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Play: P
​ layers describe what their characters do.  People are a constitution of their parts, and 
The GM advises when their action is impossible,  those parts are ‘borrowed’. O ​ lson​ ​defeated the 
requires extra steps, demands a cost, or  Lord of Iron, whose hands he took to be strong 
presents a risk. Players only roll to avoid risks.  enough to wield T​ he Flayer​. ​You will likely be 
losing or changing your transplanted skills 
Rolling: R​ oll a d6 s​ kill die​—higher with a  throughout the game. 
relevant skill, or d4 if h​ indered​ by injury or 
circumstances. If ​helped​ by circumstances, roll  Skills: Y
​ ou have a maximum of 6​ ​skills. They 
an extra d6; if helped by an ally, they roll their  progress as (​ none​ ​d8​ ​d10​ ​d12).​ You will 
skill die and share the risk. Take the highest die.  have 2-3 incorporated skills and 3-4 
1–2 Disaster.​ Suffer the full risk. GM  
decides if you succeed at all. If risking   Incorporated  skills  ​are  those  given  by  your 
death, you die.  organic  origins.  They  are  not  located  in  a 
specific  part.  As such they are not subject to 
3–4 Setback.​ A lesser consequence or   the  same  risks  (organ failure, being targeted 
partial success. If risking death, you’re  
in combat etc.) as transplanted ones. 
Transplanted  ​skills  are  those  given  by 
5+ Success.​ The higher the roll, the better.  specific  parts  which  you  have  taken  or 
If success can’t get you what you want (​ you  gained  elsewhere.  ​e.g  The  arm  of  a bowman 
make the shot, but it’s bulletproof!)​, you’ll at  may give an Archery skill​.  
least get useful info or set up an advantage. 
Load:​ Carry as much as makes sense, but more  THE PROCEDURE
than one b​ ulky​ item may ​hinder​ you at times. 
When you want (or need) to replace or gain a 
Advancement:​ After a job gain d6 ​coins​ (₡). You  body part, you should consider the donor. Do 
may​ also fully i​ ncorporate​ a skill from a  they have a specific skill or trait you are hoping 
transplant​ by switching an incorporated skill to  to harvest? Discuss this with your group/GM.  
a specific part of your body. 
If the skill appears to be internal to the 
Defence:​ Say how one of your items b​ reaks, o ​ r  character, during transplant it will be placed into 
how a transplanted skill is sacrificed (lose the  a specific body part. T ​ herefore, harvesting is 
skill), to turn a hit into a brief h​ indrance​. ​Broken  limited. “​ All of the Iron Lord’s strength was 
gear is useless until repaired.  drawn into his hands.” 
Harm: ​If killed, make a new character to be  Conflict:​ If multiple characters want a body 
introduced ASAP. Favour inclusion over realism.  part, they can refer to the tradition of ‘​ Rite by 
RUNNING THE GAME: L​ ead the group in setting  Flesh’​ (draw straws, or roll for highest). Chosen 
lines not to cross in play. Fast-forward, pause,  one takes the body part. 
or rewind/redo scenes for pacing and safety,  Unknown donor​: Sometimes it might be unclear 
and invite players to do likewise. Present  who the donor is, and what skills they possess. 
dilemmas and problems you don’t know how to  Roll d4 and consult the following table to help 
solve. Move the spotlight to give everyone time  decide: 
to shine. Test periodically for bad luck (e.g 
organs failing, being hunted) — roll d6 to check  No.  Type  Examples 
for (1–2) trouble now or (3–4) signs of trouble.  1  Physical  Hand-to-Hand, Intimidation 
Offer rulings to cover gaps in rules; double back 
during a break to revise unsatisfying rulings as  2  Mental  Tracking, History, Medicine 
a group.  3  Social  Streetwise, Deception, Persuasion 
    4  Weird  Telepathy, Rituals, Prognosticate 
►​ C
​ hoose your character’s organic origins and  ►T
​ ake ₡2. Most items and upgrades cost ₡1 
incorporated skills.   each. Ignore micro-transactions like a knife or 
a meal. Discuss with your group if you want 
METAMORPHOSIS​: Skilled in D ​ eception ​(d8),  any other gross stuff. 
Social (​ d8). Your skin and muscles shift into a 
variety of appearances.  ARMOUR:​ V ​ est​ (break once for ​defence​), ​leather 
treated skin​ (₡2, ​bulky,​ break up to 3×), 
OSSIFIED:​ Skilled in ​Close-Combat​ (d8),  mineralised exoskeleton​ ​(₡3, ​bulky,​ break up to 
Breaching ​(d8), and take a set of ​Bone Blades​. 
3×, chemical and radiation resistance). 
FERMENTED:​ Skilled in ​Toxins​ (d8),  BIOACTIVE: ​ ​Fungal-Implants​ (spores check for 
Investigation ​(d8, consuming body parts for 
hazardous environment; upgrade with s​ ense, 
information), and S ​ tealth ​(d8, your body can  pheromones, spore-tracking​), ​Synthetic-Sinews 
melt into other organic matter).  (upgrade with f​ ast, flexible, fall damage 
CYCLOPHILIN:​ Skilled in M​ edicine​ (d8), A
​ lchemy  resistant​), X
​ ylem-Stomach​ (hunger less 
(d8). Take a ​medkit (bulky)​, and a ​stem-cell vial  frequent due to plant-style nutrient distribution, 
(regrow damaged limb to be reattached later).  upgrade with o​ rganic-identification, 
chemical-breakdown, sample preservation​). 
RECEPTOR:​ Skilled in ​Tracking ​(d8), ​Survival  Hydro-Leech​ ​(underwater breathing), 
(d8). Take some ​sensory-salts (​ temporarily  Memory-Mites​ (take a photographic memory), 
heightens senses, unpredictable) and a pair of  External-Arteries​ ​(bypass the liver to assist in 
cats-eyes ​(night vision).  pumping out weak toxins/poisons. Upgrade to 
►​ C
​ hoose your past. 
improve performance). 

