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Topic : Biophilic Design

Biophilic design and Minimalist design in big cities

Contrast Essay

    Lots of big cities in this world in considerate the psychological condition of his people, they have
just established the building without think impact for his people. For problem-solving that issue, we
must integrate Biophilic design into Building, Biophilic design integrates elements of nature in your
building, biophilic design can reduce the stress of people than minimalist designs that have
developed earlier in big cities. We must apply biophilic design than minimalist design because it has
many functions, benefits, and easy to apply in the building.
Biophilic design has many benefits for people in a big city, This design concept has many
advantages over the minimalist design concept which only emphasizes shape without thinking of the
bad effects received by its users. According to The World Health Organisation, this concept has been
proven to increase the creativity of people in big cities and can also increase productivity in working
day to day, the biophilic design also can reduce crime in big cities and reduce the feeling of stress.
This remarkable result was obtained because of the experience of space in daily life, the biophilic
design was applied by combining buildings with a green open environment, to apply this concept we
must create many opening in the building that is directly integrated with nature, this concept can also
be applied to the exterior and interior by adding a vertical garden or some shade plans on the

In conclusion, we can know that biophilic design has many benefits for people in big cities, we
must apply this concept design for building in big cities because this concept can reduce the feeling
of stress for people of big cities with high stress level.

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