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Department of Electronics and Telecommunication





Prof Sarika Matey Mam

Name:- Akash Jadhav
Class :- TE EXTC
Roll no:- 113

1 Current Visualization on the Antenna Surface

2 Near field of dipole antenna

3 Circular Loop Antenna

4 Array Modeling and Analysis

5 Helix Antenna

6 Yagi uda antenna

7 Microstrip Antenna

8 Monopole Antenna
Experiment no-1

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim: Design Half Wavelength dipole antenna and to visualize the current on antenna surface 

Software used : Matlab

In order to illustrate the creation of the current distribution on a linear dipole, and its subsequent radiation,
let us first begin with the geometry of a lossless two-wire transmission line, as shown in Figure (a).

The movement of the charges creates a traveling wave current, of magnitude Io/2, along each of the
wires. When the current arrives at the end of each of the wires, it undergoes a complete reflection (equal
magnitude and 180◦ phase reversal). The reflected traveling wave, when combined with the incident
traveling wave, forms in each wire a pure standing wave pattern of sinusoidal form as shown in Figure.
The current in each wire undergoes a 180◦ phase reversal between adjoining half-cycles. This is indicated
in Figure(a) by the reversal of the arrow direction. Radiation from each wire individually occurs because
of the time-varying nature of the current and the termination of the wire. 

Program & Procedure:

1) Design the dipole antenna to resonate around 1 GHz. The wavelength at this frequency is 30 cm. The
dipole length is equal to half-wavelength, which corresponds to 15 cm. The width of the dipole strip is
chosen to be 5 mm.

2) Calculate Current Distribution on Dipole Surface. Since the dipole length is 15 cm, choose the
operation frequency as   , where c is the speed
of light. 
3) Calculate and Plot Individual Current Components.


xlabel('Dipole length(m)');
ylabel('Surface current density,A/m');
Result & Conclusion:  For center-fed dipoles with, l = λ/2,, the current pattern is as shown in Output
Experiment no-2

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim: To study and plot the Near field of Dipole antenna

Software used : Matlab 

Reactive near-field region is defined as “that portion of the near-field region immediately surrounding the
antenna wherein the reactive field predominates.” For most antennas, the outer boundary of this region is
commonly taken to exist at a distance R < 0.62 D3/λ from the antenna surface, where λ is the wavelength
and D is the largest dimension of the antenna. “For a very short dipole, or equivalent radiator, the outer
boundary is commonly taken to exist at a distance λ/2π from the antenna surface.” 

Program & procedure:

1) Create the dipole antenna in the default configuration.

2) Define Points to Calculate Near-Field

3) Plot Near-Fields 

4) Plot Individual fields

Output :


EHfields(ant,70e6 ,Points,'Viewfield','H');
Result & Conclusion : The nearfield is plotted as shown in the output figure. Individual fields are also
plotted and shown in figure. 
Experiment no-3

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim : To create and calculate impedance of Circular loop Antenna.

Software used : Matlab

Theory : 

Loop antennas are usually classified into two categories, electrically small and electrically large.
Electrically small antennas are those whose overall length (circumference) is usually less than about one-
tenth of a wavelength (C < λ/10). However, electrically large loops are those whose circumference is
about a free-space wavelength (C ∼ λ). Most of the applications of loop antennas are in the HF (3–30
MHz), VHF (30–300 MHz), and UHF (300–3,000 MHz) bands. When used as field probes, they find
applications even in the microwave frequency range.

Loop antennas with electrically small circumferences or perimeters have small radiation resistances that
are usually smaller than their loss resistances. Thus they are very poor radiators, and they are seldom
employed for transmission in radio communication. When they are used in any such application, it is
usually in the receiving mode, such as in portable radios and pagers, where antenna efficiency is not as
important as the signal to-noise ratio. They are also used as probes for field measurements and as
directional antennas for radio wave navigation.

Program & Procedure:

1) Create and View Circular Loop Antenna

2) Calculate the impedance of a circular loop antenna over a frequency range of 70MHz-90MHz.
Output :


Result & Conclusion: 

Output Figure shows the plot for impedance of circular loop antenna. As can be seen from the graph the
resistance of the loop antenna is very low.
Experiment no-4

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim:  To construct, visualize, and analyze a rectangular antenna array of Dipoles.

