 

to take responsibility for the choices they make, or the consequences of their choices. This often 

happens considering psychotic individuals are exceedingly self-centered and make impulsive 


Famous American Psychopaths: Examples  

Examples of the most famous psychopaths are widely known as Ted Bundy and Jeffry 

Dahmer. Ted Bundy is mostly associated with the words “psychopath” and “serial killer” He was 

acknowledged for his clever and charming aspects, the characteristics he used to attract his 

various victims. He killed at least thirty people across America, but it took the police years to 

arrest him. People found it difficult to comprehend that such an honorable gentleman could do 

such horrendous acts. Dahmer was diagnosed with psychopathy and was guilty of the death of 

seventeen young men. Jeffrey Dahmer expressed social isolation, depression, and correlated 

emotional pain. These characteristics are often signs of potential violent illegal behavior. Dahmer 

felt as if he was opposed by the universe and ultimately became persuaded that he has the right 

for exceptional privileges or the right to indulge his needs. Another example of a psychopath is 

Eric Klebold and Dylan Harris. The two teenagers committed a mass shooting at Columbine 

High School, responsible for thirteen deaths. After extensive research on the two young men, a 
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group of psychologists and psychiatrists had concluded that Klebold and Harris had mental 

conditions. For instance, Klebold was discovered to be an angry depressive, who exhibited a lack 

of self-esteem and possessed a vindictive personality. Harris, on the other hand, was also a 

psychopath who displayed a lack of compassion and vastly self-absorbed. Both of their mental 

disorders led the two boys to commit a horrendous mass murder. 

An Identified Psychopath: The End Result 

After following the following steps on how to identify a psychopath, one should be 

knowledgeable about the topic. The individual should pay close attention to the psychopath’s 

behavior and personality, and observe how they may use it to their advantage. However, 

identifying a psychopath may be extremely difficult, so several individuals may not succeed. If 

one is successful, they will be able to tell the difference between someone with an antisocial 

personality disorder and someone with stable mental health. 

There are several signs to identify a psychopath. Psychopathy is mostly identified by 

allure, high intellect, poor judgment, and incapability of love considering the brain of a 

psychopath functions much differently than one who is mentally stable; however, some 

psychopaths display different traits depending on their mental disorder. Additionally, there is a 

gigantic chance everyone encounters a psychopath at some point in life without even knowing 

that ​“​one percent of the general population meets the criteria for a psychopath” (Morin 2). ​Most 

would automatically assume that they are idiosyncratic killers or mentally insane. However, in 

some situations, that is mendacious. Not all psychopaths are as egregious as people imagine them 

to be.  

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Works Cited 

“Antisocial Personality--Part 1.” ​ProQuest. ​Accessed on 28 November 2020.


Hare, Robert. “This Charming Psychopath.” ​​ Accessed on November,  

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​ ccessed on 28 November  
Lykken, David. “Psychopathy, Sociopathy, and Crime.” ​ProQuest. A



Morin, Amy. “5 Surefire Signs You're Dealing With A Psychopath.” ​​ Accessed on 

20 November, 2020.


“Psychopathy.” ​​ Accessed on 19 November, 2020. 

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