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Bible Believers’


Vol. 42 No. 11
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth” (John 17:17) November 2018

The Power and Claims

Of the Scripture
By Brian Donovan sins” (Ephesians 2:1). But once the
Among many other things, one of lost sinner is born again, his reborn
the greatest consequences as a result spirit begins to receive and “know
of being born again, is the spirit that the things that are freely given to us
the child of God receives. Before he of God” (I Corinthians 2:12), but only
is saved, the lost man is dead to the as he spends time in the scripture.
Spirit of God, as well as the things The importance of spending time in
of God. This is explained thoroughly the scripture cannot be overstated and
in I Corinthians 2:11-16. In those the Christian should understand that
verses, we are told that at salvation, whenever he reads and takes heed to
the Christian receives, not the “spirit the scripture, he is comparing “spiritual
of the world” (verse 12), but the “spirit things with spiritual” (I Corinthians
which is of God”. Before being saved, 2:13). Since the “words” themselves
the natural man cannot receive the are “spirit” (John 6:63), as the child of
“things of the Spirit of God: for they God reads and studies the scriptures,
are foolishness unto him” (verse 14). he is having his “senses exercised to
Until the lost sinner receives the new discern both good and evil” (Hebrews
birth, he cannot understand, or even 5:14). The “spirit which is of God” is
communicate with God, since “God able to bring light and discernment
is a spirit” (John 4:24), and the lost into the life of the believer through
man’s spirit is “dead in trespasses and the scripture, and that is not possible
with any other book, since it is the
In This Bulletin scripture alone that is alive (Hebrews
The Power and Claims of the 4:12). The transaction that takes place
 Scripture.......................................1 as the scripture is read and believed
People Over Seventy.......................2 (I Thessalonians 2:13), seems to be
The Greatly Misunderstood very much underestimated in the lives
  Lawyer (Part 1)...........................12 of believers today, given the inordinate
amount of time that is spent with other
Who Was the Real Illiterate?..........19
things. The Bible makes it plain that
Deadly Diseases in the there are two kinds of wisdom (James
  Body of Christ (Part 6)................26 3:15-18), with one that is “earthly,
Cowardice in Battle........................31 Continued on 6

People Over Seventy

By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman and they’ll take a mile. Pretty soon,
“The days of our years are the government decides who lives
threescore years and ten; and and dies, and you’re right back un-
if by reason of strength they der Nazi Germany and Communist
be fourscore years, yet is their Russia.
strength labour and sorrow; for it Now, Christian, as long as your
is soon cut off, and we fly away” heart is beating on its own and you
(Psa. 90:10). can take a breath on your own, God
There are several things the Bible has a reason for you being here,
has to say to older people, and they and if He didn’t, He would take you
all deal with reasons for staying home. So I want to go to Psalm 71
alive. When folks get up in age, they and discuss the reasons you should
tend to get depressed with aches stay “alive and kicking” if God still
and pains and sickness. They get has you here.
to feeling lonely and unwanted and First, you are here to praise
a burden on others. Here, I want to God. Psalm 71:14—“I will . . . yet
give you some reasons to continue praise thee more and more.” As
on right up until your last breath. the end nears, you ought to praise
In 2014, the country with the most God more, not less. The last song
suicides per capita was Lithuania. recorded in David’s life, in 2 Samuel
One of the leading causes of death 22, ends with:
among college students is suicides. “Therefore I will give thanks
Back in the 1940s and 50s, there unto thee, O LORD, among the
lived a lady who started her career heathen, and I will sing praises
as a pin-up model and then “slept” unto thy name” (2 Sam. 22:50).
her way to the top as an actress. There are few enough people
She then started posing nude for praising God. We need some folks
men’s magazines and became at the end of their journey who can
America’s sex goddess. Marilyn look back and praise God for what
Monroe had everything she wanted. He did for them and what He is
By the standards of the world, she still doing for them. Elderly folks
had more reasons to live than prob- have more time to praise God than
ably anybody you know. She had the younger folks do; they have fewer
money; she had the popularity; she distractions.
had the adoration of me; she could We need more “senior citizens”
go anywhere she wanted; yet she like old Bob Shuler, the old-time
took her own life. With everything Methodist pastor. I saw him when
she had, she couldn’t find a reason he was in his seventies, when the
to stay alive. left side of his body was nearly para-
“Assisted suicide” is a big thing lyzed from strokes and his left eye
these days because when a person was half shut and he walked with
gets up in years or gets a terminal a limp. Against doctor’s orders, he
disease, he wants to “die with dig- took a plane from L.A. to Greenville,
nity.” I can’t say as I blame folks like South Carolina to preach at Bob
that, but you give sinners an inch, Continued on 3

People Over Seventy

Continued from 2 of all the others. That boy took one
Jones University. He preached for look at that picture of the Lord Jesus
fifty minutes. dying for sinners, and he took every-
Next, Psalm 71:15—“My mouth thing else done. One of his buddies
shall shew forth thy righteous- came over and noticed what he had
ness and thy salvation all the down and asked him why he took
day.” We need elderly people who his pictures down. That boy replied,
will stay alive to show God’s salva- “When the Lord goes up, all the
tion to a lost world. If you can still other stuff has to come down.” At
talk, you can show forth God’s sal- least that boy had enough respect
vation. for the Lord and for his grandmother
An old saint was on his death to do that.
bed, and his infidel son came to Did you notice that that grand-
see him one last time. That young mother didn’t have to say a word
fellow asked his dad, “Did you get to be a testimony. If you can’t even
a glimpse of Jesus?” That old man talk, you can still do something for
pushed his son away and rose up Jesus Christ. Mail tracts out if you
on that bed and said, “Away with a can’t do anything else. Some people
glimpse; I’ve had a full look for forty miss some great opportunities by
years!” concentrating on what they can’t do.
If you are a Christian up in your Verse 18—“When I am old
seventies and eighties, you have and grayheaded, O God, forsake
had a full look at the Saviour for a me not; until I have shewed thy
long time. You ought to be able to strength unto this generation.”
talk about it. You older women have an ability
Verse 16—“I will make men- to show the power of the Lord that
tion of thy righteousness, even younger women and men don’t
of thine only.” What is God’s righ- even have. There are few young
teousness to the New Testament men so hardened that they wouldn’t
believer? It’s Jesus Christ (Rom. be touched if some elderly woman
10:3–4; 1 Cor. 1:30). The longer you came up to them and said, “Young
live, the more you should talk about man, I want you to know God loves
the Saviour. you and so do I. Jesus Christ died
I like the story of the grandmother for you, and I’m praying for you.”
who had a teenaged grandson living They might put on a show for their
at her house. That kid had all kinds buddies, but I guarantee you, that
of girlie pictures and rock posters would shake them up for years.
up on the wall of his room. That You say, “That would take some
grandmother was a good Christian nerve, Dr. Ruckman.” What have
woman, so she went and bought you got to lose? The Lord will take
a picture of Jesus hanging on the care of you, and if He did allow
cross. She didn’t say a word to that you to get knocked on the head or
kid or take down any of his pictures. something, you would just get home
All she did was hang that picture to heaven quicker. Someone threat-
of Christ on the cross in the middle Continued on 4

People Over Seventy

Continued from 3 his buddies finally pried his hand
ened to kill John R. Rice once, and loose from that sword that the im-
he told the person “You can’t scare print of the hilt was still on his hand.
me with heaven.” That should be the We need some saints who will
view of every Christian. grasp that “sword of the Spirit”
God’s people, today, need a (Eph. 6:17) so tightly until it be-
revival of backbone. They should comes a part of them (Psa. 119:11).
try to show God’s “power to every Grasp your thumb on Genesis 1:1
one that is to come” (vs. 18). You and wrap your hand around the
Christian grandmas and granddad- sword until it reaches Revelation
dies, do your grandchildren know 22:21, and don’t let anyone take
you love God and love that Book? your sword from you, no matter if
One time a little girl asked her he is a “good,” “godly,” “dedicated”
grandma why she read her Bible fundamentalist.
so much. That Christian “granny” I knew “old man Bob” pretty well
said, “I’m boning up for my final when I went to Bob Jones. When
exams.” he got up in years, his mind began
Verse 14—“But I will hope con- to go on him until he had to be kept
tinually, and will yet praise thee at the hospital on the university
more and more.” It is typical that campus. But every once in a while,
the older you get, the slower you he would escape and be found on
get, but you shouldn’t slow down the sidewalk with his bags packed,
when it comes to praising God. waiting to catch a train to his next
When Moses and David and Paul meeting. That old man had been go-
got up in age, you didn’t hear them ing for so long that that was what he
talking about ball games and fishing went back to in his mind: go some-
and hunting. Paul wasn’t whimper- where to preach. He told the orderly
ing and bemoaning his state when assigned to take care of him in the
he got up near the end. He said, “I hospital, “You’re the meanest devil I
have fought a good fight, I have know because you won’t let me out
finished my course, I have kept of here to go preach.”
the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). DeWitt Talmage had an old sol-
You say, “Paul could say that dier of the cross, up in his nineties,
because he didn’t have a family.” in his church. He was a retired Pres-
Joshua did. He didn’t end his years byterian minister who had served
complaining that no one came by as an adviser for both Presidents
to visit him or the kids never called. James Madison and James Monroe.
He still talks about serving the Lord That guy was so old and feeble that
when he was past a hundred (Josh. he had to hold onto a pillar when
24:15). he stood to sing. When that old
I like the story of Eleazar, one of man was on his deathbed, Talmage
David’s mighty men, in 2 Samuel came over to have a word of prayer
23:9–10. He fought the Philistines with him. That old saint looked at
until “his hand clave unto the him and said, “I’d like to talk to you,
sword.” I guarantee you that when Continued on 5

People Over Seventy

Continued from 4 old;
Mr. Talmage, but I haven’t got time Never grow old, never grow old,
to see you right now. I have to tell In a land where we’ll never grow
these sinners how to get saved and old.”
prepare for heaven.” And that old (James Moore, 1914)
preacher stretched out his arms
there on the bed and preached for I don’t know where all of you
twenty minutes. That fellow had are in age. Maybe the almond tree
his hand on the sword so long, you has already begun to blossom, and
couldn’t tell the difference between the sun is already reflecting off the
the hand and the sword. snow-capped mountains of eternity
If you are up in years, your for some of you. It won’t be long.
“strength” may be “labour and I don’t know if God will keep your
sorrow,” like our text says, but you health good and your mind sharp
can still take one more swing with to the end. But as long as you have
the sword and talk of your Saviour the health and have the mind and
“all the day long” (Psa. 71:24). can speak up for Jesus Christ, will
you keep on going until you can’t go
“I have heard of a land on the anymore?
faraway strand, Finish the race; keep the faith.
‘Tis a beautiful home of the soul; Don’t get depressed or discouraged.
Built by Jesus on high, where we Take the opportunities as they come.
never shall die, Ask God to give you opportunities.
‘Tis a land where we never grow Don’t slack off when you are so near
old. to finishing the course.

