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Colonist A settler; in this case most colonist didn’t like the stamp

French and War between Great Britain and France that put Great
Indian war Britain in dept, causing the stamp act.
John Hancock Participated in the boycott of British goods
King George Passed many acts that most people didn’t agree with which
111 caused many wars
Parliament British government, highest legislature
Patrick henry Made 7 resolutions to the stamp act and called for
resistance to the tax
Protest A way to express feelings about a policy (stamp act) or
course of action
Samuel Helped boycott British goods to put pressure on parliament
Stamp Placed on printed goods, causes taxes to make money.
Taxes Makes extra money for the government to use on what’s
Townshend After the repeal of the stamp act, there was the Townshend
act act which caused people to smuggle goods to avoid paying

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