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Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 1. Which key event started World War I?

a. The Schlieffen Plan was carried out.
b. Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated.
c. The Germans sank the British liner Lusitania.
____ 2. This poster is an example of total war because it shows how

a. people read about the war.

b. children suffered as much as the soldiers during the war.
c. many parts of people’s lives were affected by the war.
____ 3. What did President Wilson want to achieve with his Fourteen Points at the Paris Peace
a. a “just peace” and “peace without victory”
b. a postwar world “fit for heroes”
c. a full payment of war costs by Germany
____ 4. Which effect from World War I does this photo show?

a. financial costs
b. casualties
c. peace treaty
____ 5. Choose the answer to complete the table listing terms of the Treaty of Versailles.

Key Terms of the Treaty of Versailles

Subject Term
The German military Its size was to be limited.
Alsace and Lorraine Germany had to return this land to France.
Payment for the war ?

a. France was forced to pay for the war.

b. All sides were forced to pay equally.
c. Germany was forced to pay for the war.

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____ 6. What was an effect of these types of military technologies used during World War I?

a. They failed to end the stalemate (deadlock) of trench warfare.

b. They brought a quick end to the fighting and to the war itself.
c. They harmed civilians as much as soldiers.
____ 7. What happened right after the sinking of the British ship Lusitania by a German U-boat?
a. Britain put in place a naval blockade of German ports.
b. Germany continued submarine warfare against the Allies.
c. Woodrow Wilson threatened to cut diplomatic ties with Germany.
____ 8. Who benefited most from the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
a. the United States
b. Germany
c. Italy
____ 9. What was a political impact of World War I?
a. The war caused many soldiers to be killed.
b. The war caused many economic problems.
c. The war caused many governments to collapse.

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____ 10. Many soldiers like the ones shown here chose to fight in World War I because they
hoped to

a. win new territory from the Ottoman Empire.

b. learn about modern military technology.
c. gain self-rule or independence.
____ 11. Which sentence describes the views of American, British, and French leaders at the
Paris Peace Conference?
a. They wanted to punish Germany.
b. They supported the Fourteen Points.
c. They each had conflicting goals.

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____ 12. How did the man shown in this photograph contribute to the collapse of the Russian

a. He organized the forces that overthrew the Tsar.

b. He caused people to lose faith in the government.
c. He came up with a plan to kill the Tsar.
____ 13. Which was an effect of the Treaty of Versailles?
a. The Germans resented the treaty.
b. It caused the Russian Revolution.
c. Many people were forced to leave Germany.
____ 14. The main goal of the October Revolution was to

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a. end Russian involvement in World War I.
b. overthrow the Russian government.
c. defeat the Russian tsar and end the monarchy.

____ 15. “I shall not live to see the Great War, but you will see it, and it will start in the east.”
—Otto von Bismarck

When he made the above prediction, German chancellor Otto von Bismarck was most likely referring
a. nationalist and ethnic tensions in the Balkans.
b. colonial rivalries in China and Southeast Asia.
c. the growing strength of the Japanese navy.
d. the rivalry between France and Germany over Alsace and Lorraine.
____ 16. The image shown here could best be used to illustrate which of the following causes of
World War I?

a. extreme nationalism
b. economic rivalry
c. European alliances
d. widespread militarism

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____ 17. “There were vast stretches of mud, of fields once cultivated, but now scarred with pits . .
. rusty barbed wires. The roads were rivers of clay. They were lined with dugouts, cellars, and caves.”
—Richard Harding Davis, war correspondent
This passage describes the impact of
a. total war.
b. poison gas.
c. trench warfare.
d. fighter aircraft.

____ 18. The military technology shown in this illustration was important in World War I
because it allowed

a. troops to attack targets more than 100 miles away.

b. gunners to mow down waves of advancing soldiers.
c. soldiers on land to target submarines at sea.
d. troops to advance and smash through trenches.
____ 19. “There shall be no private international understandings of any kind but [instead]
diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the public view.”
—Woodrow Wilson, The Fourteen Points

In stating this goal, Wilson was seeking an end to agreements such as the
a. Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
b. Allied promise to give Italy some Austrian lands.
c. Schlieffen Plan.

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d. reparations clause in the Treaty of Versailles.

____ 20. The British naval blockade of the North Sea contributed to
a. the outbreak of the Russian revolution.
b. food shortages in Germany.
c. declining morale among Allied troops on the Western Front.
d. Germany’s decision to abandon the Schlieffen Plan.

____ 21. Why were posters like this one necessary to the U.S. war effort?

a. The United States entered the war late and had little time to mobilize.
b. The United States never instituted a military draft during the war.

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c. The United States needed more financial support from civilians.
d. The United States had suffered massive casualties early in the war.
____ 22. “We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no
indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are
but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been
made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them.”
—Woodrow Wilson

These words reflect which of President Woodrow Wilson’s war goals?

a. to make the world safe for democracy
b. to encourage self-determination
c. to punish Germany for starting the war
d. to establish a mandate system

____ 23. Which sentence completes this chart?

Settlements of Peace Conferences

Issue Treaty Settlement
Economic reparation ?
Alsace and Lorraine The territory was returned to France.
Mandated territories Allied Powers were given mandates over lands in
Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

League of Nations The League of Nations was established and more

than 40 nations joined the League.

a. Much of the economic reparations were to be paid by Germany and the

rest by Austria-Hungary.
b. All nations involved in the war were to bear an equal burden of economic
c. The financial reparations were to be divided equally among the Central
d. Germany was forced to assume complete responsibility for financial
____ 24. The chief goal of the League of Nations was to
a. enforce the Treaty of Versailles.
b. end imperialism.
c. prevent future wars.
d. create a united European state.
____ 25. “They are constantly frightening the emperor with threats of revolution, and here,—you
see it yourself—we need merely to show ourselves and at once their hearts are ours.”

