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The story is about a poor woman. Well, it happened when I lived in Tingo Maria.
One day, I was going to the swimming pool with my friends from university
when I saw a very talented woman who liked to dance to different musical
genres. Her steps were truly incredible. After that, she told us that she needed
some money to buy food for her children because they live on the street sadly.
So, then, we decided to help her and bought fruit, meal and water. As it turns
out, they were very happy. We told her that she had a wonderful talent and that
she should never give up. After two years she won first place in a dance contest
and was awarded $ 1 million as a prize.

The spaceship was flying erratically, something was wrong...or else the Control
Room was being breached.

He drew a line on the control panel, and the cargo door popped open with a
hiss of escaping air.

Shiv fired a volley of blasts from the pistol, hitting a creature somewhere in the
my name is cristhiam now we present the second text
The spaceship(speiship) was flying erratically (eradicli), something was
wrong...or else(els) the Control Room was being(bing) breached(brich).

He drew(dru) a line(laid) on the control panel(penel), and the cargo door

popped(pop) open with a hiss of escaping air(ir).

Shiv(shif) fired(fair) a volley of blasts from the pistol, hitting (jitin)a creature
(critur) somewhere(somwer) in the fuselage(fiusalaig).
It whirled and crashed down on the hatch, disintegrating the control panel he
had activated.

“Going outside?” Tach quipped, leaning over to help him get out of the cockpit.

“If you must,” Kahu replied.

“This is not going to be pleasant.”

“I’m serious,” Tach

 Ambrosio Huerta, Thalia
 Gamarra Alvarado, Cristhiam
 Lagos Saldivar, Mayeli Nicole
 Santos Cabello, Luz Marleni

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