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journal of
International Journal of Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117 139

Drug absorption sites in the gastrointestinal tract and dosage

forms for site-specific delivery
N. Rouge, P. Buri, E. Doelker*
School (~/'Pharma~T, UniversiO, (~/ Geneva, 30, quai Ernest-Ansermet, CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerhmd
Received 12 December 1995: accepted 20 February 1996


The authors firstly review the literature dealing with drug absorption sites in the gastrointestinal tract. Descriptions
are given of the methods used in determining the location of these sites, and the advantages and disavantages of each
method are critically discussed. The results obtained concerning the absorption sites of the drugs used in the in vivo
methods studied are given in a tabular form and several factors influencing drug absorption are briefly reported.
Mechanisms of drug absorption in the human body and their influence on absorption sites are examined. Finally,
there is a discussion of various dosage forms which are used for targetting drug absorption to specific sites.

Keywords: Gastrointestinal tract: Absorption site; Absorption mechanisms; Site-specific delivery; Dosage forms;
Absorption window

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n intestinal tract, their chemical instability, the

binding of the drug to the gut contents, as well as
The principal goal of oral controlled-release to the degradation of the drug by microorganisms
delivery systems is to deliver the drug in a time present in the colon (Fuhr et al., 1992; Sinko et
frame that will increase efficacy and minimize al., 1994; Davis et al., 1986a). The delivery site
adverse effects (Robinson and Mauger, 1991). The has to be controlled in order to control the ab-
device has to control or limit the entry of the drug
Physiological factors such as gastrointestinal
into the blood stream (Davis, 1987). This is
transit time, regional pH, surface area, enzymatic
achieved with conventional dosage forms contain-
activity and colonic microflora influence drug ab-
ing drugs that are easily absorbed throughout the
sorption; some of these factors may be used to
entire gastrointestinal tract. However, some drugs
achieve control over drug absorption (Dressman
tend to be absorbed in specific areas, principally
et al., 1993). Thus, drugs may be delivered at a
due to their low permeability or solubility in the
specific region in the gastrointestinal tract, the
so-called absorption window, by increasing the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 41 22 702 6148: fax: + 41 gastric residence time of the dosage form, by
22 702 6567. preventing the drug from being released before

0378-5173/96/$15.00 ~ 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

PII S0374-5023(96)04498-4
118 N. Rouge et al. / International Journal ~f Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117 139

reaching the desired absorption site by using a The amount of drug or metabolite is measured
protective coating and by using the microbial either in the blood stream (portal vein, peripheral
enzymes in the large bowel to cleave specific blood) or in the loop. There is an appreciable
bonds. membrane storage in the case of highly lipophilic
Little is known about local absorption charac- drugs during gastrointestinal absorption which
teristics along the gastrointestinal tract for most may destroy the direct correlation between drug
drugs (Brockmeier et al., 1985). The present arti- absorption and luminal disapearance (Doluisio et
cle provides an update on the drugs which have al., 1970; Taylor et al., 1981; Nook et al., 1988).
been investigated. After a description of the meth- Furthermore, in order to measure in the loop, a
ods used for determining the absorption sites of non absorbable marker such as PEG 4000, phenol
drugs, the different absorption mechanisms are red or inulin, is often added to the drug solution
rewieved in relation with their absorption site. to assess the net intestinal water transport (Dolui-
Then, various dosage forms will be discussed ac- sio et al., 1969; Sinko et al., 1994). However,
cording to the preferential absorption sites of the Gabus-Sanni6 and Buri (1987) have shown that
drugs administered. It should be noted that the these tracers are partially absorbed or adsorbed.
concept of mass transport models will not be The following information about the absorp-
developed here (Amidon et al., 1980; Komiya et tion of a drug has been obtained by in situ
al., 1980). Furthermore, the gastrointestinal tran- methods:
sit time as well as the various factors influencing (1) ........the absorption sites of a drug according to
the transit, related to the subject and to the drug permeability differences throughout the
dosage form, have been recently thoroughly re- gastrointestinal tract; a dimensionless wall
viewed by Follonier and Doelker (1992) and will permeability (P*) may be calculated for each
not be reported here. site investigated (Langguth et al., 1994; Yee
and Amidon, 1990). However, the number of
animals used has to be sufficiently high to
2. Determination of the absorption site of drugs
demonstrate the permeability differences from
a site to another; because of animal to animal
The absorption site of a drug along the gas-
variability it is difficult to obtain multiple
trointestinal tract may be investigated either by in
permeability measurements in the same exper-
situ or by in vivo methods.
imental animal (Lu et al., 1992);
(2) the influence of the pH on the extent of
2.1. In situ methods
drug absorption (Brennan et al., 1991; Lee et
al., 1994; Oberle and Amidon, 1987; Chungi
These methods include open loop techniques
et al., 1979) as well as on the degradation of a
such as single-pass perfusion, recirculating perfu-
sion and oscillating perfusion as well as closed- drug (Langguth et al., 1994);
loop techniques (Schurgers et al., 1986; Kararli, (3) - - the assessment of a saturable transport
1989). mechanism (Sanchez-Pico et al., 1989), as well
A drug solution is placed or perfused in a as the contribution of the paracellular route
predetermined gastrointestinal site of an animal to the overall transport mechanism (Riad and
model (rat, dog, monkey or rabbit). The perfusion Sawchuk, 1991);
rate varies according to the method used. Accord- (4) the assessment of 'intestinal first pass
ing to Schurgers et al. (1986), perfusate hydrody- effect' by quantification of any metabolites
namics should be defined in detail and kept that may be produced (Davis, 1985).
constant throughout the experiment since they A drawback of in situ methods is that they are
may have an influence on the aqueous boundary used in isolated segments of the gastrointestinal
layer and therefore on the absorption rate of a tract which may not adequately reflect the absorp-
drug. tion in an normal gastrointestinal tract (Kayne
N. Rouge et al./ International Journal of Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117-139 119

Table 1
Results obtained regarding absorption sites of drugs investigated by perfusion method