The above statement made by Tsarina Alexandra is evidence that.

a. the tsar was unaware of the threat of Russian communism.
b. the tsar was firmly in power before the October Revolution.

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c. the royal family underestimated the growing discontent in Russia.
d. the burden of reparations from World War I was a leading cause of the
tsar’s abdication.
____ 26. Which statement best describes Lenin’s contribution to the creation of the Soviet Union?
a. He masterminded the overthrow of the tsar.
b. He led the Red Army to victory in the civil war.
c. He provided the new state with political and ideological leadership.
d. He led the provisional government in the transition toward communism.
____ 27. Which statement describes a feature of “war communism” in Russia?
a. Peasants were forced to deliver their crops to feed the army and people in
the cities.
b. Some private ownership of banks, mines, factories, and railroads was
c. Aristocrats and landowners were drafted into the military or forced to work
in factories.
d. The interests of the states were made subservient to the rights of
____ 28. The naval rivalry between Germany and Britain was the direct result of
a. the Moroccan incident.
b. growing German imperialism in Africa.
c. German U-boat attacks on shipping in the Atlantic.
d. the German invasion of Belgium.
____ 29. Which country fills in the blank space on this chart?

European Alliances Before World War I

Country Alliances
Germany Triple Alliance
France Triple Entente
? Triple Alliance
Austria-Hungary Triple Alliance
Britain Triple Entente

a. Russia
b. Italy
c. Bulgaria
d. Ottoman Empire
____ 30. “The second bullet struck the Archduke close to the heart. He uttered only one word,
‘Sofia’—a call to his stricken wife. Then his head fell back and he collapsed. He died almost instantly.”
—Borjove Jevtic, co-conspirator

What was the reason behind the incident described in this passage?
a. ethnic conflict in the Ottoman Empire

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b. extreme militarism in Germany
c. Serbian nationalism
d. economic competition between France and Germany

____ 31. What would be the best title for this photograph taken in late 1914?

a. “If War Comes, We’re Ready!”

b. “Victory at Last!”
c. “Horror Lies Ahead!”
d. “The Yanks Are Coming!”
____ 32. A consequence of Germany promising Austria a “blank check” was that
a. Austria declared war on Russia.
b. Austria sent Serbia an ultimatum to end all anti-Austrian agitation.
c. the Black Hand planned the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand.
d. Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy formed the Triple Alliance.
____ 33. What strategy did the Allies develop to defend their merchant ships against German U-
a. They sent their own submarines to engage in one-on-one undersea battles.
b. They fired on the German vessels with ground artillery.
c. They organized convoys of merchant ships protected by warships.
d. They used airplanes to provide air support.

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____ 34. Which type of military technology played the largest role in creating the long stalemate
on the Western Front?
a. U-boats
b. zeppelins
c. tanks
d. machine guns
____ 35. Based on the information in this map, what was one impact of the Ottoman Empire
joining the Central Powers?

a. The Central Powers were almost completely encircled by enemy forces.

b. The Allies had easier access to the Mediterranean Sea.
c. The location of the Ottoman Empire helped it to disrupt Allied supply lines.
d. The Ottoman Empire was experiencing too many Arab revolts to help the
Central Powers.
____ 36. How did Ottoman control of the Dardanelles and German submarine warfare in the
Atlantic have a similar impact on World War II?
a. They both helped bring the United States into the war.
b. They both showed the importance of new military technology.
c. They both interfered with vital Allied supply lines.
d. They were both factors that led Russia to withdraw from the war.
____ 37. What is one reason for the staggering casualties that Russia suffered in World War I?
a. the ongoing civil war between the Whites and the Reds
b. the poorly equipped army
c. the long stalemate on the Western Front
d. the necessity of fighting a war on two fronts
____ 38. What was one reason the February revolution in Russia was less successful than the
October revolution?

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a. It had less support among all social classes in Russia.
b. It was planned and led by followers of Karl Marx.
c. It did not affect Russia’s commitment to World War I.
d. It failed to shake the existing government of Russia.

____ 39. “We shall now occupy ourselves in Russia in building up a proletarian socialist state.”

Which measure did Lenin adopt in trying to achieve the promise made in this statement?
a. He introduced a democratic, multiparty system of government.
b. He supported private ownership of major industries and state ownership of
c. He withdrew Russia from World War I.
d. He ended private ownership of land and distributed land to peasants.
____ 40. “What with the political monopoly, the Cheka and the Red Army, all that now existed of
the ‘Commune-State’ of our dreams was a theoretical myth.”
—Victor Serge, Memoirs of a Revolutionary

Based on this quotation, what conclusion can you draw about the author?
a. He was a supporter of the Tsar who fought in the White Army and was
forced to flee Russia.
b. He was a Marxist who became disillusioned with the repressive policies of
the Soviet government.
c. He was a devoted Bolshevik who strongly supported Lenin’s policies to
create a communist state.
d. He was a member of Kerensky’s provisional government who later
switched sides.

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