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Enlarging the concept of development


Development as Freedom by Amartya Sen, Alfred A.Knopf, New York, 1999, pages 366; also
Oxford University Press; Rs.545.

FAIRLY soon after Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics, Frontline had
carried a three-piece article by Amiya Bagchi summarising and commenting on Sen's
contribution to the subject (June 18, July 2, July 16, 1999). Bagchi's article (based on one earlier
published in Economic and Political Weekly) was a leading Indian economist's evaluation of and
tribute to one who has now been recognised as not only the leading Indian economist but also
one of the top economists in t he world. That article, however, might have been too technical for
those who were not familiar with the economists' jargon.

Apart from being among the top in the profession, Sen is also a passionate advocate of freedom.
And on issues he feels strongly about he writes in a language that can be followed by non-
specialists. The book under review is a writing of that kind. Says S en in the preface: "In line
with the importance I attach to the role of public discussion as a vehicle of social change and
economic progress... this work is presented for open deliberation and critical scrutiny" and that,
therefore, he has written in a manner that will be "accessible to non-specialist readers". However,
it does not mean that he has diluted the theme to achieve that objective. Kenneth Arrow, another
Nobel Laureate in economics, says: "In this work, Amartya Sen develops elegantly, compac tly,
and yet broadly the concept that economic development is in its nature an increase of freedom.
By historical examples, empirical evidence and forceful and rigorous analysis, he shows how
development, broadly and properly conceived, cannot be antagon istic to liberty but consists
precisely in its increase". The book is an excellent exposition, by Sen himself, of the essence of
his technical contributions, all leading to a passionate plea for freedom - for all human beings. To
anyone who wishes to get acquainted with Sen's contributions to economics and philosophy, to
his wit and elegant prose I strongly recommend this work.

THE book consists of six lectures (rearranged into 12 chapters) that the author delivered at the
World Bank in 1996 and 1997 at the invitation of its president. It outlines (as stated in the
preface) "the need for an integrated analysis of economic, soci al and political activities,
involving a variety of institutions and many interactive agencies. It concentrates particularly on
the roles and interconnections between certain crucial instrumental freedoms, including
economic opportunities, political free doms, social facilities, transparency guarantees and
protective security. Social arrangements, involving many institutions (the state, the market, the
legal system, political parties, the media, public interest groups and public discussion forums,
among others) are investigated in terms of their contribution to enhancing and guaranteeing the
substantive freedoms of individuals, seen as active agents of change rather than as passive
recipients of dispensed benefits." The text is an elaboration of this th esis and philosophy.

That economic development is not an end in itself but a means to higher purposes is not a new
doctrine. Classical writers on economics - Adam Smith, Karl Marx and John Stuart Mill among
them - had seen economic growth as the way to move from the realm of necessity to that of
freedom. More recent writings have also emphasised the same point as can be seen from the
early publications of the United Nations on development, India's own Five Year Plan documents
and papal encyclicals on economic matters. Sen's contribution in this area, it seems to me, is
threefold. First, he situates the theme of development as freedom within the contemporary
discourses on economic growth and poverty, democracy and regimentation, justice and equality,
individual freedom and social welfare - themes that have engaged public attention in the second
half of the 20th century. Few other contemporary writings can claim to have the kind of range
that Sen's work has.

Second, with rational arguments and empirical evidence Sen demolishes many widely held, but
not adequately examined, opinions or "superstitions". That famines are the result of fall in
foodgrain production is one of the most persistent among these. Sen s hows that famines,
particularly death by famines, happen because of the failure of entitlements of sections of the
population, indeed the weaker sections.

Third, and most important, in each of the themes that he takes up, Sen has broadened the terms
of discourse through a broader informational base, and in so doing he has been able to bring
together what were considered to be irreconcilables. One of the ce lebrated theorems in
economics (which Sen refers to as "one of the most beautiful analytical results in the social
sciences") had claimed that all mechanisms of social decision-making that rely only on
individual orderings of a set of alternatives would lead to some inconsistency. Sen has analysed
the theorem and has shown that by using an informational base other than individual orderings of
limited options, it should be possible to arrive at acceptable options and workable solutions.
Thus, though he i s a champion of individual liberties, Sen does not fall into the libertarian trap
of failing to go beyond individuals and their preferences.

NOW, for a quick tour of the text. Sen starts with economic development featuring a paradox.
"We live in a world of unprecedented opulence, of a kind that would have been hard even to
imagine a century or two ago... And yet we also live in a world with r emarkable deprivation,
destitution and oppression. There are many new problems as well as old ones, including the
persistence of poverty and unfulfilled elementary needs, occurrence of famines and widespread
hunger, violation of elementary political free doms as well as basic liberties, extensive neglect of
the interests and agency of women, and worsening threats to our environment and to the
sustainability of our economic and social lives." Overcoming these problems is what
development is about, thus si gnalling right at the outset that development is more, much more,
than economic growth or opulence.

But then what should be treated as the goal, objective of development?

