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I. Academic Crisis and Examination Prep. IV. Physical Health

A. CET Content A. Understanding My Mobility
B. G-12 Subject Performance Development B. Character Build-up
C. Schedule and Time Boxing C. Science Says…
D. Orderliness and Discipline D. My Health Program
E. Materials, Tools, and Equipments E. Schedule and Time Boxing
II. Personal Development Character Improvement V. After ---- Years…
A. My Icon’s Rule for Success and Tips for their A. Goals
Followers 1) Long and Short Term
B. Knowing the Unknown 2) Physical and Mental
C. Productivity Scheme 3) Social and Ideological
D. MY Rules 4) Emotional and Spiritual
E. Logbook Discipline B. Profession Development
III. Social and Personal Analysis on our Society 1) Nuclear Physics
A. Research Disciplines 2) Chemical Engineering
B. Online Conference and Society 3) Psychology
C. Character Build-up 4) Political Science
D. Social Media Restriction 5) Economy
E. Skill Finder C. Engineering Discipline
F. Understanding Debatable Issues D. Schedule and Time Boxing
G. Schedule and Time Boxing

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