“In that beautiful home where we’ll

never more roam,
We shall be in the sweet by and by; Christmas
Happy praise to the King through
eternity sing, Tract
‘Tis a land where we never shall The Bookstore
die.” has developed a
basic Christmas
“When our work here is done and tract for holiday
the life-crown is won, distribution.
And our troubles and trials are Illustrated with Dr. Ruckman’s
o’er; artwork, this tract presents
All our sorrow will end, and our Christ as Saviour, coming King,
voices will blend, and Judge.
With the loved ones who’ve gone TR-25C (English)
on before. TR-25S (Spanish)

“Never grow old, never grow old, PER PACK OF 100

In a land where we’ll never grow (Plus postage — see page 22)

The Power and Claims

Of the Scripture
Continued from 1 will change His mind and plans, due
sensual, devilish”, causing “envy, strife to the responses within the free will of
and confusion”, and it is this wisdom man. In the Old Testament, Israel liter-
that the educated world spends all ally “limited” what the Lord wished to do
their time “intermeddling” (Proverbs for them, because of their disobedience
18:1) with. Claiming to be “lovers of (Psalm 78:40-41). It is hard to miss the
wisdom”, the “philosophers” (Chris- emotions of the Lord God as He cries
tian or otherwise), have not changed out to His people, “O that thou hadst
one bit since the apostle Paul was at hearkened to my commandments!
Athens about two thousand years ago, then had thy peace been as a river,
where they “spent their time in nothing and thy righteousness as the waves
else, but either to tell, or to hear some of the sea” (Isaiah 48:18). That hardly
new thing” (Acts 17:21). The other sounds like the Calvinist god who has
wisdom comes from above and is said predestinated all things to “whatever
to have the attributes of being “pure, shall be shall be”. With outstretched
peaceable, gentle, full of mercy and arms, the God of the scripture calls
good fruits, and without hypocrisy”. to obey that He might bless and not
Yet, as Christians continue to spend have His plans limited. Yet the previ-
time with the first kind of wisdom, it ous verses show that the believer can
is no wonder that the lack of spiritual negate the power of scripture and what
discernment is so overwhelming in it wants to do in his life.
their lives. The very things that a lost One of the claims of scripture is
man can neither receive or know be- that it will “try” a man (Psalm 105:19)
cause of his dead spirit (I Corinthians in order to make something of him if
2:14), are the things that the Christians he will allow it. Joseph sat in a prison
themselves are ignoring and showing in Egypt in iron fetters as the word of
very little interest in. In spite of the fact the Lord “tried” him to see if he would
that the scripture claims to be able to trust what he was told. In Genesis 37,
do things for the believer that no other Joseph received the word of the Lord
book can, it continues to be left as a in a dream and was shown that he
closed book, unable to unleash the would one day be in a position where
power that can change the mind, heart his whole family would be bowing to
and life of the child of God. him. In envy, his brothers sold him into
In this article, we will look at some Egypt, where after doing right, and
of the things that the scripture can do, fleeing temptation, Joseph ended up
as the believer yields to, and believes being falsely accused and landed in
what he is reading. As powerful as the prison. While Joseph sat there, two
scripture is, the Lord will withhold its fellow prisoners, Pharaoh’s butler and
blessings and capabilities, based on baker, also had dreams and came to
the obedience or disobedience of the Joseph with them, in hopes of finding
reader. The Lord is not a Calvinist and Continued on 7

The Power and Claims

Of the Scripture
Continued from 6 in his complaint (Jeremiah 20:9), the
out what they meant. A normal reac- prophet decided that he was done
tion from Joseph would have been to with all the negativity of the scripture,
scoff and say that he too, once had and quit. We don’t know exactly how
a dream, and look where it got him. long it lasted, but before the verse is
Whether he knew it or not, the scripture finished, Jeremiah said that “his word
was trying him. As the greatest type was in mine heart as a burning fire
of Christ in the Bible, Joseph came shut up in my bones, and I was weary
through the test and glorified the Lord with forbearing, and I could not stay”.
and His words (Genesis 49:22-26), Separated as he was, thanks to the
and because he did not get bitter, scripture, Jeremiah could not keep his
but instead yielded and believed the mouth shut and allowed the words of
word of the Lord, he not only got out God to do their work, both in his own
of prison, but he was greatly used to life, and the lives of others.
save his whole family. Another thing the scripture will
The scripture will also separate a do for the child of God is to bring
man. Jeremiah found this out as he persecution. When Jesus Christ ex-
sat alone (Jeremiah 15:16-17), thanks plained the parable of the sower, He
to the words that he not only read, but said that when “persecution ariseth
chose to digest. The scripture placed for the word’s sake” (Mark 4:17),
Jeremiah into a lonely chair against “immediately” there are those who
all the positive, false preachers of are offended. The Christian needs to
his day and separated him into the be aware that the scripture will bring
Lord’s hand. The scripture became “affliction or persecution” and should
a reproach and a derision to him be ready for it. We live in a time that
(Jeremiah 20:8), as it does to every promotes only the self interest of the
God called preacher. The negative saved, and therefore, when this per-
truth of the scriptures, even against secution comes, it brings offense as
his own country, put Jeremiah into a the preachers are not preparing their
separated position. His peers let him congregations for anything that might
know that he was not a patriot and that come against their sensitive feelings.
he was falling away to the Chaldeans Although American Christians know
(Jeremiah 37:13), because he would little to nothing of real persecution,
not support, love and defend the re- there are still forms of it, whenever
publican king who was tweeting him the child of God gladly refuses to be
from behind the scenes (Jeremiah offended by it. Rather than obey God
37:17). Unable to take part in the D.C. than men (Acts 5:29) and take what-
roundups and prayer breakfasts, Jer- ever comes with that stand, American
emiah felt the scripture separate him Christians today remain concerned
into a lonely place. After getting pretty about the political scene and their
aggravated with the Lord and putting Continued on 9

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The Power and Claims

Of the Scripture
Continued from 7 be hit with some real troubles. These
“rights” to live a comfortable, lazy, rich troubles will bring great sorrows that
life that never comes close to bring- will pull the saint into a pit that cannot
ing any persecution or reproach. It is be overcome by a simple “I’m pray-
a safe walk that they desire and the ing for you”. It is in these times that
thought of any “hazard” (Acts 15:26) the Christian desperately needs the
in living for Christ is a foreign idea. comfort of the scriptures and finds that
The next thing that the scriptures only by getting alone with the words of
can do in the life of the believer is to God, can he find the help and comfort
bring comfort. Paul writes in Romans that only He can give.
15:4 that the things given in the Old For many, it is the Psalms that
Testament scriptures were “written become watered with our tears in
for our learning, that we through pa- the night. Every soldier that the Lord
tience and comfort of the scriptures uses, must come through this pit,
might have hope.” A reading of the holding on to nothing else but the
Old Testament scriptures brings com- comforting promises of the scripture.
fort, especially considering the great The Holy Spirit has thankfully penned
longsuffering and goodness of God the Psalms for our comfort in these
with His people that should lead to darkest of times. It was not only Da-
repentance (Romans 2:4). Whenever vid’s enemies that brought him low
the reader comes across the constant (Psalm 35:7 “For without cause have
murmuring of the children of Israel they hid for me their net in a pit, with
(Exodus 15:24; 16:2; Numbers 14:2; without cause they have digged for
16:11; 16:41), and considers all that my soul”.), but his own sins (Psalm
the Lord did for them, he is reminded 38:3 “There is no soundness in my
of his own murmuring in the face of all flesh because of thine anger; neither
that the Lord has done in his own life. is there any rest in my bones because
The scriptures bring great comfort in of my sin.”). As he went mourning
repeatedly seeing the longsuffering of all the day long (38:6), feeble and
the Lord in our lives to where we are sore broken (38:8), his heart pant-
brought to agree with David’s prayer ing and his strength failing (38:10),
in Psalm 86:15, “But thou, O Lord, art his sorrowful cry went up to the Lord
a God full of compassion, and gra- (38:21), begging Him to not hold His
cious, longsuffering, and plenteous peace (Psalm 39:12), and the Lord
in mercy and truth”. But another truth not only heard, but brought him out
regarding the comfort of the scriptures (Psalm 40:1-2). It is always easier to
is the fact that as Christians, we are thank God after getting out of the hor-
bound to have troubles in this life. rible pit and looking back on it, than
Although most of them are not much it is to thank Him as we are in it, but
more than petty aggravations, every the scripture alone gives the saints
once in awhile, the child of God will Continued on 10