There is an unambiguous answer: development is a process of expanding the
real freedoms that people enjoy. Real freedom must become the experience
of every individual. Ultimately indi viduals themselves are responsible to
make this a reality. But individuals are constrained by social, political and
economic factors. Hence the centrality of individual freedom can be
achieved and maintained only by a social order that accepts individual
freedom as a commitment. Freedom is not a mere abstraction either. It must
manifest itself specifically as social, economic and political freedoms. These
freedoms (and their negation, unfreedoms) interact among themselves and can mutually reinforce
one another. In this sense these freedoms have intrinsic as well as instrumental value. The
removal of unfreedoms and the pursuit of freedoms in these spheres constitute the process of
development and necessitate a plurality of institutions to facilitate it.

In order to emphasise the plurality of institutions, Sen devotes a substantial section of the book to
deal with markets, state and democracy. Markets are generally, and rightly, associated with
freedom, for the opportunity to transact with others is inde ed a legitimate dimension of freedom.
It is this aspect of the market, rather than the market's contribution to economic growth, that is,
the utility of markets, that needs to be emphasised. The emergence of the labour market is an
expression of the free dom that a person has to decide what to do with his/her labour power in
contrast to the unfreedom associated with the institution of bonded labour. However, not even
Adam Smith gave unqualified endorsement to markets. He was aware of the distortions that
traders could bring about in the market processes in their own interest, and was quite an
interventionist when it came to the market for loans arguing strongly for legal restrictions by the
state on the maximum rates of interest that could be charged. I n his Wealth of Nations Smith
also dealt at length with the legitimate role of the state in economic affairs. As institutions, both
the state and markets have their limitations and hence the tendency to make exaggerated claims
on behalf of either of them cannot be valid.

In Sen's thinking the most desirable social institution is democracy that provides all members of
society the freedom to participate in matters affecting their lives and in discussions about the
common good. On the question of whether poor countries can afford to have democracy, Sen's
answer is quite clear: "The intensity of economic needs adds to - rather than subtracts from - the
urgency of political freedoms." He attaches great importance to public discussion and debate on
all major issues affecting the lives of people. Such discussions shape the opinions and views of
individuals and provide protective security to people. A claim that he makes based on empirical
evidence is: "No famine has ever taken place in the history of the world in a functionin g
democracy - be it economically rich... or relatively poor."

One of the instrumental values of democracy is that it can lead to the establishment of a just
society. A key chapter in the book is devoted to a discussion of justice. This chapter is about the
most abstract in the book and is a critique of the literatu re on justice arising from the writings of
modern contributors on the subject such as Robert Nozick and John Rawls. But it is typical of
Sen that he starts the discussion with a simple (but profound) parable. Annapurna is considering
employing someone to clear her garden. Three people, Dinu, Bishanno and Rogini want the job,
each for specific reasons, but only one can be employed. Dinu is the poorest of the three;
Bishanno is recently impoverished and is extremely depressed about it; Rogini suffers from a
chronic ailment and badly needs money for treatment. Who among the three should Annapurna
employ if she is eager to be just? The profundity of the illustration lies in the fact that the answer
to the question "What is justice?" will lead one to differ ent basic principles, and these
differences relate to the particular information that is taken to be decisive. Hence, the search for
justice may not lead to any unique or definitive answer. This may come as a disappointment. But
no, says Sen. "The greate st relevance of ideas of justice lies in the identification of patent
injustice on which reasoned agreement is possible." Such has to be the strategy in the pursuit of
development: not a quest for some extant formula about the ideal situation, but reasoned
agreement on what needs to be done in moving towards what is considered desirable.

Of such preconditions of development Sen has a select list - literacy, health care, adequate land
reforms, recognition and acceptance of women's rights - all of which are also to be considered as
desirable objectives by themselves. He dwells at length on literacy and health care, frequently
pointing to the achievements of Kerala in these spheres - almost on a par with what obtains in
"advanced" countries, while still at very low levels of per capita income. There is a separate
chapter on "Women's Agency and Social Change". Compared to these, there is very little on
what is mentioned as "adequate land reforms".

In the concluding chapter Sen considers the difference between the conventional approach to
development as "growth of output per head" and his more fundamental view of development as
expanding human freedom. Two differences are pointed out. First, since freedom is concerned
with processes of decision-making as well as opportunities to achieve valued outcomes, the
foundational approach cannot be confined to outcomes: processes such as participation in
political decisions are equally necessary for develop ment to be authentic. Second, even in terms
of the opportunity aspect, the foundational approach insists on greater inclusiveness, opportunity
not merely to have higher incomes and consumption but also the freedom to live long, the
opportunity to have wo rthwhile employment or to live in peaceful and crime-free communities.

NO one who goes through the book will fail to be convinced about the need for enlarging the
concept of development to mean freedom, the expansion of the capabilities of persons to lead the
kind of lives they value. But what kind of society is needed to m ake this possible? It has to be
one that accepts the principles of justice, freedom and responsibility, says Sen, and within this
general approach considerable variations are possible and may become unavoidable. This is not
merely a pragmatic affirmation . It arises from the fact that freedom is an inherently diverse
concept, which involves considerations of processes as well as substantive opportunities.

