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A Review of Artificial Neural Networks Applications

in Microwave Computer-Aided Design (Invited Article)

P. Burrascano,1 S. Fiori,1 M. Mongiardo 2
` di Perugia, I-06100 Perugia, Italy;
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale, Universita
` di Perugia, I-06100 Perugia, Italy;
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatione, Universita
Recei¨ ed 10 August 1998; re¨ ised 22 No¨ ember 1998

ABSTRACT: Neural networks found significant applications in microwave CAD. In this

paper, after providing a brief description of neural networks employed so far in this context,
we illustrate some of their most significant applications and typical issues arising in
practical implementation. We also summarize current research tendencies and introduce
use of self-organizing maps enhancing model accuracy and applicability. We conclude
considering some future developments and exciting perspectives opened from use of neural
networks in microwave CAD. 䊚 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Int J RF and Microwave CAE 9:
158᎐174, 1999.

Keywords: artificial neural networks; self-organizing maps; microwave components; filter


I. INTRODUCTION quite often the entire simulation has to be re-

Computer-aided design of microwave components Extrapolation᎐range of ¨ alidity, since a small
typically requires the development of suitable change in the data can make the code useless
codes for modeling, possibly in a full-wave man- Že.g., a mode-matching code used in order to
ner, the electrical response of the considered analyze a structure with sharp corners becomes
structure. To this end one generally starts from useless if the corners are even of moderate
the very fundamental equations Že.g., Maxwell rounded shape..
equations, transport equations, etc.. and develops With the above methodology once developed
programs for their numerical solution Žvia FDTD, the code is ‘‘frozen’’, i.e., no modifications of the
TLM, integral equation techniques, FEM, FD, latter occur automatically; neither use is made of
mode-matching, BEM, etc... Such an approach, the accumulated experience, and the class of solv-
while being very satisfactory from the theoretical able problems remains fixed.
viewpoint, presents, nevertheless, some shortcom- Possible ways to alleviate the above problems
ings with respect to the: are generation of look-up tables and multidimen-
Numerical effort, since the resulting codes are sional polynomial models. Unfortunately, the
often too slow for design purposes; table’s size grows exponentially with dimension,
Pre¨ ious experience, since modest or no advan- hence becoming too difficult to generate and
tage is taken from previous simulations of ‘‘simi- manage when many parameters are involved.
lar’’ cases Že.g., if a parameter is slightly changed Polynomial approximation can only handle mild
nonlinearities while in the majority of practical
Correspondence to: M. Mongiardo. problems severe nonlinearities are present Žas an