Software used: Matlab


Usually the radiation pattern of a single element is relatively wide, and each element provides low
values of directivity (gain). In many applications it is necessary to design antennas with very directive
characteristics (very high gains) to meet the demands of long distance communication. This can only be
accomplished by increasing the electrical size of the antenna.

Enlarging the dimensions of single elements often leads to more directive characteristics. Another way
to enlarge the dimensions of the antenna, without necessarily increasing the size of the individual
elements, is to form an assembly of radiating elements in an electrical and geometrical configuration.
This new antenna, formed by multi elements, is referred to as an array.

It has been illustrated that the far-zone field of a uniform element array of identical elements is equal to
the product of the field of a single element, at a selected reference point (usually the origin), and the
array factor of that array. That is, E(total) = [E(single element at reference point)] × [array factor]. This is
referred to as pattern multiplication for arrays of identical elements.

Program & Procedure : 

1) Create Antenna Array Using rectangular antenna Elements

2) Visualize Layout of Array


3)Visualize Geometry of Array


4) Plot Radiation Pattern of Array


5) Plot Azimuth and Elevation Pattern of Array




6) Calculate the Directivity of Array

    [Directivity] = pattern(ra,70e6,0,90);

Output :



    [Directivity] = pattern(ra,70e6,0,90);

Result & conclusion: 

Thus a rectangular antenna array is created and studied its radiation parameter. Radiation pattern for
the same is shown in the output figure.
Experiment no-5

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim: Design Helix antenna and study the radiation pattern

Software Used:  Matlab


The helical antenna is a wire antenna, which is wound in the form of a helix.The helical antenna
possesses in general elliptical polarization, but it can be designed to achieve nearly circular polarization.
There are two primary modes of operation for a helix, the normal mode and the axial mode. The helix
operates in its normal mode when its overall length is small compared to the wavelength, and it has a
pattern with a null along its axis and the maximum along the plane of the loop. This pattern (figure-eight
type in the elevation plane) is similar to that of a dipole or a small loop. A helical antenna operating in
the normal mode is sometimes used as a monopole antenna for mobile cell and cordless telephones,
and it is usually covered with a plastic cover. This helix monopole is used because its input impedance is
larger than that of a regular monopole and more attractive for matching to typical transmission lines
used as feed lines, such as a coaxial line.

 The helix operates in the axial mode when the circumference of the loop is between

3/4λ<C< 4/3λ with an optimum design when the circumference is nearly one wavelength. When the
circumference of the loop approaches one wavelength, the maximum

of the pattern is along its axis. In addition, the phasing among the turns is such that

overall the helix forms an end-fire antenna with attractive impedance and polarization

characteristics.  In general, the helix is a popular communication antenna in the VHF and UHF bands.

Program & Procedure : 

1. Create and view a helix antenna that has a 28 mm turn radius, 1.2 mm strip width, and 4 turns.
hx = helix('Radius',28e-3,'Width',1.2e-3,'Turns',4);

2. Plot the radiation pattern of a helix antenna.

       hx = helix('Radius',28e-3,'Width',1.2e-3,'Turns',4);
Output :



Result & conclusion: 

Thus the Helix antenna is designed and radiation pattern is studied. 
Experiment no-6

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim: Design Yagi uda antenna and study radiation pattern 

Software used: Matlab


Another very practical radiator in the HF (3–30 MHz), VHF (30–300 MHz), and UHF (300–3,000 MHz)
ranges is the Yagi-Uda antenna. This antenna consists of a number of linear dipole elements, one of
which is energized directly by a feed transmission line while the others act as parasitic radiators whose
currents are induced by mutual coupling. A common feed element for a Yagi-Uda antenna is a folded
dipole. This radiator is exclusively designed to operate as an end-fire array, and it is accomplished by
having the parasitic elements in the forward beam act as directors while those in the rear act as
reflectors. Yagi designated the row of directors as a “wave canal.” The Yagi-Uda array has been widely
used as a home TV antenna. To achieve the end-fire beam formation, the parasitic elements in the
direction of the beam are somewhat smaller in length than the feed element. Typically the driven
element is resonant with its length slightly less than λ/2 (usually 0.45–0.49λ) whereas the lengths of the
directors should be about 0.4 to 0.45λ. 