Drug Comments Reference

1-Deamino-8- D-arginine Similar absorption from the stomach, duodenum and jejunum d'Agay-Abensour et al., 1993
vasopressin (low bioavailability).
Lower absorption from the distal ileum and even lower from
proximal colon.
Griseofulvin Strong correlation between the absorption rate and the amount Gramatt& 1994
of drug delivered to the test segment (proximal or distal small
intestine) per unit time.
Levodopa t No enhancement of levodopa intestinal permeability by Nilsson et al., 1994
induced net fluid absorption.
Induced net fluid absorption not be responsible for the large
inter- and intravariability of levodopa in Parkinson's diseases.
Metoprolol2 No absorption from the stomach. Jobin et al., 1985
Amount absorbed in the duodenum and the jejunum directly
proportional to the amount delivered.
Amount absorbed in the jejunum and the ileum directly Vidon et al., 1985
proportional to the amount delivered.
Lower absorption of metoprolol perfused in the jejunum in a
saline solution than after gastric administration of the drug
incorporated in a meal.
Similar absorption from the jejunum and the colon. Godbillon et al., 1985
Similar metabolite-to-drug AUC ratio after jejunal and colonic
perfusion but higher than after i.v administration.
Nicardipine Similar absorption from the jejunum and the ileum. Delchier et al., 1988
Absorption slightly but significantly decreased with food (first
pass metabolism in liver).
Oxprenolol2 No absorption from the stomach. Vidon et al., 1986
Amount absorbed in the duodenum and the jejunum directly
proportional to the amount delivered.
Paracetamol Similar absorption from the duodenojejunal junction, the distal Gramatt6 et al., 1991
jejunum and the ileum.
Ranitidine Double-site for drug absorption along the small intestine may Gramatt6 et al., 1992
explain the double-peak phenomenon in the pharmacokinetics
of ranitidine (oral administration).

+peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor: benserazide; 2 drug administered in an homogenized meal.

a n d Lee, 1993). F u r t h e r m o r e , a n i m a l s models are perfusion sites a n d the m o l e c u l a r structure o f the

different from h u m a n s with respect to the drug administered.
a n a t o m y a n d physiology o f the a b s o r p t i o n sites
(Ritschel, 1987; Kararli, 1989; K a n i w a et al.,
2.2. In vivo methods
1988). Therefore, a correlation has to be estab-
lished with a n o t h e r method. Sutcliffe et al. (1988) I n c o n t r a s t to in situ methods, in vivo m e t h o d s
c o m p a r e d the j e j u n a l a n d ileal a b s o r p t i o n o f a are better a d a p t e d for establishing the a b s o r p t i o n
range of drugs with p o o r to good oral a b s o r p t i o n sites o f drugs b u t they m a y n o t allow the determi-
b o t h in h u m a n s ( i n t u b a t i o n technique) a n d rats n a t i o n o f the m e c h a n i s m s o f drug a b s o r p t i o n . The
(recirculating perfusion). The a u t h o r s concluded a b s o r p t i o n sites o f several drugs investigated are
that the a b s o r p t i o n of p o o r l y a b s o r b e d drugs is listed in Tables 1 - 3 according to the m e t h o d
more affected in h u m a n s t h a n in rats by the used.
120 N. Rouge et al. International Journal o1 Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117 139

Table 2
Results obtained regarding to absorption sites of drugs investigated by local instillation

Drugs Comments Reference

Acrivastine Poor absorption from the colon. Balasubramanian et al., 1989

Benazepril Colon delivered a smaller amount at a slower rate than either Chan et ah. 1994
small intestine or oral delivery.
Metabolite-to-drug AUC ratio reduced from colon.
Bidisomide Similar absorption (AUC) from the stomach, the duodenum, Cook et al., 1993
jejunum and the ileum.
Double-peak phenomenon (stomach infusion} attributed to the
more rapid drug absorption in the duodenum and ileum.
Captopril Enhancement of captopril absorption in the colon from solution Brennan et ah, 1991
by controlling intestinal pH.
Ciclosporine I Comparable absorption (AUC) from the duodenum and the Drewe et al., 1992
jejunum but significantly decreased from the ileum and the colon.
Diclofenac Na= Similar absorption from the colon and alter oral administration of Gleiter et al., 1985
tile drug.
Lag time for oral absorption.
Digoxin Etticient absorption from the distal part of the intestine. Ochs et ah, 1975
Gepirone Drug absorbed throughout the entire length of the small intestine. Tay et ah, 1992
No signilicant difference between oral administration, proximal
and distal small intestine regarding to the active metabolite.
Glibenclamide Similar absorption (AUC) from the stomach, duodenum and Brockmeier et al., 1985
Slower absorption rate from colon than from upper gastointestinal
Levodopa Similar absorption at any site in the upper small intestine alter Gundert-Remy et ah, 1983
pretreatmem and co-administration of a peripheral decarboxylase
inhibitor (benserazide).
Octreotide (synthetic Comparable absorption from the stomach, duodenum, jejunum K6hler et al., 1987
somatostatin analogue) and ileum but tendency to decreased peptide absorption alter
duodenal and ileal administration.
Considerable variation both inter- and mtra-subject.
Piretanide Similar absorption from the stomach and the duodenum. Brockmeier et ah, 1986a:
Slower and incomplete absorption from the colon. Brockmeier et al., 1986b
Gastric absorption after immobilization of the stomach.
Considerable inter-subject variation in absorption rate of
piretanide from the stomach.
In the stomach, the rate-limiting step seems to be dissolution. This
may explain the second peak in the pharmacokinetics of piretanide
(oral administration).
Pravastatin Maximal bioavailability of pravastatin after absorption from the Triscari et al., 1993
Predominant conversion of pravastatin to its major metabolite in
the stomach.
Ranitidine Similar absorption from the stomach and the ileum. Williams et al., 1992
Slower and incomplete absorption from the cecum.
Double-peak phenomenon in the pharmacokinetics of ranitidine
(oral administration) is not the result of variation in gastric
N. Rouge et al. / International Journal oJ Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117- 139 121

Table 2

Drugs Comments Reference

Sumatriptan Similar absorption from jejunum and after oral oral adminstration Warner et al.. 1995
of the drug.
Slower and incomplete absorption from the cecum.
Metabolite-to-drug AUC ratio reduced from the ileum and from the

AUC: ~ drug administered in an emulsion: ~ drug administered in suspension.

