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Kylie Cianciolo

Student ID Number: S01199678

April 5, 2019
General Leadership Certificate

I felt that it was important to use all of the prompts for each activity to give an accurate reflection
of each experience.

Etiquette Brunch
March 22, 2019 / Corporate College West / Engagement
I attended the Etiquette Brunch at Corporate College West. At that time, I observed and
participated in many leadership opportunities that were implemented throughout the two-hour
event. I feel during the mingling aspect of the program I showed leadership by initiating a
conversation with a fellow peer I was sharing a table with. We sat in silence for a short time until
I decided to ask her about the Tri-C program she was involved in. On the other hand, I feel that
the etiquette part of the program also had an impact on my leadership skills as we were asked to
explore something new. At this point, I was afraid to express myself because I was very
unfamiliar with the topic of etiquette. I feel that the brunch created an atmosphere to where I had
to move out of my comfort zone with the need to be assertive. There were various ways that I
was assertive. When we were moving into the room, I made sure to wait for the last person, who
was getting coffee, so they did not have to walk into the room alone as everyone else was already
seated. We came into the room late which caused the problem of where to sit. I asked if I could
sit at a table where other people were already seated, while some people might choose to sit by
themselves. I feel that asking to join someone’s table shows courage which stems from
leadership. Leadership needs courage because it may require you to show others the path less
followed. I also saw leadership skills displayed by others such as when someone volunteered to
go first when leading the line for the buffet. The women mentioned afterwards, when asked, that
she had to overcome some obstacles before anyone else had the opportunity to experience them.
In the end, she worked through them and asked for help when she needed it. The road less
traveled may have obstacles which have to be overcome by someone who shows a sense of
fearlessness. I would like to work on my leadership skills, but in particular, overcoming my fear
of saying the wrong thing in front of a large group of my peers. Overall, I feel that this was a
great experience to learn something new as well as showcasing new ways of leadership.
Lambda GSA Meeting
April 1, 2019 / Corporate College West / Engagement
I attended the Lambda GSA event at Corporate College West. I was under the impression
that this was an actual meeting, but it was only an informational gathering. I am involved in my
high school’s GSA division, but I feel this is a better opportunity for me to be able to show my
leadership abilities. I think this is a highly important student organization in which leadership
can be showcased within. The current club organizers were very welcoming which was nice
because to be a leader you need to surround yourself with people that have similar qualities. I
also feel this is an organization that covers a sensitive topic for some society members, but these
students are trailblazing a path even though they do not have a large number of members which
shows strength and solidarity. After asking questions about the club, I definitely would like to
involve myself more within this organization. I think asking questions is an important part of
leadership because if you are not sure about something that is a good way to collect all of the
information. Asking for help is also a way to show that you are willing to learn even if you feel
highly confident in the topic. I also feel my communication skills were tested as I had to immerse
myself in a conversation with the club president. This engagement strengthened my leadership
skills because I had to initiate the conversation since it was an open-ended gathering that I had
never attended before. I also feel trying new things is a great way to expand leadership skills as
well as your talents and knowledge. I would like to work on my involvement in new
opportunities because I feel that it will add new interests and networking opportunities. I am glad
that I attended this event as I learned about a new topic that I was not completely familiar with. I
would really like to attend more Lambda GSA meetings in the future.
Tough Cookies Leadership Workshop
April 2, 2019 / Corporate College West / Learning Opportunity
I took part in the Tough Cookies Leadership workshop at Corporate College West. I feel
that since it was a small group setting that leadership skills were being highly assessed. I
demonstrated leadership skills by contributing to the conversation at certain times during the
workshop. When I expressed my opinion, I added to the conversation in a positive way by
providing a different viewpoint. My views changed because I knew there was a vast amount of
leadership needed to be a girl scout, but I did not know that they had a structured, outlined
program. I think their leadership program has strong morals. To be a leader, you have to identify
your purpose which is one of the main points that the Tough Cookies’ guidelines express is
important. I feel that the ‘alien dinner party activity’ benefited me as it taught me to take a step
back and look at something from an alternate viewpoint. I can use this with my leadership style
because if a problem occurs, I can look at a situation from a different perspective that may help
me understand the issue in a better manner. I think this skill can be used in many different
circumstances inside the classroom and outside of the classroom. I felt like the activity that
involved choosing a quote also helped me develop a sense of purpose for the reason that I am
choosing to led others. The workshop was conducted in a professional manner, but fun activities
were also implemented throughout to keep the participants well engaged. I think this workshop
boosted my leadership skills in the sense of embracing others and finding purpose.
FISH Philosophy
April 3, 2019 / Corporate College West / Learning Opportunity
I attended the FISH Philosophy workshop at Corporate College West. I thoroughly enjoyed
the activities. My favorite activity was playing the “Spot It” game while trying to read lines out of
the workbook. That really showed me that you have to be present or the results may not be in your
favor because you were distracted. To be a leader, you have to be in tune with your surrounds to
be able to completely lead. I plan to give my full attention to people when they are talking to me.
I also intend to cut outside distractions like social media and phone use in public settings to be
more present with reality. I also enjoyed writing the thank you cards in the ‘make their day’ part
of the workshop. I feel that life can be extremely busy so it is nice to sit down and appreciate
others. In the end, it is going to make you feel good as well as the person receiving the card. My
personal leadership style is creating goals for myself and helping others achieve their goals. When
you set your mind set on a goal, you sometimes forget the time that other people have taken out of
their day to help you. So it is nice to take time to appreciate the people that support and help you
with your goals. I also liked the activity that we completed on the board by listing the things we
considered ‘work’ and ‘play.’ Then for the second part of that activity, we recognized how the
things we categorized made us feel. It was a personal revelation to realize how things that you
enjoy can be infused with things that you consider ‘work.’ This can give you are a more positive
outlook by adding ‘play’ to the things that you may not want to do but have to complete. I feel the
workshop was thoroughly structured and enjoyable. I would definitely attend another FISH
Philosophy workshop.

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