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The Solar panel bicycle will not be used in the future.

The solar panels make it harder to navigate your surroundings and that could lead to
potential risks because the rider cannot see where hie is going.especially when you aren’t
equipped for safety precautions percussions. Furthermore, its weight would be too heavy for
children and difficult to pedal. wouldn’t that thing be heavy and it can take a lot of effort
trying to peddle it?

Young kids still have no experience with flying the vehicle or even flying it and how do we
know that they would not behave recklessly, cause reckless behaviour if they don’t learn
that responsibility? Even in if this is the future, wouldn’t that mean kids would still have a
phobia of heights, especially being the pilot driver seat too since there is a lot of learning to
do to use take for this sort of equipment or use.

The jet roller skates can’t be controlled because it s use’s uses high speed, making it
impossible for it to even be safe. Somebody could get hurt during the travel, whether that’s
the owner of this gadget or someone else that meets can comes across this sort of transport.
Even if there was a way to stop it, you can’t because of the momentum, wind pressure which
prevents you from taking quick action to change the direction or even thinking about taking
evasive action a certain move.

The backpack is easy to control and wouldn’t run out of fuel, which is reliable since we know
that there will not be any mischievous behaviour because the backpack will always be worn .
Furthermore, it is safe because it transports slowly compared to other forms of transportor
even false safety measures going on that would surround this. Another reason is that it is
safe because of the non-flammable suit and the helmet if the backpack malfunctions in some
way. The pack also has a sensor that will detect anything that prevents you from hitting or


The moving sidewalk would only slow people down and when people are running late, why would
they need something that wouldn’t even go very fast. Furthermore, if it were crowded with full of
students wouldn’t that stop people from walking a lot as well. Lastly, there is less so you cannot
move freely since you have to wait until you get out of it. ??

The flying skateboard is would be fine because it increases the children’s ability to balance
as well as hone their reflexes. It also burns calories because it engages your muscles, which
is definitely a form of exercise. And there is how it helps you focus because it requires a lot
of concentration to help you stay upright and safe

Correct Verb:

1. Bjorn has brought you a present

2. Aunt May has made your favourite cake.
3. Have you saw it yet?
4. Why haven’t you told me about it?
5. The ball has broke the window
6. Susie has decided to try out for the class play
7. What has Chita hidden under the bed?
8. Have you or your sister flew on an airplane

It was a small and deserted land and there was no one living on it. There were a lot of huge
waves that were crashing here. Finally, it has had a lot of nutritious fruits such watermelon,
pineapple, bananas etc.

In some ways I feel relaxed, but it might get boring after a while, so I want to return back home as
soon as I can.

What do you get when you add captain and something that seems so predictable?

The answer is Captain Obvious

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