Yagi-Uda arrays are quite common practice because they are lightweight, simple to build, low-cost, and
provide moderately desirable characteristics (including a unidirectional beam) for many applications.

Program & Procedure :

Create and view a Yagi-Uda array antenna with 13 directors.

1. y = yagiUda('NumDirectors',13);


Plot the radiation pattern of a Yagi-Uda array antenna at a frequency of 300 MHz.

2. y = yagiUda('NumDirectors',13);

Output :


Result & conclusion: 

Thus Yagi Uda Antenna  is designed and radiation pattern is studied.

Experiment no-7

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim: Design Microstrip antenna (patch) and observe the radiation pattern.

Software used: Matlab


In high-performance aircraft, spacecraft, satellite, and missile applications, where size, weight, cost,
performance, ease of installation, and aerodynamic profile are constraints, low-profile antennas may be
required. To meet these requirements, microstrip antennas can be used. These antennas are low
profile, conformable to planar and nonplanar surfaces, simple and inexpensive to manufacture using
modern printed-circuit technology, mechanically robust when mounted on rigid surfaces, compatible
with MMIC designs, and when the particular patch shape and mode are selected, they are very versatile
in terms of resonant frequency, polarization, pattern, and impedance. In addition, by adding loads
between the patch and the ground plane, such as pins and varactor diodes, adaptive elements with
variable resonant frequency, impedance, polarization, and pattern can be designed. Major operational
disadvantages of microstrip antennas are their low efficiency, low power, high Q (sometimes in excess of
100), poor polarization purity, poor scan performance, spurious feed radiation and very narrow
frequency bandwidth, which is typically only a fraction of a percent or at most a few percent. However,
there are methods, such as increasing the height of the substrate, that can be used to extend the
efficiency (to as large as 90 percent if surface waves are not included) and bandwidth (up to about 35
percent). Surface waves can be eliminated, while maintaining large bandwidths, by using cavities.

Program & Procedure :

1) Create and view a microstrip patch with specified parameters.

pm = patchMicrostrip ('Length',75e-3, 'Width',37e-3,

'GroundPlaneLength',120e-3, 'GroundPlaneWidth',120e-3)

show (pm)

2) Create a microstrip patch antenna using 'FR4' as the dielectric substrate.

d = dielectric('FR4');

pm = patchMicrostrip('Length',75e-3,'Width',37e-3, '

GroundPlaneLength',120e-3,'GroundPlaneWidth',120e-3, 'Substrate',d)


3) Plot the radiation pattern of the antenna at a frequency of 1.67 GHz.


4) Calculate and plot the impedance of the antenna over the specified frequency range.



show (pm)
Result & conclusion:

Thus Patch antenna is designed and studie

Experiment no-8

Name:- Akash Jadhav

Class :- TE
Roll no:- 113
Subject:- Antenna & Radio wave propagation
Aim: Create Monopole antenna and study the radiation pattern

Software Used:  Matlab

A monopole antenna is half of a dipole antenna on top of a conducting ground plane. The most common
type is a quarter-wave monopole where the antenna is approximately 1/4 of the wavelength of radio
waves. The radiation pattern is limited to above the ground plane of the antenna. These antennas find uses
in mobile communications and internet networks.
Quarter-wavelength monopole antenna on the infinite ground plane is shown in figure..  λ/4 length is only
valid when ground plane size is infinite. As the radius of monopole increases, resonance frequency
decreases slightly but BW increases significantly. As radius of monopole increases, the directivity
increases marginally by 0.05 dB at center frequency but gain BW increases significantly.With change in
the radius of monopole, there is no significant change in the radiation pattern. Applications – Cellular and
cordless telephones, walkie-talkies, CB radios, etc.
Program & Procedure : 

1. Create and view a monopole of 1 m length, 0.01 m width and ground plane of dimensions

              m = monopole('GroundPlaneLength',2.5,'GroundPlaneWidth',2.5);

2. Radiation pattern of a monopole at a frequency of 75 MHz.

            m = monopole('GroundPlaneLength',2.5, 'GroundPlaneWidth',2.5);

      pattern (m,75e6)

3. Plot Azimuth and Elevation Pattern of Antenna




Result & conclusion: 

Thus a Monopole antenna is created and its radiation pattern is studied.

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