THE CONGEALED:​ Your youth spent in the blood  TOOLS:​ ​Flamethrower​ (​bulky​), i​ nsect-proof 
pits has gifted you with internal blood sacks  netting​,​ ​diag-ants​ (​first-aid diagnostics)​, 
that keep you alive longer. Burst sack for  Putriavem​ ​(a rotten bird that feeds on you 
defence​. Need to buy b​ lood pack​ to regrow (1₡).  through a connected tube, can scout for you)​, 
repair tools​, ​survey pack​ (climbing gear, fire-kit, 
THE NEURAL:​ You’ve had your synapses joined  tent; b​ ulky​), ​bio-​sample kit​. 
in a grand neural network. You are considered 
skilled (d8) in C
​ onnections​ in Huge Cities.  WEAPONS:​ ​Sack-Bombs​ (​ 4, any of 
bone-fragmenter, noxious-gas, haze, ticks​), 
PHAGOCYTOSITES:​ You’ve fought long battles  keratin-flicker​ (​small weapon)​, ​barbed-repeater 
and devoured armies. You may consume a body  (​bulky​), ​serrated-longsword​ (​bulky​), 
to heal if harmed or near-death. The body  toothed-gloves​, ​vein whip​, ​spined-scythe 
cannot be harvested for parts.  (bulky). 
►​ C
​ hoose or invent transplanted skills to bring 

you to SIX total skills (see Transplants).  STEEPED IN MYTH

Agriculture,  Appraisal,  Climbing,  Connections,  In  ​BIO​XX  the  world  is  a  wild  flurry  of  stories  and 
Deception,  Espionage,  Explosives,  Hand-to-hand,  whispers. Talk is always grandiose, even if the truth of 
the  matter  is  simple.  The  sick  realities  of  life  are 
Intimidation,  Leading,  Linguistics,  Mechanical,  mythologised  into  Gods, the supernatural, horrors, the 
Persuasion,  Piloting,  Politics,  Running,  Rituals,  weird. Were they really ‘the legs of he who crossed the 
Shooting, Stargazing, Telepathy, Tracking.    wasted dunes’? 
A  NOTE  ON  SKILLS:  ​Talk  over  skills  with  your  group.  Players  should  be  encouraged  to  develop  unique 
Some  feel  more  generic  while  others  narrow.  Treat  myths  of  their  own.  For  their  characters,  their  body 
them  appropriately  -  a  generic  skill  like  ​Driving  might  parts,  even  their  items.  The  pages  of  history  are 
still  give  that  player a hard time operating specialised  written  into  your  flesh,  you  are  some  Unholy  Book 
vehicles  like  tanks.  If a skill isn’t working for the story  communicating the divine. 
or style of play, hash it out or rip a new one off a body! 
ABSCISSION:  ​Bodies  are transitory. Apply the best of 
others  to yourself. Organic material doesn’t have that  ►​ R​ oll d6 to find a job. Spend ₡1 to re-roll. 

