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No GM's Sky by Todd Zircher (copyright 2018)

NGS is an adventure setting for Trav/Cepheus Engine, but it should

be easy to adapt to other sci-fi rule systems as well. The rules
presented here are a framework for telling a story of exploration,
discovery, and survival.

Table of Contents

Page 1 Permissions and Usage

Page 1 A Little History
Page 3 What is NGS?
Page 3 Preflight Checklist
Page 5 Mission Details
Page 5 Ship Loadout
Page 6 Equipment
Page 7 Beyond the Fringe
Page 8 Tracking Mysteries
Page 9 How to Solo
Page 12 Fringe Space Encounters (216 systems)
Page 32 Appendix A – Pre-generated Crew
Page 35 Appendix B – Mission Specialists and Patrons
Page 43 Appendix C – Fringe Space Maps (sample maps for four subsectors)

Permissions and Usage

If you have this document in any format and you want to copy or print it at your local printer,
PRINT THIS DOCUMENT FOR PERSONAL USE. Feel free to share this version, but limit file
hosting to personal use only.

No GM’s Sky is designed to enhance the play of your favorite 2d6 sci-fi role playing game and no
challenge is intended or implied to any author or owner of such game systems. The Cepheus
Engine and Samardan Press are the trademarks of Jason "Flynn" Kemp, and I’m are not affiliated
with Mr. Kemp or Samardan Press.

A Little History

After the dawn of the Atomic Age, a strange thing happened. Humanity started losing its taste
for war. Oh, it took some time and there were still plenty of regional fires, but WW2 was the
last major war between the nation-states of the day. It seems regardless of heated words and
saber rattling, we had collectively lost our desire for large scale carnage. Where governments
sometimes stalled or faded from the global scene, corporations remained a stabilizing force and
became the new ambassadors and the drivers of technology, exploration, and cooperation.

High thrust drive systems, reliable power plants, and a healthy appetite for profit and knowledge
drove mankind to the farthest reaches of the solar system. Within two centuries we had stations
all over the place and Mars was responding well to terraforming efforts.
The invention of the Denisova-Keller Drive (aka the Jump Drive) gave mankind the stars. It was
probably one of the worst kept secrets in history, the details of the drive tech were actually
stolen/released before the first probe even returned from its maiden voyage. Within a year,
more than a dozen companies and governments were working on their own versions. The next
century was a wild rush to explore the region and colonies followed where the worlds were fair
and the resources plentiful.

Fifty years ago, the unrestricted expansion of Humanity came sliding to a halt. That was the
year that Fred was found abandoned in orbit around Hawson's World. What gave Humanity
pause? Fred wasn't human. While the occupant of the spacesuit had been dead for a long time,
the mummified body was a treasure trove of data. Bilateral symmetry, CHNOPS biochemistry,
genetic markers (at least those that were not destroyed by the environment) showed a very
high degree of similarity to organic life as we know it. Fred wasn't terrestrial by a long shot,
four eyes, a long snout, omnivore-like dentition, and with a sloth-like opposable claw on its
hands. The suit had been drifting for decades, perhaps centuries, based on analysis of micro-
meteor pitting and cosmic ray damage to electronics.

Fred's discovery caused Humanity to check its expansion, Hawson's World was well inside
humanity's bubble of colonized worlds. Planets that had been previously colonized were checked
again for signs of visitors, asteroids scanned for previous mining, every moving chunk of debris
got a visit. Space, which was for the most part demilitarized, started to see ships now quietly
carrying weapons.

Fred held one other secret, a mysterious crystal about the size of a cricket ball. The white
crystalline matrix appeared to be artificial in construction but no obvious function that could be
determined. The most common speculation is that the device was a holographic data storage
medium. As a unique object, no one dared to cut it open or otherwise damage it.

Ten years ago, the Sphere was being transferred via courier to the labs at New Eden. During
the outbound leg of the trip, Navigator Mia Naur somehow became attuned to the crystal and
when the ship jumped, it went sideways 40 parsecs. It took the crew of the Goldenrod almost a
year to return back to normal space and to tell the tale. Perhaps the sphere triggered
something bigger as well, more of them started turning up on colony worlds, on ancient moons,
and drifting in asteroid belts. It is almost like they wanted to be found.

Scientists don't know how the crystals (popularly called Jump Cores) work, but they seem to
psychically connect to a random person. In close proximity, the crystal even emits a soft glow.
If that individual is actively concentrating on the crystal when a jump drive is used, it jumps
them to a star system roughly 40 parsecs towards the galactic core. There appears to be some
kind of size/mass limit. No active core has ever moved a ship
that is larger than 100 tons. The jump cores appear to be very
old and pre-date Humanity. Based on the technology in Fred's
suit, the spheres are probably older than Fred's people as well.

Now, the greatest lottery in all of human space is the Jump Core.
Only one in a billion will feel its pull. And, only they can make it
light up. Some call it a curse, this lure of the unknown, like
moths to a flame. Today, it called for you.
What is NGS?

No GM's Sky is a solo game system, you control a protagonist that is attuned to a jump core and
the crew of volunteers that choose to travel with your character and explore the fringes of
human space and beyond. Some seek knowledge, others look for fortune, and who knows what
mysteries will be revealed along the way. Game-wise it is kind of a reverse Oregon Trail, you
jump as far as you dare and then try to return to civilization.

The scout and courier classes are small ships. Its crew consists of a pilot, a navigator, an
engineer, and a gunner. Your character might fulfill one of those duties or just be along for the
ride. With double occupancy, you can bring along up to four specialists to build the team.

The odds are such that you're not going to own your own ship to go zipping off into the
unknown. Either a government, corporation, or wealthy patron can provide a ship. That usually
comes with some strings, they'll want to bring some of their own people and they have their own
goals as well. Perhaps they want to get first crack at new discoveries or to make sure no dire
threat to humanity waits for them out there. Or, maybe they have a more personal agenda…

Each Jump Core assisted jump pushes you closer to the galactic core, each jump places you a
year further from home. You have it easier than the crew of the Goldenrod. They weren't
prepared for an extended trip and it was a rough ride home. Your crew has the advantage that
you know at least what you're getting into.

There is life out there, mysteries to discover, worlds to chart and explore. Some ships jump and
are never heard from again (or are long overdue), others have returned and their findings have
made them and their sponsors very wealthy.

Preflight Checklist

Before you can start your adventure, we have a few items that need to be filled out. The
choices made here will have an impact on the composition of your crew and its mission. If you
want to fast-track the checklist, a pre-generated crew is available in Appendix A.

Create a character using Trav, Cepheus, or your favorite set of sci-fi rules. The only real
restriction is that you have to be human. Even that can be tweaked if you want to change the
default history of humanity offered by this setting and add your own aliens. Your protagonist
can come from any branch or career. A character that somehow manages to end up with a
scout ship will be re-activated by the Service and asked to carry out one more mission. Buy
personnel equipment as normal. Due to the unique nature of your mission, even restricted
items such as military grade equipment are available, if you are trained and can afford it.

Choose a Sponsor. Pick from the list, roll dice, or create your own. Mission length is determined
by one long jump out and approximately 20-30 jumps to get back plus in-system time for
refueling, surveying, and exploration.

Sponsors and Missions

1. Scout: Exploration
Usually a two to five year mission to survey planets and astronomical bodies. Earn credits for
scanning new worlds and a bounty for valuable finds plus scout pay. It’s a long time between
paychecks, but the rewards can be huge.
2. Scout: Establish a forward base
Only a one or two year mission to search out a habitable planet and set up a landing pad with an
automated fuel collector for extracting hydrogen from a local water supply. Standard scout pay,
plus a bonus for completing the mission.
3. Navy: Gather Intelligence
Signs of alien civilization need to be investigated and reported. A one to three year mission with
navy pay but no other bonuses. First contact is to be avoided unless a xenologist is on the crew.
4. Marine: Rescue / Recovery
A previous mission is over-due, every Attuned person is valuable so we're sending you in to
bring them back. At least one marine needs to be on the crew and cargo space dedicated to low
passage berths if passenger space is not available. Standard marine pay plus a bounty if the
Attuned and their jump core are recovered.
5. Corporate: Pathfinder
A one to four year mission to find colony sites and claim them. Bonus rewards for finding
suitable colony sites. At least one Corp Scientist needs to be part of the crew, lab optional but
preferred. Civilian pay can be negotiated.
6. Corporate: Resource Hunter
A one to three year mission to find mining sites and claim them. Bonus rewards for finding
potential mining sites. At least one Corp Scientist needs to be part of the crew, lab optional but
preferred. Civilian pay can be negotiated.
7. Corporate: Artifact Raid
The Corp has gotten intel on alien activity in this region. Bonus rewards for bringing back alien
culture and technology. A Corp Specialist (aka a Mercenary with a degree) needs to be included
in the crew. Civilian pay can be negotiated.
8. Corporate: Science
A one to three year mission to find biological samples. Bonus rewards for finding profitable
species. At least one Corp Scientist needs to be part of the crew, lab and low berths (for storing
large samples) are optional but preferred. Civilian pay can be negotiated.
9. Patron: The Collector
A one to two year mission to find unique items. Bonus rewards for successful finds. The Patron
insists on being part of the crew and on search missions. Flat fee.
10. Patron: The Tourist
Usually a one year mission where a rich Patron (they do have their own ship) is just along for
the ride and is checking off an item on their bucket list. Bonus for coming back alive and in one
piece. Flat fee.
11. Patron: The Hunter
One to two year mission for a Patron that is seeking new species to find and shoot. Bonus for a
completed mission and rewards for interesting trophies. The Patron will come along and often
bring their own steward. They'll also want one ton of cargo space for luxuries per year. Flat fee.
12. Patron: Missing Person
Two to three year mission for a Patron that is seeking a member of a previous mission that has
not returned. The sought person may or may not be the attuned one. Bonus for return of the
person and a smaller reward for confirmation of being alive or dead. The Patron might come
along, but is more likely to send a trusted mercenary as their man. Flat fee.
Mission Details

In addition to any retirement pay that a character may have earned, the protagonist is entitled
to 'active duty' pay. Extra rewards are possible depending on the mission.

Scout Pay: 14K credits per year, +1500cr bonus for establishing a forward base
Navy Pay: 16K credits per year
Marine Pay: 12K credits per year, +1000cr bonus (each) for the Attuned and the jump core
Civilian Pay: 15K credits per year + 1000cr for a successful Negotiate/Liaison roll and + 1000cr
for every point higher that 8+
Flat Fee: 20k credits, +5000cr mission complete bonus, +2000cr missing persons bonus or
+500cr for confirmation of status, +500cr for interesting finds (as determined by the Patron)

All missions: +1000cr for scans of marginal and habitable worlds, +1,000cr for detailed surveys
of colony sites (requires probes or on-site survey), +1000cr for asteroid mining scans. Double
the survey bonus for Pathfinders. Double the asteroid scan bonus for Resource Hunters.

It’s possible through role play to earn higher pay or other rewards, especially if you’re willing to
create custom missions and sponsors. Seasoned ‘jumpers’ that have survived at least one
mission can certainly negotiate higher prices.

Ship Loadout

Due to the variations between editions and systems, I'm not going to include the full specs on
each ship. What is important is the specific loads that they are carrying. That will have a direct
impact on what missions can be performed, available cargo, passenger capacity, etc. This can be
distilled down to a set of choices; Scout or Courier hull, and deciding what equipment you want
and need to complete the mission. Of course, if you love the nuts and bolts of outfitting a star
ship, you can use your favorite system. Both ships are 100 tons and rigged for long duration
missions (food processing, recycling, and extra provisions.) They have streamlined hulls with
advanced sensors, fuel scoops, two fuel processors, four staterooms, a ship's locker, and a
model 2 computer.

Military Scout: Jump 2, Maneuver 2, Armor 4, one

turret with two beam lasers, 12 tons of cargo, fuel for
one jump
Civilian Courier: Jump 2, Maneuver 4, Armor 2, one
turret with two pulse lasers, 12 tons of cargo, fuel for
one jump
Custom Jumper: Given time and money, it is certainly
possible to build a custom design under 100 tons that
could extend crew or cargo capacity at the expense of
maneuverability, armor, and redundancy. You
normally wouldn’t start with such a vessel, but a
character on a second or third mission might have
access to such a design.

Various modules, vehicles, supplies, and gear that can be stowed in the cargo bay.

Air Raft, 4 tons, a contra-grav skimmer, unpressurized

ATV, 4 tons, all-terrain vehicle that can be ‘buttoned up’ and pressurized
Automated Fuel Collector, 4 tons, some assembly required (is needed for a forward base)
Lab module, 4 tons, the additional equipment aids in science rolls
Combat drone, 1 ton, lightly armored with a squad support weapon, has combat skills
Library, 4 tons, allows for some training during down-time and helps with research rolls
Medical module, 4 tons, contains an auto-doc if you don’t have a medic or doctor
Workshop, 4 tons, repair or print parts as needed, includes tools for related skills
Armory, 2 tons, includes ammo, body armor, weapons, and seismic charges (for surveys)
Four low berths, 2 tons, cryogenic suspension for extra passengers or the critically wounded
Five probe drones, 1 ton, can be deployed from space or surface, can be recovered/reused
Luxury goods, 1 ton (per year), the good stuff that can’t be made from recycled organics
Repair drone, 1 ton, a large drone with some skills and built-in tools, is space capable
Spare parts, 1 ton, more tonnage allocated to parts improves your odds of repair
Survival gear, 1 ton, outdoor living gear and protection, aids in hazardous surface operations

If you drop the turret, you can gain an additional ton of cargo space (a simple probe launcher
with five probes is a common choice.) And, you can give up the gunner crew position for an
additional crewman or mission specialist.

