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॥श्रीगुरुदत्तात्रेयार्पणमस्तु॥ = -

Chapter Nineteen>
पाहून disgust of the
Seeing theson, the
king's anger, praising
thefront of Madalase
tendency in, Shri Ganeshay Namah. Shri Saraswatya Namah. Shri Sadgurubhyo Namah. Shri Sitaram Chandra

Vedadharma sage further tells Sandeepaka, 'While the mother was teaching Vedanta to the newborn child, a
maid told her father Ritadhvaja the joyous story of the birth of a son. The king celebrated with joy. He called a
Brahmin to treat his son. They are happy to see Grahman, 'said Mogham. The king made a lot of donations on
the occasion of Jatkarma and the birth of a son and named the child Vikrant Varma. Everyone was happy about
it. Madalasa, however, laughed to herself when she heard this. The king saw it. He felt a little odd. He remained
silent, thinking that she must have laughed at the name without asking her first, and that if she had asked the
queen why in front of all the people, she would have laughed.

As Vikrant grew older, his sense of uniqueness became more and more ingrained in his mind. He became
enlightened. Varkarani, however, was disguised as a madman. So

= <Chapter Nineteen) ★ Done

. Varkarani, however, was disguised as a madman. Seeing his crazy jokes, the king became worried. His wife is
Sushil and Pativrata. We are also careful about Dharmacharana. How did your son become so slow and crazy?
He was disturbed by such a leopard. He was tormented day and night.know that his son was really wise

He became anxious because he did not. His son Vikrant, however, took on the extreme role of knowledge as a
Brahmavidvarishta. Always self-centered, he had no sense of the outside world. Who will make his mind inclined
- extroverted? From birth, his mother constantly taught him and made him selfish.

Days passed again by destiny to Madalase. She gave birth to another son. His father lovingly named him
Subahu. PS Madalasa laughed as well. King Kuvalayashva went to Varma and left without saying anything.
Picking up the baby, Madalase started preaching Vedanta in his ears too. It stands on a pole of bones, tied in
place by ropes. The blood-stained body is covered with skin so that the dogs and crows do not break its limbs.
This body filled with excrement is by nature impure. Whoever feels this disgusting nature of his own body is
different for
vairagya = <Chapter Nineteen> ★ This body cannot be sanctified by doing anything. Don't forget the meekness
of such a body with constant companionship. You cannot be this body. Also it doesn't happen to you. This gross
body, these ten senses, these five souls, mind, intellect, ego are all different from your form - soul. Are soulless

 You can think of them as my body, my senses, my mind, intellect. You are the seer of them. That is, you are
different from them. You are the shining light of all. You were not born, you will not grow, you will not perish, you
will not decay, you will not perish. This is your true nature. Then how will the worms and ashrams that come in
relation to the body touch you? You have neither mother nor father. You are naturally happy and safe. So what
does your wife need for happiness? That's what you decide with your mind. You will get gold that does not have
a single volume. You do not have the permission required to post. You are also revered by all Devadikas. You
are the only one, unique. You have no distinctions, homosexual or heterogeneous. The Spirit is your people. You
do not need a son to receive it. Get rid of the illusion that children are good. In the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,
the knowledge of the same Paramatma and Kagaya Tate Arvi's Shimintinta Gangara Protala '= <Chapter
Twenty-nine> ★ Left the desire for offspring. They say, 'What do we want to do with the offspring? Neither we nor
the people will get this soul from them! "He became a beggar by giving up Putraishana, Vitaishana and
Lokaishana. Keep this great Vedanta thought in your mind. Then you don't need any ethics. Keep thinking that
you are the supreme Atmatattva. This is how your religion came to be. Madalasa made him wise by
communicating with him. The son became self-centered and fell to the ground. Others began to think that
slowness was heavy. In

time, Madalasa became pregnant again and gave birth to another child. He called the astrologers and asked,
'Look at how the planets are now. Will this be right for the kingdom?' The astrologers said, "This son of yours will
be very clever and intelligent. He will learn infinite knowledge. Ordinary people cannot even imagine his wisdom.
His life is also long. But his planets are not high. Then the king said," Will fill the gap. He was crowned with a
combination of intelligence, wisdom and longevity. Is born. He was easilymy emperor

born as. He will easily become my emperor and carry on my legacy. ” With that in mind, he changed his name to
'Shatrumardan'. In fact, even though he had decided to ask Madalase for a name, he forgot about it. As soon as
he landed on the boat, Madalasa smiled again as before. The king felt ashamed of himself. He decided to name
her by asking her from now on.

She took the baby in her arms and asked Mahayoginitya. "Who are you? Who are you from? And why are you
crying? Who made you forget? Think about all this now. If you think you weren't there before and now you're
new, you have breast milk and you drink it like that." Where did this knowledge come from? Who touched you? It
is clear that you are doing all these tricks because of the rites of the previous birth. This body is due to the deeds
done in the previous birth, not from this birth, that is, it is different from you. hold and then his sambandhiyanci
love in all thy body, will vocals and mental well-worst kamem the works will you do take birth so. again caupyansi
will continue to focus yoninca trip.

