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Group 34 Saurav Rath (UM19132) Titikshya Sahoo (UM19320)

Question 1

Costs of a fastening Does it get affected or Reasoning

element not?
Development Least affected The c-parts can be produced even
without the smartbins.
Design Least affected The design element of the c-parts are
irrespective of the integration of
smartbins and WhereIsMyVehicle as the
product will be developed anyway
without the requirement of inventory
Procurement Affected Without the integration of Smartbin and
WhereIsMyVehicle, the quantification
for derived demand may go wrong result
and create a fluctuation in amount to be
procured for the actual demand.
Logistics and Most Affected Due to integration failure, the waiting
Handling time will increase and there might a
chance where the goods will not be
supplied directly to the direct point of
use. Therefore, the costs increased will
be lost opportunity as well as cost
incurred to figure out the direct point of
Ordering and storage Most affected Storage of c-parts in a haphazard way
will result in time wastage during the
time shipment. This may result in delay
of shipping leading to an unsatisfied
Quality Assurance Least affected The standards and protocols are set
beforehand for the company therefore
the non-integration might not affect
much. The only time the costs might
increase is when the goods are damaged
in the smartbins while on transit to the
final location. If the integration does not
exist, then the alert regarding turbulence
might lead to degradation in quality
Pre-assembly and Affected Failure of integration might lead to mis
assembly calculation of c-parts required during
assembly. The assembly of products
maybe stalled due to shortage and the
company may have re-order again. The
logistics will increase due to several trips
that will required to fulfil the demand.
Group 34 Saurav Rath (UM19132) Titikshya Sahoo (UM19320)

Question 2

The most consistency and versatility is offered by a business continuity solution that uses standalone
gateways assisted by a cloud management tool, since it helps maintain stability while increasing
operating performance. To test, track or maintain facilities, there is no need to fly to various places
since it is done wirelessly and remotely from any facility. Kafka will send alerts once there is a
network outage.

Although no approach will eliminate all network interruptions, it is important for business
operations to reduce downtime.

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