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Method of Definition: Example:

Cause and Effect If one thing happens there If we keep polluting the
will be an appropriate result Earth the way we are the
world will cease to exist
Example Provides a specific So many child stars go on to
illustration of the original suffer mental health or
idea. addiction issues, for
example, Demi Levato or
Britney Spears
Comparison Show the similarities Both Macbeth and Romeo
between one thing and possess a tragic flaw which
another leads them to their inevitable
Contrast Show the differences Unlike Romeo and Juliet
who are fated to die the
Macbeths plan and
manipulate throughout the
entire play and are
responsible for their deaths.
Definition Provide a clear explanation Capital punishment means
of a word or idea. executing violent criminals
Anecdote A story (usually from your “I fell in love with the
own life) minister's son the winter I
turned fourteen.”
Historical Reference referring to history or Canada had the death
historical people penalty until 1976.
Statistics facts and numbers to support In 1955-1964 the murder
your argument rate was 2080 and then in
the years from 1975-1985
the murder rate increased to
Quotations/Reference When you use a quote According to Nelson
from an expert Mandela, “real leaders will
to an expert: sacrifice everything for the
sake of their people”
Analogy Drawing a comparison Wearing a hijab is a way of
between two things or rejecting society’s beauty
situations in order to make it standards, similar to women
more relatable for the reader choosing not to wear

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