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Pemphigus Foliaceus

Key words:
Case report: A 62 years old male patient presented with a vesicle on his back in
the year 2001. The vesicle was painless and it bursted of its own with clear watery fluid
discharging from it. He was diagonsed as having phemphigus foliaceous on the basis of
biopsy report . He was started on low doses of steroids(Prednisolone 10mg) and
immunosupressant(azathioprine 50mg)but he didn’t responded well to it and his lesions got
worse. The vesicles gardually spread to his scalp, arms,trunk,waist and legs. Then he was
shifted to higher doses of steriods(prednisolone 20mg) to which he responded well initially;
few months later vesicles over both the legs got converted to bullae with maldarous
dicharge from bullae and exfoliation of skin.This got infected along with painful swelling of
both the lower limbs.For this he was treated with antibiotics and with localised dressing of
the area. After this was resolved he was started on further higher doses of steroids to which
he responded well and his lesions got better within few months .Now he is on tappering
doses of steroids and has to take higher doses of steroids

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