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Life in the Industrial Age (1800–1914)


Match the terms to the descriptions.

a. temperance movement f. Ludwig van Beethoven
b. urban renewal g. Guglielmo Marconi
c. Alfred Nobel h. women’s suffrage
d. Claude Monet i. stock
e. Louis Pasteur j. standard of living

1. established a link between microbes and disease

2. invented the radio

3. reform movement concerned with voting rights

4. a measure of the quality and availability of necessities and comforts in a society

5. invented dynamite, a safer form of explosive than others at that time

6. impressionist painter who relied on the viewer’s eye to blend brush strokes into patches
of color

7. romantic composer who was the first to take full advantage of the broad range of
instruments in the modern orchestra

8. shares of ownership in a corporation

9. advocated limiting or banning the use of alcoholic beverages

10. rebuilding poor areas of a city


1. Japan lacked many basic resources, yet it industrialized rapidly after 1868 because
a. Japanese business leaders had a great deal of wealth to invest.
b. Japanese political leaders placed a high priority on modernization.
c. Japanese engineers developed superior technology.
d. many British engineers came to Japan and set up industries there.

2. Today’s electric generators work on the same principle as the dynamo invented by
a. Thomas Edison. c. Michael Faraday.
b. Benjamin Franklin. d. Guglielmo Marconi.

3. A production method in which workers repeatedly perform one task in the

manufacturing process is called
a. interchangeable parts. c. cottage industry.
b. the Bessemer process. d. the assembly line.

4. The population of Europe exploded between 1800 and 1900 in large part because
a. couples had more children.
b. medical advances reduced the death rate.
c. cities eliminated slums.
d. couples started families at a younger age.

5. The popular saying “A man’s home is his castle” reflected what middle-class value of
the late 1800s?
a. temperance c. cult of domesticity
b. women’s suffrage d. romanticism

6. The purpose of Normal Schools was to train students to be

a. doctors. c. good wives.
b. priests. d. teachers.

7. Englishman John Dalton made an important breakthrough in chemistry by showing that

a. atoms exist within the periodic table.
b. all atoms are basically alike.
c. each element has its own kind of atoms.
d. elements can be grouped according to their atomic weights.

8. What theory applied the idea of natural selection to the development of business and
a. socialism c. Social Darwinism
b. social gospel d. capitalism

9. Romanticism can be described as a revolt against the Enlightenment’s emphasis on
a. religion. c. the past.
b. reason. d. legends and folklore.

10. An artist of the mid-1800s who portrayed the harsh lives of slum dwellers was probably
using what artistic style?
a. realism c. neoclassicism
b. impressionism d. romanticism

11. Russia did not industrialize as soon as other countries because it lacked
a. expertise. c. technology.
b. capital. d. political stability.

12. The technology for America’s first textile factory came from
a. Japan. c. Germany.
b. Britain. d. France.

13. The Bessemer process was a method for producing

a. electricity. c. identical components.
b. textiles. d. steel.

14. What invention did the internal combustion engine make possible?
a. the steamboat c. the telegraph
b. the Wright Brothers’ flying d. Faraday’s electric motor

15. A company that sells ownership shares to many investors is a

a. corporation. c. monopoly.
b. trust. d. cartel.

16. What contribution to medical science did German doctor Robert Koch make in the
a. He identified the bacteria that causes tuberculosis.
b. He traced malaria to the mosquito.
c. He developed a process called pasteurization.
d. He developed a cure for yellow fever.

17. Who discovered that sterilizing surgical instruments with antiseptics would help
prevent infection?
a. Florence Nightingale c. Louis Pasteur
b. Joseph Lister d. Robert Koch

18. What limited the effectiveness of women involved in the temperance movement?
a. They cared too much about the suffrage movement.
b. They did not want to be involved in political issues of the day.
c. They could not vote and were barred from most schools.
d. They were too busy with their family life to vote.

19. Reformers in what movement argued that the use of alcoholic beverages harmed family
life and reduced worker productivity?
a. temperance c. suffrage
b. abolition d. social gospel

20. Bedford College in England and Mount Holyoke in the United States were among the
first colleges for
a. a classical education. c. people of all races.
b. a religious education. d. women.