䊚 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1096-4290r99r030158-17

Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 159

example consider a filter response in terms of its ent sources as, e.g., from experimental tests andr
geometrical parameter.. or different numerical methods.
Nowadays, the relevant and rapidly evolving The rapidly evolving field of ANN applications
market of microwave wireless communication is in microwave CAD and optimization has wit-
determining a paradigm shift in the design of nessed several excellent contributions: different
microwave components: not only the electrical problems have been successfully attacked; new
characteristics being of relevance, but also other methodologies have been introduced and signifi-
issues such as reduced time to market Ži.e., fast cant progress has been made in this dynamic area
design., yield optimization, manufactured-ori- of microwave CAD. It seems therefore appropri-
ented design, tolerance analysis, etc., are becom- ate to try to summarize in this review paper the
ing increasingly important. In other words the progress made so far. The structure of the work is
development of microwave components is moving the following: in Section II the necessary theoret-
from ‘‘performance-oriented’’ design to ‘‘statisti- ical background on neural networks is provided;
cal’’ computer-aided design ŽCAD. w1x. Unfortu- then, in Section III, we illustrate the current
nately, to perform statistical CAD with current applications of ANN in microwave CAD and, in
approaches does not appear feasible: a single Section IV, we discuss some typical issues in
analysis of a component may often require sev- ANN implementation. In Section V we summa-
eral hours while, in practice, hundreds of analysis rize the research trends and innovations; in par-
are required. As a possible remedy, sophisticated ticular, we also introduce the use of self-organiz-
techniques, like the Adjoint Network Method w2᎐6x, ing maps in the microwave context. Finally, in
and Space Mapping w7᎐10x have been recently Section VI, we speculate on some possible future
introduced. However, both techniques still make applications of ANN in microwave CAD.
use of computer-intensive electromagnetic ŽEM.
full-wave simulators while all is needed is a multi-
dimensional nonlinear approximator which re- II. NEURAL NETWORKS:
lates the input parameters to the output ones: in A BRIEF DESCRIPTION
this respect artificial neural networks ŽANNs. ap-
pear to be a good candidate. In fact, as noted in Several concepts in neurocomputing have been
IEEE Proceedings special issue on ANN w11, pp. inspired by studies of biological networks. From
1353᎐1576x, ‘‘While in the 1980s many of the one perspective neural networks can be thus con-
applications proposed produced results which sidered as a way to further understanding brain
were barely competitive with existing approaches, functions; from a different standing point, they
the 1990s have revealed a variety of application can be regarded as an extension of the conven-
areas where neural networks are becoming one of tional data processing techniques developed over
the tools which provide the best results, both several decades. This latter perspective is the one
regarding quality of the outcome and the ease of we consider: since, as engineers, we are mostly
implementation.’’ interested in understanding how neural networks
It is therefore not surprising that ANN are compare with different processing techniques for
currently finding useful applications also in the problem solving.
microwave context; in fact, to cite again w11, pp. Neural networks are massively parallel, highly
1353᎐1576x: ‘‘ . . . they are especially useful in situ- connected structures consisting of a number of
ations where a model-based or parametric ap- simple, nonlinear processing elements; because of
proach to information processing is difficult to their massively parallel structure, they can per-
formulate.’’ Actually, for microwave problems, the form computations at a very high rate if imple-
model-based approach is indeed feasible but, of- mented on a dedicated hardware; because of their
tentimes, it is rather inconvenient with respect to adaptive nature, they can learn the characteristics
the computer resources involved. For the latter of input signals and adapt to changes in the data;
problems ANN provide an excellent complement because of their nonlinear nature they can per-
to existing models and codes. In fact, in several form functional approximation and signal filtering
cases, existing codes can be used in order to train operations which are beyond optimal linear tech-
the ANN and to provide some a priori knowledge niques.
when needed; moreover ANN can accumulate Several neural paradigms are available in the
experience and merge data obtained from differ- technical literature; all of them, in some sense,
160 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

derive from the pioneering work of McCulloch B. Feed-Forward Layered Networks and
and Pitts w12x, Hebb w13x, and Rosenblatt w14x, Error Backpropagation
whose work introduced the model of neural net-
Typically feed-forward layered networks consist
works as computing machines, the basic model of
of a set of source nodes which constitute the
self-organization, and the model of learning with
input layer, one or more hidden layers of compu-
a teacher, respectively. During the 1960s and
tation nodes and an output layer of computation
1970s the work of a number of researchers
ŽAmari, Fukushima, Grossberg, Kohonen, Wi- nodes. Each processing node Žneuron. performs a
weighted sum of the signal components at its
drow. prepared the start over of the field with the
input; this sum is thus fed into a block performing
publication of the works of Hopfield w15x, which
a differentiable nonlinear processing Žusually a
related symmetric dynamical networks to opti-
sigmoidal logistic function. of the type,
mization, and Rumelhart, Hinton, and Williams
w16x, which introduced the method of backpropa-
gation. 1
f Ž¨ . s . Ž2.
In the following, a concise description is given 1 q exp Ž y¨ .
of three neural paradigms Žthe Hopfield network,
the multilayer perceptron and Kohonen self- The input signal propagates through the net-
organizing maps., which have been considered for work in a forward direction, on a layer-by-layer
microwave problems. basis. These networks are usually referred to as
multilayer perceptrons ŽMLPs.. The processing
task to be performed is described by a set of
A. The Hopfield Recurrent Model input᎐output data Žthe training set.: the network
The Hopfield model relies on the energy function, specializes to solve this task by modifying its
parameters Žweights. by means of an iterative
optimization procedure Žthe learning procedure..
Esy The error backpropagation, described in w16x, is a
Ý wi j S i S j , Ž1.
widely popular learning technique that provides
an efficient and algorithms stable way to correct
the network weights.

