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RIZAL – Chapter 5

1. Jose Rizal had many beautiful memories of his childhood in his native town Calamba. It’s
scenic beauties and it’s industrious, hospitable, and friendly folks profoundly affected his
mind and character. The happiest period of Rizal’s life was spent in this lakeshore town.
2. It was agricultural town. The town was virtually owned by the Dominicans friars. As a friar
state, Calamba became a prosperous town due to its specialization in the production of
sugar. Life was filled with hardship on the part of the people who were just tenants in the
Dominican hacienda. Despite the cruelties suffered by the tenants, their life was far better in
the other towns in Laguna during those times.
3.1 Her personal servant narrated to him legends and fairy tales. These imaginary tales
narrated to Rizal aroused in him and enduring interest in legends and folklore.

3.2 It was the first time he cried as a young boy, since it was from her that Rizal learned the
Importance of Sisterly Love.

3.3 He was not able to forget was the daily family prayer during Angelus, where all members
of his family gather and Pray together.

3.4 He learned how to pray and even read bible. This training he had at home was
strengthened by his frequent visit to Father Leoncio Lopez, the parish priest of Calamba,
who made the young Rizal, need to develop a sound of philosophy of life.

3.5 As a young boy he spent many hours down the shore of Laguna de Bay. Thinking of
what was beyond, dreaming of what might be over on the other side of the waves. He even
witnessed everyday acts of violence and excesses committed against Calambenos by the
Gurdia Civil and the Gobernadorcillo. At his young age, he always asking himself if these
incidents in Calamba were also happening in the lands across the Laguna de Bay.

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