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In those times there were 2 captains (Barba Roja and Barba Negra) who were great
friends, but greed separated them because one of the captains had a hidden treasure and
his friend did not know his whereabouts.
Many times, BN tried to get the map through snitches, but BR didn’t have a map, since he
did not trust anyone and only, he could know the exact location
One day BR discovered BN in his cabin and that is when the rivalry began as one of the
BR crew confessed to him about a particular snitch who was very audacious but, in the
end, he was discovered, we are talking about Morgan and Barbosa.

Five years latter

BR grew his fortune while BN became obsessed with the treasure hunt, which caused him
to lose his crew, his fortune, and his allies, retaining Barbosa who became his right-hand
man since the betrayal with BR. While Morgan became BR's right-hand man.


Barbosa: It’s very hot, would you like some rum?

BN: Yes, it’s hot, but no thanks, now I am focused on the search for BN.
Morgan: Look who's over their BR, It’s your best friend.
BR: Let me see, hey you, you damn traitor!
BN: How lucky we are, it already appeared.  Dirijeindose a Barbosa
BN: Now if you will give me the treasure?!  Dirijiendose a BR
BR: If you want it, you'll have to face me!
Morgan: Of course!!!, Arrrrrgggh!!!
Barbosa: We are not afraid of you!
BN: We're going there right now! You'll regret it!
BR: You don't know who you're up against!
BN: Let's stop yelling and get closer!



BN: We meet again my dear. Don't you hide anything from me?
BR: Shut up and fight! or maybe you will lose like the other time
***Se dan en la madre***
*** BR va ganando, pero BN saca una fusca***

BR: That is cheating!

BN: I am a pirate not a monarch! Now tell me where the treasure is!
Morgan: Tell him captain! You not see that he will kill us!

*BN le dispara a Morgan en la pierna* *Morgan grita de dolor*

BR: What the hell happens to you! Who made you so much harm for you to do
BARBOSA: Kill her at once, we don't need her

*BN apunta a la cabeza de Morgan* *Introduzca canción de rosa de guadalupe*

BR: Don’t do it! He is the only person who has supported me! You never did that
for me! You only care about money, men and power!
BN: So, tell me where the treasure is and stop chattering
Morgan: Captain, Captain, if you're going to say where the treasure is, say so now
or let him kill me! Whatever happens I will always be with you!
BR: Okay, okay! I'll tell you where the treasure is, but leave her alone

*Saca el mapa de su bota* *Todos se sacan de onda*  

BN: Why are you taking out a map? Are you looking at my stupid face? Do you
think I don't remember that you don't have a map for your treasure?

BR:*Repite la frase de BN*: I am a pirate not a monarch!

BARBOSA: He's lying captain! You should kill Morgan to see that it is not a game!
Morgan: Do not speak if you do not know moron! Arrrrgggh! *Golpea a Barbosa*

BN: There is only one way to prove that is true ... Take us to the treasure

Tocando suelo

*Aparecen Morgan (cojeando) Y BR atadas de mano, dirigidas por Barbosa*

BARBOSA: Faster, they look that turtles! We want the treasure for today!
Morgan: I can’t anymore! I need to rest…  *Se cae o desvanece en el suelo*
BN: Leave her Barbosa, she can't go anywhere, she can die at any moment, let's
not waste any more time!

*Barbosa desata a Morgan y la deja en un árbol*

Barbosa: Thank the captain for leaving you here, if it were up to me you would be
BN: Barbosa hurry up

*BN saca el mapa y apunta hacia una dirección*

Llegando al punto, ven un brillo asomarse debajo de las hojas secas de los

BN: Finally, the treasure is mine! We have to celebrate!

BR: You already have what you wanted! Let me go! I want to see Morgan!

*Sueltan a BR, se dirige con Morgan quien muere por desangrado*

BR: Goodbye friend of the soul!

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