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Definitions of Globalization another is easier, currencies are more easily exchanged,

and tourism is encouraged.

 Processes by which goods, services, capital, and
people, information and ideas flow across 4. Technological- Technological developments are
national borders. (Grewal/Levy) conceived as the main facilitator and driving force of
most of the globalization processes.
 Process of interdependence and interaction
between people and places around the world. CAUSES OF GLOBALIZATION

According to world health organization 1. Improved Communications – The development of

communication technologies such as internet, email
 “Globalization is the increased
and mobile phones have been vital to the growth of
interconnectedness and interdependence of
people and countries, is generally understood
to include two interrelated elements: 2. Improved Transportation – The development of
refrigerated and container transport has allowed the
1. The opening of international boards to increasingly
easy mass movement of goods throughout the world.
fast flows of goods, services, finance, people and ideas
People can now travel around the world through
2. The changes in institutions and policies at national improved modes of transportation.
and international levels that facilitate or promote such
3. Free Trade Agreements –A free trade agreement is a
treaty between two or more countries to facilitate trade
TYPES OF GLOBALIZATION and eliminate trade barriers. Free trade agreements
helps create an open and competitive international
1. Economic – Economic globalization refers to the marketplace. Multinational companies and rich
widespread international movement of goods, capital, capitalist countries have always promoted global free
services, technology and information involving trade as a way of increasing their own wealth and
economic interdependence across national borders. influence.
(1) Goods and services produced in one part of the 4. Global Banking- Modern communication
world are increasingly available in all parts of the world. technologies allow vast amounts of capital to flow freely
(2) Outsourcing can add to the economic development and instantly throughout the world.  
of a struggling country, bringing much needed jobs. 5. The growth of Multinational Companies – The rapid
2. Social/Cultural- refers to the transmission of ideas, growth of big Multinational companies such as
meanings, and values around the world in such a way as Microsoft, McDonald’s and Nike is a cause as well as a
to extend and intensify social relations. This process is consequence of globalization. Globalization allows
marked by the common consumption of cultures that Multinational companies to produce goods and services
have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture and to sell products on a massive scale throughout the
media, and international travel. world.

3. Political- refers to the political cooperation between HISTORY OF GLOBALIZATION

countries. 1. Silk Road
Examples: The Silk Road was a network of trade routes which
(1) Recently, Philippines has been rapidly improving connected the East and West, and was central to the
relations and cooperating with China on various issues, economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions
developing a much stronger and stable tie with the between these regions from the 2nd century BCE to the
country. 18th century. 

(2) The European Union is an economic and political o Established when the Han Dynasty in China
union of 28 countries. Emigrating from one country to officially opened trade with the West in 130
B.C., the Silk Road routes remained in use until
1453 A.D., when the Ottoman Empire boycotted leadership of a new hegemon, the United States
trade with China and closed them. of America, and aided by the technologies of
the Second Industrial Revolution, like the car
o Trade along the so-called Silk Road economic
and the plane, global trade started to rise once
belt included fruits and vegetables, livestock,
grain, leather and hides, tools, religious objects,
artwork, precious stones and metals and— o Technological advances including mobile
perhaps more importantly—language, culture, phones and especially the internet have
religious beliefs, philosophy and science. contributed to globalization by connecting
people all over the world.
o Commodities such as paper and gunpowder,
both invented by the Chinese during the Han 5. Fourth wave of globalization (Present times)
Dynasty, had obvious and lasting impacts on
o In a world increasingly dominated by two global
culture and history in the West. They were also
powers, the US and China, the new frontier of
among the most-traded items between the East
globalization is the cyber world. The digital
and West.
economy, in its infancy during the third wave of
o Paper was invented in China during the 3rd globalization, is now becoming a force to reckon
century B.C., and its use spread via the Silk with through e-commerce, digital services, 3D
Road. printing. It is further enabled by artificial
intelligence, but threatened by cross-border
2. Age of Discovery
hacking and cyber-attacks.
o The Age of Discovery or Age of Exploration was
o At the same time, a negative globalization is
a period from the early 15th century that
expanding too, through the global effect of
continued into the early 17th century, during
climate change. Pollution in one part of the
which European ships travelled around the
world leads to extreme weather events in
world to search for new trading routes. They
another. And the cutting of forests in the few
were in search of trading goods such as gold,
“green lungs” the world has left, like the
silver and spices.
Amazon rainforest, has a further devastating
o Discovery of America / Scientific Revolution / effect on not just the world’s biodiversity, but
Colonialism / Mercantilism / Slave Trade its capacity to cope with hazardous greenhouse
gas emissions.
3. First wave of globalization (Industrial Revolution)

o The Industrial revolution began in Britain in the

middle of the 18th century. From there, it spread
to other countries of Europe and the world. The
discovery of the steam engine, electric power,
oil fuel and other sources of energy generated
the power that launched the Industrial
revolution. Other important parts of this
revolution were the mass production of goods,
instead of producing goods by the dozens, as in
previous eras, suppliers could produce them by
the hundreds of thousands.

o Steam engine / Suez Canal / World wars

4. Second and third wave of globalization

o The end of the World War II marked a new

beginning for the global economy. Under the

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