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Prototype Performance Test Report

November Twentieth, Two Thousand and Twenty

San Marin High School

Daniel Ford

Emma Rice

Derek Dela Cruz

James Wreden
Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Abstract 2

Experimental Overview 2

Apparatus 3

Procedure 3

Images 5

Results 6

Discussion 7

References 8

Appendix 9

In a technical sense, voltage refers to the electrical potential between two points. A common
example of this is the two ends of a battery. Voltage can be calculated via Ohm’s Law (V = IR)
and its unit is volts. When applied to audio engineering, voltage directly correlates with
amplification. When given an AC current, which is a sine wave, the amplitude is the voltage. The
initial voltage from a microphone is very low, usually ranging from 0.001V to 0.01V. This is
called mic level. In common microphone setups, preamps are devices used to amplify this
voltage to make it audible. This is called line level. In these circuits, transistors are primarily
used to accomplish the amplification. We also went on to test the eq of a bass amp and the effect
of different settings in order to prepare for our next step, the eq circuit. The purpose of this
experiment is to develop a deeper understanding of the inner workings of preamps and to apply
the knowledge to future work.


This prototype performance test is meant as a proof of concept for our machine. Our wanted
functionality includes a boost in voltage from the preamp circuit as well as equalization from the
tilt EQ circuit. We had already tested out the preamp circuit and had done experiments with EQ
circuits, now we needed to test both of our circuits and how they interact with input sine waves.
Once we understood this and proved it worked, we could then be ready to, in the future, test a
real prototype using real mic level inputs. For now though we used onshape and tinkercad in
order to test our product and how it might be able to achieve our wanted functionality.

Performance Test Overview

This test is meant as a full body proof of concept, meaning all parts of the machine needed to
function properly. We decided on our constants, this would be the power supply, the preamp
level, the adjustments of the resistors in separation from the function of the potentiometers. After
this we needed a series of trials using different variables, this would include frequency of inputs,
levels of gain, and adjustments of EQ. Once we saw that the circuits worked in theory we needed
to make sure that the body of the machine could interact with the circuits properly so we used 3D
modeling software in order to make a real representation of the outer casing of the machine in
order to represent the knobs used to operate the mechanics of the circuits.


The testing of the prototype circuits is done on Tinkercad in order to give a realistic simulation
of the circuits at work. The preamp circuit needed four resistors and a 741 integrated circuit to be
simulated in order to work properly, this was tested previously in our experiment lab report. We
will also need a 9 volt battery to power the circuit, an audio input, in this case a function
generator, and a method to measure the output voltage, in this case an oscilloscope, all of which
was also simulated on Tinkercad. The tilt EQ circuit was also simulated on Tinkercad and
connected to the preamp. Since we modelled the tilt EQ circuit exactly after an online design, we
used its EQ graph as reference. We also used Onshape, a 3D modeling software in order to
simulate the physical casing of the machine as well as the XLR cord running off both ends. This
was mainly important to test the functionality of the knobs used to control the circuits.


Experiment Parts

Experiment 1: Preamp Circuit Functionality

Tinkercad, 4 resistors, 1 potentiometer, 1 power supply, 1 signal generator, 1 741 op amp, 1

Experiment 2: EQ Circuit Functionality

Tinkercad, 4 resistors, 2 capacitors, 1 potentiometer, 1 741 op amp
Note: connected to preamp

Experiment 3: Onshape Model Knob Functionality

Onshape, time

Electrical circuit for the function of JEDD 2021.0

Our product, JEDD 2021.0

This circuit amplifies a signal using an LM741 operational amplifier. The LM741 is an
integrated circuit that will be useful in the future. A power supply of 9V is used to power the
amplifier, and a signal generator sends AC current in the form of a sine wave to the LM741’s
non-inverting input. It is amplified by the LM741, outputted through the output pin, and recorded
using an oscilloscope.


Experiment 1: Preamp Circuit Functionality

Left Middle Right

100Hz .5V 1.2V 1.75V

1kHz .5V 1.2V 1.75V

2kHz .5V 1.2V 1.75V

Experiment 2: EQ Circuit Functionality

Preamp Knob set at 1.2V
Left (Treble Gain) Middle (No Gain) Right (Bass Gain)

100Hz 1.4V 1.2V 7.5V

1kHz 2.6V 1.2V 2V

5kHz 6.8V 1.2V 1.4V

Experiment 3: Onshape Model Knob Functionality


Errors and incongruencies are an inherent part of virtual simulation. We have not yet built a
working prototype, we have only simulated one. This means that any number of challenges or
complications could arise when trying to make our product a reality. This uncertainty is
unfortunately unavoidable when basing the functionality of a product on a simulation. This,
however, was the best plan of action for our group given our time frame.

Possible Errors

One of our main concerns is that we don’t know how our circuit will interact with complex audio
input. We have only tested it with signal generation, a set frequency sine wave. This is very
different from a complex waveform and we don;t know if there will be unforeseen compression
or one of a number of other possible complications. For now, though, we can only base our
confidence in the product off the success we have seen in the simulations.


The preamp circuit we built amplifies signals by roughly 50 times with a 9V battery. This easily
crosses the threshold from mic level to line level, making it efficient. This leads us to believe that
the preamp circuit is working completely according to our expected functionality. The tilt EQ
circuit wasn’t accurately simulated because of software limitations, but mathematically we were
able to calculate the different levels of EQ. We can also see that the knobs on our casing work
according to plan, at least on our virtually modeled version. This means that the relationship
between the user and the circuits we have built is viable.

Future Work

In the future, we would like to finalize our design and take a shot at making it physically happen.
It is important to note that so far in our design it has been impossible to test whether the circuits
will fit correctly in our prototype casing. This is an important part of our project design and it has
been impossible to test using the software and methods we have utilized so far but with a
physical prototype it would be much easier to look at this relationship between components of
the product.


Chris Fehring - Equipment and Resource Mentor, Novato CA


This is an image we used for reference on how to construct our preamp circuit.
This is an image we used for reference on how to construct our tilt EQ circuit.

This is a general buildable 2D blueprint of JEDD 2021.0.

XLR Cord

Gain Knob

Casing EQ

XLR Cord

This is a detailed 2D blueprint, showcasing the important part of our product.

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