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ु दत्तात्रेयार्पणमस्त॥
ु =
<Chapter Twenty-eight)
Atalabodhson from Madalase
Shri Ganeshay Namah to
his. Shri Saraswatya
Namah. Shri Sadgurubhyo
Namah. Shri Sitaram
Chandra Namah.
Vedadharma Guru continued to tell the disciple. After attaining Madalase in this way, Ashvatara asked his
children to bring Kuvalayashva. But he was also told not to apply what happened. The horse was also attracted
to the prince's visit. Also, seeing the convenience of the time, Madalasa was eager to offer it to him. At the behest
of his father, the Nagputra came to Ritdhvaja as usual and said to him, "Our father wants to see you. We should
visit our ashram once. We will go and come back immediately. Don't hesitate now." Kuvalayashwala also had to
heed this request of his affection. The prince said to him, "These are the signs of friendship. There are six signs
of friendship, such as giving and receiving favorite things, telling and asking questions, as well as eating and
nurturing friends. Accordingly, I must come with you now." They left immediately. As soon as he reached the
bank of the river Gomti, he grabbed the prince by the hand and took him to the river Maranja II

= <Chapter Twenty-eight> बरोबर As soon as he reached the bank, he took the prince by the hand and carried
him into the river water. Ritdhwaja was surprised that his way home was under water. "These are the children of
Wanprastha. Why are they taking you into the water?" He had such a question. He said to them, "First tell me
who you really are. You don't seem to be a human being. I will come with you only if you tell me the truth without
hiding anything." Laughing a little at that, the Nagputras revealed their swastikadi symbols in the form of serpents
with beads. "There is a great devotee of Shiva named Kambal in the underworld. He loves Shankara with all his
heart. He has all the knowledge of Yoga. We are both his sons. Don't be afraid. Your father has called you with
great love after hearing your truth. You will see him today." Assuring him of this, they led him to the abyss with
yoga and stood before his father.

Maya Shan
Ritudhwaj was stunned by the majestic beauty of theabyss, the atmosphere filled with music and fragrance. He
thought he was in heaven. Taking him, Nagkumar went to the horse, which was seated on a jeweled gold throne,
wearing divine garments, ornaments and ornaments. After everyone saluted, Kumar introduced Kuvalayashwa to
his father. The king

= <Chapter> ★
Twenty-eightIntroduced Kuvalayashva to his father. The king was very happy. "Today my long-cherished wish
has come true," he said, giving the king a firm hug. Vatsalya nodded his head and blessed him with the blessings
of Ayurveda, success, wealth and happiness. Ritadhwaj said to him, "I am blessed with this unparalleled vision of
yours! Words will not suffice to express my gratitude. My friends have brought me to the abyss and sanctified me
by making a vision of your footsteps. It is impossible to say how good it is. " Ashwatar said, "I was eager to meet
you after hearing what my children said about you. Now when I see you, it seems that they have described your
qualities a little less. You are endowed with all virtues! ध Thdhvaja, ask for what you want." The prince replied,
"Sir, by your grace my father's kingdom has all the comforts. That is how your grace should be, my mind should
be steadfast on the path of Dharma and the service of the father should continue uninterrupted, that is the
demand." The horseman said, "You are righteous. Your father's service is also your ideal. Everybody believes
that you will be successful here and in the hereafter as soon as you see it. 9)Twenty-eight विश्वास

= <ChapterAsk for something you like. I'll be happy to provide it. " Hearing this, the prince naturally remembered
Madalase. But he was hesitant to express his desire for her. He looked around at his friends. He said to his
father, "Ah, Baba! He is burning in the fire of Madalase day and night. After her untimely death, he does not like
or desire anything else." The snake said, "Madalasa is burnt to death. If the king wants, he can show a doll of
love like her!" So Nagraj told his maids to sign the revived congregation. He told the king to look at her from a
distance. Seeing Madalase, the king was relieved. "Madalase, my darling!" Saying this, the king ran to her. But
the horse serpent stopped him and said, "Don't forget that. This is a woman of Maya. She wants to be seen from
a distance. If you try to touch her close, she will disappear. Oh, you are a prudent thinker. How did you forget
Maya?" Maya is fickle, fickle. Instantly disappears. " But his words did not help the king. Madalase's urge <