Cabins and Low Berths

Each stateroom can serve double occupancy and the

first two tend to be occupied by the crew. The pilot
and navigator take one and the engineer and gunner
take the other. That leaves two cabins for four more
people unless low passage berths are installed in the
cargo bay. Could you bring a platoon in cold sleep?
Sure, but your mission capability and survival would
be seriously impacted. All guns and no butter.
Appendix B will have lists of patrons and mission
specialists to pick from (or roll randomly.)

With a little effort, you can strip one of the cabins to

gain four tons of storage or install a lab or other
module. Of course, you can’t put a vehicle in that
space and you would lose out on two mission specialist
slots. Depending on the job, that might be an
acceptable loss. However, you are also losing out on
their expertise and skills when you might need it most.
Beyond the Fringe

Exploration is a curious thing. We can chart a billion stars, but we rarely know what's out there
until we actually visit them. Space telescopes can help with some details, but not enough to
know which systems will make good colonies or support profitable mining operations. You need
scouts for that and scouts need fuel. Fortunately, scientists can study the spectrum and
determine if gas giants or water/ice is present in many systems. This greatly improves the odds
of not being stranded.

In the NGS setting, your crew will launch from Gateway Station, the last stop for Humanity on
the core-ward fringe of space. Each long jump is four subsectors in length (10 parsecs each.) If
this is the first time you have played, you'll need to create new subsector maps or use the ones
provided in Appendix C. If you want to roll up your own, use the standard distribution model of
a 50% chance of a system per hex, but do not generate the system details, the only known
system is Gateway's (a mineral rich asteroid belt with a gas giant in the system.)

For example, this is our first long jump mission and it is only going to be one year long (in
theory.) We'll need four subsector maps (40 hexes or parsecs in length total.) The first map will
have your destination star in the top row. Anything off the bottom of that map is rim-ward and
leads towards Gateway Station. The other subsector maps will sit below the first map. On the
last map in the bottom row will be the Gateway System. Can you go off the sides of the map?
Sure, it will extend your journey, but the adjacent subsector might also provide a short cut.

Since this is the fringe of known space and there are no refueling stations, tankers, or even drop
tanks to extend the range of a ship. Look at the unexplored maps, if there is a bottleneck where
a jump three drive is required, add a system to bridge the gap. Gateway's location was chosen
in part due to the star density and configuration that would allow a ship with a jump 2 drive to
make it back to the station.

If you’re using another sci-fi gaming system that uses a different style of FTL travel, replace the
one week jump time with a one week survey job to find a warp/jump point to the next star
system. Long jumps will still be exceptionally rare with the average being one or two parsecs.

System Generation

Most systems within the standard Trav or Cepheus setting are heavily populated with all the
infrastructure of civilization in place. The Fringe is not like that at all, so we need to alter the
system generator process to match that. You will also need a custom encounters to reflect the
frontier and the mysteries that are out there.

To save you a lot of dice rolling, NGS uses an encounter chart with 216 entries on it. This chart
has all the high level details you need for most systems. When you jump into a new star
system, roll three dice and read it as digits (ranging from 111 to 666.) Each entry also has a
check box. Mark that when an entry is used. On the off chance that the same number is rolled
later, re-roll or skip down a random number of unchecked entries to find the next unchecked
system to use.

Every entry in the Fringe Space Encounters table has the potential for fuel. Some are easy,
others are back breaking and dangerous work. If you’re creating your own systems, that’s really
the only rule to follow.
Tracking Mysteries

There's more to the fringe than exploration. There are mysteries and threats waiting to be discovered.
Some worlds will have triggers like Monolith+1. When you enter the system and start exploring, advance
the appropriate track. You might need to apply some common sense here. If you run into a system with
Ruins+1 and you refuse to land on the surface to examine them, don't add anything to the Ruins track.
On later missions, feel free to create your own tracks and add triggers for them. There are more triggers
than there are tracks. That is intentional. It increases the odds that you will fill up a track and it open up
the mysteries to go the next step beyond the track. Perhaps even solving other mysteries or unlocking
new ones. The end of a track (*) and each step past that can also trigger a Missing Persons event if you
are on that type of mission. Use the Random Referee table to see where that takes you.

Monolith Track
A powerful signal rocks the ship and every intercom on the ship squeals out something like whale
song. Analysis or tracking of the signal might provide additional clues.
A great black ‘thing’ beams a crap ton of alien data at you and promptly leaves.
The Monolith jumps in close and wails at you. Its shape is simple but it also exists in multiple
dimensions at the same time. Hopefully, you've prepared the right response. *

Ruins Track
The ruins are ancient and predate any of the other civilizations in this region of space.
There are plenty of curious looping runes, but they hold no meaning, yet.
More ruins, not as badly decayed, some interesting statuary. More clues to find.
Ruins with intact murals help with the translation. Something about a great treasure...
Okay, this city looks too well maintained. Somewhere there is a vault or temple, but you can bet
that it is still protected even though you have seen no guardians or workers. *

Derelict Track
It's a graveyard of ships, some ancient, some disturbingly recent. Nothing functional.
You find a derelict courier, freshly gutted with bright frozen blood glinting like rubies. Maybe the
logs or analyzing the wreck will tell you something.
You get a distress signal, a human distress signal. It's coming from that horrible thing, an
amalgamation of ships; human and alien. It's heading in the direction of Human Space. You
know damn well it is probably a trap. But, what if there are survivors from the courier in there? *

Others Track
Well, you didn't expect that here. It’s a statue or monument to a Fred. The snout and four eyes
are distinctive. There is script that matches what little is known about them.
You pick up a strange sensor ping on a nearby chunk of rock and ice. There's an abandoned
habitat down there. It doesn't take much to determine that Freds built it.
She's dead, Jim. The markings on the hull are Fred script. No surprise, the hull is about 100
tons. I wonder what killed her and what happened to the crew? *

Doomsday Track
Something ripped apart a planet leaving nothing but glowing chunks of debris.
Another dead planet, newer than the last. Whatever happened, it wasn't an accident.
Oh, wow. I didn't think that was possible. How are we going to stop it? Can we? *
How to Solo – It’s easier than you think.

Okay, I’ve thrown a lot of nuts and bolts at you, but how do we bring that all together and play?
First off, there is no wrong way. You can play it sparse or as rich as desired. It’s your game and
for some folks that means a lot of dialog and descriptions. For others, they are quite happy to
play it out in their head and keep a minimum of notes. I prefer digital, but you are totally free
to print everything out, scrawl notes and doodle to your heart’s content.

Our favorite 2d6 sci-fi role playing game is no stranger to solo play and tools. Zozer Games has
Solo which uses a scene based resolution system and Robert Pearce created a huge spreadsheet
of random Trav tools (
so-much.html). Even the main rules have handy tables for random animal encounters.

My favorite solo tools are generic GM engines and custom oracles. Oracles are essentially
random event and encounter tables. The Fringe Space Encounters section is one large oracle at
its heart, it revolves around the questions that spring from jumping into a new system to see
what’s there. It provides events and locations for the player to interact with. Due to the nature
of the fringe, there will be very little space traffic. But, there will be plenty of opportunities to go
planet-side to survey, explore, and get work done (refueling, probe recovery, base set-up, etc.)
Animal and alien encounters will be the most common events with occasional hazards from the
local environment that might require survival rolls and the like. Remember, for a normal bio-
sphere (something other than a barren rock), the referee is supposed to check for encounters
twice a day with a 33% chance of one happening.

GM engines are simple (or optionally complex) methods for answering questions. Some engines
dig into story elements such as plot twists and scene interruptions as part of an encounter.
Check out the CRGE (Conjectural Roleplaying GM Emulator by Zach Best) or the GME (Mythic GM
Emulator by Word Mill Games) for examples of full blown systems for solo story telling.

Because I want to keep it light weight and still stick with two six-sided dice, I’ll borrow from
another game that I wrote. When you have a question and the answer is not obvious or no
applicable skill applies, roll 2d6 and consult the Random Referee table:

Random Referee Table

3 or less No, and…
4-5 No
6 No, but…
7 Delayed / Interrupted
8 Yes, but…
9-10 Yes
11 or more Yes, and…

If the odds are not 50/50, apply a situational modifier from -2 to +2 depending on how likely the
outcome will be true. For example, “Is the door guarded?” Might be 50/50, but if there is
strange things going on you might add +1 and if it is a full station alert +2 to the roll.
Delayed/Interrupted is a special result that adds complication to the question but does directly
answer the question. Going with “Is the door guarded?” again, a delay/interrupt might be, “Just
before you can get around the corner to check, your com-badge begins to vibrate. Incoming

The Random Referee table can also be used for task resolution when you don’t want to engage a
more detailed set of rules. Give the player a +1 if they have the appropriate skills (or a zero if
they have a level 0 and a -1 if they are unskilled) and a situational modifier if they have the
right tools or if there is a complication like unbearable cold or working under fire.
Let’s go with an example where the crew is on a Corporate Resource Grab. They jump into a
new system and roll 1+4+5 on the Fringe Space Encounter table. [Check the box, when used.]

[✓] 145 X5000000 -GA Size 5, no atmosphere or water

That's no moon… An extensive network of craters indicate it might not be a natural

Mission Log: We jumped into the system and Dr. Albanez immediately started her survey
sweep. It didn’t take long to spot an anomaly in the inner system. The planet should have had
an atmosphere.

“Does Captain Veroce want to take a closer look?” We had previously determined that Veroce
was an overly cautious leader, so let’s roll 2d6-1 on the Random Referee table. We get a 7 with
mods, delayed/interrupt.

Mission Log: Albanez wants to immediately investigate, but Veroce is having none of it. “Dead
world, Elizabeth. There’s no profit in it.” The two bicker over it for a bit and the Captain decides
to put it up to a vote just to shut the scientist up.

If we were role playing it out, we could include a scene where Dr. Albanez tries to gather votes
for hers case and make some skill rolls and such. We’ll just fast track it with another question,
note that the best questions tend to be binary but still open to interpretation. “Does Albanez get
enough votes to sway the Captain?” We get a 6 – No, but…

Mission Log: Elizabeth makes the rounds and bugs the rest of the crew but fails to get enough
votes to break the deadlock. The Captain decides to make a deal, “Okay, let’s scan the asteroid
belt for mineral claims. I checked with Nav and we can do a fly-by this dead world on the way
out to hitting the gas giant for fuel. No way am I going down there, especially if it is hot.”

A note on writing style, are mission logs the only way to play? Not at all, you can easily write it
out in a more cinematic style or even do something like a movie script. Use whatever works for
you. Mission Logs are a good fit for these examples because they stand out as in-game fiction
separate for the NGS mechanics.

I’d like to explain some of the fuzzy bits to the solo experience. There are a lot of meta-gaming
elements to solo gaming, it can sometimes seem like you’re playing a game about playing a
game. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something to be aware of. It’s up to the
player to decide on how much role playing they want to put into the experience.
When you need more input to spark the imagination, try using word lists or random images.
Story Cubes are a big favorite for solo gamers since they are open to interpretation and you can
get themed sets. Tarot and Dixit cards can serve a similar role. Another option is to go online
and use icon generators. an example word list to use. my random icon and dice server

We’ll use Zero Dice as an example of how that would look. We rolled up three icons and got.

Mission Log: Dr. Albanez got her close scan of the planet. It did turn out to be a natural thing.
The scars were fresh and as we rounded the planet we saw one massive impact event after
another, it was just like Shoemaker-Levy 9. But instead of crashing into a gas giant, this little
planet had gotten savaged and its atmosphere was literally blown into space by the forces
inflicted on it. We left the dead world and headed out to the gas giant for refueling.

Could we have read those icons a different way? Sure! I love Story Cubes and other image
sources because there are so many ways to assemble them into your own scenes.

Elizabeth’s Diary: Closer examination of AL-2419-1 on approach revealed no significant source

of radiation. I finally convinced the Captain that there was no risk and got the green light to
collect some soil samples for analysis. Hours later, I was standing on the edge of a great rift
where the crust of the planet was ripped open. The desolation extended as far as I could see.
As I turned around, I saw the foot prints from my spacesuit in the ash and dust. It was
sobering to think that I was the only living thing walking on the surface of that dead place.
Fringe Space Encounters

If all you did was jump from system to system, it would be kind of stale. Fortunately, you will
have plenty of opportunities to go planet-side. You’ll need to set up equipment, replenish
supplies and water, refuel (and hack up ice if there is no water), recover launched probes, follow
collectors and hunters, and perhaps explore a mystery or two.

The default systems use a seven digit code for the primary world in the system. For example,
the UWP code X867000 would be a perfect earth-like planet and a good candidate for a colony.
The first digit is the starport type which will be X for most worlds on the fringe. The other codes
represent size, atmosphere, and hydrographic percentage. These values will be explained in the
description for each world. The flags are codes for Asteroids present, Gas Giants present, ‘$’
means that it is a great potential colony site, and a ‘?’ means that it is probably a marginal
colony site. Worlds with native populations ‘!’, can never be claimed as a colony site.

Used Index UWP Flags Description

[] 111 X8670000 -GA$ Size 8, standard atmosphere, hydro 70%
A veritable clone of Earth, perfect for colonization. Full compatible biosphere, but watch
out for predators when doing your survey work. This system has a gas giant suitable for
refueling, and an asteroid belt that can be scanned for mining potential.

[] 112 X6470000 -GA? Size 6, thin-tainted atmosphere, hydro 70%

The atmosphere is tainted with mold, a marginal place for a colony at best. Ruins+1

[] 113 X9550000 -GA$ Size 9 (1.25 G), thin atmosphere, hydro 50%
A little off on everything, but still a short sleeve environment at the lower elevations.
A detailed survey will reveal several choice spots for colony sites.

