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English assignment:

Good afternoon fellow peers. The words fairy tales creates a variety of images of stories found in
both novel and film. people might imagine tales such as Cinderella or Beauty and the Beast. Others
may see classic stories like, Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs. As time has passed bye,
many authors have created their own versions of so-called fairy tales. One of these authors is J.R.R.
Tolkien, who used one of his own stories to create such a tale that is read by millions to this day.
“The Hobbit”, one of his most famous texts, includes adventure and fantasy all in one. with creatures
such as hobbits, trolls, dwarves, goblins, millions of orcs, and wizards. The story all began with the
phrase, “In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit.” (Tolkien, The Hobbit, page 3). This line began a
tale unlike any other. Through careful consideration the novel writer Tolkien uses action and
dialogue to represent the journey of bilbo and how it compares to other fairy tales.

Good vs. Evil: Dialogue is used to show bilbo’s journey compared to the Fairy tales. As one of the
oldest literary genres has a set of strict rules. One of them is the specific relationship between good
and evil throughout the story. In terms of good and evil, fairy tale presents a version of reality. Since
these stories are targeted at children direct classification of the goodies and the baddies is necessary
for an easy role of a character. There is no doubt whether Little Red Riding Hood or Jack is good and
the wolf or the giants are bad. For fairy tales, it is typical that a person is completely good or
completely bad. There is no space in between for complicated characters and their dilemma’s. “But
still he clutched the cup, and his chief thought was: "I've done it! This will show them. 'More like a
grocer than a burglar' indeed! Well, we'll hear no more of that."” (Chapter 12, page17) Bilbo is still
trying to show the others and prove himself to the dwarves even now that he has gotten them all the
way to the Lonely Mountain. thanks to his smarts and good luck. "More like a grocer than a burglar"
really smarts. Like the dwarves, Bilbo doesn't seem to be thinking of his quest in grand moral terms.
Given that this quest doesn't seem to be about good vs. evil exactly, it is about how bilbo went from
not being respected by the leader to becoming the leader. "But how is it yours to give?" Bard asked at
last with an effort. "O well!" said the hobbit uncomfortably. "It isn't exactly; but, well, I am willing to
let it stand against all my claim, don't you know? I may be a burglar – or so they say: personally, I
never really felt like one – but I am an honest one, I hope. Anyway, I am going back now, and the
dwarves can do what they like to me. I hope you will find it useful." (Chapter 16, Pages 38-39). One
would say that bilbo is the worst burglar there is because he could not even hide that he stole the
Arkenstone. He is willing to let the Arkenstone go to Bard so that Bard can receive back his share of
Thorin’s treasure. This shows that having the power to do anything with the Arkenstone bilbo chooses
to do the right thing and be the good character. On the other hand, when Thorin gets the stone, he will
use all his power to rule the world and become the new king under the mountain. This greed portrays
him as the evil character in this scene. This goes to show that through the dialogue present in the
novel “The Hobbit”, there is a clear similarity between bilbo and other fairy tales.
Throughout this novel action was also used to portray the similarities between the Bilbo’s journey and
other fairy tales. “My armour is like tenfold shields. My teeth are swords, my claw spears, the shock
of my tail a thunderbolt. My wings a hurricane, and my breath death!” In this quote as Smaug
describes himself to the hobbit he is showing how strong he is compared to the others out there.
Mystical beasts seem to be a common theme and idea in fairy tales which further enhances my point.
"Fee-fi-fo-fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman". This is said by the giants in Jack and the Bean
Stalk to symbolise the terror and violence that is going to occur. “We like goblins batses and fishes,
but we hasn’t tried hobbitses before. Is it soft? Is it juicy?” The weird and crazy creature Gollum is
one of a kind who stars in the world of mythical creatures.
Overall having the wonderous dialogue used in the novel or even the action. JRR. Tolkien has shown
us how the hero’s journey is similar to other fairy tales. I am Bhavya Goyal and thankyou for

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