21. In 1869, what chemist developed a table that became the basis for the periodic table of
elements used today?
a. John Dalton c. Charles Lyell
b. Dmitri Mendeleyev d. Thomas Edison

22. Which of the following were writers of the realism movement?

a. Edgar Degas and Georges Seurat
b. William Wordsworth and Percy Bysshe Shelley
c. Gustave Courbet and Thomas Eakins
d. Charles Dickens and Victor Hugo

23. What postimpressionist painter used a style that looked like “primitive” folk art?
a. Claude Monet c. Charlotte Brontë
b. Paul Gauguin d. Henrik Ibsen

24. What did Mathew B. Brady accomplish in the visual arts?

a. His pictures captured the beauty and power of nature.
b. He photographed the cathedral at Rouen, France from different angles.
c. He took realistic pictures of the Civil War.
d. He took postimpressionist pictures with a dreamlike quality.

25. In the late 1800s, what did Charles Lyell accomplish?

a. He wrote On the Origin of Species.
b. He uncovered fossilized Neanderthal bones in Germany.
c. He was a pioneer in the new science of geology.
d. He developed atomic theory.


“Shut in from everything that is pleasant, with no

chance to learn . . . grinding their little lives
away in this dusty room, they are no more than
the wire screens that separate the great lumps of
coal from the small. They had no games; when
their day’s work is done, they are too tired for
that. They know nothing but the difference
between slate and coal.”
—“The Labor Standard,” 1877

1. Identify Point of View The quotation describes work in a coal mine. Who is the
subject of the quotation? How can you tell? What changes in the laws did accounts like
this help to bring about? Write a newspaper headline for this quote that reflects the
writer’s point of view.


2. Synthesize Information Describe some of the working conditions during the Industrial
Revolution that caused workers in western countries to organize. What actions did
workers take to try to improve their situation? Why do you think that governments and
business owners tried to silence protesting workers?

3. Compare Points of View Two artistic movements--romanticism and realism--strongly
influenced art, literature, and music in the 1800s. Compare the style and purpose of a
typical writer influenced by each of these movements. Include examples of how the
subject matter of these two writers might differ.

4. Analyze Information Study the graph. Between 1900 and 1910, in which country did
steel production grow at the fastest rate? Explain how you can tell this from the graph.
Based on this graph, write a summary comparing steel production in the United States,
Germany, and Great Britain between 1880 and 1910.


5. Categorize Cities underwent dramatic changes in the late 1800s. Describe three
positive and three negative effects of these changes on the standard of living of city


6. Recognize Cause and Effect How do you think the rapid rise of cities during
industrialization influenced the realism movement in the arts?


Nationalism Triumphs in Europe (1800–1914)


Match the terms to the descriptions.

a. social welfare f. zemstvo
b. pogrom g. emigration
c. Francis Joseph h. Giuseppe Garibaldi
d. kaiser i. Ferenc Deák
e. Duma j. anarchist

1. leader of the “Red Shirts”

2. local, elected assembly in Russia

3. an important safety valve that relieved social tensions in Italy

4. a person who wants to abolish all government

5. elected national legislature in Russia

6. government programs to help certain groups of citizens

7. helped create the Dual Monarchy

8. violent mob attack against Jews

9. inherited the Hapsburg throne at age 18

10. title of William I of Germany


1. In the 1830s, Prussia created a union called the Zollverein, which promoted German
unity by
a. establishing German as the official language.
b. establishing Frederick William IV as king of a united German state.
c. removing tariff barriers between German states.
d. banding together to fight Napoleon’s invading forces.

2. In Bismarck’s practice of Realpolitik, his political actions were guided by

a. the needs of the people. c. the principle of divine right.
b. traditional morality. d. the needs of the state.

3. William II asked Bismarck to resign because

a. Bismarck had lost favor with the people.
b. William II wanted no rivals.
c. Bismarck had falsified William’s telegram to the French ambassador.
d. William II wanted a stronger military leader.

4. Bismarck introduced many social reforms in Germany because he wanted to

a. avoid a socialist revolution.
b. fulfill the state’s obligation to its people.
c. win votes for reelection.
d. move the country toward democracy.