䢇 wi j denotes the weight associated to the C. The Kohonen Self-Organizing Map

connection between neurons i and j; the A preliminary step in many processing tasks is the
weights matrix is symmetrical and no self- identification of a reduced set of important fea-
connections are allowed for stability pur- tures in which the essential information for the
pose. task is concentrated. The self-organizing feature
䢇 S i are binary variables Si s "1 Žor 0, 1. map ŽSOM. is an approach by which such fea-
denoting the output of the ith neuron. tures can be obtained by means of an unsuper-
vised learning process. The learning process de-
By appropriate choice of wi j the model works as fines the weights wi j connecting the input to a
an associative memory: if a corrupted version of a single layer of nonlinear units which gradually
stored pattern is given as input, the asynchronous develop in an n-dimensional array of feature de-
dynamics of the network evolves to minimize E, tectors. The input patterns define a continuous
and this gives the original version of the stored vector space; the learning procedure provides a
pattern as output of the network. way to quantize this space by defining a
The same paradigm can be used in optimiza- ‘‘codebook’’ of significant vectors linked to useful
tion problems: a Hopfield type energy function is information. In addition, the training procedure is
considered, onto which the optimization problem constrained in order to force near neurons to be
is mapped with an appropriate choice of wi j . The associated to similar codes. In the resulting map,
network evolves to a stable state where the solu- the high-dimensional input space is mapped onto
tion is given by the configuration of outputs the Žlower dimensional. neural manifold, and sim-
Ž S1 , S2 , . . . .. Several trials are usually run in order ilar patterns are ‘‘coded’’ together in the same
to reach the global minimum of the energy func- neuron Žor in nearby neurons.. In the learning
tion E. process, the importance of features is derived
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 161

from the distribution of the input signals: each sentation formula can be realized by a three-layer
cluster of frequently occurring input stimuli is feed-forward layered network. In 1989 several
represented by a large area in the map. papers related to this topic were published
w19᎐21x: the authors of these papers, following
different techniques, claimed that three-layer
D. Function Approximation by Learning feed-forward layered networks with sigmoid units
in the hidden layer can approximate continuous
One of the most widely considered applications of
or other kinds of functions defined on compact
neural networks in the field of microwave CAD is
sets in R n. Their results can be summarized as
for functional approximation. The capability to
follows Žuniversal approximation theorem.: Let
approximate a multivariate, nonlinear function is
␾ Ž⭈. be a nonconstant, bounded, and monotone-
a powerful ability of neural models which is out-
increasing continuous function. Let l p denote
lined in the following.
the p-dimensional unit hypercube w0, 1x p. The
Approximation theory deals with the problem
space of continuous functions on l p is denoted
of approximating or interpolating a continuous,
by C Ž l p .. Then, given any function f g C Ž l p .
multivariate function f Ž x . by an approximating
and ⑀ ) 0, there exist an integer M and sets of
function F Ž w, x . having a fixed number of param-
real constants ␣ i , ␪ i , and wi j , where i s 1, . . . , M
eters w belonging to some set P. For a choice of
and j s 1, . . . , p such that we may define
a specific F, the problem is then to find the set of
parameters w that provides the best possible ap- M p
proximation for f on the set of the available
‘‘examples’’ Žlearning step.. It is fundamental to
F Ž x1 , x 2 , . . . , x p . s Ý ␣i ␾ žÝ wi j x j y ␪ i ,
is1 js1
choose an approximating function F that can Ž3.
represent f as well as possible. The problem of
learning a mapping between an input and output
space is equivalent to the problem of synthesizing as an approximate realization of the function f Ž⭈.;
an associative memory that retrieves an appropri- that is
ate output when presented with the input, and
generalizes when presented with new inputs. It is < F Ž x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x p . y f Ž x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x p . < - ⑀ , Ž4.
also equivalent to the problem of estimating the
system that transforms inputs into outputs given a for all  x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x p 4 g l p . The coefficient ⑀
set of examples of input᎐output pairs: according somehow measures the degree of approximation
to this interpretations both unsupervised and su- accuracy.
pervised neural networks have been extensively This theorem is directly applicable to MLPs
studied as functional approximators. Žsee Fig. 1.: we first note that the logistic function
The problem of approximating a function of is a nonconstant, bounded, and monotone-in-
several variables by MLPs has been studied by creasing continuous function; it therefore satisfies
many authors: in w17x Wieland and Leighten deal the conditions imposed on ␾ Ž⭈.. Then we note
with the capabilities of networks consisting of one that Ž3. represents the output of a MLP consist-
or two hidden layers; Irie and Miyake w18x ob- ing of p input nodes and a single hidden layer
tained an integral representation formula with an of M neurons with thresholds ␪ i , and input-to-
integrable kernel defined beforehand: this repre- hidden weights wi j ; the output neuron is a linear