2.2.1. PerJusion technique 2.2.2. Local instillation

A multiluminal tube is placed in a predeter- The drug is placed via a catheter at different
mined site of the gastrointestinal tract (Fig. l). sites of the gastrointestinal tract which are local-
This tube is used to introduce the drug in solution ized by endoscopy, by fluoroscopy or by pH
or in a homogenized meal (d'Agay-Abensour et monitoring. Blood samples are then collected at
al., 1993; Nilsson et al., 1994; Gramatt6 et al., various time intervals. The drug absorption is
1991; Gramatt6 et al., 1992; Gramatt6, 1994; excluded from parts distal to the administration
Delchier et al., 1988; Godbillon et al., 1985; Vi- site.
don et al., 1985; Jobin et al., 1985; Vidon et al., The effect of the pH solution or meal may be
1986) as well as to aspirate the luminal content. It determined in order to assess a possible degrada-
is positioned either fluoroscopically (d'Agay- tion in the stomach as well as to assess the
Abensour et al., 1993; Nilsson et al., 1994; Vidon influence of food intake on drug absorption
et al., 1985; Jobin et al., 1985; Vidon et al., 1986) (Delchier et al., 1988; Vidon et al., 1989).
or by measurement of the pH change in the It should be noted that the large intestine is
aspirates of the gut content (Gramatt6, 1994). The generally well cleansed prior to endoscopy and
disappearance of the drug is measured in the site that the experimental situation does not corre-
using non-absorbable markers. The disappearance spond to normal physiological conditions (Gleiter
of the drug, as for in situ methods, may be et al., 1985). The content of the intestine is thick
influenced by factors other than absorption, e.g. and may slow down the transport of some active
intestinal metabolism and binding to intraluminal substances to the absorption site, as was shown
constituents or intestinal mucosa (Vidon et al., for indomethacin (M611er, 1989).
1985). An occlusive balloon may be used to avoid
contamination by endogenous secretions and 2.2.3. High-J?equency capsule
reflux of the perfusate above the infusion point The transit of a capsule (Fig. 2) along the gut is
(d'Agay-Abensour et al., 1993; Nilsson et al., traced by X-ray. Once the capsule has reached the
1994; Delchier et al., 1988; Vidon et al., 1985). predetermined site, drug release is triggered by a
Intubation of the colon from the oral end is high-frequency signal which induces the rupturing
rarely used since aspiration of the luminal content of a latex balloon inside the capsule (Fuhr et al.,
is not considered to be feasible. The absorption 1992). This balloon contains the drug in solution
may only be estimated indirectly by comparaison or suspension. The absorption measured could be
with i.v. administrations (Godbillon et al., 1985). effected by the motility and filling of the gas-
Furthermore, colonic intubation can alter the trointestinal tract, as it includes any absorption
anaerobic colonic environment and perturb nor- that takes place distally with respect to the release
mal physiology, as it appears to produce hyper- site (Harder et al., 1990). Furthermore, the large
motility (Wilding et al., 1992a; Krevsky et al., size of this capsule (12 mm x 28 mm) does not
1986). allow for the determination of drug absorption in
122 N. Rouge et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) I ! 7 139

Table 3
Results obtained regarding absorption sites of drugs investigated using a HF-capsule

Drugs Comments References

Allopurinol ~ Main absorption site: duodenum and upper jejunum. Schuster et al., 1985
Slow and incomplete absorption in the lower jejunum.
No saturable process in the range of doses studied.
Ciprofloxacin Main absorption site: upper part of the gastrointestinal tract (the Staib et al., 1989; Harder et
duodenum and, to a smaller extent, the jejunum). al., 1990
No significant differences in absorption parameters from oral
administration as a solution, as a tablet, or as a solution released
in the stomach.
Metabolites profile in urine independent of the absorption site.
Difference in presystemic metabolism of known metabolites along
the gut probably excluded.
Diltiazem Drug absorbed throughout the gastrointestinal tract. Ryd6n and Jonsson, 1989
Absorption more effective in the proximal region compared to the
Furosemide Main absorption site: the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. Graul et al., 1985
Isosorbide-5-mononitrate Similar absorption from the stomach, duodenum, jejunum and Wildfeuer et al., 1986
ascending colon.
Nilsodipine Maximal absorption in the colon. Staib et al., 1988a; Staib et al.,
First pass elimination of both parent drug and metabolites may be 1988b
lower in the colon.
Nitrendipine Good absorption in regions of the gastrointestinal tract. Staib et al., 1988a
Theophylline Complete absorption from the lower segments of the colon. Staib et al., 1987

ldrug administered in suspension.

the stomach, as it might be retained there until it greater in the colon than in the d u o d e n o j e j u n u m
is emptied with the interdigestive housekeeper (rabbit) (Riad and Sawchuk, 1991) while carba-
wave. mazepine absorption decreases when an Oros ®
osmotic p u m p is located in the h u m a n colon
(Wilding et al., 1991b). This pharmacoscintigra-
2.2.4. P h a r m a c o s c i n t i g r a p h y and deconvolution phy study shows that the solubility o f carba-
method mazepine becomes the rate limiting factor for its
The position of a controlled-release system absorption in the colon.
within the gastrointestinal tract during the phar- Controlled-release dosage forms are adminis-
macokinetic study is determined by g a m m a - tered in the form o f radiolabelled devices in which
scintigraphy (Wilding et al., 1991a). The very the release o f the drug is independent o f environ-
small a m o u n t o f tracer needed has no influence on mental changes such as, for example, radiola-
the properties o f the preparation (Wilding, 1994). belled osmotic devices which have a zero order
As opposed to methods where the drug is admin- release profile. F o r sustained-release dosage forms
istered in solution, this m e t h o d has the advantage with first-order release profiles, the plasma con-
o f determining, under normal physiological condi- centration time curve is deconvoluted to estimate
tions, the absorption site o f a drug administered the drug remaining to be absorbed (Wilson and
in a controlled-release dosage form as well as the Washington, 1988).
effect food intake has on drug absorption (Wild- A few studies deal with the absorption site by
ing et al., 1992a). F o r instance, by using a single pharmacoscintigraphy. This m e t h o d has confi-
pass perfusion technique, it has been found that rmed the g o o d absorption o f oxprenolol through-
the length-normalized intestinal permeability for out the entire gastrointestinal tract (Wilson and
carbamazepine administred in solution was Washington, 1988; Davis et al., 1988). Fig. 3
N. Rouge et al. / International Journal o f Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) I 17-139 123