5. Synthetic dyes were among the new products that resulted from cooperation between
German industrialists and
a. farmers. c. scientists.
b. bankers. d. workers.

6. When Italy unified, what form of government did it take?

a. an absolute monarchy c. a socialist democracy
b. a republic d. a constitutional monarchy

7. Which of the following was an obstacle to Italian unity?

a. the efforts of the Risorgimento c. a strong monarch
b. identification with local regions d. the efforts of the Red Shirts

8. The Dual Monarchy was a combination of

a. Austria and Germany. c. Austria and Hungary.
b. Germany and France. d. Germany and Hungary.

9. Which of the following was an obstacle to progress in Russia in the 1800s?

a. a rigid social structure c. a powerful middle class
b. few natural resources d. little productive land

10. Tsar Alexander III launched a program of Russification, in which he

a. emancipated the serfs.
b. introduced legal reforms, such as trial by jury.
c. suppressed non-Russian cultures within the empire.
d. secured foreign investment to develop Russian industry.

11. After the defeat of Napoleon I, the Congress of Vienna created the German
Confederation headed by
a. Russia. c. Austria.
b. Prussia. d. Hungary.

12. Bismarck became the king’s highest official when he assumed the title of
a. prime minister. c. president.
b. kaiser. d. chancellor.

13. When the Frankfurt Assembly offered Frederick William IV of Prussia the throne of a
united German state in 1848, the ruler refused because
a. not all the German states were included.
b. the offer came from “the people.”
c. the real power would remain with the individual states.
d. the governments of the states had not agreed to the offer.

14. Bismarck’s editing of the Ems dispatch resulted in

a. an alliance between France and Prussia.
b. an alliance between Sardinia and Prussia.
c. a war between Sardinia and Prussia.
d. a war between France and Prussia.

15. In the government Bismarck set up for the German empire, membership in the
Reichstag was determined by
a. a vote of all male citizens.
b. inherited titles of nobility.
c. appointment by the rulers of the German states.
d. Bismarck.

16. In the Kulturkampf, Bismarck’s goal was to

a. unify the Germans and Austrians.
b. reduce the power of the socialists.
c. reduce the power of the Catholic Church.
d. increase his power over the monarch.

17. During the struggle for Italian unification, the “Red Shirts” were forces made up of
a. anarchists. c. socialists.
b. nationalists. d. monarchists.

18. Italian unification was complete when Naples and Sicily were turned over to Victor
Emmanuel by
a. Camillo Cavour. c. Giuseppe Garibaldi.
b. Giuseppe Mazzini. d. Otto von Bismarck.

19. In 1859, Camillo Cavour provoked a war between Sardinia and Austria because
a. he wanted to end Austrian power in Italy.
b. the Austrian king had insulted a Sardinian ambassador.
c. German forces would fight for Sardinia against Austria.
d. Austrian assassins had attacked Victor Emmanuel.

20. In 1800, Austria was ruled by the oldest ruling house in Europe, called the
a. Hohenzollerns. c. Bourbons.
b. Hapsburgs. d. Romanovs.

21. Which of the following is a true statement about the Dual Monarchy?
a. One parliament made laws for both Austria and Hungary.
b. Austria and Hungary became one country ruled by the Hungarian
c. Austria and Hungary shared the same constitution.
d. Austria and Hungary remained separate states.

22. By the 1800s Russian tsars saw the need to modernize, but they resisted because they
thought reforms would
a. undermine their absolute rule. c. undermine their industrial might.
b. slow the pace of westernization. d. hold back revolutionary reforms.

23. Emancipation of the serfs benefited the Russian economy because many former serfs
a. rose to become the new merchant class.
b. took jobs in factories.
c. acquired large country estates.
d. helped expand the empire by joining the army.

24. Bloody Sunday served as a turning point in Russia because

a. it strengthened the tsar’s power.
b. it led to Japan’s triumph over Russia.
c. it caused the people to lose faith in the tsar.
d. it marked the beginning of World War I.

25. One result of the October Manifesto was

a. the establishment of zemstvos. c. the rise of the Socialists.
b. a bloody revolution. d. the establishment of the Duma.


