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Unit 3 - “Land-Based Empires” from c.

1450 to 1750
The Land Based Empires are the major players in this period. It’s easy to jump to Columbus et al and
assume the Europeans are taking over. They’re not. They are moving into the outer reaches that are not
already dominated by major Land Based Empires. Look at the map below. Now compare that to the
Maritime Empires. There is virtually no overlap (outside of the Americas). Another knock against the
Europeans in this period (1450-1750), is to look at when the Land Based Empires finally fell. Mughals,
1857. Tokugawa, 1868. Manchu Empire, 1911. Ottoman Empire, 1919. So, pump your brakes on the
European Empires. They are still back seat to the Land Based empires.
3.1 - Empires Expand
3.2 - Empires: Administration
3.3 - Empires: Belief Systems
3.4 - Comparison in Land Based Empires

3.1 - Empires Expand

Key term/event Definition (Who, What, When, Where...) Significance (Why this term matters)

Gunpowder Empires This empires basically used gunpowder in order to expand and gain power. The
main gunpowder empires were the Ottoman, the Safavid, and the Mughal
Empires which were located in Southwest, Central, and South Asia.

The Rule of Temberlane was a Mongol-Turkic ruler of the late 14th century. He led to the
Tamerlane rise of many of the Turkic empires. His army was mostly formed of nomadic
invaders. His conquests in persia and india were ruthless. He blended the values
of nomadic culture with the willingness to serve as a holy fighter for Islam, this
served as a model for his warriors. He is mostly known for promoting the rise of
the gunpowder empires by violent attack using firearms impulsed by gunpowder.

Shah Shah means king or emperor and this title was used in the Safavid empire.

Answer the questions below. Please write 3-4 sentences.

● Explain how and why various land-based empires developed and expanded from 1450 to 1750.

Now empires had access to gunpowder which made military conquest much more easy because
gunpowder was more efficient in battles that the technology they had before. Empires who had access to
gunpowder were able to conquer more land and expand their empires. They gained more power over
afro-eurasia and because of their use of gunpowder they were seen as more developed empires at the
3.2 - Empires: Administration

Key term/event Definition (Who, What, When, Where...) Significance (Why this term matters)

Divine Rights of Kings Believe that the right to rule was given to a king by God. King became a political
and religious authority. This made people fear and respect the king.

Tax farmers They were royal officials of the bureaucratic elites that were sent out to the
provinces to execute the orders of the king; they also oversaw the collection of
various taxes in support of the royal governments. They were also known as

Devshirme Used by ottoman empire to ensure their control over large areas. What they did
was to staff their military and their government with Christian boys who were
subjects of the empire and were recruited by force to serve in the Ottoman
government. Boys ages 8 to 20 were taken each year from conquered Christian
lands in Europe.

Answer the question below. Please write 3-4 sentences.

● Explain how rulers used a variety of methods to legitimize and consolidate their power in land-
based empires from 1450 to 1750.

Kings at this time used a variety of methods in order to consolidate and gain more power. Some used the
divine right to ensure they were sent by god and therefore they had the right to rule and do what they
wanted. Others forced their citizens to pay taxes and used messengers to reach out to the people. Other
rulers prefered to have a consolidated military and government that would be loyal to the ruler.

3.3 - Empires: Administration

Key term/event Definition (Who, What, When, Where...) Significance (Why this term matters)

Protestant The church started to become corrupt, there were theological disagreements,
Reformation there were accusations against priests and the bible was not written in a
language that everybody could understand so many philosophers started to
protest and ask for church reformations. The various reform efforts are known as
the protestant reformation. There was a separation of the church.

Sikhism Was a new religion which developed from Hinduism and Sufism. It was a
monotheistic faith that recognized the rights of other faiths to exist. Became very

Scientific Revolution Now ideas, curiosity, investigation, and discovery was very popular among
philosophers. This was significant because now ideas were based on reason
rather than on faith.

Answer the question below. Please write 3-4 sentences.

● Explain continuity and change within the various belief systems during the period from 1450 to

There was more change than continuity because now there were new ideas and people's beliefs started
to change. For example new religions were arising, new beliefs were arrisings, new governments, now
not everything was based on god but instead on reason. There were new discoveries and more
opportunities for people. One continuity can be that still there were centralized governments and empires
kept spreading.
3.4 - Comparison in Land Based Empires

Complete the chart below. You may complete using bullet points.

Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire

Location: Modern day Location: Modern day Location: Modern day
Turkey Iran india
Dates: 1453 - 1923 Dates:1501-1760 Dates: 1526-

Political / Military They consolidated power By conquering land. As They used gunpowder
HOW did rulers legitimize by Janissaries and the well as the ottomans and arts to legitimize to
and consolidate power? Devshirme system. their troops included power of the ruler
Include any special military
units and use of bureaucratic soldiers, often Christian
elites. boys pressed into
service. The shahs
control religion as well
as politics.

Expansion They used gunpowder Used gunpowder and They used gunpowder to
What methods did this artillery like cannons. they imported mobilize and conquer
empire utilize to expand their weaponry from Europe india.
and also relied on
Europeans to advise
his troops about this
newly acquired military

Resistance & They faced some Thay had constant They encountered
Rivalries challenges trying to rivalry with the peasant up rises and
Did they encounter internal conquer some parts of Ottomans because of had conflicts with others
rebellions? External Europe like Austria. They their different beliefs. religion due to the the
also had a hard time They also had over the rules intolerance to
defending their territory control of overland others religion that were
against foreign invasion trade routes not Islam.
and occupation.

Religion / Culture They were very tolerant of They were Shia At first they were really
HOW was religion used to other religions. They were Muslims and the ruler tolerant toward other
maintain and legitimize mostly Sunni Muslims. built a power base that religons but then they
political authority?
How was the use of this supported his rule and became intolerant so the
religion/belief a continuity denied legitimacy to other religons had to pay
from previous periods? any taxes and do what every
Sunni. the muslim colonizers

Economics Even Though they did not They gained their Arab traders conducted
Be sure to include methods conquer some land economy because of most of the commerce.
of tax collection, if applicable Muslims forced, in this their position on the Traded goods
case the Venice, to pay trade routes as well included textiles, tropical
ottoman emperor a yearly because they placed foods, spices, and
tax. taxes for the Sunnies precious stones, all of
that lived in their which
territory. were often exchanged
for gold and silver

Decline of Empire Started when Spaniards Economy started to Failed to modernize their
How and why did this empire and Venetians defeated become weak, there economy and military.
collapse? Be SPECIFIC. the Ottomans in the naval were many corrupt While the Europeans
conflict known as the leaders which also led developed new
Battle of Lepanto.. The to internal conflict of technologies at a very
empire became known as the empire. There were fast pace the mughals
the Sick Man of Europe. many rebellions from could not keep up. Also
They were defeated by part of the Sunnis and there was a lot of
the allied powers in WW1, the weak military could corruption in the
their economy declined as not handle it. government
the empire did.

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