shows the relationship between transit of an ox-

prenolol-loaded osmotic pump and the plasma 4
concentration profile for 2 volunteers (Wilson and
Washington, 1988). The amount of oxprenolol
absorbed varies greatly depending on the colonic
residence time of the device. Warrington et al.
(1985) found that the absorption process of meto-
prolol after Oros ~"~administration is decreased in
the colon. The colonic absorption of buflomedil
hydrochloride is lower than in the small intestine
(Wilson et al., 1991). "t ~ tl 1 8
It should be noted that it is possible without the ~ 9
use of gamma scintigraphy to study the absorp-
~ 1 0
tion from the gastrointestinal tract of a given drug
considered by a numerical deconvolution method,
using an in vitro-in vivo correlation (Brockmeier, ~ 1 1
1986). For instance, Rietbrock et al. (1992) sug-

Fig. 2. Shematic diagram of the high-frequency capsule. (1)
or in oscillating circuit; (2) capacitor; (3) heating wire; (4) nylon
r]eal thread; (5) spring; (6) plunger; (7) cylinder liner; (8) separation
wall; (9) small steel needle; (10) latex; (11) holder for 10; (12)
plug. Reproduced from ref. (Graul et al., 1985) with permission.

gest that the in vivo dissolution profile of a slow

release preparation of molsidomine, revealed ei-
ther a progressive decrease in dissolution velocity
of the drug caused by altered physico-chemical
conditions in the ileum and the colon or a pro-
of gressive reduction in the absorption constant.
Furthermore, a site of enhanced absorption of
molsidomine in the distal colon is observed.

3. Is there a relationship between absorption site

and absorption mechanisms?

The extent of drug absorption in a segment of

the gastrointestinal tract depends generally on the
rate of absorption as well as on the exposed
surface area and time available for drug absorp-
tion. The gastrointestinal transit times of dosage
Fig. 1. Diagram of the siting of the tubes within the gastrointes- forms in the various segments of the gastrointesti-
tinal tract for perfusion technique. Adapted from Jobin et al., nal tract are listed in Table 4 along with other
1985. factors influencing drug absorption such as sur-
124 N. Rouge et a/., international Journal ~?/ Plzarmaceutics 136 (1996) 117 139

Subject 3
A 450-
35o • Stomach

= 300 Small intestine

Unit voided
o=~ 150
~" 50
i I r I i I I I

0 10 20 30 40
Time (h)

450 -~
400 Subject 4

='~ :::t
250 -

Small intestine
zoo 2 [] Colon
150- [] Unit voided
wE I00-
~" 50-
0 I l I r I f I
0 10 20 30 40
Time (h)

Fig. 3. Relationship between the transit of an oxprenolol-loaded osmotic pump and the plasma concentration profile for 2
volunteers. Adapted from Wilson and Washington, 1988.
Table 4
Anatomical and physiological factors influencing drug absorption and metabolism in various segments of the human gastrointestinal tract

Section Length (m) Absorbing surface Absorption Transit time (h) pH Enzymes and Microorganism
area (m 2) pathway{l~ others (counts/g)'2}

Fasted state Fed state

Stomach 0.2 0.1 P, C, A (?) Variable 1.4-2.1 Until 6-7 {3~ Pepsin, lipase, 10 2
rennin, HCI
Small intestine 7 120 3 _+ 1 5.5 8
• Duodenum 0.3 0.I P, C, A, F, 5.5 6.5 4.9-6.014~ Bile, trypsin, 102
I,E chymotrypsin,
amylase, maltase,
lipase, nuclease,
peptidases Q
• Jejunum 3 60 P, C, A, F, 6.1 7.1 No change Erepsin, amylase, l0 s
I,E maltase, lactase,
sucrase, peptidases
• Ileum 4 60 P, C, A, F, 7 8 No change Lipase, nuclease, l0 7
I,E nucleotidase,
peptidases ',.o

Large intestine 1.5 0.3 1-60 No change -- 10I~

• Caecum 0.05 P, C, A, E 6-7
~8 -- 10 li
• Colon 0.25 P, C, E

tp, passive diffusion; C, convective transport or aqueous channel transport; A, active transport; F, facilitated transport; I, ion-pair transport: E, entero- or pinocytosis.
2Number of micro-organisms per gram of gastrointestinal content.
3Rrestoration of fasting pH after less than 2 h.
4Restoration of fasting pH after about 4 h.
Adapted from Faigle, 1993: Ritschel, 1991: Follonier and Doelker, 1992.