The Power and Claims

Of the Scripture
Continued from 9 a single sin that “must” be committed.
the hope and comfort necessary to There is not a single sin (including the
sustain us through the trials. The lost strongly addicting ones as alcohol,
world has no hope in their troubles. drugs, nicotine, Internet, Facebook,
They just hope against hope that ev- Twitter, etc.), that a saved soul can
erything will be alright, with nothing to honestly say that they must commit,
bank it on. Even if the Christian must without calling God a liar. We want to
die in the pit, he has the comfort of feel special and believe that “no one
the scriptures that it is only “but for can possibly know what I am going
a moment” (II Corinthians 4:17), and through right now”, but once again,
is nothing compared to our eternal the scripture takes away that excuse
condition (Romans 8:18). and says, “there hath no temptation
Another power found in the scrip- taken you but such as is common to
ture available for the child of God is man” (I Corinthians 10:13). Others
to prevent sin. David wrote “Thy word have either already faced the same
have I hid in mine heart, that I might battles and have won, or are in the
not sin against thee” (Psalm 119:11). midst of what you are facing at this
The scripture has the ability to keep the very same moment. Either way, the
flesh from running the life of the child scripture possesses the power to get
of God by taking heed to its promises. you through victoriously and pleasing
The flesh is constantly striving to get its to God, as long as you are willing to
way and uses every excuse possible allow it in your life.
to obtain it’s desires. One argument of The scripture is to be received,
the flesh is to say, “Since we are all sin- not as the word of men, but as it is in
ners and the flesh is no good (Romans truth, the word of God, in order for it
7:18), then there is no way I can fight to effectually work in your life (I Thes-
against it; I may as well give in”. But salonians 2:13). It is “given by inspira-
the scripture does not stop with verse tion of God” (II Timothy 3:16), and is
18, and shows that the warfare within not for “any private interpretation” (II
your members (Romans 7:23), has a Peter 1:20). By spending time reading
deliverance through serving the “law the scripture and “comparing spiritual
of God” (Romans 7:24-25). That law things with spiritual” (I Corinthians
of God is found in the New Testament 2:13), the child of God shows the
and must be claimed and believed for Lord what he thinks of His words, as
it to have effect (I Thessalonians 2:13). well as receiving the benefits of being
The flesh loves to argue that some sin tried and coming forth as gold, being
is just too powerful and there is no way separated and sticking with the truth,
that it can be defeated. Yet that feeble expecting persecution and being glad
excuse is called a lie in I Corinthians when it comes, getting comfort that lifts
10:13, where the scripture promises up out of the pit, and being tempted
a way to escape and that there is not and finding the power to resist.

Bro. Donovan’s
January 18–20
  Bible Believers Baptist Church
  3857 Hartley Road
Meeting Schedule   Jacksonville, FL 32256
  Pastor David Peacock
  (904) 260-8370
November 9–11 February 8–10
  Bible Believers Baptist Church   Open Door Baptist Church
  128 Goodman St.   7622 Market Ave. N
  Munfordville, KY 42765   Canton, OH 44721
  Pastor Sean Riggs   Pastor Bob Butterfield
  (270) 524-5678   (330) 494-9774
December 7–9 March 8–10
  Bible Baptist Church   Red Lion Bible Church
  16503 State Rt. 3.   105 Springvale Rd.
  Catlettsburg, KY 41129   Red Lion, PA 17356
  Pastor Dennis Miles   Pastor Steve Schmuck
  (606) 923-4037   (717) 244-3905

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The Greatly Misunderstood Lawyer

By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman Vol. I, 1956, pg. 51). Fortunately, the
(Part One of Two) proof we have for this is in the offi-
Karl Keating is a Roman Catho- cial Roman Catholic literature, bear-
lic lawyer who has taken upon him- ing the imprimatur of the archbishop
self the task of being the “champion” and the “Censor Librarium” (nihil ob-
(see 1 Sam. 17:4) for the Catholic stat—nothing objectionable to Catho-
priests, nuns, bishops, archbishops, lic doctrine). Keating’s books are not
cardinals, and popes. The theme he that official; they are just the work
picked to accomplish this, to which of a “freelancer” in California who is
he devotes himself year round, is worried about the loss of Hispanics
that there are no Bible-believing from the pope by biblical witnesses
Christians in America who really “un- as quickly as they get into California
derstand” Roman Catholic teachings. from Mexico.
To Keating, every time a Bible-believ- Now contrary to the misinforma-
ing Christian says anything negative tion put out by Karl Keating, there
about the teachings of the “infallible are thousands of Bible believers who
teaching church,” that Christian is know exactly what Rome teaches,
either lying or “misrepresenting” the especially about salvation, world
church through ignorance or mali- domination, and the imprisonment
ciousness. or killing of people it considers to be
Quite appropriately, Keating “heretics.” Of course, the average
publishes from the “Ignatius Press.” nominal Catholic who goes about
Keating, of course, named it after the daily business of making a living
the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius knows little or nothing of these things,
Loyola, but ironically, Ignatius was having surrendered his conscience to
also the name of the first “church fa- his church. It was Pope Leo XIII who
ther” to use the word Catholic in one said liberty of conscience was the
of his writings. The epistle in which most dangerous thing in the world;
it is found has been the subject of ditto Pius IX (Dec. 1864).
a great deal of debate. Many schol- Of course, Keating would never
ars insist the epistle was forged and assent to that statement, although
was not the work of Ignatius at all. it came from the head of his “infal-
Since Catholics claim that all church lible teaching church,” which Keating
fathers were “Catholic” (Polycarp, Ig- would believe if it told him anything.
natius, Papias, Clement, Irenaeus, Yes, yes, we know he would invent a
Cyprian, Justin Martyr, Eusebius, et hypothetical case where he wouldn’t
al.) and use their writings to prove do a certain thing if his priest or the
the Catholic Church was in exis- pope told him to do it, but having
tence before A.D. 325, we are quite professed to believe that no one on
within our rights to mention the fact earth could know the Bible was in-
that the Catholics themselves claim spired without the Catholic Church
they have “early works” bearing the telling him it was (Catholicism and
names of these “Fathers” which were Fundamentalism, pp. 125, 133), Ke-
FORGED by “early Christians” (O. C. ating certainly would accept what
Lambert, “Catholicism Against Itself, Continued on 13

The Greatly Misunderstood Lawyer

Continued from 12 Catholics operate, a philosophy they
his church told him if he agreed with have been taught in every parish
it. If he didn’t (like the case above), since A.D. 500. Every time a Catholic
he would try to explain it away (“you catches his church teaching or prac-
don’t really understand what the pope ticing something with no scriptural
meant”), or he would fall back on the authority for it and which is in direct
pope not speaking “ex cathedra” contradiction to the scrptures, he is
(which is why one Catholic historian taught to believe that it is due to a
said the idea of an “infallible pope” “gradual development” of Christian
was meaningless because no one doctrine that picked up momentum
could say for certain exactly when a after the New Testament was writ-
pope spoke “ex cathedra.” “Infallible ten; that is, this is religious Darwin-
popes” have been known to contra- ism in action. The “evolution” is still in
dict each other; see O. C. Lambert’s process, so that through a space of
work Catholicism Against Itself). about 1,600 years, a monstrosity has
Well, the nonsense about not know- arisen (Matt. 13:32) with every type
ing the Bible was inspired unless the of nonscriptural practice imaginable.
Catholic Church told you wasn’t “ex Of course, some of them are only
cathedra” either; the infallible popes mild defections from scripture or “in-
have only made two “infallible” pro- compatible” with scripture, but the
nouncements in 160 years. main one, the WAY OF SALVATION,
Keating is way “off base” on his cuts straight across the grain so that
basics. We all know that the Catholic no Catholic on this earth can have
Church got so fouled up in doctrine assurance of eternal life until he is
and practice that it produced the poor dead. This eliminates Peter (1 Pet.
standard of living found in Spain, Ita- 1:4), John (1 John 5:13), and Paul (2
ly, Ireland, Mexico, and Latin Ameri- Tim. 1:12) as “Bible-believing Chris-
ca. We all know why Sapin has never tians.” According to Karl Keating, the
been a fifth-rate world power since Knights of Columbus, and the popes,
1588 when the Catholic Priests tried they were heretics because they all
bringing the Inquisition to England knew where they were going when
with the instruments of torture aboard they died, and two of them knew
the ships in the Spanish Armada. We when (2 Pet. 1:14; 2 Tim. 4:6).
all know why the United States sends Nevertheless, Keating assures
out more than 75% of all the mission- us that no Bible-believing Christian
aries in the world and how Catholic has a clear view of Catholicism. To
missions (Xavier, the Franciscans, prove this, he cites “mistakes” from
the Dominicans, etc.) specialize not in the works of Avro Manhattan and Lo-
preaching the Gospel, but in spread- raine Boettner, “mistakes” from con-
ing antibiblical heresies all over the verted priests like Joseph Zacchello
mission fields of the earth “to make and Walter Montano, and “mistakes”
one proselyte . . . twofold more the from Jack Chick and Alberto Rivera.
child of hell” (Matt. 23:15). It is amazing how secular and church
We know all this because we historians, converted priests, and
know the philosophy under which all Continued on 14