= <Chapter Twenty-eight> ★ had no effect. He was killed by Madalase. "Leave me alone. I'm looking forward to
meeting my everlasting sweetheart. Don't stop me." So, releasing himself, calling her "Ladke", Raja Dhadkan fell
to the ground. Then the horse did not stretch any more. Holding the king up, he said, "Prince, this is your
madalasa. I made a little joke. It has been returned by the grace of Lord Shiva. Now you two live happily ever
after." With that, Naga reunited the couple. Naga told Ritadhvaja how the grace of Jaganmata Saraswati and the
grace of Lord Shiva came and how his intention of reviving Madalase was achieved. Then that Nagraj duly
donated the bride to Madalase. Punyakhani Ashvatara gave the precious gems of Nagaloki to Ritadhvaja. With
great love, he took them to Nagaloka, made them drink nectar and then sent them to Thattamata. On the way,
the king expressed his gratitude. He said, "There is no such thing as reciprocation for your benevolence. But I will
remember it for the rest of my life. Otherwise, I will be guilty of an ungrateful act more terrible than Brahmahatya.
A person who forgets a little favor is a fool." After this, Kuvalayashva saluted the horse, mounted on his divine
horse and returned to his city. R

= <Chapter Twenty-Eight>

रु The wife returned to her hometown.

When Kuvalayashva Saptnik came near the town with his friends, he sent Nirip to his father. Rejoicing, the king
came face to face with the chief citizens. He was happy to see his son; But he was even more surprised to see
Maddalase. All the villagers kept watching. Madalasa as they had seen before. He could not believe his eyes
when he saw her standing like that. Appearance, age, size, demeanor looked exactly the same. The king will say,
"Baby! My daughter-in-law was burnt. How did she get here now? Is it really a madalasa or a replica? Where and
how did you get it?" When Ritudhwaj slowly understood all the news, he fell on his neck and started crying. He
said, "You are truly blessed. He married a goddess. Even if she died by chance, you will get her back! There is
no doubt that your fame will spread among the three people." With this news, a wave of joy and novelty spread in
the city and the people of the city flocked to visit Madalase. The whole city was decorated. High flags were
hoisted, sandalwood was strewn on the streets, and newcomers were greeted with a roar of drums. The virgins
showered Lahya A flowers on the king, son and daughter-in-law. At such a ceremony, Vajatgajat Rajku.

= <Chapter Twenty-eight> वर्षा Flowered. At such a ceremony, the prince came to the palace with Madalase. He
bade farewell to all the nobles. Then he bowed to his father and introduced him to his snake friends. He said, "It
is because of the generosity of these Nagputras that we get to see this day. I was disturbed by Madalase's
bereavement and he befriended me while he was living in the forest. Pleased Shankar. With his blessings, my
Madalasa came back. His father gave her to me in a formal manner. " The enemy king was very happy to hear
this. Just like Shankara's Sati was burnt in the sacrifices made by her father Daksha, she became a reincarnated
mountain girl and regained Shiva as her husband. He also expressed the feeling that this is his daughter-in-law.
He said that his family was blessed because of her Ganga-like sacred character.
In this way, Shatrujita's happiness was filled to the brim. But he thought that it was not right to stay in the world
for long. With our advancing age, it is becoming increasingly difficult to run this government and human life.
Thinking that it is in a meaningful means, he is Kuvalyashch.

= <Chapter Twenty-वा

took. He also expressed the feeling that this is his daughter-in-law. He said that his family was blessed because
of her Ganga-like sacred character.

In this way, Shatrujita's happiness was filled to the brim. But he thought that it was not right to stay in the world
for long. He said to Kuvalayashvala, "Son, you are my humble and obedient Auras son. Now you have to take
charge of this kingdom. I am Vanprastha according to Kshatriya Dharma." I have decided to accept the ashram
and make it a means of salvation. This is the meaning of life and that is the true path. I must give up the
temptation of these worldly pleasures. " Explaining this to the boy, he crowned him right before his eyes and then
he went to the forest with satisfaction. Going there, he took tools from Sadguru and attained enlightenment and
attained eternal liberation.

Thustwenty-eighth chapter of Sridatta Mahatma

ends the.

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