126 N. Rouee et al. / International Journal o[' Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 1/7 139

face area, absorption mechanisms, pH values, en- Thus, it seems interesting to examine how the
zymes and number of microorganisms. various absorption mechanisms (passive diffusion,
It should be noted that food intake increases convective transport or aqueous channel trans-
the pH values and the gastric residence time. It is port, active transport, facilited transport, ion-pair
generally recognized that the main absorption site transport and endo- or pinocitosis (Wilson et al.,
of drugs in humans is the small intestine, due to 1989; Ritschel, 1991; Kararli, 1989)may influence
its high surface area (Davis et al., 1986a). It has the absorption sites of drugs.
been shown, however, that the colon acts as an
important absorption site for some drugs such as 3.1. Passive difJi~sion
theophylline (Yuen et al., 1993). The surface
difference between the various gastrointestinal It is thought that most drugs are absorbed by
sites may only have a minor influence on the rate passive diffusion, controlled by the well known
of absorption (Brockmeier et al., 1986b). Studying pH partition hypothesis (Crevoisier and Buri,
by endoscopy the absorption sites of 1976; Schanker, 1960; Wilson et al., 1989). The
glibenclamide administered in suspension, Brock- rate of passive transport depends on the solubility
meier et al. (1985) show that the same amount of of the molecule in the lipid bilayer of the epithe-
this drug is absorbed in the colon as in the upper lial cells. This hypothesis assumes that acidic
drugs, mostly present in their non-ionized form at
part of the gastrointestinal tract, although the rate
low pH, are preferentially absorbed in the stom-
of absorption is clearly slower in the colon. As it
ach while basic drugs are absorbed in the gut
has been already shown in Fig. 3 for oxprenolol
(Hirtz, 1984), as has been found, for example, for
absorption, the amount of drug absorbed in a site
two lipophilic fl-blockers, namely oxprenolol and
depends on the residence time of the drug in this
metoprolol, which are both weakly basic drugs
gastrointestinal site. Furthermore, the small intes-
(pKa -- 9.5 and 9.7 respectively) with an negligi-
tine is not the main site of peptide absorption in
ble absorption in the stomach (Jobin et al., 1985;
spite of its high surface area since they are largely
Vidon et al., 1986), On the other hand, the per-
metabolized there. centage of the available drug absorbed in the
Although anatomical and physiological factors duodenum or the upper jejunum is 60% for meto-
may influence strongly drug absorption, they can prolol and 80% for oxprenolol. According to Vi-
not explain the low permeability of some drugs. don et al. (1986), the differences in the absorption
level of these two drugs might be related to their
1.0 differing degrees of liposolubility (the partition
coefficient between n-octanol and pH 7.4 buffer is
"lipophilic" ~ o 1.6 for oxprenolol and 0.5 for metoprolol)
group c ~ -~ - - e (M611er, 1989).

Y The limitation of the pH partition hypothesis
has been well demonstrated by Taylor et al.
(1985) in a study on the absorption rate of eleven
ql~ c;- • "hydrophilic"
/;-blockers of similar pK a values (around 9.5) in
-- o --o . . . . .--c group situ in the rat jejunum and ileum (Fig. 4). Similar
results have been obtained by Artursson (1990),
-1.0 - ---- I t I I when using a human intestinal cell line (Caco-2).
-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 The plot of log absorption rate (k~) versus log
log D distribution coefficient (D), which is the log of
partition coefficient corrected for ionization at the
Fig. 4. Correlation between log absorption rate constant (k~,)
and log distribution coefficient (D) for eleven [/-blockers in the pH of the jejunum or ileum, has a sigmoidal
rat in situ jejunum ( • ) and ileum ( 1. Reproduced from shape. The pH partition hypothesis has, therefore,
Taylor et al.. 1985 with permission. a predictive value only if the solubility and oc-
N. Rouge et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117 139 127

tanol/water partitioning remain reasonably con- dius but depends on the molecular structure of
stant or sufficiently high over the entire physiolog- these molecules (Hamilton et al., 1987; Artursson
ical pH range, which is rarely the case et al., 1993). Indeed, the permeability of PEG
(Brockmeier et al., 1985). Furthermore, the oc- with a molecular weight of 194 g/mol was 6 to
tanol/water partitioning should not be too high. 28-fold higher than the permeability of mannitol
The rate-limiting factor in the absorption of the (M r, 182 g/mol) (Artursson et al., 1993). Further-
highly lipophilic fl-blockers seems to be the un- more, cations are generally more easily trans-
stirred water layer at the surface of the intestinal ported through the tight junctions than are
epithelium (Artursson, 1990; Taylor et al., 1985). nonionic species or anions (Rojanasakul et al.,
The influence of the unstirred water layer has 1992; Adson et al., 1994; Hamilton et al., 1987).
been also reported with respect to the absorption The epithelial junctions become progressively
of progesterone (a highly lipophilic steroid) in rats tighter from the small intestine to the colon which
(Komiya et al., 1980). According to Chiou (1994), should lead to decreased permeability to polar
the effect of the aqueous diffusion layer is overes- compounds (Chadwick et al., 1977; Mummaneni
timated and is practically nil with respect to the and Dressman, 1994; Rojanasakul et al., 1992).
extent of progesterone absorption. For instance, the permeability to hydrophilic [3-
blockers is higher in the jejunum than in the ileum
3.2. Convective transport or aqueous channel (Fig. 4), and the apparent permeability coefficient
transport of atenolol is more than five times greater in the
jejunum than in the colon (in vitro) (Sasaki et al.,
The absorption of hydrophilic fl-blockers is 1994). The membrane permeabilities of the duode-
also not consistent with the pH partition hypothe- num, jejunum, ileum and colon were evaluated
sis (Fig. 4) (Taylor et al., 1985). Therefore, the using a combined method based on electrical con-
diffusion of these drugs through the lipoidal mem- ductance and on flux measurements of hy-
brane is not the principal absorption pathway. A drophilic fluorescent probes (Rojanasakul et al.,
study dealing with the absorption of carbohydrate 1992). It has been found that the membrane per-
probe molecules from rat small intestine suggests meability decreased along the intestine, although
that there are at least two aqueous diffusion path- their resistance values were not statistically differ-
ways across the intestinal mucosa, although there ent. The paracellular route is suggested to be
is no morphological evidence for this (Lee et al., responsible for absorption in the upper gas-
1991; Hamilton et al., 1987). Small molecules trointestinal tract of drugs such as hydrochloroth-
diffuse through a small channel of finite dimen- iazide (Taylor et al., 1989), small peptides (Bohner
sion compatible with a transcellular aqueous pore, et al., 1995; Rojanasakul et al., 1992; Adson et al.,
whilst large molecules diffuse only through a 1994) and nucleoside analogue such as didanosine
pathway of considerably larger dimensions com- (Sinko et al., 1994) and 3'-azido-3'-de-
parable to aqueous pores or channels across the oxythimidine (AZT) (Park and Mitra, 1992).
intercellular junctional complex of the epithelium Paracellular diffusion of a drug does not, how-
(paracellular pathway) (Hamilton et al., 1987). It ever, exclude other mechanisms of absorption.
has been found that the integrity of the tight For instance, according to Gan et al. (1993),
junctions depends on the calcium concentration in ranitidine is transported predominantly via para-
the medium (Wilson et al., 1989; Kararli, 1989). cellular pathways and is absorbed mainly by the
Various studies have attempted to correlate the small intestine (Williams et al., 1992). Yet, by the
molecular weight of various hydrophilic molecules perfusion of ranitine in various sites of the small
with their percentages of absorption (Hamilton et intestine, it was found that the small intestine has
al., 1987; Artursson et al., 1993; Chadwick et al., a middle region of diminished absorption which
1977). However, it appears that the permeability has not yet been explained (Gramatt6 et al.,
of these molecules is not simply inversely propor- 1992). Mummaneni and Dressman (1994) confi-
tional to their molecular weight or molecular ra- rmed this fact by using an in vitro everted ring
128 N. Rouge el al., hTternational Jourmd oI Pharmaceulics 136 (1996) 117 139