1. Draw Inferences The political cartoon shows Otto von Bismarck and Pope Pius IX
competing in a chess match. Explain why this cartoon could be titled “The


2. Make Comparisons Compare the leadership style of Camillo Cavour in Italy to the
leadership style of Otto von Bismarck in Germany. Use examples to support your

3. Draw Conclusions Describe how nationalism affected the Ottoman empire differently
than it did the Prussian empire. What do you think accounted for this difference?


“Germany does not look to Prussia’s liberalism,

but to her power. . . . The great questions of the
day are not to be decided by speeches and
majority resolutions—that was the mistake of
1848 and 1849—but by blood and iron!”
—Otto von Bismarck, 1862

4. Identify Point of View What issue is Otto von Bismarck addressing in the quote
above? Explain.



5. Identify Central Issues Why do you think Europeans in the mid-1800s came to view
the Ottoman empire as “the sick man of Europe?”


6. Make Comparisons When Italy unified, it created a new government under Victor
Emmanuel. Compare this government to the government Bismarck created in the
unified Germany. How were they alike? How were they different?


Growth of Western Democracies (1815–1914)


Match the terms to the descriptions.

a. secret ballot f. Zionism

b. coalition g. segregation
c. abolition movement h. home rule
d. Louisiana Purchase i. Manifest Destiny
e. capital offense j. electorate

1. a crime punishable by death

2. allows people to cast votes without announcing them publicly

3. legal separation of the races

4. the body of people allowed to vote

5. an alliance of different political parties

6. local self-government

7. land acquisition that doubled the size of the United States

8. movement devoted to rebuilding a Jewish state in Palestine

9. campaign against slavery and the slave trade

10. idea that it was inevitable that the United States would expand across the continent


1. In 1832, large towns and cities in Britain received greater representation in Parliament
as a result of
a. the Great Reform Act. c. the secret ballot.
b. the People’s Charter. d. universal male suffrage.

2. Through reforms that took place during the late 1800s, Britain transformed itself into
a. an oligarchy. c. a parliamentary democracy.
b. a constitutional monarchy. d. an aristocracy.

3. The British Corn Laws were supported by

a. liberals, who believed they encouraged free trade.
b. farmers and wealthy landowners, because they kept grain prices high.
c. city workers, because they kept the cost of bread low.
d. middle-class business leaders, who thought they promoted

4. What did the Catholic Emancipation Act accomplish in Ireland in 1829?

a. Irish Catholics were granted freedom of religion.
b. Irish Catholics were granted the right to govern themselves.
c. British landlords could no longer charge unfair rents to Irish Catholics.
d. Irish Catholics were allowed to vote and hold office.

5. One result of the social welfare reforms passed in Great Britain in the early 1900s was
a. Marxism gained only limited support among the British working class.
b. the appeal of Irish nationalism gradually subsided.
c. the Conservative party became the dominant political party in Britain.
d. Britain finally abolished the slave trade.

6. What war brought an end to France’s Second Empire?

a. Thirty Years’ War c. Franco-Prussian War
b. Crimean War d. Napoleonic War

7. What was a result of widespread anti-Semitism in Europe in the late 1800s?

a. Georges Boulanger pushed for European social reform.
b. Émile Zola organized the First Zionist Congress.
c. Theodor Herzl helped to launch modern Zionism.
d. The French government advocated that Jews create their own state.

8. In order to repress the involvement of the Catholic Church in French government,

a. tried to limit freedom of worship.

b. created a system of free public elementary schools.
c. limited the hours that churches could be open.
d. forced Catholics out of high government offices.

9. In 1848 in Seneca Falls, New York, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
a. a reform movement supporting temperance laws.
b. a convention to push for educational reforms.
c. a women’s labor reform protest movement.
d. the first women’s rights convention.

10. In the 1890s, U.S. farmers joined city workers to support the
a. Populist party. c. Socialist Workers party.
b. Labor party. d. American Freedom party.

11. Rotten boroughs in Britain were

a. run-down neighborhoods in London needing urban renewal.
b. rural towns that had an unfairly large number of representatives in
c. politically corrupt towns and cities controlled by industrialists.
d. unclean factory towns that spread through Britain in the early 1800s.