[] 114 X7240000 -GA Size 7, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%
Primitive plant life has seeded this atmosphere more with spores than oxygen.
Science would love some samples.

[] 115 X8740000 -GA? Size 8, tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%

Vast deserts dominate the interior of every continent, dust gets everywhere even in the
coastal areas. Local prey and predators have learned to blend in with the dust.

[] 116 X7750000 -GA? Size 7, tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Trace gases displace oxygen and ruin what would be a perfectly good colony world.

[] 121 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

The primary world for this system is just the biggest rock in a pile of rocks. Several close
gas giants turn this solar system into a grinder for solid planets. Derelict+1

[] 122 X6470000 -A? Size 6, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 70%

Bring your filter masks, the hazy blue skies are not thick but tainted. There are some
interesting rock formations on the southern continent.

[] 123 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

There's some kind of signal coming from one of the rocks in the inner zone. It’s too
garbled to determine the content.
[] 124 X5270000 -GA Size 5, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 70%
The oceans are going to boil off in a few million years. Awesome canyon systems are
scattered everywhere. It might be a pain to recover any launched drones.

[] 125 X9980000 -GA? Size 9 (1.25 G), dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%
The heavy dense air of this world smells like something died in its vast oceans.

[] 126 X8440000 -A? Size 8, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 40&

The only source of fuel is the small seas that dot the surface. That's also where the
animals congregate.

[] 131 X5680000 -GA$ Size 5, standard atmosphere, hydro 80%

A nice place to settle down if your joints ache and you like lots of water front property.

[] 132 X3360000 -GA Size 3, very thin atmosphere, hydro 60%

This world is a moon to an inner zone gas giant and occasionally gets blasted with
Above average amounts of radiation.

[] 133 X9A80000 -GA Size 9 (1.25 G), atmosphere unbreathable, hydro 80%
Life never really flourished on this world and as a result the air is critically low in

[] 134 X4580000 -GA? Size 4, thin atmosphere, hydro 80%

The low gravity and thin air actually has a negative impact on many types of colony
development and infrastructure.

[] 135 X0000000 -GA No primary in this system.

Nothing but gravel in this system, well, maybe some of the rocks might be worth
mining. An inner zone planetary body should have formed. Doomsday+1

[] 136 X6300000 -GA Size 6, very thin atmosphere, no significant bodies of water
A barren world that seemed to have missed out on the earlier cometary bombardment
phase of its life. Any water is subsurface or locked in lichen-like plants. Science would
like some biological samples.

[] 141 X2300000 -GA Size 2, very thin atmosphere, ice patches on dark side
A tidally locked inner world that never had a chance to keep any standing water.

[] 142 X4670000 -GA? Size 4, standard atmosphere, hydro 70%

Too small to be considered a garden world, it might serve as a colony for some
corporate interests. Ruins+1

[] 143 X3100000 -G Size 1, no atmosphere or water

Just a big rock captured by one of the gas giants eons ago. Has a great view of
the rings.

[] 144 X4470000 -GA? Size 4, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 70%

A harsh world going through a major ice age, an excellent place to hunt mastodons or
build a clandestine bio-wea… um bio-tech lab.
[] 145 X5000000 -GA Size 5, no atmosphere or water
That's no moon… An extensive network of craters indicate it might not be a natural

[] 146 X4100000 -GA Size 1, trace atmosphere, no water

Close proximity to the main star has blown most of this planet's atmosphere off.

[] 151 X5780000 -A? Size 5, tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%

The gases in this atmosphere make your skin crawl, but it is a much needed fuel stop.

[] 152 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

Just a big rock with a really fast spin, like it took a big impact in the past.

[] 153 X79A0000 -G Size 7, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 100%

An exceptional amount of organic crud in the air and water makes it hard for this planet to
be useful. Planet-side refueling requires cleaning the filters every hour. Of course,
Science would love some samples.

[] 154 X1370000 -GA Size 1, very thin atmosphere, hydro 70%

A great honking ball of ice pretending to be a planet. The planet might hide a small rocky

[] 155 X76589A3 -GA! Size 7, standard atmosphere, hydro 50%

Tiktotltik: Centaur-like insectoid species with hundreds of millions that in hive cities
around the globe. They are ran by an impersonal bureaucracy with extreme laws against
any weapons which protects their people from genocidal hive wars. They are currently
making the transition to mass production and steam power. This is not their first visit
from star people. Others+1

[] 156 X8CA0000 -GA Size 8, insidious atmosphere, hydro 100%

Okay, the seas are actually boiling acid and the continents have all eroded into nothing.

[] 161 XAAA0000 -GA Size 10 (1.4 G), exotic atmosphere, hydro 100%
The heavy gravity has trapped heavier elements in the air and water and rendered the
atmosphere unbreathable.

[] 162 X5780000 -GA? Size 5, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%

The heavy salt content of the air and water would make setting up a colony here

[] 163 X4654100 -GA! Size 4, standard atmosphere, hydro 50%

Haathe: Giant sloths that number in the tens of thousands inhabit arboreal regions of this
small world. While intelligent, they just haven't bothered to build a civilization since they
can get everything from the trees or trade for it. They have no laws nor technology to
speak of. The Haathe are loosely organized into family companies that barter with other
families for their hand made goods and exotic fruits.

[] 164 X8400000 -GA Size 8, thin tainted atmosphere, no water

All the water, if any, on this world is locked underground. Yellow sulfur-like dust covers
and tints everything.
[] 165 X5540000 -GA$ Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 40%
Not a bad place for a colony if you like it cool and dry. Surveying this planet will yield
several nice colony sites.

[] 166 X8BA0000 -GA Size 8, corrosive atmosphere, hydro 100%

Even the air is mildly acidic, only stop here for an emergency. Monolith+1

[] 211 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

The moon actually sits in the ring around one of the gas giants and the view is
spectacular. While it has no water itself, you could easily mine it from the rings.

[] 212 X4000000 -GA Size 4, no atmosphere or water

There is only a misshapen fragment of planet left here. Doomsday+1

[] 213 X68A7533 -GA! Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Ggar: Six-limbed cephalopods that numbers in the tens of millions. Each city state has a
number of surface and subsurface factory complexes that are very organic looking (and
may even be alive.) They are learning to overcome their environment through chemistry
and bio-tech and have achieved the relative equivalent of mass production technology.
Indiscriminate use of high explosives and heavy weapons are forbidden due to their
devastating effect on underwater organisms. There are still skirmishes between ruling
families, but wholesale destruction of nurseries and other constructs are rare. The Ggar
are currently exploring the uses of this new frontier called the surface. Its extreme low
pressure and intense dryness challenges their understanding of science.

[] 214 X4780000 -GA? Size 4, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%

Methane releases taint the atmosphere and sometimes create impressive explosions.
Science would love to get some seismic readings from one of the islands.

[] 215 X5585420 -! Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 80%

Ta’Undah: Thin and almost a lemon yellow in color, these humanoid lizards live in
extended family clusters. The total population is capped to a few hundred thousand due
to limited resources. During a great moot, each family sends a representative to vote for
them. They have almost no laws on weapons because they don’t need them (it is unclear
if that is laws or weapons that they don’t need.) They have no effective technology but
long oral traditions. There are no gas giants or asteroids in the system, so landing to take
on water and crack it for fuel is going to most likely draw attention.
[] 216 X6560000 -GA$ Size 6, thin atmosphere, hydro 50%
The air is a little thin, but still a fine place to start a colony if the appropriate surveys are
done. Large deserts offer great sunsets.

[] 221 X3000000 -GA Size 3, no atmosphere or water

Picking up some unusual metallic signatures in the asteroid belt. Derelict+1

[] 222 X3680000 -GA? Size 3, standard atmosphere, hydro 80%

Immense bio-diversity in the oceans and the few landmasses help create a denser than
expected atmosphere for such a small planet.

[] 223 X4230000 -GA Size 4, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 30%
Welcome to fungi planet. Try not to breath in any of the spores. Vast fields of molds,
mushrooms, and lichen cover this world. Full decontamination protocols are in place.
Of course, Science would love a bazillion samples to study.

[] 224 X3670000 -GA? Size 3, standard atmosphere, hydro 70%

The low gravity allows for some incredibly tall tree-like plants. It would probably be
easier to build a colony in the tree tops rather than clear the forest floor for farming.
Very little light makes it that far down.
[] 225 X4200000 -GA Size 4, very thin tainted atmosphere, no water
With no magnetic field and strong solar wind, this small world barely keeps any of its
atmosphere it generates through volcanic activity.

[] 226 X8760000 -GA? Size 8, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 60%

The high metallic content in the soil and dust poison the atmospheric. If it were not for
the contamination, it wouldn’t be a bad planet.

[] 231 X1320000 -A Size 1, very thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

The frozen icecaps of this small planet are the only source of fuel, hard cold work.

[] 232 X99A0000 -GA Size 9 (1.25 G), dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 100%
Dangerously high levels of oxygen require protection for extended breathing. A huge
moon and shallow oceans create extreme tidal forces. The oceans are teeming with life.

[] 233 X6200000 -GA Size 6, very thin tainted atmosphere, no water

A lonely planet with the barest of atmospheres.

[] 234 X35A7755 -GA! Size 3, thin atmosphere, hydro 100%

Elka Rhin: Tens of millions of sea mammals occupy floating cities. Each raft has its own
government and they often bicker with each other over fishing rights or the few tiny
islands that are available. Their laws seek to restrict weapons that could destroy their raft
cities. Surprisingly enough, they do have some industry and burn fish oils for electricity
and steam power. Wind power is also plentiful.

[] 235 X5540000 -GA$ Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 40%

A little dry, but not a bad site for a colony. Out in the deep desert, signs of a past
civilization can be seen, even from orbit. Ruins+1

[] 236 X6120000 -GA Size 6, trace atmosphere, hydro 20%

Bitterly cold, most of the water is tied up in picturesque glaciers and ice caps.
[] 241 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water
More like a large asteroid than a small world. There’s something odd about its shape.

[] 242 X7650000 -GA$ Size 7, standard atmosphere, hydro 50%

Huge continents with plenty of room for a colony. There’s a diverse biosphere waiting to
be explored or exploited.

[] 243 X2413002 -GA! Size 2, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 10%

Shomlhon-21: There may be only a few thousand of these ancient dust worms. But, they
still have managed to build a civilization of sorts. Isolated with no government or laws,
they are smarter than they look. They might also just crack open your ship for the water.
“We are the 21st generation of Shomlhon. You are not.”

[] 244 X7A70000 -GA Size 7, exotic atmosphere, hydro 70%

Something in the air and water that causes hallucinations in humans. The local flora
might be a source, the local wildlife is immune and ready to snack on anyone wandering
around in a daze. If some kind of cure or immunity could be found, this would make for a
great colony site.
[] 245 X4354203 -GA! Size 4, very thin atmosphere, hydro 50%
Yodelalehanu: Ten of thousands of these wall climbing felines inhabit great pueblos. They
need great lung capacity for breathing and debating. If the words stop, the fighting
starts. You could say that they are lawless, but they have a system that works for them.
It probably helps that they have not invented firearms yet.

[] 246 X7BA0000 -GA Size 7, corrosive atmosphere, hydro 100%

A corrosive soup bowl, nothing that the right bio-engineering and a few millennia can't fix.
Be thankful you don’t have to land in that mess.

[] 251 X1420000 -A? Size 1, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 20%

Actually a pretty terrible colony world, but you can corner the market on fuel.

[] 252 X88A0000 -A Size 8, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Perhaps the ultimate fishing destination with its vast array of sea life, but the only thing
approaching solid ground are the ice caps. Science would like some specimens.

[] 253 X5120000 -GA Size 5, trace atmosphere, hydro 20%

Mysterious craters imply that this world was once more habitable. Ruins+1

[] 254 X3450000 -GA? Size 3, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Mud seems to be one of the states of the weather cycle here. Water vapor from the seas
and dust from the inner deserts mix freely and often if you are anywhere near a shoreline.

[] 255 X8D90000 -GA Size 8, very dense atmosphere, hydro 90%

The air at sea level is very dense, but some of the island peaks are survivable without
breathing equipment. That area is far too small for a viable colony.

[] 256 X3000000 -GA Size 3, no atmosphere or water

A fast spinning rock that indicates multiple impacts over the eons.
[] 261 X65A0000 -A Size 6, thin atmosphere, hydro 100%
Liquid water at the equator, the rest is a perpetual ice sheet. The fact that there is a
breathable atmosphere hints at life in the ocean or perhaps the planet is going through
an ice age.

[] 262 X9890000 -GA$ Size 9 (1.25 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 90%
The few islands are prime colony sites. Worth investigating to see if they’re safe.

[] 263 X5000000 -GA Size 5, no atmosphere or water

Without a magnetic field, this planet was blasted by the sun and any atmosphere was
eventually blown away by solar wind.

[] 264 X455A884 -GA! Size 4, thin atmosphere, hydro 50%

Ksoo: Tens of billions of these marmot-like creatures inhabit their teeming metropolises.
All of which are ruled by the all-powerful Bureaucracy. Heavy laws on any weapons helps
to keep order in these crowded conditions. You’ll hear them before you see them, state
run radio and papers is pretty much the only source news that these citizens get.

[] 265 X4100000 -GA Size 4, trace atmosphere, no water

The combination of metallic dust and the trace atmosphere give this world a silvery sheen.

[] 266 X5330000 -GA Size 5, very thin atmosphere, hydro 30%

Not quite barren, but nothing more advanced than lichen and lots of it. Science would like
some samples to study.

[] 311 X2210000 -GA Size 2, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 10%
A frozen rock with barely any atmosphere or water.