The Greatly Misunderstood Lawyer

Continued from 13 we presented above. Since all Bible-
Bible-believing preachers and evan- believing Christians “are absolutely
gelists all come out as slanderers, sure they will go to Heaven imme-
libelists, or blockheads when talking diately after death,” why didn’t Karl
about Rome. give you the verses for the belief?
Sample: “There is no more con- “. . . their assurance is no less
fusing topic when Fundamentalists lively than is the assurance of the
and Catholics sit down to talk than Moslem participant in a jihad who
salvation. It goes beyond the stan- thinks he will be translated to the sev-
dard question posed by Fundamen- enth heaven (with all its houris) if he
talists, ‘Have you been saved?’ It dies in battle” (Ibid.). Why Keating,
also means, ‘Don’t you wish you had you old prevaricator! Why compare
assurance of salvation?’ Fundamen- a Christian who bases his assurance
talists, along with most Evangelicals, on the promise of God in the scrip-
THINK they do” (Catholicism and tures with a Moslem who bases his
Fundamentalism, pg. 164). hope of paradise and 72 virgins on
Libel: We KNOW we do. the ravings of a demon-possessed
“For which cause I also suffer epileptic who believed in killing Chris-
these things: nevertheless I am tians and Jews—and anyone else
not ashamed; for I KNOW whom I who wouldn’t accept his religion?
have believed, and am persuaded Why, there is no comparison between
that he is able to keep that which I the two. But if you want to know who
have committed unto him against is like the Moslem, just go back to
that day” (2 Tim. 1:12). Keating’s “infallible Popes” (e.g.,
“Being CONFIDENT of this very Urban II) who promised his church
thing, that he which hath begun a members that if they died fighting for
good work in you will perform it the church (e.g., in the Crusades)
until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. that they would get an automatic
1:6). passport into heaven. Don’t kid us,
“These things have I written Keating. I was in the United States
unto you that believe on the name infantry for 48 months back in World
of the Son of God; that ye may War II. Hundreds of Roman Catho-
KNOW that ye have eternal life, lics thought (and stated) that death
and that ye may believe on the in battle would get them to heaven.
name of the Son of God” (1 John I suppose they were “Fundamental-
5:13). ists” who “misunderstood” their own
Pretty rough on “misunderstand- religion from their own priests.
ing” a religion yourself, aren’t you Now I am going to continue to
there, Keating. give you what Keating says, but I
“They are absolutely sure they am going to fill in the scripture refer-
will go to Heaven immediately after ences which he leaves out because
death . . .” (Ibid., pg. 164). Keating they contradict everything his church
gives no scripture given by funda- teaches about salvation. Keating
mentalists for believing that. Keating doesn’t want his readers to have
couldn’t list or discuss the scriptures Continued on 15

The Greatly Misunderstood Lawyer

Continued from 14 11–15). “As it were”? You mean as it
the information. They are to read WEREN’T!
his account of what fundamental- “He (i.e., Christ) did His part, and
ists believe and be “shocked” by the now we have to cooperate by doing
horrible teaching that a man’s works ours (scripture?). If we are to pass
have no affect on his salvation. All through those gates, we have to be
Catholic authors write in this fashion: in the right spiritual state (scripture?).
shock will carry them through where The church teaches that only souls
the facts won’t. that are objectively good (scripture?)
“Fundamentalists conclude FROM and objectively pleasing to God merit
THE BIBLE (well, Keating got that Heaven (scripture?), and such souls
part right at least; it’s like John Wes- are ones filled with sanctifying grace
ley’s reply to a papist when he was (scripture?)” (Ibid.).
asked where his religion was to be I said, “SCRIPTURE?” No scrip-
found: “in the Bible AND NOWHERE ture. This is some more “evolutionary
ELSE”) that Christ actually promised development of doctrine” by “early
that heaven is theirs in exchange for Christians” (meaning no one in the
a remarkably simple act (Acts 16:30– book of Acts or the epistles).
31 cf. 2 Cor. 11:3). All they have to do Let’s fill in for Karl, shall we.
at just one point in their lives is ‘ac- 1. You will do “your part,” will you?
cept Christ as their personal Saviour’ Not according to Titus 3:5; Ephesians
(John 1:12). Then it is done (Heb. 2:8–9; and Isaiah 64:6 you won’t!
10:10–14). They may live exemplary When it comes to salvation, do you
lives thereafter, but living well is not know what “your part” is? It is to be-
crucial; it does not affect their salva- lieve you have no part (Rom. 4:5;
tion (Tit. 3:5; Eph. 2:8–9). For Catho- Gal. 2:16).
lics, salvation depends on the state 2. You will “pass through the
of the soul at death” (Ibid., pg. 166). gates,” will you? What will you do
What is a “soul,” Karl? He doesn’t when you find out that every saved
know, and neither do his priest or sinner on this earth had already been
bishop. “State of the soul”? The ex- sitting INSIDE the gates with his Sav-
pression is part of that “evolutionary iour his entire life from the moment
development” that went beyond the he received Christ (Eph. 2:5–6). All
New Testament. There is no “state Saved sinners were with Jesus Christ
of the soul” in the New Testament; it from the moment they were saved,
is the spirit that is born again (John because they are IN HIM as part of
3:3–8), not the soul. His flesh and bones (Eph. 5:25–30),
“Christ has already redeemed so they are where He is spiritually (cf.
us, unlocked the gates of Heaven as Eph. 1:20).
it were” (Ibid.). As it were? What in 3. “Souls that are objectively good
blazes are you talking about?! Noth- . . . merit Heaven,” do they? What did
ing was “unlocked.” “The veil of the Solomon say? What did David say?
temple was rent in twain” (Mark What did Paul say? What did Jesus
15:38); it was torn open to make way Christ say? Why don’t you look up
for you to God (Heb. 6:19, 9:3, 8, Continued on 16

The Greatly Misunderstood Lawyer

Continued from 15 is “not by works of righteousness”
Ecclesiastes 7:20; Psalm 39:5; Ro- (Tit. 3:5), it is “not of works” (Eph.
mans 3:10–19; and Luke 18:19 and 2:9), and it is NOT BY WORKING
find out! After all, what are the teach- (Rom. 4:5)! The “Catholic position”
ings of “the church” alongside the on salvation is anti-Pauline, it is an-
words of the Son of God and the Holy tibiblical, and it is anti-Christian. Ac-
Spirit (John 6:63, 16:13). cording to what? According to an in-
If Karl Keating lived a sinless life spired Book that God wrote.
for the next forty years, he would Next month we will continue to
no more “merit Heaven” than Al Ca- examine the teachings of this greatly
pone, Adolf Hitler, or Bloody Mary (all misunderstood lawyer and his greatly
baptized, confirmed Roman Catho- misunderstood church on the doc-
lics who have never been excommu- trine of salvation.
nicated for what they did). Salvation

This book describes the WAR OF

REBELLION against the scholars
who have ditched the King James
Bible and who have held the Body
of Christ in bondage to their opin-
ions and preferences, now, for
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Who Was the Real Illiterate?

By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman edly did, and there’s none in the Ko-
(Part 2 of 2) ran. A “sign” for a Moslem would be
We have been dealing with Al- that Allah gave him a meal or kept
lah’s “prophet” talking to himself him alive, and of course, that’s not
about those things of which he a “sign” at all. It’s just the common,
knows nothing and omitting every- everyday grace that God bestows on
thing from his “revelation” of which any sinner (Acts 14:17).
he was ignorant. If you compare the In the Bible, the Lord God gives
material in the Holy Bible to the ma- you all kinds of “signs.” A rainbow
terial in the “Holy” Koran, you would is a sign (Gen. 9:13). The plagues
have to come to one of two conclu- in Egypt were a sign (Exod. 10:2).
sions: either Mohammed didn’t know Unleavened bread at Passover is a
where he was or what he was doing, sign (Exod. 13:7–9). The Sabbath
or it was Allah that didn’t have any is a sign (Exod. 31:13). The twelve
brains or didn’t want anyone to find stones from the bed of the Jordan
out anything. Mohammed claimed to River were a sign (Josh. 4:1–7). The
represent a being who couldn’t tell brass plates that covered the brazen
him one-twentieth of what is found in altar were a sign (Num. 16:38). Ko-
one book of the Bible. rah, Dathan, and Abiram going down
I ought to know; I’ve got copies alive into the pit was a sign (Num.
of both here on my desk. I’ve got 26:10). The virgin birth was a sign
a Holy Bible on one side and the (Isa. 7:14). Jonah coming out of the
“Noble Koran” on the other. I pick up belly of the whale was a sign (Matt.
that Bible, and in the Old Testament, 12:39–40). The baby Jesus lying in
here are twelve “Minor Prophets” a manger (not under a palm tree as
(Hosea–Malachi) and five “Major the Koran says) was a sign (Luke
Prophets” (Isaiah–Daniel) who cover 2:12). The gift of tongues was a sign
400 items that both Allah and Mo- (1 Cor. 14:22).
hammed missed: they knew nothing And the signs Mohammed
about them at all and couldn’t even showed are what? Are you trying to
give you a hint as to 400 prophecies be funny? Mohammed couldn’t show
that will take place here in the near a real “sign” at all. No wonder some-
future. one caricatured a clown like that. He
I have read many places in the was a joke.
Koran where the writer (pretend- When it came to the facts of his-
ing to be Allah) says “we” and still tory, Mohammed had no idea which
claimed to be just Allah speaking in end was up. Not only did he have Je-
the first person (after saying belief in sus being born under a palm tree in
the Trinity was polytheism and that a far-off place instead of in a manger
a good Moslem was to kill anyone at Bethlehem (Sura 19:27–28), he
who believed that). Allah says, “We also had Noah’s son drowning in the
did many signs,” “We showed many Flood (Sura 11:42–43), Haman build-
signs,” and “They didn’t believe the ing the Tower of Babel for Pharaoh in
signs we showed them.” Well, you Egypt (Sura 28:38–39), a Samaritan
look for those “signs” Allah suppos- Continued on 20

Who Was the Real Illiterate?