12. The Chartist movement in Britain demanded

a. free trade that would end quotas and tariffs.
b. restricting the power of the House of Lords.
c. the abolition of slavery in the colonies.
d. the secret ballot.

13. What happened after the French helped Italian nationalists defeat Austria in the mid-
a. Italian nationalists formed an alliance with Prussia.
b. France invaded the regions of Nice and Savoy.
c. Prussian troops invaded Italy to support Austria.
d. A united Italy became a rival on France’s border.

14. By the 1860s, Benjamin Disraeli had forged the old Tory Party into the modern
a. Liberal Party. c. Conservative Party.
b. Labour Party. d. Whig Party.

15. Which of the statements below is true about British social reforms of the mid-1800s?
a. The number of capital offenses was increased.
b. Parliament shut down British penal colonies.

c. British mineowners were forbidden to hire women and children.
d. New laws limited women and children to a 10-hour work day.

16. When it was founded in 1900, the British Labour Party was primarily made up of
a. women suffragists and Church members.
b. socialists and union members.
c. Irish immigrants who wanted Irish home rule.
d. landowners and conservatives.

17. Charles Stewart Parnell was a leading figure in the

a. abolitionist movement. c. British labor movement.
b. Irish nationalist movement. d. education reform movement.

18. In the 1800s, what was a major reason why the Irish resented the British in Ireland?
a. The British prohibited the organization of Irish labor unions.
b. The British would not grant universal female suffrage.
c. Irish peasants paid high rents to British absentee landlords.
d. Irish peasants had to pay tithes to support the Catholic Church.

19. Through the aid of Prince Maximilian, Napoleon III hoped to

a. turn Mexico into a French satellite.
b. bring an end to the Crimean War.
c. help Italian nationalists defeat Austria.
d. acquire the areas of Nice and Savoy.

20. Which of the following was a socialist group that had a strong influence on British
a. the Communards c. the Fabian Society
b. the Progressives d. the Fenian Brotherhood

21. Under the Napoleonic Code, French married women

a. were granted only limited voting rights.
b. were prohibited from taking jobs outside the home.
c. were required to report for military duty.
d. had no right to their own earnings.

22. What leader, backed by royalists and ultranationalists, was accused of plotting to
overthrow the French republic?
a. Ferdinand de Lesseps c. Georges Clemenceau
b. Georges Boulanger d. Alfred Dreyfus

23. William Lloyd Garrison pushed for what kind of social change?
a. the end to slavery in the United States

b. universal suffrage in the United States
c. the advancement of worker rights through U.S. labor unions
d. the regulation of U.S. monopolies

24. African Americans were allowed to vote in the United States when
a. Congress declared Southern voter eligibility laws illegal.
b. Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860.
c. Congress passed the Fifteenth Amendment.
d. Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.

25. Which issue in the platform of the Populist Party eventually became law in the United
a. the right of African Americans to vote
b. the abolition of alcoholic beverages
c. a system of free public education
d. the eight-hour workday


The Traitor, 1899

1. Draw Inferences The cartoon represents Alfred Dreyfus during his trials for treason in
France. Describe the controversy that has inspired the artist to draw the cartoon. What
does the cartoon imply about the possibility of Dreyfus getting a fair hearing?


2. Synthesize Information How were the values represented by Queen Victoria

expressed in British social and political reforms of the late 1800s?


3. Summarize Describe the main reasons for the great economic growth in the United
States following the Civil War.

4. Express Problems Clearly Why did the multiple parties in France find it necessary to
form coalition governments during the early years of the Third Republic? What were
the disadvantages of this type of government?


5. Analyze Information From 1803 to 1853 the United States acquired five large areas of
Western land, extending its territories from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.
Identify these areas labeled on the map with the letters A-E. What economic reasons do
you think caused the United States to expand its territories to the Pacific Ocean?

6.Express Problems Clearly Explain why the House of Commons passed measures to
restrict the power of the House of Lords in British government in the early 1900s. How
did this eventually change how the government operated?

7.Summarize Describe the efforts of the women’s rights movement in France that began in
the late 1800s. What were some its major barriers to success?


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