[] 312 X3560000 -GA? Size 3, thin atmosphere, hydro 60%

Surprisingly habitable for such a small world. The predominant lifeforms are flyers.

[] 313 X2530000 -GA? Size 2 thin atmosphere, hydro 30%

This planet is barely holding on to its thin and dry atmosphere.

[] 314 X7940000 -GA? Size 7, dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%

Excessive dust and trace elements make this a murky place. Ruins+1
[] 315 X46A0000 -A Size 4, standard atmosphere, hydro 100%
Abundant ocean life helps to provide for a breathable atmosphere. Most small islands are
overcrowded with breeding populations and predators.

[] 316 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

Biggest rock is a system full of them. But, we’re also picking up a significant source of
radioactivity from it.

[] 321 X6150000 -GA Size 6, trace atmosphere, hydro 50%

This planet lost its atmosphere a long time ago and is shrouded in ice. Sunlight and thin
air combine to create dazzling landscapes.

[] 322 X4350000 -A Size 4, very thin atmosphere, hydro 50%

You'll need a vacc suit or cold weather survival gear to refuel here.

[] 323 X0000000 -GA No primary in this system

Huge gas giants are gobbling up the remains of any rocks not trapped in the asteroid belt.

[] 324 X5450000 -GA? Size 5, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Something strange is going on here. The life on this planet is particularly hostile to

[] 325 X78A0000 -GA Size 7, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

With above average temperatures except at the poles, it is one hundred percent humidity
all the time, everything either sweats or condenses.

[] 326 X3370000 -GA Size 3, very thin atmosphere, hydro 70%

Small equatorial seas are bordered by massive ice sheets. Numerous islands dot the
surface while any larger continents are ice covered.

[] 331 X5100000 -GA Size 5, trace atmosphere, no water

Close in to the system’s primary, this blast furnace of a world might offer some mining
possibilities on the dark side if a water source could be found.

[] 332 X3153004 -GA! Size 3, trace atmosphere, hydro 50%

???: There are thousands of these alien automatons wandering the surface. They don’t
need much air it seems. They have no laws or government. They still have maintained
some level of technology from all that's left of a failed civilization. Ruins+1

[] 333 X8640000 -A$ Size 8, standard atmosphere, hydro 40%

Much drier than Earth but still an excellent colony site along the shores and where rainfall
is abundant. There is diverse wildlife to enjoy and be wary of.

[] 334 X3220000 -GA Size 3, very thin tainted and atmosphere, hydro 20%
Life has evolved to be very thin and hard skinned with a powerful thirst for water.

[] 335 XAAA0000 -GA Size 10 (1.4 G), exotic atmosphere, hydro 100%
A huge exotic water world, except that might not be water.
[] 336 E9653105 -GA! Frontier port, Size 9 (1.25 G), thin atmosphere, hydro 30%
An old world that has already been settled by some corp, strange that they're way out
here in a region that has officially not been opened for colonization.

[] 341 X98A0000 -A Size 9 (1.25 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

There are only a few places to land and refuel here. Life forms tend to be huge,
amphibious, and dumber than a box of rocks.

[] 342 X6516233 -A! Size 6, thin atmosphere, hydro 10%

jHal: Millions of dry and leathery bat-like creatures that form feudal clans. They are just
starting to reap the benefits of mass production. The jHal have as some very strict water
traditions. That could be a problem for refueling. Others+1

[] 343 X7750000 -GA? Size 7, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Actually not that bad of a place, but without filters you would constantly be dizzy. Of
course, the local predators don’t have that problem.

[] 344 X9A90000 -GA Size 9 (1.25 G), exotic atmosphere, hydro 90%
The level of hydrocarbons and petroleum sources is amazing. Would be a great place for
plastics manufacturing. Just don’t drink the water, eat the food, or stay on the surface
too long (you might get cancer.)

[] 345 X5430000 -GA? Size 5, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 30%

High winds combined with pulverized crystals and grit in the atmosphere make this a
dangerous place to live outside of the coastal areas without the proper protection.

[] 346 X4950000 -GA? Size 4, dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Heavy elements make up an unhealthy part of this world's atmosphere, soil, water,
plants, and animals. Any colony here would need serious filtration, but the mining
potential might make that worth it.

[] 351 X945A8A5 -GA! Size 9 (1.25 G), thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%
Dwald: Tens of billions of these squat apes pack the cities and drive the bureaucratic
nightmare that is their political system. These aliens have rules for everything and any
weapons are high on the list. Be a good consumer and don’t sneeze without the proper
hand gesture to warn your neighbors. Looks like they have already invented pollution as
well as power plants and internal combustion engines. Due to the higher gravity and
thinner air along with smaller oceans, railways are the preferred system for

[] 352 X3463532 -GA! Size 3, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 60%

[Sound of wind moving through leaves]: There are only a few thousand of these great
mobile tree things. They have some sort of hierarchy, based on age or height. The
carbon levels are too high for humans to breathe for long but ‘they who walk’ thrive here.
What laws they do have revolve around the banning of fire and fire based weapons. Due
to The Law, their technology in metals is limited but they can craft amazing things from
wood and animal parts.

[] 353 X3100000 -GA Size 3, trace atmosphere, no water

The thin sky and mineral rich soil actually makes for some short but intensely colored
[] 354 X6460000 -GA? Size 6, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 60%
The atmosphere would make for harsh living. The preponderance of ambush predators
doesn’t help.

[] 355 X3450000 -A? Size 3, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

You'll need protective gear to refuel here even at the equator the water is slush.

[] 356 X6750000 -? Size 6, standard atmosphere, hydro 50%

As the sole planetary object with a significant gravity well, this planet is prone to frequent
meteor and cometary bombardment. The exceptional amount of dust and ash does
impact breathing here. Derelict+1

[] 361 XA945011 -GA! Size 9 (1.25 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 40%
Mahu: Vast herds of these gentile giants roam the endless grasslands of this world. The
dense haze of the atmosphere does make it seem that the plains go on forever. Their
tribal structure has few laws and they carry everything on their backs.

[] 362 X49A0000 -GA Size 4, dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 100%

Watch out for the aggressive parasitic and microbial lifeforms. Um, I wouldn’t drink that.
Of course, Science would love to have some samples.

[] 363 X2440000 -GA? Size 2, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%

The moon of this hot gas giant is a little small for a colony but it might make for a good
way station. Life has found a way to thrive past the temperature extremes of the sun and
shadow cycles.

[] 364 X3694002 -A! Size 3, standard atmosphere, hydro 90%

Remna: Tens of thousands of these avian fisher folk crowd the many islands. The locals
are skilled gliders since traveling by boat is a great way to get eaten by an aquatic hyper
predator. While gliding/flying is the safest way to travel from island to island, it is still
perilous and inhibits trade. The Remna have few laws or government since the ocean
provides everything you need and on an island there’s nowhere to run.

[] 365 X6250000 -GA Size 6, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%
The planet's large moon has helped to strip off the atmosphere. Monolith+1

[] 366 X6870000 -GA$ Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 70%

A lovely world with lush vegetation and a diverse biosphere.
[] 411 X4330000 -A Size 4, very thin atmosphere, hydro 30%
A harsh world with tiny seas for refueling. Expect curious animals around any source of

[] 412 X5230000 -GA Size 5, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 30%
Not much here to investigate.

[] 413 X5890000 -$ Size 5, dense atmosphere, hydro 90%

Lots of beach front property for a prime resort colony. The lack of large land masses or
an asteroid belt might limit manufacturing possibilities.

[] 414 X5100000 -GA Size 5, trace atmosphere, no water

The atmosphere of this world has all but been blasted away by intense solar activity.

[] 415 X7C90000 -A Size 7, insidious atmosphere, hydro 90%

This is a bad stop, you have to go through that nightmare of an atmosphere in order to
refuel. It is dangerous work and if there is a malfunction planet-side, the results will be
fatal. Get in tank up and get your tail out of there. If this world is at a choke point in the
star map, if could seriously impede future colonization and exploration of the fringe.

[] 416 X1110000 -G Size 1, trace atmosphere, hydro 10%

The largest solid world in the system is just a ball of rock and ice. Mining and colonization
potential in this system is almost zero.

[] 421 X9890000 -GA$ Size 9 (1.25 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 90%
A lot of floaters and flyers take advantage of the dense air. Fields of airborne jelly fish are
colorful and fanciful sight as long as the wind doesn’t blow you way.

[] 422 X7664002 -GA! Size 7, standard atmosphere, hydro 60%

Urwen: Orbital scanning reveals that constant warfare has destroyed the civilization of
these tribal humanoids. Only tens of thousands survive what must have once been a
population in the millions. Despite the lack of government or laws, they have managed to
hold on to some technology. Mainly, that which was needed to kill one another.

[] 423 X4770000 -A? Size 4, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 70%

Higher than average volcanic activity keeps a lot of sulfur in air and tinges everything
yellow. You'll have to land to refuel and filter masks are a must. Predator and prey alike
tends towards smoky yellow colors in order to blend in. The crew will stand out badly.

[] 424 X6330000 -GA Size 6, very thin atmosphere, hydro 30%

The lovely planetary rings come from several failed moonlets.

[] 425 X2000000 -GA Size 2, no atmosphere or water

Just the largest rock in a system full of them. Doomsday+1

[] 426 X3450000 -GA? Size 3, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Might be a good place for an industrial complex, the atmosphere is too thin and the UV is
on the high side.
[] 431 X5660000 -A$ Size 5, standard atmosphere, hydro 60%
The low gravity and wide open spaces has led to the development of running prey and
pursuit predators. Otherwise, a very comfortable world for setting up a colony.

[] 432 X5520000 -G? Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

It's on the dry side, but the exotic salts are worth exploiting.

[] 433 X3310000 -GA Size 3, very thin atmosphere, hydro 10%

This gas giant moon at one time probably had a thicker atmosphere and supported life.
There is still a bit a breathable air left although most water will be trapped in ice.

[] 434 X5680000 -GA$ Size 5, standard atmosphere, hydro 80%

Great potential for a colony site. The presence of a past civilization does raise some
questions. Ruins+1

[] 435 X8890000 -A$ Size 8, dense atmosphere, hydro 90%

Only a couple of small continents mar the blue and white surface of this world. Easy
access to water is essential for refueling operations.

[] 436 X5350000 -A Size 5, very thin atmosphere, hydro 50%

The high copper content in the soil lends an interesting greenish cast to this world.

[] 441 X7650000 -GA$ Size 7, standard atmosphere, hydro 50%

The great continent spanning forests are awesome. Some of the forest fires can be seen
from orbit. Careful planning for colony sites will avoid the worst of that.

[] 442 X68A0000 -A Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

A heavy mist shrouds most of this planet's surface making landing on the few remaining
islands tricky. Even at high noon you can stare at the sun without eye protection. The
humidity is almost always 100%.

[] 443 X4210000 -A Size 4, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 10%

The meager supply of ice at the poles is the only source of fuel. Break out the ice picks or

[] 444 X99A0000 -GA Size 9 (1.25 G), dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 100%
Foul is the best word to describe this world of shallow oceans and reeking mud flats.

[] 445 X3340000 -GA Size 3, very thin atmosphere, hydro 40%

There’s a small equatorial ocean that is the main source of water.

[] 446 X7540000 -GA$ Size 7, thin atmosphere, hydro 40%

A little dry and thin, much like a larger terraformed Mars. Others+1

[] 451 XA8A0000 -GA Size 10 (1.4 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 100%
A giant ball of water, the only solid surfaces are the polar ice caps.

[] 452 X3000000 -GA Size 3, no atmosphere or water

Sometimes a rock is just a rock. This one is just big enough to have a couple moonlets.
[] 453 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water
Actually just the largest chunk of rock in the asteroid belt. Might have mining potential.

[] 454 X88A0000 -A Size 8, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Another water world, it might have some resort and fishery potential for the right client.

[] 455 X6470000 -GA? Size 6, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 70%

Shame that the atmospheric gases are off, would be nice otherwise. Well that and also
the fact that everything seems to be poisonous or venomous on this planet.

[] 456 X8670000 -GA$ Size 8, standard atmosphere, hydro 70%

This system is a mirror of Earth and will generate high bids back home. Monolith+1

[] 461 X88A0000 -G Size 8, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Aggressive sea life makes planetary refueling tricky and reduces its use and value.

[] 462 X2100000 -GA Size 2, trace atmosphere, no water

This small planet is on a very exotic orbit, perhaps it was a capture from another system.

[] 463 X8986031 -A! Size 8, dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%

Trolls: Millions of these brutes live in village clusters as they engage in territorial disputes
or just bragging rights. For these creatures, the law on 'heavy weapons' means no
personal siege weapons. Whatever is tainting the atmosphere is also irritating and
increases hostility in the crew if exposed to it for too long.

[] 464 X4100000 -GA Size 4, trace atmosphere, no water

The extreme axial tilt of this planet does not really affect the seasons. Winter just causes
a small dip in the intense solar radiation.

[] 465 X7A90000 -GA Size 7, exotic atmosphere, hydro 90%

The high nitrogen content in the air keeps this world from being a worthwhile colony.

[] 466 X58A0000 -GA Size 5, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

One hundred percent humidity and violent weather greet any visitors. The only ‘islands’
are sheer vertical pillars that appear to be of artificial in nature. Ruins+1
[] 511 X0000000 -GA No primary in this system
No inner worlds in this system besides an asteroid belt. Doomsday+1

[] 512 X5110000 -GA Size 5, trace atmosphere, hydro 10%

Very Mars-like in appearance, might offer some mining potential.

[] 513 X6430000 -A? Size 6, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 30%

High levels of dust and oceans of mud means extra filtering for crew and vessel.

[] 514 X8CA0000 -A Size 8, insidious atmosphere, hydro 100%

A deadly world that is unfortunately also an essential fuel stop.