Continued from 19 (Mohammed copied everything he
building the golden calf (Sura 20:85– got from other religions: Christian-
88), Abraham sacrificing Ishmael in- ity, Roman Catholicism, Gnosticism,
stead of Isaac (Sura 37:100–107), Zoroastrianism, and Judaism). The
and somebody else being crucified imams are poor, stupid, blind dumb-
in the place of Jesus Christ (Sura bells who were raised on flaming ig-
4:15). Allah and his “messenger” norance.
were either very crooked or very stu- The “light” you get out of any copy
pid. You can guess which one. of the Bible when compared with
Do you see now why all Moslem “light” from the Koran is like setting
terrorists are terror-stricken them- a 500-watt searchlight alongside a
selves by the thought of any of their cigarette lighter. The Koran is noth-
people reading the Bible? They are ing but cartoon material, and if you
afraid their fellow Mohammedans didn’t represent it with a cartoon, you
will get information they can’t find wouldn’t be an honest artist.
anywhere in the Koran. They will To this day, I haven’t got the mys-
find out what a stupid ignoramus (or tery solved. Allah was either com-
a crooked liar) Allah really was. Or pletely neglectful of his “chosen
maybe it was “Gabriel” or Moham- people,” or he purposefully decided
med; it was probably all three. to keep from them about 500 things
The common, ordinary Moslem they should have known. The only
doesn’t dare pick up a Bible and other possibility is that he was just
compare it with the Koran. You see, as blind, stupid, and illiterate as the
he lives under a terrorist religion that man he chose as his “prophet.”
puts him in terror from the time he is Recently some of the more highly
a little child. From the time a Moslem educated imams have gone around
is old enough to understand, he is in- the United States and shown that
formed that if he ever leaves his par- Mohammed wasn’t illiterate, but then
ents’ religion, he’ll be killed. That’s that does away with the so-called
why the Bible remains a closed book “miracle of the Koran” (which was
to him. He won’t open it, read it, or about as miraculous as a man taking
believe it for fear of his life. “Tums” for an upset tummy).
Of course, the Moslems have Do you want information? There
teachers (imams) who attack the is more information on God, man,
veracity of the Bible just as I do the and spiritual things in one book of
Koran. I have read several of them. the Bible (say, Psalms, Proverbs,
All they do is repeat the same tired Job, or Romans) than there is in 114
criticisms brought against it by the chapters of a book written by some-
German rationalists of the eigh- one who couldn’t put his name on the
teenth and nineteenth centuries. work when he finished writing it. The
They simply “regurgitate” the same 600-winged angel who dictated the
“contradictions in the Bible” which Koran to Mohammed never wrote a
have been answered time and time word of it. The man who said he was
again. The imams have nothing orig- speaking it never wrote a word of it—
inal to offer than did their founder Continued on 22

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Who Was the Real Illiterate?

Continued from 20 from God? Those revelations are
whether he was illiterate or not. “The from the “beloved apostle” (John)
god” Mohammed said wrote it never who knew Jesus Christ better than
showed it to anybody, including Mo- a fornicating camel trader who lived
hammed. 500 years later, from the apostle to
Now those are the facts of Islam. Mohammed’s native people (Paul
That’s what these dumb, stupid Mo- was the Apostle to the Gentiles, and
hammedans have had to live with every rag-headed Arabian who ever
for fourteen centuries: pitch black lived was a Gentile), and from a Jew-
darkness. They are in as much im- ish prophet who laid out the history
pregnable darkness today as they of the Gentile nations for the next
were all the way back in A.D. 600. 3,000 years (Daniel). Allah just threw
The “Glorious Koran” couldn’t com- out those three Jews who could ac-
pete with the Holy Bible on anything tually prophesy and got him a mili-
when it came to genuine knowledge tary dictator who couldn’t tell you
of anything. anything that was so unless he got it
The Bible is the Book that iden- from a Book written 800 years before
tifies Mohammed as an antichrist (1 his mother was born.
John 2:22). The Bible is the Book John, Paul, and Daniel all signed
that tells you that “the god” (the word their names to the books they wrote.
Allah means “the god” in Arabic) is Not one writer of the Koran identified
Satan (2 Cor. 4:4; Dan. 11:38). How’s himself. Of the three who did take
that for a holy “apostle” or “prophet” Continued on 23

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Who Was the Real Illiterate?

Continued from 22 The speakers, writers, and follow-
credit for it (Allah, “Gabriel,” and Mo- ers of the Koran missed so much in-
hammed), all you can say for them formation that it is absolutely pitiful.
is that they dealt in sheer stupidity, They all missed the new birth, the
what we call “flaming ignorance.” All blood atonement, the Body of Christ,
three of them missed about twenty spiritual circumcision, the two na-
details on the upcoming world ruler tures, etc. Moreover, all of them were
as given by John, Paul, and Daniel ignorant of everything around them,
in Revelation 13, Daniel 11, and 2 including their jobs, their plants, their
Thessalonians 2. All three of those diets, their prophets, their equip-
chapters in the Bible deal with his- ment, their occupations, and their
torical prophecies on the Antichrist; past, present, and future. All those
no writer (or speaker) of the Koran things are laid out in the Holy Bible.
knew anything about the Antichrist at Like the Book says (and I don’t
all, at least not from the “revelation” mean the Koran): “if any man be
that was left behind. The Koran is a ignorant, let him be ignorant” (1
perfect blank on the subject. Cor. 14:38); and “Let a bear robbed
If you want to know the real rea- of her whelps meet a man, rath-
son Moslems want to kill people who er than a fool in his folly” (Prov.
make fun of Mohammed, it has noth- 17:12). When it came to the contents
ing to do with “blasphemy” at all. No- of the 66 books of the Bible, Moham-
body who knew the Bible would take med was one of the dumbest thumps
such a pathetic character seriously on this earth. His ignorance of God,
as a “man of God” for three seconds. mankind, the past, the present, the
Moslems will kill you for making fun future, his own people, his own na-
of their “prophet” because that’s the tion, and himself was absolutely ap-
only way they can defend his stupid- palling. You would have a hard time
ity and ignorance; they have no real finding a more stupid individual if
intellectual, rational, spiritual de- you searched the annals of religious
fense; so they have to eliminate the leaders from 3000 B.C.–A.D. 2013
source of the ridicule. with a laser beam and a searchlight.
No normal reader between the Yet, in spite of that debilitating
ages of twelve and eighty would take handicap, Mohammed still managed
the Koran seriously after reading the to gather to himself about a billion
Old and New Testaments. Moham- people just as stupid as himself, who
med counterfeited the Old Testament justify pederasty, polygamy, assas-
and then denied the New Testament. sinations, slavery, and outright lying
That can be proved in any court in about spiritual things. It couldn’t be
the world except a Moslem court; anybody who had been enlightened
that’s why the Mohammedans want by God and the Holy Bible.
“Sharia” (Koranic law) put into the ju- Here at the end of the church age,
dicial system of the West. They want the United States is now playing host
to limit and control the evidence and to eight million Moslems (40,000 in
information to give themselves the Dearborn, Michigan alone, and an-
advantage. Continued on 24

Who Was the Real Illiterate?

Continued from 23 way they can take over parts of the
other 30,000 in Oklahoma, etc.) who city for themselves (like they have
all follow a prophetic clown. Moham- in Paris and London), with the goal
med couldn’t prophecy anything, in- being the entire city. You are in the
cluding his own death or the future of process of trading in your Christian,
his own people, the Arabians. If you biblical culture, that made this nation
want that information, you will find it the greatest on earth, for a seventh-
in the Bible books of Esther, Nehe- century Arabic culture. It is a culture
miah, Psalms, and Jeremiah. Don’t led by “three blind mice” (Allah, “Ga-
bother looking for it in the Koran be- briel,” and Mohammed); you would
cause it’s not there. be better off turning it over to the
Whoever put the Koran together Three Stooges.
was just as blind as a bat backing You couldn’t find anybody dumber
into a blizzard. Whichever of the than Allah, “Gabriel,” and Moham-
three who claimed to originate it—Al- med when it comes to anything spiri-
lah, “Gabriel,” or Mohammed—there tual. Anything Mohammed got right in
is one thing for certain: none of them the Koran, he counterfeited or stole
could tell whether the sun was going from the Bible. To hide the fact that
to rise the next day without copying he was a thief, Mohammed called
what someone else knew. Jesus Christ, Peter, James, John,
Now watch one of these “global Matthew, Mark, Luke, Paul, and
family,” one-world, loving, “religion- Jude liars. Then to defend his book,
of-peace” fanatics get all torn up over he had his followers cut off heads
this article and become “offended” and blow people up with bombs.
to the point of committing murder to That shows you how “spiritual”
prove his religion is superior. If that Mohammed and his followers are.
happens (and it has happened and is Anyone who knows the New Testa-
happening in other parts of the world ment knows if you have the truth,
where the Mohammedans can get you don’t have to defend it with car-
away with it with impunity), do you nal weapons (2 Cor. 10:4). The Cru-
know why it will happen? Because sades (1100–1200) were carried out
the psychotic paranoid doesn’t have by two pagan religions that rejected
a spiritual brain in his head; violence the New Testament. Both have used
is the only way he has of defending lying, stealing, adultery, fornica-
his religion. That is how Moslems tion, politics, broken treaties, armed
have done it from A.D. 700–2013. force, and assassination to “spread
The goal for America and Ger- the faith.”
many (where we got Martin Luther’s Both Islam and Roman Catholi-
Heilige Schrift and the King James cism are “peas in a pod” when it
Bible that launched the greatest comes to works salvation, and keep-
era of missions and evangelism the ing the Bible from their people. But
world has ever known) right now is when it comes to sheer ignorance
to get their religious laws (“Sharia”) and stupidity, Allah and Moham-
installed into every big city where med have Mary and the popes beat
they have a large community. That hands down.