'= <chapter ekonatisava> ★

this is all you want to avoid your daily Contemplate this selfless form, the immortal, the unborn, the omnipresent.
The Upanishads say that it is suicidal to succumb to the six enemies of work, anger, greed, lust, lust, jealousy
and pride. The work that comes from Rajoguna, anger, greed are the thieves that lead man to sin. These are
called various gates of hell in the Bhagavad Gita. So stay away from these three. The evil tradition of sensuality.
The natural inclination of these senses is towards their subjects. But the happiness that comes from its contact is
fleeting, perishable and deceptive and their result is misery. If you meditate on these subjects, they will spread
like poison in your three bodies. Meditate on the subjects that the person gets stuck in (Sang). Then there is a

longing for them (work), a longing for the leopard's wrath (wrath). You vow to stay away from these subjects and
keep your eyes on the form. If you don't, you will have to face the horrors of hell. "
Woman is the confluence of
all things. Her form, she. =
<Chapter Nineteen>> ★
Woman is the confluence of all things. It is said that a man should not even look at her, saying that the elephant
gets confused when he sees a female hen, and if he falls into a pit, he should think about what will happen to him
if he sees a female fish. It is possible that this is a blasphemy against women. The answer is that Madalasa is
preaching to his son. He is likely to be attracted to the female body in the future, so the purpose is to inculcate
the perniciousness of that body in his mind. Please note that the purpose is to attack the concept of Kama, which
has been ingrained in the human mind by many birth rites. Is expected.

____ Kanchan is the only thing that tempts a person like Kamini. Madasale advises not to touch copper, silver
and gold as they are all red, white and yellow clay. Such a touch leads to degeneration - such a warning she has
given. Whether there is a garment on the body or not = <Chapter Nineteen>>

She has given such a hint. You should lie down on the ground without worrying whether you are wearing clothes
or not, but you should not sleep. You should be satisfied by eating whatever you get without asking. As all living
beings are engrossed in ignorance, they have forgotten the Self. Stay awake that ignorant night so that you can
constantly research your nature. In this ignorant sleep, all these ignorant beings are dreaming of this world.
Assuming this illusory world to be true, they are enjoying their joys and sorrows. Stay awake there - stay away
from external affairs. You will be happy if you follow such a way of life. Otherwise they will have to suffer terribly.
This kind of enlightenment was mostly given to Muna by his mother and he also became enlightened. Assuming
the external world to be like a mirage, he gave up his attachment, settled his mind in the inner soul and lay down
on the ground.

Eventually, Madalasa passed away again and she gave birth to her fourth son. But at the time of its birth, five
planets were high. The king's astrologers reassured him, "Now you have nothing to worry about. Five planets are
high. All three children did not have such a planet before. This is your son who is very lucky. Be assured that he
will become a well-known emperor and increase your fame. . " As if for the sake of this caste. '= Chapter Twenty-
three, ★

will rescue the clan. "It was as if there was an auspicious omen for the confirmation of the caste. The king happily
performed the caste deed and gave alms. This time, however, he asked the queen while naming her, Now you
tell me the name of this boy. "Madalase smiled softly and started talking." Tells me why I laughed. Listen
carefully. Revolution is speed. Moving from one place to another. To the object to which the paragraphs (limits) of
country, yesterday go, come. The omnipresent soul is always everywhere. So where and how will it move? So
isn't his name Vikrant in vain? There are no parts or organs of the soul. It has no shape. So how will he have
arms? Of course, isn't the name Subahu also meaningless? The soul is one. Nothing is different from him.
(Singular). It does not discriminate between homogeneous, homogeneous or heterogeneous. Then how will he
have enemies. You may say that even if you are not an outsider, you are the enemy of internal lust! These are
work-anger etc. disorders of the intellect. The soul is beyond the intellect, its witness is the Supreme Being. No
one can be his enemy. This soul has no friend or foe. The waves crash on the waves and destroy the creatures.
Isn't it a little embarrassing to say that you have conquered a non-enemy? So issay Shatrujir)

embarrassing to=
<Chapter Twenty-three>
n't it a little? Therefore, I think the name Shatrujit is also unreasonable. "Ritdhvaja was angry when he heard his
wife's philosophy. But hey, the boy who doesn't move in one place, who is always lying down, is he going to
make the name Vikrant meaningful by winning? The one who conquers the world by force of arms should be
called Subahu. Is that so? And what does it mean to call a person who does not even fly on his body an enemy?
I knew his future at the time of his birth. So I laughed! "

Ritdhwaj said," If you laugh because you know the future, then name it according to the meaning of this child.
"Madalasa replied," For mundane transactions, you have to name the body food. Name it Alark accordingly. Alark
is a stray dog. He will be fascinated by the subject, so he will find it beautiful. There is another reason for this. A
small metaphor for this name would indicate a word. When its feathers of sensuality subside, it will develop
asceticism and then it will be adorned with knowledge. In that sense, the name Alark is appropriate for him. " At
her suggestion, the king named Alark and gave the Brahmins wealth.