Table 5
Drawbacks of several gastroretentive dosagc forms

Formulation Drawbacks

Passage-delaying excipients or agents (Gr6ning and Heun, 1989: Alfect the emptying mechanisms of the entire stomach
Li et al., 1987) content.
Biodegradable and non biodegradable formulation which the Present the hazard of permanent retention and might lead to
size or shape retain the dosage form in the stomach (Cargill et serious life threatening effects if multiple dosing is
al., 1988: Shalaby et al., 1992: Banker, 19731 prescribed.
Bioadhesive drug delivery systems Adhesion is nonspecific, since they can adhere to the
(Longer et al., 1985: Harris et al., 1990a} oesophagus mucosa.
Et~ciency limited by the turnover time of the intestinal
mucus gel layer and by the possible interaction with food
(Lehr et al., 1992).
The gastrointestinal transit time did not appear to be greatly
affected by the adhesive or control materials included
(Harris et al., 1990b; Khosla and Davis, 1987).

technique and reported that transcellular absorp- oligopeptides and some peptide-like therapeutic
tion may also be an important route of absorp- agents (Kim et al., 1994), fl-lactam antibiotics
tion, since colonic uptake of ranitidine was only (Sanchez-Pico et al., 1989; Hildago et al., 1995),
70-80% of the jejunal uptake. octreoctide (Fricker et al., 1992) and ACE in-
hibitors (Friedman and Amidon, 1989; Friedman
3.3. Facilited and active transport and Amidon, 1990; Grass and Morehead, 1989;
Yee and Amidon, 1990; Kim et al., 1994). It
Some drugs, such as furosemide (Chungi et al., appears that the ,8-1actam antibiotics show consis-
1979; Ritschel et al., 1991; Graul et al., 1985), tently high capacity and low affinity to the trans-
p-aminobenzoic acid (Yasuhara et al., 1983) and porter in contrast to ACE inhibitors (Friedman
riboflavin (Levy and Jusko, 1966), principally ab- and Amidon, 1990). The absorption of peptide
sorbed by saturable mechanisms, have an absorp- drugs is highly decreased in the colon although
tion site in the upper gastrointestinal tract as there passive transport of these compounds may occur
is no carrier identified in the lower bowel simultaneously with the saturable transport.
(Sanchez-Pico et al., 1989). It is presumed that 3.4. Ion-pair transport
piretanide, a drug which has structural and
physico-chemical similarities to furosemide The absorption of quaternary a m m o n i u m
(Merkle et al., 1976), is also absorbed by a satu- derivatives, strong sulfonic acids, carbenoxolone
rable mechanism since its absorption is not con- and tetracycline are not consistent with the p H
sistent with the pH partition hypothesis and since partition hypothesis (Schanker, 1960; Fiese and
it shows a low absorption from the large intestine Perrin, 1969; Perrin and Vallner, 1970; Crevoisier
(Brockmeier et al., 1986b). and Buri, 1976). It is assumed that they are
It has been found that levodopa shares the absorbed by ion-pair transport. However accord-
same transport mechanism as the absorption of ing to Blanchard et al. (1990), a more likely
large neutral amino acids across the jejunal mu- explanation for carbenoxolone absorption is that
cosa (Nilsson et al., 1994). A peptide transport at low p H values, some carbenoxolone precipited
system in the small intestine, distinct from the out of the solution during the perfusion experi-
amino acid transport carriers (Friedman and ments, thereby reducing the driving force for
Amidon, 1990), is responsible for the uptake of diffusion across the intestinal wall.
N. Rouge et al. / International Journal ~/ Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) 117 139 129

3.5, Pinocytosis peptides (Kararli, 1989). Peyer's patches are lo-

cated primarily in the ileum of humans and allow
Pinocytosis is not a significant transport mecha- the transport of macromolecules to the lymphatic
nism. However, a small amount of large-sized system (Ho et al., 1990). Therefore, the gas-
molecules such as peptides, proteins and particles trointestinal absorption of these molecules is low
are absorbed by endocytosis or pinocytosis in the and should be site-specific, i.e. consistent with the
enterocytes and the Peyer's patches regions (E1- Peyer Patches location. This route of absorption
dridge et al., 1991; Kararli, 1989; Wilson et al., seems to be promising for oral administration of
1989). However, in enterocytes, macromolecules macromolecules extensively destroyed in the gut.
are extensively degraded (Ho et al., 1990). Fur- For instance, biodegradable microspheres (1-10
thermore, the local immunological response ex- /~m) when used as a delivery system for vaccines
erted by the gut-associated lymphoid tissues are adsorbed, in mice, into the Peyer's patches
constitutes an obstacle to the absorption of large and their draining lymphatics (Eldridge et al.,
1991). However, it is not possible to extrapolate
this results to humans since the distribution, size
a) 4 and number of Peyer's patches in the small intes-
tine vary among the species (Ho et al., 1990).
Furthermore, this site may not be a good target
E 3-
site beyond mid-age since Peyer's patches drasti-
cally decrease with increasing age (Ritschel, 1991).
C3 2-
4. Dosage form targeting in the gastrointestinal
// _L
0 J [ ~ I ~ I r I ~ I P I ~
By using adapted formulations, it is possible to
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
target three different parts of the gastrointestinal
Time (h) tract, namely the stomach, the small intestine and
the colon.
4.1. Prolonging the gastric residence time of
b) dosage .forms