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Deadly Diseases in the

Body of Christ
By Dr. Peter S. Ruckman The scholar who meddled “with all
(Part Six of Six) wisdom” did so in order to have an
We have been discussing spiri- alibi for doing what he wanted to do
tual diseases spread by the infect- in his heart. For example: commit-
ed malpractitioners in the Scholars’ ting a sexual sin, indulging in gam-
Union and the Alexandrian Cult. bling or playing the stock market,
Just like the children of Israel dur- skirting the commands in scripture
ing the time of Isaiah, “the whole to witness for Christ and win souls,
head is sick, and the whole heart continue to practice a bad habit, re-
faint” (Isa. 1:5) in the body of Christ place the God-honored text of 1611
in America today. This was done by with their own linguistic knowledge
tainting the “food source” of the be- so they can be the final authority in-
liever—the written words of God in stead of the Book.
the scriptures (Matt. 4:4). So far, we To safeguard their own member-
have examined 54 cases of dead- ship from being detected by the
ly infections which have caused a reader, the Scholars’ Union has al-
raging epidemic of infidelity in the tered the last clause in verse 2 to
word of God among the Christians read as follows:
who listened to and believed the a. “Delights in airing his own
sick apostates. Here we will finish opinions.”
our examination of these communi- b. “All he wants to do is yell.”
cable diseases which are finishing c. “But only expressing his own
off the body of Christ in the English- opinion.”
speaking world. There are a dozen other varia-
55) Proverbs 11:30. Why did tions. All of them are designed to
these diseased invalids get rid of sidetrack the reader so he won’t
the soulwinners? Why couldn’t they spot the “fool” who lives a “sepa-
believe and accept God Almighty’s rated life” (Jude 19). The prob-
judgment on the matter when He lem is he is not “separated” where
said, “he that winneth souls is it counts (2 Cor. 6:17); they are
wise”? That’s easy to answer: spreading their spiritual leprosy to
among the 300 professional critics as many as they can contact.
of the King James Bible (see the list 58) 2 Corinthians 2:17. What
at the back of The Christian Liar’s happened to all the corrupters of the
Library), not ten of them are soul- holy scriptures in the new versions?
winners. They’ve been rendered Where did they go? Suddenly all of
impotent spiritually by spiritual VD. them vanished, although there were
56 & 57) Proverbs 18:1–2. Since “many” when Paul wrote 2 Corin-
all the deathly ill critics “read their thians 2:17.
title clear” at verse 2, they all got They were replaced by someone
rid of the charge as quickly as a else so the reader would not recog-
batter would duck a “bean ball.” Continued on 27

Deadly Diseases in the

Body of Christ
Continued from 26 Acts 27:23).
nize them. “Peddlers” replaced the 61) Ecclesiastes 3:11. The apos-
corrupters so the corrupters could tates have contracted endocardi-
continue to infect the body of Christ tis (infection of the inner linings of
by corrupting the word of God. the heart) and want to spread it to
59) Proverbs 30:31. Not a uni- you. Who in his right mind would
versal “pandemic” this time, but think God had planted “eternity” in
deadly in the versions that erase anyone’s heart? Eternity would not
the revelation of the Antichrist in the even suggest itself until the sinner
verse. In the Holy Bible (AV 1611), began to get under conviction about
the victorious “king” (cf. Rev. 6:2) his sins and became convinced
is connected to the “he-goat” of that a judgment awaited him (Heb.
Daniel 8:5–11. There is no “rising 9:27).
up” against that king (Rev. 13:4): Stop any three billion people at
he is an absolute international mili- random, at any time day or night,
tary dictator. The translations that and “take a survey” to find out if
failed to tell you that allowed you any of them are concerned about
to contract spiritual herpes or tra- eternity instead of this world. You
choma so you would fail to see the might find a few—VERY FEW. If
He-goat and “the king of terrors” you find any rare birds like that, it
(Job 18:14) when he showed up in will be because they had the world
the scriptures. shoved over in their hearts to make
60) Daniel 3:25. The modern room for thoughts of eternity; they
translations have “genetically al- weren’t there automatically.
tered” “the Son of God” to “a son Read Matthew 15:18–19. Do you
of the gods.” This deadly mutation see “eternity” anywhere among the
destroyed a reference to Jesus things listed by Jesus Christ that
Christ in the Old Testament. are in the heart of mankind. “The
Listen, if Solomon knew that God heart of the children of man” is
had a Son 500 years before Dan- not “fully set to do evil” (Eccl.
iel 3 (see Prov. 30:4), why couldn’t 8:11) because they are thinking
Nebuchadnezzar have thought he about eternity. The reason their
saw Him? Do you know why the an- hearts are “fully set to do evil”
gel of the Lord refused to give His is because they are thinking about
name in the Old Testament (Judg. the immediate or near future here
13:17–18; Gen. 32:29)? Because it on this earth, not eternity—never
was the name of a man (1 Tim. 2:5) eternity.
that could not be revealed until His Gross error. One of the gross-
incarnation (Matt. 1:20–21; Luke est errors in history: a gross error
1:31–32). The name of the Angel of in evaluating human nature. A gross
the Lord in the New Testament was error producing gross mental, so-
Jesus, the Son of God (Gal. 4:14; Continued on 28

Deadly Diseases in the

Body of Christ
Continued from 27 Thayer, Griesbach, Tischendorf, Al-
cial, spiritual, religious, and physi- and, Metzger, Farstad, Kutilek, and
cal illness—a cancerous growth Sumner couldn’t bust a butterfly’s
that will kill you in the end. wing with a sledge hammer. When
62) Ecclesiastes 12:9. What it comes to preaching, Billy Sun-
happened to the Bible-believing day or J. Frank Norris would make
“preacher” who had been preach- the great “Bible scholars” look like
ing “acceptable words” from “that a Brownie troop in the Girl Scouts.
which was written” (Eccl. 12:10), Spiritual anemia to the point of dy-
which were “words of truth” (Psa. ing.
119:160; Eph. 1:13; 2 Tim. 2:15; 63) Job 3:8. Now here is a place
Rev. 22:6)? When he shows up in for the worshiper of the “original
the NIV, the Holman Christian Stan- autographs” who corrects the King
dard Bible, Good News for Mod- James text with Hebrew Masoretic
ern man, the CEV, the New Living text (or the Greek Textus Recep-
Translation, and the NRSV, he be- tus) to shine. You see, the word
comes a “teacher” (or a “philoso- for “mourning” in Hebrew is the
pher”—Col. 2:8) who can’t preach, word leviathan (Job 41), which is
so he just scratches the ears of the what the new versions change the
Christians who can’t stand “sound word to. But this time, the “nugget”
doctrine” (2 Tim. 4:3). backs up sound Bible doctrine on
Why? Because more than 280 of the devil and the Antichrist (see our
the “teachers” out of the 320 listed in comments on Zech. 11:17 in this
the back end of The Christian Liar’s series).
Library could not preach the Bible Having changed the text, they
any better than Joel Osteen, Hillary can’t expound their own translation.
Clinton, Rick Warren, Robert Schul- How come none of them are telling
ler, Benny Hinn, Robert Tilton, Mae you about mourning over the death
West, Madonna, or Miley Cyrus. of leviathan? When the Man of Sin
The whole crew from Augustine, receives his “deadly wound” (2
Origen, and Jerome to Earl Stanley Thess. 2:3 cf. Rev. 13:3), his idola-
Jones, Norman Vincent Peale, and tors (Zech. 11:17; Rev. 13:14) want
Pope Francis could no more preach him to rise from the dead just like
the great doctrines of the Bible than Jesus Christ did. Satan enters the
Dr. James Dobson, Pope John Paul dead “man of sin,” and up he
II, or A. T. Robertson. comes. Satan becomes incarnate
When it comes to preaching on in him, so he becomes “the son of
heaven, hell, the new birth, repen- perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3–9).
tance, Bible prophecy, and witness- But you see, the apostates con-
ing for Christ, Westcott and Hort, verted the leviathan of Job 41 into
Spiros Zodhiates, Kenneth Wuest, a whale (or a hippopotamus, croco-
G. Christian Weiss, Nestle, Vincent, Continued on 29

Deadly Diseases in the

Body of Christ
Continued from 28 “scholars” miss the verses while
dile, or dinosaur) so you would lose bragging about Masoretic Hebrew
the connection to Satan (Job 41:34; texts and Textus Receptus Greek
Psa. 74:14; Isa. 27:1 cf. Rev. 12:3, texts? They refused to look up one
9, 13:1–2). In so doing, they got verse in either Testament that gave
rid of the passages which interpret the biblical interpretation.
Job 3:8 (Ezek. 28:14–19, 29:3–5, That is 100% of the “good, god-
31:10–15, 32:5–9). ly, qualified, recognized” Christian
Moral: the apostate fundamen- scholars who take their Bible stud-
talist who corrects the King James ies “seriously.” They’re sick, man.
Bible with the “original Greek or He- They’re eaten up with Ebola, SARS,
brew” (or the Masoretic or TR texts) GRID, cancer, syphilis, herpes, bu-
will correct the Greek or Hebrew as bonic plague, and sepsis. They’re
quickly as look at you if the texts of infected to the point of no return.
any of them (English, Greek, or He- Call for the undertaker.
brew) cross the private interpreta-
tions of these ignorant reprobates.
Mark it down, nothing is more “sa-
cred” to these hypocrites than their SEPTEMBER’S
own diseased, sick opinions and
preferences. SERMONS
64) Job 37:4. The diseased, rot- Brian Donovan
ten, corrupt modern translations Clothed With Humility
don’t care for that “them” in the The Christian Soldier
verse. They go back to verse 3 and What the Scripture Can Do
change the “lightning” singular The Armour of Truth & Righteousness
into a plural and insert it into verse Without
4 when the Hebrew word for light- The Foot Soldier
ning (or lightnings) is nowhere to be Zack Colvin
found in verse 4. Do you see what I The Self-Consumed Life of Jonah
mean now when I say these apos- A Little Revival
tates will change “the originals” at David Peacock
any point where it crosses their own Moreover the Dogs Came
private interpretations? Gabriel Cochran
Now who was that “them” there David’s Manhood
in Job 37:4? Who is God not “stay- Dennis Knowles
ing”? Why, according to the scrip- The Spiritual Litmus Test
tures, the reference is to the rapture
(see Isa. 26:19–20; Psa. 50:4–5; 1 All of September’s sermons on one MP3
Thess. 4:14–18; John 11:25–26; 1
Cor. 15:50–57; Rev. 4:1–2).
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Cowardice In Battle
By Robert Militello deans, lest they deliver me into
“The fear of man bringeth a their hand, AND THEY MOCK ME”
snare . . .” (Prov. 29:25). Overcom- (Jer. 38:19).
ing one’s fear to stand up for Jesus How’s that for the courage of
is a ferocious struggle from the mo- a king? God tells us that we are
ment you are born again. Keeping “kings and priests unto God”
the mouth of a Christian “zipped” is (Rev. 1:6). Something has gone ter-
the devil’s chief labor. That strategy ribly wrong. In the last days’ church
is manifestly apparent throughout (Laodicea), modern “Bible versions,
the book of Acts. There is no letup in lollipop preachers, wimpy “worship”
this war, brethren. What is at the root songs, and social acceptability has
of this fear? spawned an army of Zedekiahs. This
“Nevertheless among the chief is an army of carnal children playing
rulers also many believed on him; with water guns, peashooters, and
but because of the Pharisees they air rifles. The times in which we live
did not confess him, lest they require a boldness, and that comes
should be put out of the syna- with spending time in the word of
gogue: For they loved the praise God. There is no shortcut to beating
of men more than the praise of down the fear of man. If you find one,
God” (John 12:42–43). let me know.
There it is! This desire to be liked, God’s church was born with a holy
to be noticed and accepted, is a can- boldness.
cer in the church of God. If I were on “And now, Lord, behold their
Facebook (which, thank God, I am threatenings: and grant unto thy
not), I would post only those things servants, that WITH ALL BOLD-
that would elicit a deluge of “dislikes.” NESS they may speak thy word”
If saved, you are “accepted in the (Acts 4:29).
beloved” (see Eph. 1:6). My self- The apostles and disciples, Ste-
esteem, my sense of worth, comes phen among them, were led to con-
from what the Holy Spirit tells me, front the religious elite publicly and
not what anyone else says. Failing to take the truth to every house in
to grasp the power of this liberating Jerusalem.
truth, too many saints live their lives “And daily in the temple, and in
unable to swim out of the devil’s net. every house, they ceased not to
It’s a spiritual prison house to live in teach and preach Jesus Christ”
fear of men. (Acts 5:42).
When the prophet Jeremiah chal- Boldness born of God pushes
lenged Judah’s last king to obey aside sentimentality and the regard
God’s word, Zedekiah folded like a for folks’ sensitivities. God’s word
cheap umbrella on a windy day. is a knife that threatens to stab at a
“And Zedekiah the king said rebel’s complacency, and that knife
unto Jeremiah, I am AFRAID of the will be vigorously opposed.
Jews that are fallen to the Chal- “When they heard these things,
Continued on 32

Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 31 the Lord’s “hate speech” toward His
they were cut to the heart, and rebellious people. Christians who are
they gnashed on him with their fond of saying, “God loves everyone”
teeth” (Acts 7:54). are forced to ignore large portions of
Boldness cost Stephen his life. God’s word in order to give credence
The first martyr of the church didn’t to their silly, childish theology. Breth-
die preaching “God loves you!” No ren, we have a Book that faithfully
one gets upset over that. Folks toler- records God’s view of things regard-
ate preachers who show concern for less of how you and I feel about it.
their feelings. If you love God, you love the truth—
It’s not hard these days for believ- negative or not!
ers to find a church where rebellion Boldness and courage are abso-
against God’s authority is selectively lutely necessary for a saved sinner
ignored. Avoiding contention and to become a disciple. Closet Chris-
pretending all is well is a powerful tians were a problem in Paul’s day
seduction to the men in pulpits to- (Phil. 3:17–20), and enemies of the
day. Jude confronts this situation cross fill the pews in these last days
head-on: “. . . it was needful for me of Laodicea. Now, novels never ap-
to write unto you, and exhort you pealed to me, but one in particular
that ye should earnestly contend made a real impression on my soul
for the faith which was once de- as a teenager. In Jesuit school (‘59–
livered unto the saints” (Jude 3). ‘63), you had to read a lot of books.
Note the word “earnestly.” “The On the reading list was Stephen
faith” to be fought for, the standard Crane’s Red Badge of Courage.
to uphold, is God’s holiness and His This American classic appeared
judgment on rebellion and sin. Chris- in print in 1895 and made Crane
tians are getting sloppy in these last famous at 24. It’s the story of an
days. Jude 24 is an encouragement, 18-year-old private in the 304th New
and staying in the Book is a neces- York Regiment, named Henry Flem-
sity. ing. Our Civil War made men out of
“And be ye of good courage, boys while testing one’s willingness
and bring of the fruit of the land” to confront fear in ways never before
(Num. 13:20). Here is the first time experienced. Pvt. Fleming in his first
the word “courage” appears in the taste of battle ran. John Mark quit
KJV. “Courage” and “courageous” the field in Acts, and Paul and Barn-
appear 24 more times, with the book abas went on without him. Folks quit
of Joshua containing seven appear- when the going gets tough, and Paul
ances. The words coward and brave knew that when he wrote to Timothy
are not in your Bible. Bravery shows telling him to “endure hardness” (2
up once in Isaiah 3:18, and the con- Tim. 2:3). Our race to the finish line
text is one of rebuke and irony: “In is a marathon and not a one-hun-
that day the Lord will take away dred-yard dash. How tragic it would
the bravery of their tinkling orna- be to grow weary and quit just before
ments.” Isaiah 3 is a classic piece of Continued on 33

Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 32 “rush.” Is it thus with you? Why do
the Lord comes. We need prayer, so many saints lose the fire they
the kind which reaches God’s heart. had when first coming to the Lord?
Paul knew this and asked the saints Often, after being rebuked for their
to pray for him. boldness, young Christians allow the
“And for me, that utterance may devil to put a bridle in their mouth.
be given unto me, that I may OPEN Zeal begins to wane, and they find
MY MOUTH BOLDLY, to make a comfort zone in which to walk,
known the mystery of the gospel, where risk-taking is pushed to the
For which I am an ambassador in side. Gambling is covetousness, but
bonds: that therein I MAY SPEAK speaking up for Jesus is a sure bet,
BOLDLY, AS I OUGHT TO SPEAK” not a gamble if you believe in Ro-
(Eph. 6:19–20). mans 8:28.
See that phrase “as I ought to “Death and life are in the power
speak”—think about that a while. of the tongue” (Prov. 18:21). What’s
Why be defensive or apologetic the point of being on this earth after
about anything God says in His being saved if the Lord finds us re-
word? Too many saints are averse luctant to speak His words? “And
to taking risks for their Saviour. The out of his mouth goeth a sharp
desire to “play it safe” is the breed- sword” (Rev. 19:15). We are ex-
ing ground for cowardice. Life is pected to cut through lies, expose
filled with risks, and no doubt, many vanities, and call sin, SIN! Fear crip-
risks were taken before conversion ples, while boldness liberates.
to Christ. Before I got saved, I had Years ago, I pushed my father-in-
a gambling problem. When I called law to confront a particular fear that
the bookmaker to place my bets, I kept a lie from being brought to light.
would get an adrenalin rush, and I Italians have exceptionally strong
knew that I was addicted. There is no family relationships. Things said in
chain the Lord can’t break, so I lost confidence are expected to remain
that chain and others by crying out confidential. Lies and misdeeds are
to God and burying my face in His often ignored as to “keep the peace.”
word. I owe Him a great debt, and so Tony Terravecchia, my father-in-law
I labor to show my appreciation by (in heaven since ‘94), left Catholicism
bragging about Jesus wherever and without looking back after I showed
to whomever I can. What about you? him how the church rejected the au-
In case you didn’t know soldiers, thority of God’s word. He became a
though, not all like to gamble. Look- good soldier for the Lord and went
ing down from His cross, the Lord with me on Saturday afternoons to a
saw Roman soldiers gambling for busy corner in the Italian neighbor-
His garments. Soldiers in the Lord’s hood to witness and pass out tracts.
army accomplish little spiritual good I loved him like my own dad, and I
by taking a defensive position. Go- wanted him to overcome a particular,
ing on the attack with “the sword of paralyzing fear.
the Spirit” (Eph. 6:17) gives me a Continued on 34

Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 33 his gun belt before he went home to
My mother-in-law’s brother was glory.
very close to Tony. These two men Avanti in Italian means “forward.”
never had a cross word between “Onward Christian Soldiers” should
them. But there was a problem. My stir the heart and fit the Christian for
uncle by marriage was desperate to spiritual combat. Fear is a Goliath
cover up the homosexual lifestyle of that won’t quit the field. Face him
his only son. Everyone in the fam- and fight and take possession of the
ily knew that the son was “gay.” You promised land. Don’t forget the forty
can’t imagine how shameful it is that years of wandering the Jews had to
an only son in an Italian family pre- endure for refusing to trust God and
fers males over females. Now when take on the giants occupying the land
my father-in-law and his brother-in- of milk and honey. There are millions
law would get together, the cover-up of believers in our country who have
would go like this: “Tony, my son has never grown up spiritually, and never
a bunch of girls calling the house will, because trusting God in big situ-
repeatedly, and oh, how he likes to ations brings on panic attacks.
‘play the field.’” We all knew the truth “Nay in all these things we are
and felt badly for my uncle. He was more than conquerors through
a tortured soul, and I knew that down him that loved us” (Rom. 8:37).
deep he understood how inept he Well, the appointed time came;
was as a liar. the battle was joined. Tony, who
Love so often involves risks, and had a willing mind being fortified by
great risks at that. I said to my father- prayer, was ready to tell his brother-
in-law that it would be a mercy to tell in-law that the son’s lifestyle was no
his brother-in-law that his son’s life- secret to anyone. How was this go-
style was no secret at all. Tony froze ing to be received by my uncle? Was
with fear. “I can’t do that,” he said. there going to be vehement denial,
Do you know how masterfully the would the relationship fracture with
Lord sometimes puts us between a my uncle walking out? No, what hap-
rock and a hard place? The prospect pened was a powerful testimony to
of severing such a close relationship the grace of God prevailing over the
for so many years was a mountain believer’s worst fears. A heavenly
my dear father-in-law admitted he peace and a spirit of relief came over
couldn’t climb. You know that prayer my uncle. He was released from the
can remove mountains—amen? urge to lie by genuine Christian love.
“The effectual fervent prayer of That’s the kind of love that sets aside
a righteous man availeth much” the need to protect one’s self and
(James 5:16). Tony needed a major stay in one’s comfort zone.
victory at this point in his Christian Love takes risks and harnesses
walk. This was an opportunity to put boldness in order for the truth to ad-
a big hole in the devil’s snare, which vance. Paul coveted boldness. Is it
is the fear of man. I prayed and ex- on your prayer list? Tony won a great
horted Tony to put this one notch on Continued on 35

Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 34 become hesitant and fearful to stray
victory over fear and did not “lose” out of that zone because our feel-
his brother-in-law in the process. ings might take a hit. Yes, boldness
Brethren, it doesn’t always work out can be risky, but life without risks
this way; you know that. There can is a plate of ribs without barbecue
be significant collateral damage ac- sauce—little to no flavor. Take risks
companying boldness. So what? It all and make fools of yourselves; “We
works out to our good (Rom. 8:28). are fools for Christ’s sake” (1 Cor.
Spiritual combat will leave scars; you 4:10). Christianity was never intend-
won’t have to put a bloody bandage ed to be respectable in the world’s
on and pretend you’re a Christian eyes. From Peter’s first message on
warrior. See Red Badge of Courage. Pentecost, the Holy Spirit made plain
Boldness is not learned in a class- that what Christians needed to say
room. It comes from being with Je- would upset the respectable crowd.
sus. It is noticeable to others. “Now Holy boldness is perceived as mad-
when they saw the boldness of ness by that crowd.
Peter and John” (Acts 4:13). It puts “And as he thus spake for him-
the lost and enemies of the Lord self, Festus said with a loud voice,
on the defensive, and rage is often Paul, thou art beside thyself;
a reaction to spiritual boldness. A much learning doth make thee
bold witness for the Lord shames a mad” (Acts 26:24).
Laodicean Christian. Without doubt, “I have seen the travail, which
the lack of boldness among Christian God hath given to the sons of men
men today contributes greatly to the to be exercised in it” (Eccl. 3:10).
spread of an effeminate Christian- The labor, the troubles, the para-
ity. “Faint heart never won fair lady,” doxes of life can wear you out. Those
my dad would say. Failure to be bold things which a good God allows to
deprives the believer of receiving a exercise the souls of His children are
full reward. What holds a saint back for our gain, not destruction. Trials
when a situation arises that calls for are to harden us for success in spiri-
boldness? Many are afraid of rejec- tual conflict. Our Lord encourages
tion. They can’t handle it. us during those tribulations with His
I remember as a lost teenager word. “In the world ye shall have
how those in my crowd yearned for tribulation: but be of good cheer;
the courage to call a female for a I have overcome the world” (John
date. Boys struggle hard with feel- 16:33). Also, “If the world hate you,
ings of inferiority if rejected just a ye know that it hated me before it
few times. Some never get over it. hated you” (John 15:18). Note the
Feelings are so tender when you are word “IF,” putting a condition on the
young, and the male-female dynam- world’s hatred of a believer. If you
ic is in play. Memories of rejection are bold and you resolve to face the
can linger long, and those memo- risks that will accompany your bold-
ries can cause us unconsciously to ness, the world will hate you. Make
erect a safe zone around us. We Continued on 36

Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 35 ships and letting our light shine. Take
no mistake about that. a “no doze” to stay awake.
Sensitive saints are hurt by re- As we go deeper and deeper into
jection and have a difficult time be- the last days, the powers of dark-
ing hated. This is why megachurch ness grow stronger. Fewer and fewer
Christianity is so appealing. It offers Christian men are inclined to become
its members a safe zone, a kind of fools for Christ. The cost for them is
conflict-free walk with Jesus. How too high. They forget that their Sav-
is the world supposed to hate those iour made Himself of no reputation
who never tire of saying “God loves and with joy faced down those evil
you”? That’s why the Lord said, “If powers. Pride keeps many from be-
the world hate you.” Looking down ing bold in their faith. Orientals are
in time, He saw the spiritual anemia especially reluctant to be bold as the
that would characterize His church in thought of “losing face” is used by
the last days. In Revelation 3:16, it the devil to terrify them. Thank God
makes Him puke. for Pastor Gene Kim in California
When Jesus went into the temple and others like him that went outside
to teach and preach, He was walk- the camp (comfort zone) to bear their
ing into a lions’ den. Metaphorically Lord’s reproach. It’s a sacred duty to
speaking, when a believer sets out “contend for the faith” (Jude 3) in
to declare men’s sinfulness and dam- these last days—Avanti!
nation apart from faith in Christ, that One way the Holy Spirit helped
Christian also walks into a lions’ den. me to overcome my hesitancy in
Jesus was the talk of Jerusalem. dealing with sinners face to face was
“But, lo, he speaketh boldly” (John to take me down memory lane. The
7:26). The religious crowd didn’t Lord had to remind me often and still
speak that way. No wonder that many does, thank God, that when I lived in
believed Jesus was like the prophets sin and enjoyed its pleasures, I rare-
of old that the Jews read in their scrip- ly hesitated to seek for more. My feet
tures. Knowing that His cousin John were many times too ready to bring
the Baptist was killed for his boldness, me to places where my evil inclina-
our Lord fired a cannon shot at the re- tions could be indulged. Remember-
ligious crowd in Matthew 23:13–33. ing some of those experiences is not
His excoriating denunciation of the where I want my mind to go, but the
respectable scribes and Pharisees Lord uses that stuff to convict me.
ends with this blast: “Ye serpents, Why should I be hesitant when op-
ye generation of vipers, how can portunities to proclaim God’s word
ye escape the damnation of hell” are all around me? How is it that a
(vs. 33). How’s that for reaching out sinner is more willing to throw cau-
with the “sweet spirit of Christ”? Years tion to the wind in order to satisfy his
ago, there was thunder coming out evil desires and a saint draws back
of most pulpits in America. Today, from being bold for his Saviour? It’s
you get a soft, gentle breeze of cop- shameful! One who is saved from
ing and sharing and building relation- Continued on 37

Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 36 you’ll love much. Conversely, you’ll
hell, a brand plucked from the fire, love little if you don’t see your sins
ought to be constantly aware of the as God sees them.
great debt he owes to his Redeemer. “Wherefore I say unto thee,
When this needful awareness is al- Her sins, which are many, are for-
lowed to fade, the propensity for be- given; for she loved much: but to
ing bold for the Lord also fades. You whom little is forgiven, THE SAME
and I are going to owe the Lord here LOVETH LITTLE” (Luke 7:47).
until we take our last breath. If you This verse helps you understand
see your sins for what they reveal, the varying degrees of commitment
the evil and horror of your own heart, Continued on 38


  1.  There is no final authority but God.
  2.  Since God is a Spirit, there is no final authority that can be seen, heard, read,
felt, or handled.
  3.  Since all books are material, there is no book on this earth that is the final
and absolute authority on what is right and what is wrong, what constitutes truth and
what constitutes error. 
  4. There WAS a series of writings one time which, IF they had all been put into a
BOOK as soon as they were written the first time, WOULD HAVE constituted an infal-
lible and final authority by which to judge truth and error. 
  5.  However, this series of writings was lost, and the God who inspired them was
unable to preserve their content through Bible-believing Christians at Antioch
(Syria), where the first Bible teachers were (Acts 13:1), and where the first missionary
trip originated (Acts 13:1-52), and where the word “Christian” originated (Acts 11:26). 
  6.  So God chose to ALMOST preserve them through Gnostics and philosophers
from Alexandria, Egypt, even though God called His Son OUT of Egypt (Matthew 2),
Jacob OUT of Egypt (Genesis 49), Israel OUT of Egypt (Exodus 15), and Joseph’s
bones OUT of Egypt (Exodus 13). 
  7.  So there are two streams of Bibles. The most accurate—though, of course, there
is no final, absolute authority for determining truth and error; it is a matter of “pref-
erence”—are the Egyptian translations from Alexandria, Egypt, which are “almost the
originals,” although not quite. 
  8.  The most inaccurate translations were those that brought about the German
Reformation (Luther, Zwingli, Boehler, Zinzendorf, Spener, et al.) and the worldwide
missionary movement of the English-speaking people: the Bible that Sunday, Torrey,
Moody, Finney, Spurgeon, Whitefield, Wesley, and Chapman used. 
  9.  But we can “tolerate” these if those who believe in them will “tolerate” US. After
all, since there is NO ABSOLUTE AND FINAL AUTHORITY that anyone can read,
teach, preach, or handle, the whole thing is a matter of “PREFERENCE.” You may
prefer what you prefer, and we will prefer what we prefer. Let us live in peace, and if we
cannot agree on anything or everything, let us all agree on one thing: THERE IS NO

This is the Creed of the Alexandrian Cult.


Cowardice In Battle
Continued from 37 at the Judgment Seat of Christ will
found among God’s people. It’s easy be regret-free, but there’s much we
to draw the proper conclusion here can do to limit our sorrow and regret
that love is, and will always be, the over failures in our service to Jesus.
bottom line. Ask for wisdom and boldness and
God willing, we’ll celebrate anoth- join the battle for souls. Pvt. Fleming
er Thanksgiving shortly. On my list to in Red Badge of Courage couldn’t
be thankful for, just beneath the sal- live as a coward. He went back to
vation God gifted me with in 1978, is battle; so did Mark after recovering
the privilege of serving Him. It is not from his initial failure.
a chore to serve Him. “Am I a soldier of the cross,
“For MY YOKE IS EASY, and MY A follower of the Lamb?
BURDEN IS LIGHT” (Matt. 11:30). And shall I fear to own His cause,
If you love Him, the truth of that Or blush to speak His name?”
verse is glaringly apparent. No saint GOD FORBID!

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