[] 515 X3250000 -GA Size 3, very thin and tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%
Most of the water on this bitterly cold planet is locked in the two large polar ice caps.

[] 516 X8990000 -GA? Size 8, dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 90%

Interesting sea life might merit the building of a science and research facility here.

[] 521 X6793120 -GA! Size 6, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 90%

Lordas: Thousands of these large badger-like creatures are excavating the various ruined
cities on this planet. Strangely these primitives have access to technology beyond their
capability and they appear to be following orders from some other group. Ruins+1

[] 522 X4320000 -G Size 4, very thing atmosphere, hydro 20%

Most of the water is trapped as ice on the dark side of this tidally locked planet.

[] 523 X4455745 -GA! Size 4, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Korath-Tudani: Hundreds of thousands of velociraptor-like citizens are crowded into
bombed out industrial city states. They were tech level 6 before their unrestricted nuclear
war. The survivors have managed pollute the planet in their pursuit of electrical power
and to fuel their war machine. Either side would welcome the assistance of superior
aliens. Either side would not be beyond taking what they are not given.

[] 524 X8DA3003 -GA! Size 8, very dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Trahn: Thousands of these amphibians live on backs of village turtles. They’re tribal with
no set laws or government. In a world with almost no metal, the Trahn have developed
extensive biological systems as tools. Due to the pressure differential, the crew will need
to go through a pressurization/decompression cycle when they enter or leave the ship.

[] 525 X5780000 -GA? Size 5, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%

A lovely world ruined by airborne parasites that require a filter mask to avoid inhaling.

[] 526 X6230000 -GA Size 6, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 30%
As this world dries up, it leaves behind spectacular canyons.

[] 531 X2120000 -A Size 2, trace atmosphere, hydro 20%

An icy rock is the only source of fuel in the system.

[] 532 XA880000 -GA$ Size 10 (1.4 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 80%
A massive planet with lush jungle covering its equatorial continents. Most creatures here
are stout and powerful.
[] 533 X68A0000 -GA Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%
A grand blue marble of a planet but tidal forces from its large companion have long
eroded any land.

[] 534 X6100000 -GA Size 6, trace atmosphere, no water

Geologically speaking, a recent large impact has destroyed the planet’s atmosphere.

[] 535 X4740000 -GA? Size 4, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%

A harsh place to set up a colony, excessive UV and trace gases require some protection.

[] 536 X8C90000 -G Size 8, insidious atmosphere, hydro 90%

The atmosphere here will eat through your seals in no time. Monolith+1

[] 541 X7523003 -GA! Size 7, thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

Gullot: The natives look something like desiccated and leathery eight legged camel-
centaur things. They are few in number and tend to lead isolated lives as they travel from
oasis to oasis. But, they are long lived and have managed to make something of a
civilization for themselves. They have no need for law or government and as each
individual is a walking factory of tools and gear and provides for themselves. Others+1

[] 542 X8AA0000 -GA Size 8, exotic atmosphere, hydro 100%

There's something slightly hallucinogenic about the air; too many mermaids, singing
sharks, and lovely beaches (the only islands are jagged volcanic rock.).

[] 543 X4690000 -A? Size 4, standard atmosphere, hydro 90%

A small world that will make a great refueling station.

[] 544 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

Biggest rock in a system full of pebbles. There might be some mining possibilities.

[] 545 X9553304 -G! Size 9 (1.25 G), thin atmosphere, hydro 50%
Olmn: While the population is in the millions, there are only a few thousand of these
mammalian creatures that are actual individuals. Each mountain-like warren is the home
to an Elder who has absolute power over their subjects. They don’t want their status-quo
upset. The fact that they have technology and no qualms against using it makes them
very dangerous.

[] 546 X8580000 -GA$ Size 8, thin atmosphere, hydro 80%

The air is a little thin, but it is otherwise a nice world. Most life on this planet has taken
on a low energy life style, there are many more trappers and poisonous/venomous
creatures than hunters and chasers.

[] 551 X2000000 -GA Size 2, no atmosphere or water

Another airless rock, no restocking of provisions here. Just the usual scanning
opportunities in the asteroid belt.

[] 552 X5100000 -GA Size 5, trace atmosphere, no water

Intense solar radiation has stripped this world of life, air, and water. Derelict+1

[] 553 X6550000 -GA$ Size 6, thin atmosphere, hydro 50%

Good colony world material even if it is a little chilly once you get away from the equator.
[] 554 X1340000 -GA Size 1, very thin atmosphere, hydro 40%
Most of the water on this tiny world is ice. Due that and the low gravity, there are many
strange ‘forests’ of ice spires that would make for some interesting scenery.

[] 555 X5570000 -GA$ Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 70%

A lot of rugged terrain combined with the low gravity (.45 G) would make for some
exceptional skiing if you remembered to bring your cold weather gear.

[] 556 X2000000 -GA Size 2, no atmosphere or water

The primary world in this system is just the biggest rock in the belt.

[] 561 X5666232 -A! Size 5, standard atmosphere, hydro 60%

Sardkine: Millions of these ferret-like aliens live in a rural setting with a few grand cities.
Given their relatively low technology, they do have a stable democracy. You might have
to negotiate with the natives for water rights since you will need to land to re-fuel.

[] 562 X5415113 -GA! Size 5, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 10%

Forrayd: Hundreds of thousands of these walking bird-like aliens live in cities with egg
shaped buildings being a predominate style. They have adopted a corporate structure of
government. So, the natives are really keen on water sharing and barter as symbols of
status and power. Ruins+1

[] 563 D8656736 -GA! Size 8, standard atmosphere, hydro 50%

Llor-ay-lloral: Don’t get too close to the millions of spiny creatures that inhabit this
system. The natives here are fractured and have easy access to WMDs. On the other
hand, they are just starting to reach out to space and have the equivalent of a class D
starport in several of their larger cities. Sure, you have no idea how they’re going to react
to alien invaders, but if you need major repairs, this might be one of your best chances
out in the fringe.

[] 564 X6670000 -GA$ Size 6, standard atmosphere, hydro 70%

A grand place to look for colony sites, the lower than Earth gravity has created some
really large predator and prey species.

[] 565 XA9A0000 -GA Size 10 (1.4 G), dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 10%
Close proximity to the main star in the system has helped to create something of a
pressure cooker of a planet with a hot and heavy climate that is perpetually clouded.
There is plenty of microbial life that makes breathing the air a major risk. Science
would love to get some air and water samples.

[] 566 X4750000 -GA? Size 4, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%

Volcanic activity and a heavy metallic dust/ash requires filters, but the mining potential is
great and worth surveying for. Careful with the local plants, some of them have toxic
levels of various metals built-up in them.
[] 611 X7740000 -GA? Size 7, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%
As this world slowly dries out, dust and salts are easily picked up in the wind and carried
for hundreds of miles. A dusty haze obscures everything. Ruins+1

[] 612 X5520000 -GA? Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

Bone dry, any facilities would have to set up near the oases scattered about the surface.
The smell of water is a powerful lure for predator and prey.

[] 613 X5430000 -GA? Size 5, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro30%

Just about the bare minimum for a habitable planet, the plants are black and spindly with
tough skin to absorb as much light as possible and reduce water loss.

[] 614 X68A7746 -A! Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Ishtid: Due to the whole ‘surface’ of the planet being habitable for eel-like creatures, tens
of millions of them is still pretty dispersed. Most of their coral cites are submerged, but
they have taken advantage of the surface world for certain mechanical and chemical
processes as well as some forms of transportation. They’re pretty advanced for an
aquatic culture, the surface of their planet is dotted with mining and industrial spires.
These spires also act as mooring points for their light than air transports. Unfortunately,
they don’t have anything like proper landing pads for a 100 tons spacecraft.

[] 615 X57A0000 -G Size 5, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 100%

Extreme ocean life makes the surface of this world dangerous.

[] 616 X9530000 -GA? Size 9 (1.25 G), thin atmosphere, hydro 30%
Due to the extreme temps at the lower elevations, the habitable zones for this world are
the numerous mountain peaks and plateaus of this world. The water cycle starts with rain
and snow at the higher elevations. The water then flows into rivers and lakes, and that
flows into the dead lands where the water evaporates and starts over in the mountains
when it condenses.

[] 621 X6893222 -GA! Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 90%

Burni: Thousands of these surprisingly human looking islanders live in relative peace with
their Shamans handling the religious and political duties (they’re actually elected officials
in their traditional tribal garb.) Their history certainly predates Humanity’s development
of space travel. Science badly wants some DNA samples.
[] 622 X8663002 -GA! Size 8, standard atmosphere, hydro 60%
Evar: While each mountain or cliff-side dwelling only holds a few families, these large
avian creatures dominate the top of the food chain. Being highly mobile and territorial
has both helped and harmed the development of their civilization. Others+1

[] 623 X6990000 -GA! Size 6, dense tainted atmosphere, hydro 90%

The small continents are overrun with aggressive lifeforms under pressure to survive.

[] 624 X4686521 -GA! Size 4, standard atmosphere, hydro 80%

Stahlt: Millions of these armored mammals willingly slave away within these low tech
nations so that the elite Directors can play their power games. Aliens would really
destabilize things since the intellectual superiority of the Directors would be immediately

[] 625 X6890000 -GA$ Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 90%

Nice spot for a colony once you get used to the differences. Survey work required.

[] 626 X3100000 -GA Size 3, trace atmosphere, no water.

A strangely colored rock with the barest of atmospheres, interesting enough to explore for
tourists. Perhaps it was a fragment of some larger structure or planetary body before it
broke up.

[] 631 X9875674 -GA! Size 9 (1.25 G), dense atmosphere, hydro 70%
Masters: Parasitic invaders have taken control of the local population! The short but
strong humanoids of this planet didn’t stand a chance against the Masters. Hundreds of
thousands of them are hosts. There are strict laws against firearms to quell the non-
infected. If there is any benefit to this mess, the general level of technology has
advanced rapidly in recent years. Derelict+1

[] 632 X1130000 -GA Size 1, trace atmosphere, hydro 30%

A large chunk of rock and ice that can barely be called a planet.

[] 633 X1000000 -GA Size 1, no atmosphere or water

A sun baked rock in close orbit around the star. It’s interesting in that it is spinning fast
rather than being tidally locked. And, one side appears to be highly reflective. Science is
curious, of course.

[] 634 X2120000 -A Size 2, trace atmosphere, hydro 20%

Perhaps the ice volcanoes can be tapped as a fuel source?

[] 635 X5520000 -GA? Size 5, thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

This world barely fits the marginal colony profile. Due to the intense heat, only the polar
zones have any free standing water.

[] 636 X7320000 -G Size 7, very thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

Without an asteroid belt and a primary planet that is below average density, this is a
mineral poor system.

[] 641 XAB90000 -GA Size 10 (1.4 G), corrosive atmosphere, hydro 90%
Battery Acid World might be a good name for this place.
[] 642 X6856744 -GA! Size 6, dense atmosphere, hydro 50%
Weltyr Ra: Millions of citizen live in cities and nations under no centralized government.
The people are tall and thin humanoids with a fair degree of technology. The fragmented
political system creates stress and visitors are at risk of being used as pawns.

[] 643 X4480000 -GA? Size 4, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 80%

A few comet strikes to bulk up the atmosphere would be an improvement.

[] 644 X6B90000 - Size 6, corrosive atmosphere, hydro 90%

This lonely planet is the opposite of Battery Acid World, but just as corrosive. Get in and
get out, don’t get caught on the surface for too long. Monolith+1

[] 645 X5620000 -GA? Size 5, standard atmosphere, hydro 20%

The limited amount of drinkable water reduces this planet’s value as a colony site.

[] 646 X3250000 -GA Size 3, very thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 50%
Wind-swept deserts dominate the interiors of the continents on this world and carve out
fantastic shapes to see.

[] 651 X3523001 -GA! Size 3, thin atmosphere, hydro 20%

[weak electro-magnetic pulse]: These primitive tool using gas bags form tribal groups and
hunt other gas bag flora and fauna. They hunt among the ruins of cities that were built
for another race. Ruins+1

[] 652 X3150000 -GA Size 3, trace atmosphere, hydro 50%

Dead calm punctured by cracking ice are the main attractions on this barren world. Tidal
forces from the gas giant companion slowly twist the ice fields in its embrace.

[] 653 X5790000 -G? Size 5, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 90%

Most of the available land is active and volcanic in nature, a natural smog belt of gases
and ash encircles the planet. Some of the older islands are dormant and plant life thrives
there. There are no mammals, but amphibians have moved into that eco system.

[] 654 X3620000 -A? Size 3, standard atmosphere, hydro 20%

The super-abundant planet life helps to provide a breathable atmosphere. The super-
abundant plant life has also soaked up and hoarded most of the available water. Um,
some plants might be preying on other plants for water. Beware inquisitive ivy.

[] 655 X7690000 -GA$ Size 7, standard atmosphere, hydro 90%

This world would make a great colony site. The local plants are built to take a beating
from hurricanes, any colonists should follow that advice.

[] 656 X7443311 -GA! Size 7, thin tainted atmosphere, hydro 40%

Oomog: Mysterious 'living gods' rule the few thousand inhabitants that remain here. The
natives look remarkable human, but there are some distinctive features that clearly
indicate an alien origin. Besides total obedience, the gods have few laws.

[] 661 X8660000 -GA$ Size 8, standard atmosphere, hydro 60%

A true garden world ready for colonists with diverse flora and fauna.
[] 662 X8530000 -GA? Size 8, thin atmosphere, hydro 30%
A gray world with salty seas, habitable but not too friendly for humans.

[] 663 X78A0000 -GA Size 7, dense atmosphere, hydro 100%

Another water world in case you don't want to fly out to the gas giants.