The transit time of a dosage form through the

E s. gastrointestinal tract is variable, or even unpre-
dictable, and can be of very short duration (Table
4- 4). Thus, the time available for the drug absorp-
tion might be limited. This is of great importance
for drugs for which absorption is limited to cer-
m 2"
tain sites along the gastrointestinal tract. More
specifically, it is important for controlled-release
0 ' I i l ~ I
dosage forms. Therefore, it appears useful to in-
0 2 4 6 8 10 crease the gastric residence time for drugs pre-
Time (h) dominantly absorbed in the upper gastrointestinal
tract or for drugs that are practically insoluble in
Fig. 5. Plasma levels after administration of pills to beagle
the intestinal fluid such as diazepam, chlor-
dogs: ( • ) floating pills; ( ) control pills; Mean (S.D.)
(n = 6); (*) P < 0.05 (significantly different). (a) isosorbide diazepoxide and cinnarizine (Machida et al., 1989;
dinitrate (ISDN); (b) p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA). Repro- Sheth and Tossounian, 1984: Mtiller-Lissner et
duced from Ichikawa et al., 1991a with permission. al., 1981).
130 N. Rouge et al. ,' International Journal O[ Pharmaceutics 136 (1996) I I 7 139

The different approaches proposed to prolong vents the regurgitation as well the gastric emp-
the residence time of delivery systems in the stom- tying to the intestine.
ach have been reviewed in detail by Moils (1993) Various floating dosage forms are proposed for
and Timmermans (1991). It appears that there are achieving intragastric retention (Timmermans and
various approaches, some of which have draw- Mo~s, 1990; Timmermans, 1991; Mo6s, 1993).
backs which could limit their uses. They are sum- Capsules such as hydrodynamically balanced sys-
marized in Table 5. tems (HBS), tablets or granules containing a
More promising approaches for prolonging the swellable hydrocolloid in which air trapped by a
residence time of delivery systems in the stomach swollen polymer brings about their buoyancy
are based on the density of the dosage form (Miyazaki et al., 1988; Menon et al., 1994; Sheth
(heavy pellets and floating dosage forms), al- and Tossounian, 1979; Erni et al., 1983; Sheth
though the efficiency of these dosage forms is and Tossounian, 1984; Mtiller-Lissner et al.,
controversial (Follonier and Doelker, 1992). 1981). Gas-generating systems may be incorpo-
The formulation of high density pellets is based rated into the dosage form in order to increase the
on the assumption that heavy pellets might re- buoyancy (Ushimaru et al., 1985; Machida et al.,
main longer in the stomach, since they are posi- 1989; Hilton and Deasy, 1992). However, the
tioned in the lower part of the antrum (Mo~s, optimization of the drug release may alter the
1993). Devereux et al. (1990) reported that an buoyancy. Thus, it is sometimes necessary to sep-
increase in density from 1.5 to 2.8 g cm 3 signifi- arate the control of the buoyancy and that of the
cantly delayed the time for 50% of the 1 mm drug release kinetics. Several dosage forms are
pellets tested to empty from the stomach (tso,.,~,)in based on this principle: bilayer capsules or tablets
both the fasted and the fed state. The gastric (Inouye et al., 1988; Oth et al., 1992; Ingani et al.,
emptying time was prolonged in the fed state. 1987); pills surrounded by two layers (one
Moreover, Clarke et al. (1993), using the same effervescent and one swellable) (Ichikawa et al.,
experimental procedures (fed state), found that 1991 b); laminated film-type preparations
the gastric emptying rate was significantly differ- (Machida et al., 1989); and hollow granules or
ent for pellets (0.5 mm) with densities of 1.5 2.6 microspheres (Kawashima et al., 1991; Thanoo et
g cm 3. However, in investigations on the gastric al., 1993; Inouye et al., 1989). It should be noted
emptying of larger pellets (4.75 mm) with similar that other devices which are only described in a
densities (1.5 2.6 g cm 3), Clarke et al. noted patent (Michaels, 1974; Michaels et al., 1975;
that the increase of gastric retention for large Harrigan, 1977) will not be discussed here because
pellets was not significant. The author ascribed they are too sophisticated for commercial use.
this result to the variability in the emptying times Various authors (Sangekar et al., 1987; Mtiller-
of large pellets, which precluded the detection of Lissner and Blum, 1981; Davis et al., 1986b) have
any real differences. In another study, Clarke et come to the conclusion that low density does not
al. (1995) concluded that the critical density to significantly increase the gastric residence time of
achieve prolonged gastric residence lies between a dosage form and hence should have no advan-
2.4 and 2.8 g cm ~, since no prolongation or tage over other controlled-release dosage forms.
delay was observed between pellets of 1.5, 2.0 and Timmermans and Mo~s (1994) have, however,
2.4 g cm 3 with a diameter of 1.2-1.4 mm. To criticized these studies and concluded that floating
our knowledge, until now, heavy pellets have systems taken after a meal can be expected to
never been used to increase the gastric residence offer clear advantages in terms of gastric residence
time of drugs predominantly absorbed in the hu- time prolongation and of reduced variability of
man upper gastrointestinal tract. In veterinary transit time.
medicine, Evrard (1995) have shown that heavy As already mentioned, furosemide is absorbed
matrix bolus of density greater than 2.0 can be preferentially in the upper small intestine. Menon
retained in a special part of the bovine stomach, et al. (1994) compared (in dogs) the absolute
namely the reticulo-rumen. This dosage form pre- bioavailability of furosemide from a floating
N. Rouge et al. / International Journal of Pharmaceutics 136 (/996) 117-139 131

water insoluble Water soluble 4.2. Drug targeting in the small intestine
body cap

