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Sociologie et sociétés

Capitalisme et système-monde
Capitalism and the World System
Samir AMIN

Racisme, ethnicité, nation Article abstract

Volume 24, Number 2, automne 1992 This paper deals with three questions relating to capitalist expansion: i)
polarization between centers and peripheries, which the author considers to
URI: be immanent in global capitalism and specific to it, being the expression of the
DOI: law of globalized values ; ii) the long cycle (Kondratieff) the very existence of
which the author questions, and even more so the mechanistic representations
of its repetitive development; iii) the hegemonies which he considers to be the
See table of contents
exception, the rule being rivalry between concurrent centers. The author
insists consequently on the specificity of capitalism and refuses any
extrapolations from the phenomena under consideration to previous time
Publisher(s) periods.
Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal

0038-030X (print)
1492-1375 (digital)

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AMIN, S. (1992). Capitalisme et système-monde. Sociologie et sociétés, 24 (2),

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