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The word culture means refers to different aspect of the life of a social group: customs, languages,

traditions, beliefs etc. but by definition, culture is all the knowledge, the traditions and customs that
identifies and belong to a society. And all of that is transferred from generation to generation. All that
affect the behavior of the people evaluating in it and make them unique.

Geert HOFSREDE is known for being a specialist in researches such as: intercultural organizations and
groups has developed the “Cultural Dimensions”. The reasons why he did that is because he wanted
that every culture has the possibility to evaluate themselves and compare themselves to other cultures
and show their influence over management and has over society in terms of:

- Power Distance
- Individualism
- Masculinity:
- Uncertainty
- Long term Orientation
- Indulgence

Now, what do I think of modeling an entire culture on just six dimensions?

I think that there should be a way to measure how society is evaluating. How do the people interact
between them, how they treat their own race and also how they are trying to make everyone feel
equal and that they deserve the same thing . Modeling the society in just 6 dimensions is not easy
but there should be limits to how people do things and put them in a frame. It also creates balance.
Not every aspect of the 6 Dimensions have to be respected but there might be similarity in some

Are there aspects of the culture that are not covered by these dimensions?

Not that I am aware of.

What do you think of the mere concept of culture as a group of individuals having the same

I think that the concept of having the same trait is one of the characteristic of the culture. This is one
thing that identifies a group of individuals. It makes us sharing common ground and knowledge.
Even if we can have our own differences because we were not created or made the same (anatomy)
but the fact that we share the same traits, we can be reuniting.

We can’t talk about culture without sharing the same value, traditions and knowledge. Having the
same traits. Traits is what creates culture. It is transmitted through our genes. And it dictates our
behaviors. It can be innate or learned.

We all have our own uniqueness character. Man and woman don’t act, think, behave the same way.
We don’t have the same family antecedent. But in term of having the same trait and sharing the
same culture, we are one.
*I could not determine the cultural dimensions of my country. It is not accessible*

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