Figure 1. Typical description of a multilayer perceptron ŽMLP. which implements the

universal approximation theorem reported in Section II.D.
162 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

one and the hidden-to-output weights ␣ i define

the coefficients of the combination.

E. Practical Application of the Universal

Approximation Theorem
Several fundamental questions must be addressed
in order to make a practical use of MPLs as
approximators. A first question is the following:
how many samples are needed to achieve a given
degree of accuracy? It is well known that the
answer depends on the dimensionality d of the
data space and on the degree of smoothness of
the class of functions that has to be approxi-
Figure 2. Typical ANN error behavior. When training
mated. It has been shown w22x that the number of net1 on an increasing number of patterns we note that,
samples needed to approximate a function grows as the number of training patterns exceeds n1, the
exponentially with the ratio between the dimen- training error T1 and the generalization error curve,
sionality d and the degree of smoothness. G1, tend to overlap: all the information which the
Other fundamental questions are related to network can store about the problem is in the training
both the learning strategy and neural network set T1 of n1 samples. If a network net 2 with a higher
topological structure. The universal approxima- number of free parameters is trained in the same way,
tion theorem is an existence one: it states that a the number of training patterns needed to ‘‘fill’’ the
single-layer network is sufficient for a MLP to network is n 2 ) n1 Ža higher number of patterns is
needed for good generalization. but the model we
compute a uniform approximation to a given
obtain is more accurate than the previous one Ž E2 -
training set represented by the input᎐output cou-
E1 ..
ples  x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x p 4 and f Ž x 1 , x 2 , . . . , x p .. It is
worth noting, however, that the theorem does not
say that a single-layer network is optimum in the
sense of learning time or ease of implementation; III. APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL
moreover, the theorem does not give indications NEURAL NETWORKS TO MICROWAVE
about the required number of hidden units neces- COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN:
sary in order to achieve the desired degree of CURRENT STATUS
Neural network performance is fundamentally As already noted neural networks have found
tied to the topology of the network. The capacity wide applications in engineering problems as il-
and accuracy of network mapping is determined lustrated e.g., in w11x; more specifically ANN have
by the number of free parameters Žtypically also been considered in the antennas literature
weights. in the network. Networks that are too Že.g., for surface roughness determination w29x,
small cannot approximate the desired input᎐out- direction finding in phased arrays w30x, beam shape
put mapping. Networks with too many free pa- prediction of active aperture antennas employing
rameters compared to the number of training ‘‘smart’’ materials w31x, and effective dielectric
samples perform correctly on the training set, but constant computation of microstrip lines w32x..
give poor results with patterns not included in the For illustrating ANN applications to microwave
training set Žpoor generalization performance.. problems we have considered convenient to re-
Figure 2 shows this aspect. strict ourselves to the publications that appeared
The problem of model complexity selection at the International Microwave Symposium and
arises in all parametric modeling techniques: it in the IEEE Journal of Microwa¨ e Theory and
has been approached in the technical literature Techniques, since this sample, although by no
by using statistical identification procedures, as means exhaustive, is fairly representative of cur-
for instance the Akaike Information Criterion rent tendencies. In particular, for reference pur-
ŽAIC. w23x or the Minimum Description Length poses, we have summarized in Table I some data
ŽMDL. w24x; in the specific case of neural models, relative to significant problems attacked by ANN.
the use of the above criteria, or their extensions, From Table I it is possible to observe that
has been proposed w25᎐28x. several different classes of problems have been
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 163