Targeting drug release in the small intestine by

means of a pH-dependent coating is required
° principally to prevent drug destruction by gastric
enzymes or by the acidity of the gastric fluid, as
well as to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by
the irritation of the gastric mucosa due to the
drug (Bechgaard and Christensen, 1982; Chamb-
Drug formulation nsoluble
....... oating
lis, 1983). However, absorption from enteric-
plug coated tablets is erratic and to a high degree
dependent on the gastric emptying time (Ritschel,
Fig. 6. T h e enteric Pulsincap ~.
1991; Hardy et al., 1987; Graffner et al., 1986).
Erythromycin is administered either in enteric-
dosage form with two commercial products:
coated dosage forms, in the form of less soluble
Lasix® tablets and Lasix® long (enteric tablets). salts or in the form of prodrugs, as it is thought
The significant increase obtained in the that this drug has low bioavailability due to hy-
bioavailability of the floating dosage form indi- drolysis in the acidic environment of the stomach
cates the advantage of using a buoyant system. (Somogyi et al., 1995; Ritschel, 199l). Somogyi et
Furthermore, only the floating dosage forms gave al. (1995) have shown, however, that apart from
satisfactory results with regard to in vitro/in vivo gastric hydrolysis there are substantial losses of
correlations. erythromycin due to others factors. They demon-
It is obvious that prolonging the gastric resi- strated this by comparing the absolute
dence time of a dosage form has no advantage for bioavailability of erythromycin when adminis-
drugs with wide absorption sites in the gas- tered in an enteric-coated dosage form and when
trointestinal tract. Indeed, although the absorp- perfused into the duodenum. Attempts to improve
tion of isosorbide-5-nitrate (IS-5-MN) the oral bioavailability of erythomycin beyond
administered in pellets is reduced in the colon 50% by manipulating the formulation are likely to
(Fischer et al., 1987), the bioavailability of IS-5- be futile according to these authors. However, a
MN in multiple-unit floating dosage forms is not greater consistency in erythromycin absorption
significantly different from that in control pills both within and between subjects may be ob-
when given to beagles (Ichikawa et al., 1991a) tained with enteric-coated pellets than with en-
(Fig. 5). One should however not conclude from teric-coated tablets (Graffner et al., 1986).
these results that buoyancy has no effect whatso- Specific bioadhesive drug delivery systems using
ever, since the same authors found that the lectins have been proposed to improve the oral
bioavailability of poorly absorbed drugs such as
bioavailability ofp-aminobenzoic acid in the same
peptides and proteins through prolonged and/or
floating pills is significantly increased (Ichikawa et
intensified contact with the intestinal mucosa
al., 1991a).
(Lehr et al., 1992). However, additional experi-
It may, however, not be desirable to increase
ments have to be done in order to evaluate in vivo
the gastric residence time of drugs such as nifedip-
their ability to target a specific part of the intes-
ine, which is well absorbed along the entire gas- tine (Duch~ne and Ponchel, 1993; Lehr et al.,
trointestinal tract and which undergoes a 1992).
significant first pass metabolism. The slow gastric
emptying may lead to a reduced systemic 4.3. Drug targeting in the colon
bioavailability as a result of the gradual exposure
of the drug to enzymes on first pass through the Drugs are generally absorbed to a smaller ex-
intestine and liver (Wilding et al., 1992b). tent in the colon than in the small intestine. Only

Fig. 7. Cleavage by reduction 01‘ the azoaromatic group.

two drugs, nilsodipine and dilazep hydrochloride, made of an enteric film soluble at a pH greater
are known to be preferentially absorbed in the than 6.557 may be added as a further control
colon (Antonin, 1993; Staib et al., 1988a; Staib et element. The Pulsincap” systems are based on the
al., 1988b). It seems, however, favourable to same principle (Wilding et al.. 1992a; McNeil1 et
target the drug release in the colon in two cases: al.. 1990). These systems are formed from two
for locally acting agents, in order to prevent drug pieces: the first one containing the drug is insolu-
absorption before they reach the action site and ble and the second (the plug) is water swellable
for drugs such as peptides. which are metabolized and swells to liberate the first piece at a predeter-
by the endogenous enzymes of the small intestine, mined time. The Pulsincap” systems may be de-
since the colon exhibits relatively low digestive signed to release a drug in the colon by coating
enzyme activity (Ashford and Fell, 1994; Satfran the plug with an enteric polymer (Fig. 6).
et al., 1986; Ritschel, 1991). It should be noted The number of microorganisms is significantly
that the time the drug spends in contact with the increased in the colon (Table 4). Two main classes
absorbing surface in the colon may be quite long. of enzymes produced by this population (azoreduc-
Several physiological factors such as regional tases and polysaccharidases) are considered repro-
pH, gastrointestinal transit time and colonic mi- ducible enough to be exploited in drug targeting
croflora are used to target the release in the colon (Ashford and Fell, 1994). The use of prodrugs such
for orally-administered drugs. as azo, glucuronide and dextran conjugates com-
Ashford et al. (1993) have shown by a gamma pounds has been proposed to target a drug to the
scintigraphic study that coatings with polymers colon (McLeod et al., 1994; Haeberlin et al., 1993;
which dissolve at a pH greater than 7, such as Ryde et al., 1991). This approach seems however to
USP methacrylic acid copolymer type B (Eu- be limited to specific drugs. A more promising
dragit” S), cannot be used to target a drug in the approach is to coat the dosage form with agents
colon. The enteric coating is capable of protecting resistant to gastric and intestinal fluid, but suscep-
a core tablet only in the stomach and the upper tible to bacterial degradation as, for example,
small intestine. azo-linked coatings (Van den Mooter et al., 1994;
Other delayed-release units with a gastroresis- Van den Mooter et al., 1995; Saffran et al., 1986) or
tant film use the relatively constant small intestine lauric acid dextran esters (Kesslhut and Bauer,
transit time (Gazzaniga et al.. 1994a, 1994b); the 1994). Brondsted and Kopecek (1992) have studied
small intestine transit time seems to be affected hydrogels containing acidic comonomers and enzy-
neither by food intake nor by the nature of the matically degradable azoaromatic cross-links. The
dosage form (Davis et al., 1986a). Gazzaniga et azoaromatic group is cleaved by reduction to form
al. (1994a) describe a system consisting of a drug- a pair of aromatic amines (Saffran et al., 1986)
containing core coated with two or three poly- (Fig. 7). The degradability of gels is related to their
meric layers. The outer layer dissolves at a pH degree of swelling. In the low pH of the stomach,
greater than 5 when the system has left the stom- the gels have a low degree of swelling, which
ach: the intermediate layer made of hydrophilic protects the drug against degradation by digestives
swellable polymer. is responsible for the lag phase enzymes. Upon arrival in the colon, the gels have
period and must protect the core during the tran- reached a degree of swelling that makes the cross-
sit through the small intestine. An inner layer links accessible to enzymes.
N. Rouge et al. / International Journal o[ Pharmaceuties 136 (1996) 117 139 133

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