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HOSPITALITY is the relationship between a guest and a host, wherein

the host receives the guest with goodwill, including the reception and
entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers. ... Hospitality is also the
way people treat others, that is the service of welcoming receiving guests
for example in hotels.

RESPECT OF ELDERS is usually invoked to accuse younger

generations of disrespect, or shaming them into conforming to standards of
the past. But that's not what it is really about. Yes, youth comes with
inherent naivety — and with age, wisdom — they always have.
CLOSE FAMILY TIES that results to extended family structure.
It is because Filipinos believe that families should be together and help
each other out. Family and relatives do as much as they can to support
each other even financially.

BAYANIHAN is a Filipino word derived from the word

bayan meaning town, nation, or community in general. "Bayanihan"
literally means, "being a bayan," and is thus used to refer to a spirit of
communal unity and cooperation.
COLONIAL MENTALITY is the internalized attitude of ethnic or cultural
inferiority felt by people as a result of colonization, i.e. them being
colonized by another group.

BAHALANA ATTITUDE they are encouraging and telling themselves

that they are ready to deal with tough situations or life-changing moments
that may come into their lives. Saying this phrase is the same as declaring
their confidence that they can come up with solutions when those events
finally arrive.
MANANA HABIT is one of the most negative traits of some people. It
means mamaya na in Filipino or to do a certain thing in a later time.
Mañana is a Spanish word meaning 'tomorrow' or 'later' which is also
described as procrastination. · Mañana habits simply means putting off ...

NINGAS KUGON For the sake of literal interpretation so that it is

easily understood, allow me to dissect what the phrase means: ...
CRAB MENTALITY This is analogous to the behavior of a person
who diminishes or pulls down anyone else who achieves or is about to
achieve success greater than their own

Filipino time means being minutes to hours late compared to the

standard time. It's like having our own clock, albeit aware that the
right time is the World Standard Time. In our defense, not all Filipinos are
usually late. ... Many factors are attributed to being late in the Philippines.



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