[] 664 X7760000 -GA? Size 7, standard tainted atmosphere, hydro 60%

There's something that smells and you can't escape it. Maybe burning your clothes will
get the stench out.

[] 665 X3150000 -A Size 3, trace atmosphere, hydro 50%

With barely an atmosphere, all the water/fuel you need is ice. Hard cold work.

[] 666 X2000000 -GA Size 2, no atmosphere or water

Just a rock but with enough metals to make it interesting. Doomsday+1
Appendix A – Pre-generated Crew

Some folks that actually run the ship. Choose or roll for each group. Gunners are optional,
especially if you have convinced your sponsor to pull the turret on your ship. The player’s
character may qualify for one of these jobs as well and open up room for more specialists. As a
reminder, the UPP code represents hexadecimal values for Strength, Dexterity, Endurance,
Intelligence, Education, and Social Standing. Each career slot is four years in length. I used
Cepheus Engine as a generator, feel free to tweak to your preferred game system if needed.

Pilot 1 – Sir Brighton Veroce, 74A47B, Age 26, Scouts (2),

Comms-0 Electronics-0 Life Sciences-0 Medicine-2 Piloting-3 Recon-0 Shotgun-0
Space Sciences-0 Turret Weapons-0

Pilot 2 – Lt Commander Webb Teneze, 6869A9, Age 46, Navy (7),

Archery-1 Comms-0 Computer-1 Electronics-0 Engineering-1 Leadership-1
Linguistics-0 Medicine-1 Natural Weapons-2 Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-1
Recon-0 Slashing Weapons-1 Slug Pistol-0 Slug Rifle-0 Tactics-1 Turret Weapons-0

Pilot 3 – Commodore Bos Goltatami, 32A697, Age 46, Drifter (1) + Navy (6),
Archery-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-2 Carousing-0 Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-1
Gambling-1 Jack o' Trades-1 Leadership-1 Mechanics-0 Medicine-0 Mole-0
Natural Weapons-0 Piloting-2 Recon-0 Slug Pistol-0 Streetwise-0 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Pilot 4 – Scout Kolt Venom, 598664, Age 26, Scout (2),

Carousing-0 Comms-1 Electronics-0 Energy Rifle-1 Linguistics-0 Natural Weapons-1
Piloting-1 Recon-0 Space Sciences-0 Turret Weapons-0

Pilot 5 – Scout Bill Garu, 5657C7, Age 42, Scout (3) + Navy (3),
Admin-0 Bay Weapons-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-0 Computer-1 Electronics-0
Engineering-0 Grav Vehicle-1 Linguistics-0 Medicine-2 Navigation-1 Piloting-3 Recon-1
Screens-0 Shotgun-0 Slug Rifle-0 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Pilot 6 – Flic Bless, 46B526, Age 34, Scout (1) + Drifter (1) + Scout (1) + Drifter (1),
Archery-1 Bay Weapons-0 Bribery-1 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Energy Rifle-0 Gambling-1
Linguistics-0 Medicine-1 Piloting-2 Recon-1 Streetwise-1

Navigator 1 – Lt Commander Tarec Asramog, 6C5584, Age 30, Navy (3),

Bay Weapons-0 Comms-0 Energy Pistol-0 Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-0 Medicine-0
Natural Weapons-0 Navigation-1 Physical Sciences-0 Piloting-1 Slashing Weapons-1
Social Sciences-0 Tactics-1 Winged Aircraft-0 Zero-G-1

Navigator 2 – Lieutenant Etra Bates, 75ABB7, Age 34, Scout (1) + Surface Defense (3),
Archery-0 Battle Dress-1 Bay Weapons-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Carousing-0
Comms-0 Electronics-0 Linguistics-0 Navigation-1 Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-1
Recon-0 Slashing Weapons-1 Slug Pistol-1 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Navigator 3 – Captain Rafl Eso, AA6D79, Age 46, Navy (7),

Archery-0 Comms-0 Engineering-1 Jack o' Trades-1 Life Sciences-0 Natural Weapons-2
Navigation-1 Shotgun-1 Slug Rifle-0 Tactics-1 Tracked Vehicle-0 Turret Weapons-0
Navigator 4 – Scout Rasera Ximtoh, 649CB8, Age 42, Navy (5) + Scout (1),
Advocate-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Carousing-0 Comms-0 Energy Rifle-1
Engineering-0 Jack o' Trades-3 Navigation-2 Ocean Ships-1 Piloting-1 Shotgun-0
Slashing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-0 Tactics-2 Turret Weapons-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0

Navigator 5 – Commander Gray Ergotha, 59A964, Age 46, Belter (1) + Navy (6),
Advocate-0 Comms-0 Demolitions-0 Gambling-1 Gravitics-1 Leadership-1
Natural Weapons-1 Navigation-2 Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-0 Prospecting-0
Rotor Aircraft-1 Shotgun-0 Slashing Weapons-1 Space Sciences-0 Spinal Mounts-0
Tactics-1 Zero-G-2

Navigator 6 – Lady Oraeshe Nak, B7489A, Age 46, Navy (4) + Belter (2) + Navy (1),
Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-3 Computer-1 Energy Pistol-0 Engineering-0
Medicine-1 Navigation-1 Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-1 Riding-0 Screens-0
Slashing Weapons-1 Social Sciences-0 Tactics-2 Tracked Vehicle-1 Zero-G-3

Engineer 1 – Lt Commander Flare Lem, A77BB8, Age 32, Scout (1) + Navy (3),
Advocate-1 Archery-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Carousing-0 Comms-0 Electronics-0
Engineering-1 Heavy Weapons-0 Linguistics-0 Mechanics-0 Medicine-0
Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-1 Recon-0 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Engineer 2 – Commander ‘Hash’ Grove, 6584B9, Age 46, Navy (2) + Maritime Defense (5),
Admin-0 Advocate-1 Archery-1 Comms-1 Electronics-1 Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-1
Heavy Weapons-0 Leadership-1 Life Sciences-0 Mechanics-2 Motorboats-0
Natural Weapons-0 Ocean Ships-1 Sailing Ships-1 Slashing Weapons-1 Slug Pistol-0
Social Sciences-0 Submarine-1 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Engineer 3 – Lec Pectraski, DA6369, Age 40, Navy (2) + Drifter (1) + Scout (1) + Drifter (1),
Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Carousing-0 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Energy Rifle-0
Engineering-1 Gambling-1 Grav Vehicle-0 Natural Weapons-1 Piloting-1 Recon-1
Space Sciences-0 Spinal Mounts-0 Zero-G-1

Engineer 4 – Supervisor Aku Eagle, 588588, Age 46, Technician (7),

Admin-2 Advocate-0 Comms-0 Computer-2 Electronics-1 Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-1
Life Sciences-0 Linguistics-1 Mechanics-0 Medicine-0 Riding-1 Social Sciences-0

Engineer 5 – Midshipman Grace Traczat, 845A86, Age 22, Navy (1),

Admin-0 Comms-1 Energy Rifle-0 Engineering-1 Grav Vehicle-0 Life Sciences-0
Natural Weapons-0 Turret Weapons-0 Zero-G-1

Engineer 6 – Commander LADY Beth Eslo, CA863A, Age 38, Navy (5),
Advocate-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Engineering-1
Leadership-1 Mole-0 Natural Weapons-1 Slashing Weapons-1 Slug Pistol-1
Spinal Mounts-1 Tactics-1 Turret Weapons-0 Wheeled Vehicle-1 Zero-G-1

Gunner 1 – Flight Officer Bren Orn, 58A574, Age 42, Scout (4) + Aerospace Defense (2),
Bludgeoning Weapons-2 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Energy Pistol-0 Engineering-0
Grav Vehicle-2 Mechanics-0 Navigation-1 Piloting-1 Recon-0 Slashing Weapons-1
Turret Weapons-2
Gunner 2 – Captain Crow Hacr, 7C8784, Age 38, Navy (2) + Marine (3),
Admin-0 Advocate-1 Comms-0 Energy Pistol-0 Engineering-0 Leadership-1
Linguistics-0 Piercing Weapons-0 Recon-1 Turret Weapons-1 Wheeled Vehicle-0

Gunner 3 – Flight Officer Malih Effrow, 697678 Age 42, Aerospace Defense (6),
Advocate-0 Archery-1 Athletics-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Carousing-0 Comms-1
Electronics-0 Grav Vehicle-2 Piloting-1 Rotor Aircraft-1 Shotgun-1 Space Sciences-0
Spinal Mounts-1 Survival-0 Turret Weapons-1 Winged Aircraft-0

Gunner 4 – Slim Flock, 989A27, Age 38, Navy (2) + Surface Defense (1) + Drifter (2),
Archery-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-0 Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-0 Gravitics-1
Medicine-0 Natural Weapons-1 Rotor Aircraft-0 Shotgun-1 Slug Pistol-1
Turret Weapons-1 Zero-G-1

Gunner 5 – Lady Occine Lepragraf, 46BB6A, Age 46, Aerospace Defense (2) + Scout (5),
Bay Weapons-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-1 Demolitions-2 Electronics-0
Energy Pistol-0 Jack o' Trades-1 Life Sciences-0 Medicine-1 Navigation-1
Piercing Weapons-0 Piloting-1 Rotor Aircraft-2 Shotgun-0 Slashing Weapons-1
Spinal Mounts-1 Survival-0 Turret Weapons-1 Winged Aircraft-0

Gunner 6 – Scout Plato Dimaza, 68CC68, Age 30, Surface Defense (1) + Scout (2),
Battle Dress-0 Computer-0 Electronics-0 Mechanics-0 Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-1
Recon-0 Screens-0 Shotgun-2 Slashing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-0 Turret Weapons-1
Appendix B – Mission Specialists and Patrons

Here are some guys and gals to help fill out the mission specific characters. Choose or roll for
each group taking note of mandatory personnel as dictated by the mission type. The player’s
character may qualify for one of these jobs as well. The Collector, Hunter, and Tourist
characters are usually reserved for NPC patrons. Scientists tend to specialize in sensor ops and
analysis. Xenologists specialize in alien biology and first contact scenarios.

Collector 1 – Dame Kathe Uswakovik, 8A7A5B, Age 42, Entertainer (2) + Pirate (2) +
Drifter (2), Admin-1 Athletics-0 Bay Weapons-1 Bribery-0 Carousing-1 Computer-1
Electronics-1 Gambling-0 Mole-2 Piloting-1 Recon-1 Rotor Aircraft-0 Shotgun-1
Social Sciences-0 Space Sciences-0
Dame Kathe, following the tradition of most nobility, was bored. She managed to
convince a ship captain of ill-repute that he needed an accountant. Eight years later, they
had earned enough loot to retire. After going on a walk-about for eight years, she found
you and decided that a treasure hunt beyond the fringe was the adventure that she
craved. She insists that her technical skills means that she’s not dead weight.

Collector 2 – Dr. Bess Ordre, 747769, Age 38, Physician (5),

Admin-0 Comms-0 Computer-2 Electronics-1 Energy Pistol-1 Leadership-0 Mechanics-1
Medicine-3 Social Sciences-0 Zero-G-0
Dr. Ordre led a successful practice and is now convinced that new medicines and cures
can be found on the fringe. She’ll push to have a laboratory module installed. As a perk,
you won’t find a better ship’s doctor.

Collector 3 – Siri Acries, A884B5, Age 34, Drifter (4),

Comms-0 Linguistics-0 Mechanics-1 Physical Sciences-0 Piercing Weapons-2 Recon-1
Sailing Ships-0 Shotgun-0 Slashing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-1 Streetwise-3
Veterinary Medicine-0
A self-educated explorer and animal rights activist, Siri wants to document and protect all
wildlife on the fringe. Acries has the backing from several environmental groups.

Collector 4 – Captain Petro Owens, 977685, Age 46, Surface Defense (1) + Navy (6),
Advocate-0 Battle Dress-0 Bay Weapons-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-1 Gravitics-1
Leadership-1 Mechanics-0 Ocean Ships-0 Recon-0 Shotgun-1 Slashing Weapons-1 Slug
Pistol-0 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1
Captain Owens (retired), is interested in meeting new alien species and collecting their
weapons to add to his own impressive collection back home.

Collector 5 – Mur Shosirinos, 688BD8, Age 46, Surface Defense (1) + Aerospace Defense (1)
+ Noble (5), Admin-1 Archery-1 Carousing-1 Comms-2 Computer-1 Electronics-0
Energy Pistol-0 Liaison-1 Medicine-2 Mole-1 Piercing Weapons-0 Recon-1
Slashing Weapons-0 Space Sciences-1 Spinal Mounts-0 Streetwise-0 Submarine-1
Survival-0 Winged Aircraft-1
Mur is currently not in social or political favor and decided that now would be a good time
to disappear and pursue her love of painting. She’s looking for fantastic vistas to inspire.
Collector 6 – Nefrum Blezo, 958457, Age 30, Entertainer (3),
Admin-0 Athletics-1 Bribery-1 Carousing-1 Comms-0 Computer-1 Gambling-1
Piercing Weapons-1 Survival-0 Tracked Vehicle-0 Wheeled Vehicle-1
Nef might not be the best race car driver out there, but he’s certainly one of the most
popular. His current goal is to drive on 1,000 alien worlds. After running out of suitable
worlds in human space, he’s turned his eye to the fringe. Belzo insists on bringing his
own custom ATV (four tons.) His steward is also his camera-man.

Tourist 1 – Glyph Awesome, 68572A, Age 28, Entertainer (1) + Bureaucrat (1),
Admin-1 Athletics-0 Bribery-0 Carousing-1 Engineering-0 Gambling-2 Submarine-0
Lord Jessie Rayburn was born with a silver tongue and turned that into a pretty good
career as a rock and roll star. Then, he burned through his inheritance and gambled
almost all of it away. He tried the family business for a while but he was so far behind the
learning curve. Glyph decided it was time to ‘tune out’ society and visit some place less
demanding. The ship belongs to his father and he’s supposed to turn a profit.