However, seeing the condition of the first three children, King A S

= - Chapter Twenty-पाहून upset

threeHowever, seeing the condition of the first three children, the king was very. He worked hard to improve
them. But he did not succeed. I have seen him disguised as a madman. In the real world, lumbering elephants
are exposed by the aggression of speeding midgets. But this was a wise man covered with madness. The king
was sad because he did not know this. He used to talk about his karma. A sadhu cannot be identified unless he
has attained angi sadhutva. Saints know the symptoms of saints. Madalase had indirectly indicated his condition.
She did not know the king. Once he saw Vikrant rolling in the dirt, he said sympathetically, "What is the fate of
this boy? The real meaning of life is to be born in a king's house and enjoy the best. Otherwise, what is the
meaning of living like this?" He smiled at us. Seeing this, the king realized that he knew what he was talking
about. That's what he's laughing at. He picked up Vikrant and asked, "You look so wise! Then why are you
deliberately disguised as a madman? Why are you rolling around so idle? Oh! You study. Reign. Marry and enjoy
the pleasures of the world. all will bear. all the people began to preach, to hear Vikrant hansu be PunyaShlok
Emperor protects. "the father." vidyara)

= <chapter ekonatisava> ★ began to preach, to hear Vikrant hansu father. "My education has separated me. My
mother has taught me everything. In terms of marriage, I am married to a woman named Nivruti (Virakti). Also, I
have embarked on the kingdom of nature. So I have no other passion (attachment) left. I have done what I want
to do. I have gained self-realization. By the grace of my mother, all three of us brothers have become successful.

As soon as he realized that Madalase had done all this from his slow-moving son, the fire from the king's feet
went to his head. He did not like the way of retirement of all three children. How can an immoral woman like the
practice of widowhood? He angrily approached the queen and began to address her.

 "Foolish women! What kind of clan are you starting to destroy? Why are you putting children on the path of this
misfortune? By instinct, God benefits both Peter and the human being. , women, and gold is what the wisdom of
all gives a bhagyavanalaca. they are rejecting it out of the lie? it would be devadrohaca, such as bhagyahinanni
whom there is nothing - might have to wait for retirement. to them by God in this way plan

= <chapter ekonatisava★

might have to waitretirement God has planned this path only for them. People who are disgusted like this come to
our doorsteps, isn't it? Grihasthashram is the basis of the other three ashrams or not? Don't you remember?
Runs away. Don't you know that this is the plan of Brahma? Sanatan Dharma is the lifeblood of all living beings
like God, Pitar, Ghost, Insect etc. It is the Sanatan Dharma. Will the practice of this religion be blamed or not? At
least think of your salvation. Have you ever heard the word 'Aputrasya Loko Nasti'? For this, let the fourth child
swim. Let him go by instinct. You have corrupted the first three, and they are still suffering the consequences.
Well, at least I didn't go down without explaining myself first.

the chapter
So endsekonatisava.

ु दत्तात्रेयार्पणमस्त॥
ु =
<Chapter tisava

king icachenusara
alarkala wit and
his empire, subahuce attack

Namah Om shree ganeshay ..

Shri Saraswatya Namah. Shri
Sadgurubhyo Namah. Shri
Sitaram Chandra Namah.
The Vedic sage further tells the disciple Sandeepaka. The king was so angry that he set fire to Madalase.
Retirement was a sweet song of instinct without even thinking about it. Madalasa was quietly listening to it. When
the king's anger and rage subsided, Madalasa said, “You should listen to me quietly. The advice I gave to your
son is correct. As a result, these sons will be set free. But all your ancestors will definitely swim. This is the
opinion of the Vedas. There is no other way of liberation than this. Didn't the Vedas say so emphatically? All
those who have gone into the vagina like Peter, Bhoot etc. have gone through their own deeds and will be saved
by their own deeds. Human beings do not even have their own lives in their hands. We take the illusion of saving
others. If we say that women should suffer worldly pleasures, then why the Vedas have preached asceticism?
Rejection of this Veda will only lead to hypocrisy. Vedanta is the way how it was going to retire after
vairagyaprapti After asking for alms kamipadevadrohi?

= <chapter tisava

How will vairagyaprapti after failing to ask for alms After retiring  If the wealth of contentment is a knot, how will it
feel? In this path of knowledge, even if it feels hard at first, but as a result, it is a pleasure-seeker. If you want to
come to this human birth and get any people, it is Atmalok. He will not get it from these material sons, but
Prabodh means knowledge will come from the son named. So what I have done is right. If that sounds like the
opposite to you, then this is your fourth child. I will teach it all the knowledge and make it suitable for governance.
If you believe me, leave it to me. Otherwise you don't mind spending the study elsewhere. "The king thought for a
while and said," Keep it with you for now. I will come back and see what you teach him. ”

After saying this, the king left.

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