TABLE I. A List of Microwave Problems Attacked by Neural Networks

Type of Neural
Microwave Problem Purpose᎐Advantage Network Ref. Notes
Automatic To replace manual Hopfield network and w33, 34x; Importance of Smith
impedance matching Žwhich massively distributed chart mapping;
matching requires computer networks possible extension
experience ŽSmith chart. to filter tuning
and can be long
and tedious.; also
considering a
normalized Smith
Modeling of MMIC To replace lengthy Multilyaer feed-forward w35᎐39, 51, 40, 41x; Use of design of
passive elements full-wave EM ANN; backpropagation experiment ŽDoE.
ŽVia interconnects, analysis with a algorithm and of fractional
CPW circuits, faster method factorial experimental
spiral inductors. for use in design; consideration
interactive design of knowledge-
based ANN
Large signal HEMT To avoid solutions Multilayer feed-forward w42᎐46x; Importance of scaling
characterization and of device physics ANN; backpropagation input᎐output
physics-oriented equations algorithm; five layer for parameters;
FET model HEMT in w42x training set obtained
for HEMT in w42x
VLSI interconnect To avoid CPU Multilayer feed-forward w47, 46, 45, 44, 43x Introduction of sparsity
models intensive circuit ANN; backpropagation in neural network
Žtransmission simulations algorithm training; use of
line analysis with knowledge-based
nonlinear loads. models
Yield optimization To use fast ANN Multilayer feed-forward w43x Components simulated
of X-band models of devices ANN; backpropagation by neural networks
amplifiers algorithm
Tolerance analysis To avoid repeated Multilayer feed-forward w48x, this work Use of self-organized
of waveguide full-wave analysis ANN; backpropagation maps ŽSOM. for
filters algorithm improved

considered so far, as: following citation w41x: ‘‘Typical circuit simu-

lator supplied passive elements models do
䢇 Automatic impedance matching has been not accurately account for the parasitic and
studied in w33, 34x with the aim of replacing coupling effects which occur at microwave᎐
manual operation by a neural network con- millimeter wave frequencies. To remedy this
trolled computer system for matching appli- situation, libraries of passive components
cations. have been developed by actually fabricating,
䢇 Modeling of monolithic microwave inte- testing, and storing the results of hundreds
grated circuit ŽMMIC. passive elements has of elements in a table. This approach is
received considerable attention; microstrip problematic since the libraries are process
circuits, w35x, via interconnects w36, 37x, also dependent, costly to create, and limits the
considering previous knowledge in the form designer to a discrete set of components.
of equivalent circuits w37x, chamfered Copla- Table look-up techniques, while very fast,
nar Waveguide ŽCPW. bends w38x and CPW suffer from the large memory requirements
circuits w39x, spiral inductors w40, 41x have associated with the size of the table.
been studied and modeled by ANN. The More recently, electromagnetic ŽEM.
need for the above studies is clarified by the analysis tools have become commercially
164 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