Tourist 2 – Lady Islie Able, 68C7AA, Age 26, Athlete (2),

Admin-0 Archery-0 Athletics-2 Carousing-0 Computer-2 Gambling-0 Liaison-1
Social Sciences-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0
When Islie’s dad asked her what she wanted for a graduation present, he was expecting a
new ground car. But, Lady Able wanted the stars. Technically, she’s a computer science
major, but her excellence in gymnastics and track helped pay her way through university.

Tourist 3 – Cromwell Queen, 5645F9, Age 46, Entertainer (1) + Bureaucrat (6),
Admin-2 Athletics-1 Bribery-0 Carousing-1 Comms-0 Computer-2 Gambling-0 Liaison-1
Linguistics-0 Physical Sciences-0 Tracked Vehicle-1 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Cromwell started out his career as a stand-up comic. His best joke? He leveraged that
popularity into a 24 year political career. He’s now sick of the game and decided that
politics is the one thing he won’t have to worry about on the fringe.

Tourist 4 – Thea Mankiller, 767854, Age 22, Colonist (1),

Archery-0 Electronics-0 Mechanics-0 Social Sciences-0 Survival-1 Tracked Vehicle-0
Veterinary Medicine-0
Thea has been sent as a representative of her collective to scout out new sites for a
colony. She’s not particular skilled and one could argue that due to her relative
unpopularity she probably got secretly voted off the colony. In her luggage is a claim
beacon satellite. If she authorizes its deployment into orbit, she can legally claim that
world and the crew gets a 10,000 credit bonus. She would like for the mission to include
some survey drones, otherwise she might ask to go inspect several worlds in person.

Tourist 5 – Lady Tabula Glaw, 48698A, Age 42, Noble (5) + Surface Defense (1),
Admin-1 Athletics-0 Carousing-1 Energy Rifle-1 Gambling-0 Jack o' Trades-1 Leadership-0
Life Sciences-0 Motorboats-0 Piercing Weapons-1 Slashing Weapons-1 Space Sciences-0
Lady Glaw wanted to see something new. She came up with the idea on her own to go
out on the fringe, but her husband forbid it saying she was too frail. She used her status
to swing a recruitment deal and joined the Army where she became a crack shot with a
laser rifle just to prove her husband wrong.
Tourist 6 – Oxide Alice, 887B59, Age 26, Entertainer (2),
Admin-0 Athletics-0 Bribery-1 Carousing-2 Gambling-0 Natural Weapons-1
Space Sciences-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Oxide Alice is the pen name for Alice ‘Ox-Eye’ Ramirez. She wrote some smoking hot
romance novels and now has hit a brick wall in the creativity department. She decided
she needed new scenery and change in the people she associated with. Alice hopes that
will reset her muse.

Hunter 1 – Blaze Shipe, B55737, Age 20, Surface Defense (1),

Battle Dress-0 Energy Rifle-1 Heavy Weapons-0 Mechanics-0 Recon-0 Shotgun-0
Slashing Weapons-0 Space Sciences-0 Streetwise-0
Blaze won a lottery and is now stinking rich. One of his bucket list items is to go trophy
hunting out on the fringe. “Hold my beer!” might be heard way more than it should be.

Hunter 2 – Eve Pravka, 67B678, Age 46, Drifter (1) + Surface Defense (3) + Hunter (3),
Admin-1 Archery-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Demolitions-1 Mechanics-1
Natural Weapons-0 Piercing Weapons-1 Recon-1 Shotgun-0 Social Sciences-0
Streetwise-0 Survival-1 Tracked Vehicle-0 Winged Aircraft-1
Eve is a famous bow hunter and is seeking new game. Due to the demands of her
referred hunting style, if you’re not as stealthy as her, she would rather you stay far
away. As in, “Go sit on the ship and I’ll call if I need you.”

Hunter 3 – Jipp Borhoffer, B687B4, Age 42, Barbarian (1) + Surface Defense + (2) +
Drifter (3), Advocate-0 Archery-0 Athletics-1 Bribery-1 Comms-1 Computer-1
Electronics-1 Energy Pistol-2 Mechanics-0 Recon-1 Riding-0 Shotgun-1
Slashing Weapons-1 Slug Rifle-1 Survival-0 Tactics-2
Jipp turned a family claim on a diamond mine into a good sized fortune, joined the
military to gain citizenship, and then drifted around trying to find himself. He realized
that he missed the barbarian life and decided to try his skills out in the fringe.

Hunter 4 – Lady Adeline ‘Flash’ Prosar, 57579A, Age 38, Rogue (5),
Advocate-1 Computer-1 Electronics-0 Energy Pistol-0 Gambling-1 Life Sciences-0
Mechanics-0 Medicine-1 Piercing Weapons-0 Recon-1 Sailing Ships-1 Streetwise-1
Wheeled Vehicle-0
Flash has pulled off many a con jobs, but this one is unusual even for her. She’s
collecting pets and doesn’t care if they’re alive or dead. She has her sights set on
anything cute and collectable (and can turn a profit.) She insists on having low berths
installed so she can store her trophies.

Hunter 5 – Iggy Riglana, 979777, Age 46, Hunter (1) + Aerospace Defense (5) + Drifter (1),
Admin-1 Advocate-0 Bay Weapons-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Comms-1 Grav Vehicle-2
Leader-1 Mechanics-1 Piercing Weapons-1 Piloting-1 Recon-0 Rotor Aircraft-1 Slug Rifle-0
Streetwise-0 Submarine-0 Survival-1 Tracked Vehicle-0 Wheeled Vehicle-1
Iggy is not a particular skilled hunter. He prefers to ‘stalk’ his prey from the inside of an
air-raft or comfortable safari vehicle. He’s willing to give up his one ton of luxuries for a
grav vehicle or ATV. He has a bet with an old friend to kill the ugliest thing in space.
Hunter 6 – Marquis Palani ‘Lani’ Varadan, 75697D, Age 46, Agent (6) + Surface Defense (1),
Admin-0 Athletics-1 Bribery-1 Computer-2 Energy Pistol-1 Leadership-0 Medicine-0
Mole-0 Recon-1 Shotgun-1 Streetwise-1
The Marquis served honorably in a service he can’t name. He spent the last term on
attached duty to the military. Now retired, he wants to pursue his hobby of bird hunting
without having to look over his shoulder for people trying to settle old scores.

Missing Person 1 – Faheed Sass is a powerful energy tycoon and he’s looking for his daughter,
Soledad Negiva. She was a corporate scientist on a previous pathfinder mission.

Missing Person 2 – Leigh Urbane is a news reporter with suspiciously deep pockets. He’s
looking for any information on the famous pilot, Emma Rodeway. Emma disappeared
on a scout mission several years ago into the fringe.

Missing Person 3 – Duke Oconoco sponsored a previous mission to survey possible mining sites.
He seems more interested in recovering his ship and the jump core than the crew. The
Attuned on that unfortunate mission was Nadine Enka, a drifter with a checkered past.

Missing Person 4 – Grover Holden has scraped together every credit he has to find his son,
Lt. Lex Holden. Lex was the navigator on a Navy sponsored expedition. The Navy has
remained tight lipped about the fate of that mission.

Missing Person 5 – Diez Cash is looking for Tetra Tenara. Tetra skipped out on a lot of creditors
and you don’t cheat Mr. Cash. Even leaving known space won’t put you beyond his reach.
Diez will actually pay a full mission bonus if you bring back proof of Tenara’s death.

Missing Person 6 – Ellen Crane is the agent for Lilu Naropeak. Lilu ran off with her roadie,
Frex Wilson for a fringe tour. Ellen would like to know what happened, as a friend and
because there is a substantial insurance settlement involved. On the off chance that Lilu
and Frex have gone native and started their own colony, she wants you take along a
release form for Lilu to sign. She’ll pay the full mission bonus for returning Lilu or a
signed document.

Marine 1 – Trooper Ethan Denn, A65954, Age 26, Marine (2),

Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-2 Comms-1 Demolitions-0 Gravitics-1
Mechanics-0 Piercing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-0 Social Sciences-0 Spinal Mounts-0 Survival-
1 Zero-G-2

Marine 2 – Trooper Afra Zuree, 6AA549 Age 26, Marine (2),

Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Comms-0 Demolitions-0 Energy Pistol-0 Farming-
0 Natural Weapons-0 Slug Pistol-1 Slug Rifle-1 Turret Weapons-0 Zero-G-1

Marine 3 – Captain Brie Plazma, 976987, Age 42, Surface Defense (5) + Marine (1),
Advocate-1 Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-1 Computer-1
Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-0 Heavy Weapons-0 Leadership-1 Mechanics-0
Medicine-1 Natural Weapons-1 Recon-1 Slug Rifle-1 Turret Weapons-1 Zero-G-1
Captain Plazma is not a grunt. Normal people don’t spend 20 years in the Army and then
join the Marines for giggles. If she’s probably on a secret mission for the Marines.
Marine 4 – Trooper Ezra Glotsler, 78699A, Age 22, Marine (1),
Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Broker-0 Comms-0 Demolitions-0 Screens-0
Slug Rifle-0 Social Sciences-0 Zero-G-1

Marine 5 – Major Rafe Plateau, 89748A, Age 26, Marine (2),

Advocate-0 Battle Dress-0 Comms-0 Computer-1 Demolitions-1 Electronics-0
Energy Rifle-0 Natural Weapons-1 Navigation-1 Piercing Weapons-0 Spinal Mounts-0
Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Marine 6 – Trooper Trafla Quill, 6787B7, Age 42, Drifter (1) + Marine (5),
Bay Weapons-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Broker-0 Computer-1 Engineering-1 Mechanics-0
Mole-0 Navigation-2 Physical Sciences-0 Piercing Weapons-1 Recon-0 Slashing Weapons-1
Slug Pistol-0 Slug Rifle-1 Social Sciences-0 Streetwise-0 Tactics-1 Wheeled Vehicle-1
Compared to Captain Plazma, Quill is a f*ck up. Twenty years and still a trooper?

Mercenary 1 – Homer Nes, 985888, Age 34, Marine (1) + Mercenary (1) + Belter (2),
Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Carousing-0 Comms-0 Demolitions-0
Electronics-1 Energy Pistol-2 Energy Rifle-0 Grav Vehicle-1 Heavy Weapons-0
Medicine-1 Piercing Weapons-1 Social Sciences-0 Zero-G-2

Mercenary 2 – Cassidra Minor, 79A846, Age 42, Mercenary (6),

Archery-3 Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Gambling-2
Mechanics-1 Piercing Weapons-0 Rotor Aircraft-1 Slug Rifle-1 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Mercenary 3 – Pope Calaca, 978AB9, Age 38, Mercenary (4) + Navy (1),
Archery-1 Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Comms-1 Energy Rifle-1
Engineering-1 Gambling-0 Life Sciences-0 Linguistics-0 Mechanics-0 Medicine-1
Shotgun-1 Social Sciences-0 Space Sciences-1 Tactics-1 Zero-G-3

Mercenary 4 – Afreda Dhal, 997649, Age 30, Mercenary (1) + Surface Defense (1) +
Scout (1), Battle Dress-0 Comms-0 Energy Rifle-1 Gambling-0 Mechanics-0
Medicine-0 Piloting-1 Shotgun-0 Slashing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-2 Spinal Mounts-1

Mercenary 5 – Bobby Craigmeyer, 897896, Age 22, Mercenary (1),

Admin-0 Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Carousing-0 Comms-0 Energy Pistol-1
Gambling-0 Mechanics-0 Physical Sciences-0 Riding-0 Slug Rifle-0

Mercenary 6 – Gos ‘Goose’ Jalokavic, 7B8867, Age 46, Mercenary (3) + Drifter (1) +
Marine (3), Admin-0 Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Comms-0 Electronics-0
Gambling-0 Gravitics-1 Mechanics-0 Mole-1 Natural Weapons-2 Piercing Weapons-1
Slashing Weapons-1 Slug Rifle-1 Social Sciences-0 Tactics-1 Zero-G-2

Scientist 1 – Splendid Aiso, 677CC8, Age 46, Scientist (7),

Admin-0 Advocate-1 Bribery-0 Computer-4 Electronics-0 Jack o' Trades-2
Life Sciences-0 Medicine-2 Physical Sciences-1 Slug Rifle-0 Social Sciences-0
Space Sciences-0 Survival-1

Scientist 2 – Braza Elsewik, 5778A5, Age 22, Scientist (1),

Admin-0 Advocate-0 Bribery-0 Computer-0 Electronics-0 Engineering-0 Farming-1
Life Sciences-1 Medicine-0 Veterinary Medicine-0
Scientist 3 – Drew Fram, 666A78, Age 30, Drifter (1) + Scientist (2),
Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Computer-1 Energy Rifle-0 Life Sciences-1 Mechanics-0
Medicine-1 Physical Sciences-1 Recon-0 Riding-1 Shotgun-1 Social Sciences-0
Streetwise-0 Wheeled Vehicle-0

Scientist 4 – Prof. Ano Wigemeshi, 677B78, Age 38, Scientist (5),

Admin-0 Bribery-1 Computer-3 Electronics-0 Mechanics-0 Medicine-0 Navigation-1
Physical Sciences-1 Slug Rifle-1 Space Sciences-1 Survival-1

Scientist 5 – Glenn Glipagil, 89A7A7, Age 34, Scientist (4),

Admin-0 Bribery-1 Comms-0 Computer-1 Electronics-0 Life Sciences-0 Medicine-0
Physical Sciences-2 Social Sciences-0 Space Sciences-1 Veterinary Medicine-0

