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PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Genetics 37:509 (1999)


Inaugural Article in the Structure Note Format

In the early days of protein crystallography, each new hundreds of structures of Fab’s in the PDB and proprietary
structure was both a Herculean achievement and a great databases combined. As a consequence, the editors of
addition to our knowledge of protein structure and func- Proteins see numbers of manuscripts that describe highly
tion. Today, structure determination has become much professional protein crystal structure determinations, but
more routine. Modern techniques for gene cloning and that contain too little new information to be worthy of
efficient protein expression have provided a wealth of new publication as a full-length article. The new short format
targets for crystallization. At the same time, new technolo- of Structure Notes (see Instructions to Authors) is de-
gies, such as synchrotron radiation and MAD phasing, signed to provide brief accounts of such structures. The
have greatly simplified the process of structure solution. article by Whitby and Phillips in this issue represents the
The result is the flood of new protein structures that we initial publication in this format; we welcome additional
have all witnessed.
The simplified technology has also enabled laboratories
to undertake the determination of structures that are of Eaton E. Lattman
limited general interest. For example, there are probably Editor-in-Chief


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