old  stability.  It’s  always  changing,  beating,  usually  1–2 Nothing. Spend to re-roll, or risk debt. 
into  something  more  grotesque.  Even  here  though,  3–4 Found a job, but there’s a catch. 
people will get you to do their dirty work.  5–6 Choose between 2 jobs. 
►​ C
​ ontacts, clients, or targets  ►​ J​ obs or hooks 
1​ Gammon, a slob and pawnbroker  1​ When the group awakes, their bodies have been 
2​ Trop, quick-witted organ farmer  connected to something unknown. 
3​ Lekker, possessive shaman  2​ Removing a troublesome horror 
4​ Borge, no-nonsense debt collector  3​ Draining a synthetic breeding pit 
5​ Halabuqa, leader of the Seeping Caravan  4​ Assassinate a person of importance 
6​ Brine, liquified-mass consumed with greed  5​ Seek out a body part belonging to a God 
7​ Marrow, former horror hunter  6​ Ensure a trade goes down seamlessly 
8​ Osteo, jobber for city’s underworld  7​ Delve into a collapsed mound to explore 
9​ Open Wound, nomads from the Wasted Dunes  8​ Disconnect someone from the Neural Network 
10​ Varicose, entrepreneur on a big project  9​ Retrieve a dangerous, experimental, chemical 
11​ Collapsing, a collective conscience of a cult  10​ Investigate a conspiracy in the city 
12​ Jeot, naive and trying to do the right thing.  11​ Don’t let a weapon get into the wrong hands 
13​ Keloid, vengeful chemical manufacturer  12​ There’s a giant mass growing over a town 
14​ Roundworm, looking to become a myth  13​ People’s bodies suddenly rejecting transplants 
15​ Ilizarov, the cities’ impartial surgeon  14​ Lock away something so it can never be found 
16​ Raw, enthusiastic from a mercenary group  15​ Ambush a convoy before it arrives 
17​ Volar, wicked Baron hunting innocents  16​ A voice speaks to you from the neural network 
18 M ​ ito, trusty and undertakes risky transports  17​ Prevent a disaster from occurring 
19 I​ ngrown, collector and myth researcher  18 B​ lood rituals cover the area, find the meaning 
20 ​ Dislocate, streetwise, long list of treachery  19 S ​ omething is growing on all of you 
  20 C ​ lear an infested location so people can return 
►​ L​ ocations 
1​ Wasted Dunes, a nearly unoccupied zone  ►​ T
​ wists 

2 ​A huge city collapsing under its weight  1​ A horror formed from people in your past 
3 ​ Mylphyn Line, a transport network growing of  2 T ​ oxic air threatens to corrode your lungs 
its own accord  3 Y ​ ou’re being hunted 
4 ​Thick fleshy-jungle, ripe smells permeate all  4 A ​ raging war risks involving you 
5 ​Trypo, thousands of moist interconnected  5 T ​ he contact has double-crossed you 
holes  6 T ​ here’s another group working the same job 
6 ​ Organ farm, churning huge amounts of material  7 T ​ ime is running out, no time to prepare 
7 ​ Bulging caverns in treacherous mountains  8 L​ iving samples are about to hatch 
8 ​ Village losing itself to another settlement  9 S ​ omeone or some​thing​ is living there now 
9 ​ Unnervingly pristine city trading synthetic parts  10 W ​ hat you’re looking for isn’t there anymore 
10 B ​ irthing blood pits filled with young  11 Y ​ ou’re plunged into darkness 
11 A ​ travelling population living on the backs of  12 Y ​ ou have to leave something behind 
giant beasts  13​ Collective-conscience C ​ ollapsing​ is at work 
12 M ​ ass Y, a toxic landscape of rotten parts  14 A ​ sentient mass threatens to trap you 
13 A ​ darkened city with oppressive smog  15 S ​ hamans rumour of a curse 
14 A ​ n old temple contained in many myths  16​ Your biotech is malfunctioning 
15 A ​ rea for the gutter of society, sealed off  17 I​ t isn’t clear who set up the job 
16 L​ and formed from old giants  18 ​ Nobody trusts you, you have to prove yourself 
17 M ​ ineral-rich territory, lawless and exploited  19 ​ Someone requires medical attention 
18 L​ avish palace rumoured to be haunted  20 Y ​ ou need to get someone else involved 
19 V ​ ast areas of water that induce mutations  ​ ersion 1.1. Text & layout by Jason Tocci under a Creative 
20 U ​ nderwater tunnels piled with waste  Commons Attribution 4.0 license (​CC BY 4.0​).  
Based on the 24XX SRD, CC by Jason Tocci 

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