Scientist 6 – Baroness Elizabeth Albanez, 87766C, Age 26, Scientist (2),

Admin-0 Bribery-0 Carousing-0 Computer-1 Electronics-1 Life Sciences-1 Medicine-0
Riding-0 Space Sciences-1

Specialist 1 – Edna Cudgel, 64BC69, Age 46, Scientist (4) + Surface Defense (2) +
Marine (1), Admin-1 Bay Weapons-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Bribery-1 Carousing-0
Computer-2 Electronics-1 Energy Rifle-1 Grav Vehicle-1 Life Sciences-1 Medicine-2
Physical Sciences-0 Slug Rifle-1 Social Sciences-1 Space Sciences-0 Zero-G-1

Specialist 2 – Thale Gamebro, A99BC5, Age 34, Scientist (1) + Mercenary (1) + Marine(1) +
Drifter(1), Admin-1 Advocate-0 Bribery-0 Computer-0 Demolitions-1 Electronics-0
Farming-0 Medicine-0 Rotor Aircraft-1 Slug Rifle-1 Social Sciences-1 Space Sciences-0
Streetwise-2 Survival-0 Zero-G-1

Specialist 3 – Diego Ireland, A57C88 Age 34, Surface Defense (1) + Scientist (2) +
Drifter (1), Battle Dress-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Bribery-1 Energy Pistol-1
Gambling-1 Heavy Weapons-0 Life Sciences-0 Mechanics-0 Medicine-1 Navigation-1
Physical Sciences-1 Recon-1 Slug Pistol-0 Tracked Vehicle-1

Specialist 4 – Brother Zamoize, 5B6967, Age 26, Scientist (1) + Mercenary (1),
Admin-0 Bribery-0 Carousing-0 Computer-0 Electronics-0 Life Sciences-1 Medicine-0
Physical Sciences-0 Slug Pistol-2 Social Sciences-2

Specialist 5 – Griffin Conway, 97BB6A, Age 46, Mercenary (7),

Battle Dress-1 Comms-0 Computer-0 Energy Rifle-1 Gambling-1 Gravitics-1
Linguistics-0 Mechanics-0 Piercing Weapons-0 Shotgun-3 Slashing Weapons-1
Slug Rifle-1 Space Sciences-1 Spinal Mounts-0 Tactics-1 Turret Weapons-1
Winged Aircraft-1 Zero-G-1

Specialist 6 – Florence Fleagle, 576966, Age 46, Scientist (1) + Surface Defense (6),
Admin-0 Advocate-0 Athletics-1 Battle Dress-1 Bribery-0 Computer-0 Electronics-0
Energy Rifle-2 Life Sciences-1 Medicine-0 Motorboats-1 Physical Sciences-0
Piercing Weapons-1 Shotgun-1 Slug Rifle-1 Social Sciences-0 Space Sciences-0
Steward 1 – Nathan Erie, 695A77, Age 34, Merchant (3) + Belter (1),
Bay Weapons-1 Broker-0 Comms-0 Energy Rifle-0 Engineering-1 Jack o' Trades-1
Life Sciences-0 Linguistics-0 Mole-0 Natural Weapons-0 Navigation-1 Piloting-1
Steward-2 Zero-G-1

Steward 2 – Hokema Roh, 497745, Age 46, Merchant (7),

Broker-0 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Energy Rifle-1 Engineering-1 Navigation-2
Piercing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-0 Space Sciences-0 Steward-2 Wheeled Vehicle-0
Winged Aircraft-1 Zero-G-1

Steward 3 – Owl Fairchild, 56AA64, Age 30, Merchant (3),

Broker-0 Comms-0 Electronics-0 Energy Pistol-1 Engineering-0 Jack o' Trades-1
Medicine-1 Mole-1 Physical Sciences-0 Piloting-1 Slashing Weapons-0 Slug Rifle-0
Steward-1 Survival-0

Steward 4 – Christopher Oslo, CA3879, Age 34, Merchant (4),

Archery-0 Broker-0 Carousing-1 Comms-0 Engineering-0 Jack o' Trades-2 Medicine-1
Natural Weapons-0 Slug Pistol-0 Social Sciences-0 Steward-1 Tracked Vehicle-0

Steward 5 – Trixie Nelson, 786A49, Age 38, Navy (3) + Drifter (1) + Merchant (1),
Bay Weapons-0 Bludgeoning Weapons-0 Bribery-1 Comms-1 Computer-0
Electronics-0 Energy Pistol-0 Engineering-0 Jack o' Trades-2 Mole-0 Navigation-1
Steward-1 Tactics-1 Zero-G-1

Steward 6 – Senda Alfie, 756759, Age 38, Agent (2) + Merchant (3),
Admin-0 Athletics-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Bribery-1 Computer-0 Leadership-0
Medicine-0 Physical Sciences-0 Piloting-1 Slug Pistol-1 Steward-2 Streetwise-1
Tracked Vehicle-0

Xenologist 1 – Prof. Jebediah Ripka, 76899A, Age 46, Scientist (7),

Admin-0 Advocate-1 Bribery-0 Computer-3 Electronics-1 Energy Rifle-1 Linguistics-0
Medicine-0 Navigation-1 Physical Sciences-1 Social Sciences-4 Space Sciences-0

Xenologist 2 – Ibri Plume, 758974, Age 34, Scientist (4),

Admin-1 Archery-1 Bribery-0 Computer-1 Electronics-0 Engineering-0 Grav Vehicle-1
Life Sciences-1 Medicine-0 Physical Sciences-0 Riding-1 Shotgun-1 Social Sciences-1

Xenologist 3 – Pajdemiroeshe Trip, 45A7A9, Age 46, Scientist (6) + Merchant (1),
Admin-1 Advocate-1 Bribery-0 Comms-0 Computer-2 Electronics-0 Farming-1
Grav Vehicle-1 Jack o' Trades-1 Life Sciences-0 Linguistics-0 Medicine-2 Navigation-1
Physical Sciences-1 Social Sciences-1 Steward-1

Xenologist 4 – Prof. Srireesa Weave, 574CD4, Age 46, Scientist (7),

Admin-2 Advocate-0 Bribery-1 Computer-1 Electronics-1 Life Sciences-1 Linguistics-1
Medicine-1 Navigation-1 Physical Sciences-1 Social Sciences-2 Space Sciences-1
Veterinary Medicine-0

Xenologist 5 – Dame Khorie Regele, 76756B, Age 26, Scientist (2),

Admin-0 Advocate-0 Bribery-0 Computer-0 Electronics-0 Life Sciences-0 Linguistics-0
Medicine-0 Physical Sciences-0 Social Sciences-2
Xenologist 6 – Dr. Angel Oblizai, BB998A, Age 46, Aerospace Defense (1) + Maritime
Defense (5) + Scientist (1), Admin-0 Advocate-1 Bludgeoning Weapons-1 Electronics-0
Energy Rifle-1 Leadership-1 Medicine-3 Navigation-1 Piercing Weapons-0 Recon-1
Rotor Aircraft-0 Sailing Ships-1 Shotgun-0 Social Sciences-1 Survival-0
Turret Weapons-0 Winged Aircraft-1
Appendix C – Fringe Space Maps
Here are some sample maps you can use. They were created with the MapGen web toy over at I used 0000, 0010, 0020, and 0030 as starting hex values for
the unexplored sectors. The text format allows the maps to be portable across a number of
devices and programs and easy to edit as long as you can use a fixed width font like Courier
New. They can even be imported into most graphical editors if desired.

Possible starting locations after the long jump include #04, #20, and #28 (row 00.)
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
/0000\ /0200\ /0400\ /0600\ /0800\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0100\ /0300\ /0500\ #20 /0700\ #28 /0900\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0001\ #04 /0201\ /0401\ /0601\ /0801\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #01 /0101\ #07 /0301\ /0501\ /0701\ /0901\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0002\ /0202\ #11 /0402\ /0602\ /0802\ #32 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0102\ /0302\ #16 /0502\ #21 /0702\ #29 /0902\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0003\ #05 /0203\ #12 /0403\ #18 /0603\ #24 /0803\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0103\ /0303\ /0503\ /0703\ /0903\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0004\ #06 /0204\ /0404\ /0604\ /0804\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #02 /0104\ /0304\ /0504\ /0704\ #30 /0904\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0005\ /0205\ #13 /0405\ /0605\ #25 /0805\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0105\ #08 /0305\ /0505\ /0705\ /0905\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0006\ /0206\ /0406\ /0606\ #26 /0806\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0106\ #09 /0306\ #17 /0506\ /0706\ /0906\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0007\ /0207\ #14 /0407\ #19 /0607\ /0807\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0107\ /0307\ /0507\ #22 /0707\ /0907\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0008\ /0208\ /0408\ /0608\ #27 /0808\ #33 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0108\ #10 /0308\ /0508\ #23 /0708\ #31 /0908\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0009\ /0209\ /0409\ /0609\ /0809\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #03 /0109\ /0309\ /0509\ /0709\ /0909\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/ \ / \ #15 / \ / \ / \ #34 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
/0010\ /0210\ /0410\ /0610\ /0810\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0110\ #13 /0310\ /0510\ #27 /0710\ /0910\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0011\ /0211\ #18 /0411\ /0611\ /0811\ #36 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #01 /0111\ /0311\ /0511\ /0711\ /0911\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0012\ /0212\ /0412\ /0612\ #31 /0812\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #02 /0112\ #14 /0312\ /0512\ /0712\ /0912\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0013\ #07 /0213\ /0413\ #23 /0613\ /0813\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #03 /0113\ /0313\ /0513\ /0713\ /0913\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0014\ #08 /0214\ /0414\ /0614\ /0814\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0114\ #15 /0314\ #21 /0514\ /0714\ /0914\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0015\ #09 /0215\ #19 /0415\ /0615\ /0815\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #04 /0115\ /0315\ /0515\ /0715\ /0915\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0016\ /0216\ /0416\ /0616\ #32 /0816\ #37 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0116\ /0316\ /0516\ #28 /0716\ /0916\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0017\ /0217\ #20 /0417\ #24 /0617\ /0817\ #38 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0117\ #16 /0317\ /0517\ #29 /0717\ /0917\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0018\ #10 /0218\ /0418\ /0618\ /0818\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #05 /0118\ /0318\ #22 /0518\ #30 /0718\ #34 /0918\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0019\ #11 /0219\ /0419\ #25 /0619\ #33 /0819\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #06 /0119\ #17 /0319\ /0519\ /0719\ #35 /0919\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/ \ #12 / \ / \ #26 / \ / \ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
/0020\ /0220\ /0420\ /0620\ /0820\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0120\ /0320\ /0520\ #17 /0720\ /0920\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0021\ /0221\ /0421\ /0621\ #20 /0821\ #28 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #01 /0121\ /0321\ /0521\ /0721\ #25 /0921\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0022\ /0222\ #07 /0422\ /0622\ /0822\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0122\ /0322\ #12 /0522\ /0722\ /0922\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0023\ /0223\ /0423\ /0623\ /0823\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #02 /0123\ /0323\ /0523\ /0723\ #26 /0923\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0024\ #05 /0224\ #08 /0424\ /0624\ #21 /0824\ #29 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0124\ /0324\ /0524\ /0724\ #27 /0924\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0025\ /0225\ /0425\ #14 /0625\ #22 /0825\ #30 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #03 /0125\ /0325\ /0525\ #18 /0725\ /0925\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0026\ /0226\ /0426\ /0626\ /0826\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #04 /0126\ /0326\ /0526\ /0726\ /0926\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0027\ /0227\ #09 /0427\ #15 /0627\ #23 /0827\ #31 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0127\ /0327\ /0527\ #19 /0727\ /0927\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0028\ /0228\ /0428\ #16 /0628\ /0828\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0128\ /0328\ #13 /0528\ /0728\ /0928\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0029\ #06 /0229\ #10 /0429\ /0629\ /0829\ #32 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0129\ /0329\ /0529\ /0729\ /0929\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/ \ / \ #11 / \ / \ #24 / \ #33 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
____ ____ ____ ____ ____
/0030\ /0230\ /0430\ /0630\ /0830\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0130\ /0330\ #14 /0530\ /0730\ /0930\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0031\ #06 /0231\ #11 /0431\ /0631\ /0831\ #23 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #01 /0131\ #08 /0331\ #15 /0531\ /0731\ /0931\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0032\ /0232\ /0432\ /0632\ #19 /0832\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0132\ /0332\ /0532\ /0732\ #21 /0932\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0033\ #07 /0233\ /0433\ /0633\ /0833\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #02 /0133\ /0333\ #16 /0533\ /0733\ /0933\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0034\ /0234\ /0434\ /0634\ /0834\ #24 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0134\ #09 /0334\ /0534\ /0734\ /0934\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0035\ /0235\ /0435\ /0635\ /0835\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #03 /0135\ /0335\ /0535\ /0735\ /0935\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0036\ /0236\ #12 /0436\ /0636\ /0836\ #25 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0136\ /0336\ /0536\ /0736\ /0936\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0037\ /0237\ /0437\ /0637\ /0837\ #26 /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #04 /0137\ /0337\ /0537\ /0737\ /0937\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0038\ /0238\ /0438\ /0638\ /0838\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ /0138\ /0338\ /0538\ /0738\ #22 /0938\
\____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \
/0039\ /0239\ /0439\ #17 /0639\ #20 /0839\ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/
\ #05 /0139\ #10 /0339\ /0539\ /0739\ /0939\
\____/ \____/ \____/ Gate \____/ \____/ \
/ \ / \ #13 / \ #18 / \ / \ /
/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/ \____/

Gateway Station is in system #18. Welcome home.

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