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Star Wars boba fett: Crossfire

3/9/18: I'm a huge Star Wars fan so reading a book about boba fett as a kid is really cool. I am
currently reading the second book at the moment. I haven't read the first one yet. but it's still
really cool to see want boba fett did in his life growing up.

3/9/18: the characters I have met so far is boba fett, jango fett, codon prax, the count, and lots
of droids. the count and codon prax are working on an archaeological project.

3/13/18: I haven't met any new characters yet. Boba went out side of the building and found a
huge crane that the count had a bunch of droids working on.

3/14/18: still no new characters. The court’s base got raided by the republic and boba was trying
to escape.

3/16/18: the new characters are CT-6 and CT-4 they are clone troopers flying the battleship.
They are taking boba to their base to give him shelter and food.

3/20/18: the title of the book told me that the book was going to be about boba fett the crossfire I
have not see yet but I know that boba hates the count and the republican.

3/21/18: one new character his name is Garr.

3/22/18: the setting in the book right now is the are on one of the republican ships and garr
wants to see the bridge and kids aren't allowed in the bridge so they go out into space and go to
the outside of the bridge.

3/27/18: garr and boba were outside of the ship in space when the ship was about to jump to
hyperspace so they had to rush and they didn't make it in and they only had a few minutes so
boba took off his air tank and got them inside at the last second.

3/29/18: there is a new character I can't remember her name but I do know she is a bounty
hunter like boba fett. Boba has gotten on cloud city and has gotten away from the Jedi.

4/13/18: boba almost got his ship back but garr told the Jedi what is happening so the deal was
off so he is chasing her and trying to get it back.

4/19/18: I finished the book. I was a very anticlimactic ending but I guess you have to read all of
the rest of the books to get the real ending.

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