available which accurately model passive 䢇 VLSI interconnect models, i.e., transmission
structures into the millimeter-wave fre- line analysis with nonlinear loads have been
quency range. EM simulation effectively simulated by using ANN in w43᎐47x; as noted
models passive element dispersion and mu- in w47x ‘‘Modeling of lossy interconnects is
tual coupling effects ignored by traditional done by electromagnetic ŽEM. simulation
circuit simulation tools. However, EM simu- techniques, which involve the numerical
lation methods take tremendous computa- simulation of Maxwell’s equations or vari-
tional efforts and are not practical for inter- ants thereof. Full-wave three-dimensional
active CAD . . . The execution time for a Ž3D. EM analysis, being approximation free,
full-wave EM simulation depends on the gives very accurate results, but is highly
number of grid points used when meshing CPU-intensive, and thus is not feasible for
the structure and the numerical tolerances. on-line use in large scale CAD and opti-
The number of grid points greatly depends mization techniques.’’ For this type of appli-
on the smallest critical geometric feature.
cation ANN can provide substantial on-line
For example, the time required for the EM
speed-up with respect to conventional meth-
simulation of a 2.5-turn spiral inductor on a
ods Žas an example consider Table IV of w47x
5-␮ m grid is about 3 min per frequency
where EM simulation takes 20᎐80 h, while
point. However, the time required for a sim-
ANN takes about 40᎐130 s. In the same
ilar inductor on a 2-␮ m grid is about 53 min
per frequency point. These simulation times work, data reported in Table V show that
clearly limit the practicality of EM simula- NILT Žnumerical inversion of Laplace trans-
tion in an interactive CAD environment.’’ form. takes about 34.43 h, AWE Žasymptotic
waveform evaluation. takes 9.56 h and the
ANN uses only 6.67 min..
Moreover, since EM tools are also used in
䢇 Yield optimization of X-band amplifiers has
order to generate the training set, the above
statements clearly show why some form of design been considered as an example in w43x. In
of experiment ŽDoE. is absolutely necessary for this case a three-stage X-band MMIC am-
these cases. plifier was considered and the Khatibzadeh
and Trew model has been compared with a
䢇 Large signal HEMT characterization w42x neural model; the speed-up ratio using the
and physics-oriented FET model w43᎐46x. In neural model was 6 for the optimization
w42x the bias-dependent behavior of the part, 30 for Monte Carlo analysis, and 5 for
HEMT has been characterized in terms of yield optimization Žsee Table VI of w43x..
the intrinsic elements of a conventional 䢇 Tolerance analysis of waveguide filters has
small-signal equivalent circuit. Noticeably, been studied in w48x. In this case it was
the intrinsic element data depending on two noted that ‘‘after the learning phase the
input parameters, Vg s and Vd s , have been trained network gives its response in a few
obtained from the S-parameters measure- milliseconds and allows to approximate any
ments performed at various bias settings. filter response in the range of geometrical
Also in the same work it has been found values we considered Ž40 ␮ m for each di-
that a fi¨ e-layered configuration composed mension, 4 = the nominal tolerances.
of only 28 neurons is adequate to simultane- . . . The computational cost associated to the
ously represent seven bias-dependent intrin- modal analysis procedure is over 100= more
sic elements from Vg s and Vd s . In w44x expensive than the one associated to the
instead, a three-layer feed-forward neural neural model.’’
network has been considered for modeling a
FET having six input parameters Žgate-
length L, gate width W, channel thickness
a, doping density Nd , and Vg s and Vd s .; 100 IV. TYPICAL ISSUES IN ARTIFICIAL
neurons were used in the hidden layer. NEURAL NETWORK IMPLEMENTATION
However, in this case an ingenious proce-
dure making use of the sparsity of the inter- Naturally, except for w33, 34x Žwhich address a
nal activations of neural networks has been fairly different problem., some common topics
devised. are almost invariably present when applying ANN
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 165

for microwave CAD, namely:

䢇 choice and scaling of the input᎐output

䢇 choice of the structure and dimensionality
of the ANN: number of hidden layers, num-
ber of neurons per layer, etc.;
䢇 dimensionality of the training set;
䢇 network parameters determination;

