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Curs 8

Past Perfect Tenses

Past Perfect Tenses se foloseste pentru a exprima o anumita perioada de timp anterioara
unui moment din trecut (moment de referinta), avand legatura cu acest moment.
Present Tense
Past Tense
Past Perfect Tense

Ca si la celelalte timpuri si Past Perfect Tense are doua forme:

 Past Perfect Simple
 Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect Simple

A) Definitie
Past Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima un eveniment anterior unui moment sau
altui evenoment din trecut, care este amintit in momentul vorbirii, corespondentul acestui timp in
limba romana fiind mai mult ca perfectul.

B) Forma
Ca toate timpurile perfecte, Past Perfect se formeaza cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar
TO HAVE, conjugat la timpul momentului de referinta (Past Tense), la care se adauga participiul
trecut al verbului deconjugat.

S + TO HAVE (Past Tense) + Vb (Participiu trecut)

C) Conjugare
Past Perfect Simple formeaza interogativul si negativul cu
ajutorul verbului auxiliar “TO HAVE” conjugat la Past Tense.
Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I had worked Had I worked? I had not worked
You had worked Had you worked? You had not worked
He had worked Had he worked? He had not worked
She had worked Had she worked? She had not worked
It had worked Had it worked? It had not worked
We had worked Had we worked? We had not worked
You had worked Had you worked? You had not worked
They had worked Had they worked? They had not workeds
D) Folosire
1. Past Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata inainte
unui moment din trecut.

Adverbe specifice:
 by 4 o’clock yesterday (He had finished his report by 4 o’clock yesterday.)
Past Tense
Past Perfect Simple

his father arrived

He had finished his report

2. Past Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata inaintea
altei actiuni trecute .
He had finished his report when his father arrived.
Past Tense
Past Perfect Simple

his father arrived

He had finished his report

After he had finished his report, his father arrived.

3. Past Perfect Simple se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta si terminata cu putin
timp inaintea momentului de referinta
Adverbe specifice:
- just - pentru propozitiile afirmative;
(I have just entered the classroom when the bell rang)
- already - pentru propozitiile interogative;
- yet - pentru propozitiile negative.

Past Perfect Continuous

a) Definitie:
Past Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta inceputa inaintea
unui moment sau a unei actiuni trecute continuand pana in acel moment sau actiune, precum si
probabil dupa aceea.

b) Formare
Past Perfect Continuous se formeaza cu ajutorul auxiliarului TO HAVE conjugat la Past
Tense, urmat de auxiliarul TO BE la participiul trecut (been) si verbul deconjugat cu particula -ing.

S + TO HAVE (Past Tense) + TO BE(been)+ Vb + ing

c) Conjugare:
Past Perfect Continuous formeaza interogativul si negativul cu ajutorul auxiliarului TO
HAVE conjugat la Past Tense.

Afirmativ Interogativ Negativ
I had been working Had I been working? I had not been working
You had been working Had you been working? You had not been working
He had been working Had he been working? He had not been working
She had been working Had she been working? She had not been working
It had been working Had it been working? It had not been working
We had been working Had we been working? We had not been working
You had been working Had you been working? You had not been working
They had been working Had they been working? They had not been working

d) Folosiri
1. Past Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta inceputa
inaintea altei actiuni si continuand pana la aceasta.
Adverbe specifice:
- for/since (I had been waiting for my friend for half an hour when he finally arrived).
Past Tense
Past Perfect Continuous

he arrived
I had been waiting

2. Past Perfect Continuous se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuta inceputa

inaintea altei actiuni trecute, continuand pana in acel moment precum si dupa aceea.

They had been playing football for one hour when I arrived.

Past Tense
Past Perfect Continuous

I arrived
They had been playng football

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