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Name: Blanco, Evette Leila Angela D.

Operations Management (TQM)

Section: LM3A Prof. Edgardo O. Gonzaga
Assignment #3

A.) What is Quality as defined and explained in VM# 00?

- It is serving a customer a totally re-engineering processes and systems to improve
products and services in the way customers expect while considering the needs of
employees and relationships with suppliers. The TQM approach began as a means of
repairing the damage Japan suffered on post World War II.

B.) Why TQM was conceptualized by Demings?

- Demings assisted the Japanese vehicle producers with improving the nature of the
items. He said that administration must update their procedures to design, do, check,
and act. Demings said that to design is a structure quality items and administrations that
clients need, create procedures and frameworks that diminish waste and increment
quality and reduction the expense of creation and do that is placing the arrangement
enthusiastically and check to screen changes that need to happen and activity makes

C.) Summarize the TM ideas (14 points) of Demings.

- According to Demings’ philosophy, it resulted to the 14 points of TQM which can be

summed up by saying management must redesign their processing systems to plan, do,
check, and act. He wanted to revolutionize the way beefy’s burgers produces burgers to
gain a better understanding on the customer’s preferences, he surveyed everyone
involved in the production from the customers up to the staff. He determined that the
price is okay but then the burgers are not that flavorful. He then figured out that cooking
burgers should be done once there was an order from the customer. After this, they do
the plan but then as the customers are thrilled with the burger, the line became long and
this is where the check will take place by monitoring the changes. With this, the
managers will take action. They are the one who will make changes.

D.) Summarize the TQM ideas (10 steps) of Juran.

-According to Juran, he defined quality as fitness for use in terms of design,

conformance, availability, safety, and field use. With his trilogy: Quality Planning, Quality
Control, and Quality Improvement he developed 10 steps to quality improvement. This
involves building awareness of need and opportunity for improvement, set goals for
improvement to organize to reach the goals and identify problems. In addition to that is
Quality Control which develop ways to test a product and services for better quality.
Lastly is Quality Improvement, is the ceaseless interest toward flawlessness. The
executives break down handling frameworks and reports back with acclaim and
acknowledgment when things are done well.

E.) Summarize the TQM ideas (conformity to standards) of Crosby.

- Crosby popularized the idea of the "cost of poor quality", that is, figuring out how much
it really costs to do things badly. He characterized quality as an adjustment to specific
determinations set out by the board and not some obscure idea of "goodness." These
details are not self-assertive it is possible that; they should be set by client needs and
needs. According to him there are 4 Absolutes of Quality Management:

 Quality is defined as conformance to requirements

 The system for causing quality is prevention, not appraisal
 The performance standard must be zero defects
 The measurement of quality is the price of nonconformance


Word count: 560 words

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