In concluding this review I would like to respond to Sen's invitation for "critical scrutiny". It
would have become clear to the reader that I am in substantial agreement with Sen's views on
development, the manner in which he has enlarged the concept an d shown the variety of social
forces and processes interrelated with it. But I find something missing in his approach which, let
me designate, as a sense of social dynamics. The great writers who viewed development as a
quest for the realisation of human freedom - whether it is Adam Smith or Karl Marx - situated
that quest within their understanding of the evolution of society and the underlying forces that
were propelling that evolution.

In spite of Sen's frequent references to development as a process, he does not enter into any
discussion of the fundamental factors that contribute to social evolution. His work, therefore,
lacks a sense of flux and change - and an anticipation of the sh ape of things to come. Writing at
the end of the 18th century, Adam Smith saw the collapse of many local and national systems of
controls and regulation of economic activities and the emergence of an expanding economic
order based on the institution of t he market. In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx, on the
basis of his understanding of historical processes, was able to say more about the same emerging
system, pay tribute to its emancipatory role and yet predict its impending crisis. This sort of
interpretation of the past and the capacity (or audacity) to portray the future is missing in
Amartya Sen's writing, although like Smith and Marx he too is an economic philosopher. Sen
was writing against the background of the failure of capitalist op ulence to eradicate economic
deprivation, of the recurring crises and the rapidly globalising features of that order, and of the
collapse of socialist systems which appeared, at one stage, to be a possible global substitute to it.
Sen's world is also one of unprecedented technological changes that have been substantially
changing the nature of all forms of social intercourse. To a world, at the turn of a turbulent
century and moving on to a new millennium, waiting with curiosity and eagerness to know wh at
the future holds, Sen's failure or refusal to interpret the signs of the times and to offer any
guidance will come as something of a disappointment.

A rare thinker

PERSONS qualified in the intellectual discipline in which Amartya Sen won rich fame have
reviewed Development as Freedom competently. This writer does not presume to make that
effort; but, to record, as a student of public affairs, an appreciation of one of the all-too-few
intellectuals whose scholarship and concerns are not limited to the subject of his specialisation
and whose empathy crosses national boundaries. A proud Indian, he rejects disdainfully the forms
of nationalism which, sadly, are in vogue today.

It is forty years since C. P. Snow introduced the expression "the two cultures" in his Rede Lecture
at Cambridge, "Two Cultures and the Scientific Resolution". The divide among intellectuals
bereft of a common language and unable to speak to each other, has been a subject of keen debate
since. Snow was diagnosing the divide between the scientists and the humanists. There is,
however, hardly any intellectual discipline or, for that matter, profession, whose members are
able to discuss intelligently matte rs of common concern with others except from their own
insular viewpoints. What Edward Burke said of lawyers ages ago is true of other professions as
well: "The law sharpens the mind - by narrowing it."

Amartya Sen is a rare exception as any reader of his essays in The New York Review of Books will
testify. This reflects the learning and the insights which make him so exceptional. He is steeped
in history, literature, and uses tools from politica l science and philosophy with accomplishment
and elegance.

As we have moved from one millennium to another, in the clime of today, Amartya Sen's recall
of an edict by Akbar is strikingly apt: "As the year 1000 in the Muslim Hejira calendar was
reached in 1591-1592, there was some excitement about it in Delhi and Agra (not unlike what is
happening right now as the year 2000 in the Christian calendar approaches). Akbar issued various
enactments at this juncture of history and these focussed, inter alia, on religious tolerance,
including the following: 'No man should be interfered with on account of religion, and anyone
(is) to be allowed to go over to a religion he pleased. If a Hindu, when a child or otherwise, had
been made a Muslim against his will, he is to be allowed, if he pleased, to go back to the religion
of his fathers'... It may not be irrelevant to note in this context, especially in the light of the
hardsell of 'Western liberalism', that while Akbar was making these pron ouncements, the
Inquisitions were in full bloom in Europe."

The author cites the edict to refute the charge that Islamic civilisation is "fundamentally intolerant
and hostile to individual freedom" and remarks that "the presence of diversity and variety within a
tradition applies very much to Islam as well (emphasis as in original)." The great Jewish scholar
Maimonides, in the 12th century, "had to run away from an intolerant Europe (where he was
born) and from its persecution of Jews, to the security of a tolerant and urbane Cairo and the
patronage of Su ltan Saladin."

This is more than a refutation for Western notions. It is also a corrective for advocates of the
authoritarian view of "Asian values". "The valuing of freedom is not confined to one culture only,
and the Western traditions are not the only ones that pre pare us for a freedom-based approach to
social understanding."

The book presents "a particular approach to development, seen as a process of expanding
substantive freedom that people have." That approach is informed by amazing erudition and a
vision that transcends barriers.

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