With reference to the microwave problems al-

ready considered, we now discuss in more detail
the above items after a brief discussion of the
ANN error behavior.
Figure 3. Training and generalization errors for the
case of a waveguide filter.
A. Artificial Neural Network
Error Behavior
As already mentioned in Section II.E, we can inductor, w41x, five geometrical parameters have
identify two kinds of errors, with their typical been selected; in modeling a broadband GaAs
behavior depicted in Figure 2, which affect the microstrip via hole w37x three geometrical param-
response of ANN: eters plus frequency have been used; in w46x,
when modeling the cross-sectional per unit length
䢇 Training error: the square mean error when mutual inductance between two conductors of a
the set of training samples is fed to the coupled microstrip transmission line, five geomet-
trained network. As the topology complexity rical parameters and frequency have been se-
increases Ži.e., a larger number of neurons lected; similarly, for studying a waveguide filter in
are used. this error decreases. This type of w48x, 12 geometrical parameters plus frequency
error increases with the number of samples have been employed.
up to a certain level and then remains al- In device modeling, in addition to the geomet-
most constant; rical parameters Žwhen present., also electrical
䢇 Generalization error: square mean error when quantities are generally used as inputs. As an
a set of samples not present in the training example, in w42x just Vg s and Vd s have been used;
set is fed to the trained network. This error while in w43x, four geometrical parameters plus
decreases when more complex topologies Vg s and Vd s have been employed.
are selected. It generally starts from higher In order both to improve the approximation
values Žwhen a reduced number of samples accuracy and the learning process, the input data
is considered. and then goes to a constant are also scaled on suitable ranges, often by using
value as the number of samples is increased. the sigmoidal function as, e.g., in w48x and in w42x.
The output parameters are typically the scat-
A typical example of the above error behavior tering parameters or, in the case of device model-
for a practical case is shown in Figure 3 where ing some component value; in most examples they
training and generalization errors are plotted for have been limited to a few Že.g., five in w41x, six in
the ANN used to represent the waveguide filter w43x, and seven in w42x.. Naturally, since the out-
response; in this case 50 neurons were present in put of a neuron varies between 0 and 1, which
the hidden layer. are the asymptotic limits of the sigmoidal trans-
fer function, it is apparent that the entire out-
put space must also be scaled to vary between 0
B. Choice and Scaling of the
and 1.
Input – Output Parameters
Note that in several problems it is customary,
Typically, when ANN are used in order to replace and advantageous, to represent the quantities of
EM-based simulation tools, the input parameters interest in a logarithmic scale ŽdB.. For example,
are the geometrical dimensions and the fre- for the waveguide filter case, we have found it
quency. As an example, when modeling the spiral convenient to apply the following procedure: in
166 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

the training phase we have generated the S11

data, in dB, and we have performed a nonlinear
compression before feeding the ANN; then, when
using the ANN, we have given the geometrical
parameters in input to the ANN and subsequently
we have decompressed its response.

C. Choice of the Structure and

Dimensionality of the Artificial
Neural Network
In most of the works, the chosen structure is a
feed-forward three-layer Žone hidden. ANN. Ac-
tually, only in w33, 34x Žwhere a somewhat differ-
ent type of problem was addressed. and in w42x Figure 4. Training error vs. number of hidden neu-
Žfive layers with 3-4-6-8-7 neurons. a different rons for the case of a waveguide filter.
configuration was used. In the other cases the
number of neurons in the hidden layer was cho-
sen to be 10 in the one-port microstrip via exam- training᎐testing points spaced midway between
ple in w37x, 32 in the spiral inductor case of w41x, the previous points were considered.
50 in the waveguide filter in w48x, and 100 for the
MESFET example in w43x. E. Artificial Neural Networks
However, the question arises on how this num- Parameters Determination
ber of neurons has been selected. As noted in
w37x: ‘‘A network with too few neurons will not be This topic has received considerable attention in
able to map complex input᎐output relationships, the neural network literature and several differ-
while a network with too many neurons adds ent alternatives have been proposed: gradient de-
complexity, increases training time, and tends to scent wand, in particular backpropagation ŽBP.x,
overfit the training data instead of generalizing.’’ simulated annealing, tabu search, etc. Noticeably,
Typically, a simple to complex procedure is in all the works considered for microwave appli-
used in order to determine the number of neu- cations, the BP algorithm has been the selected
rons in the hidden layer. By adding neurons to option, probably for its very high computational
the hidden layer the training error decreases; efficiency. In some cases, when properties related
when such error has been reduced to acceptable to sparsity and to the previous knowledge have
values that particular architecture is retained. The been exploited, innovative algorithms based on
training error vs. the number of neurons in the BP have been devised. Although the drawback of
hidden layer for the waveguide filter case w48x is local minima is known for BP, no significant
reported in Figure 4. Techniques like those de- problems related to the occurrence of the latter
scribed in w23᎐28x can give precise information has been reported so far in the microwave
about optimal network topology, at the expense literature.
of heavy compensations.
D. Dimensionality of the Training Set INNOVATIONS IN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL
The dimensionality of the training set is related
to the complexity of the selected ANN. Examples In this section we discuss some novel and particu-
of typical values for the training set dimensions lar issues in the ANN implementation that, al-
are: 630 training vectors for the spiral inductor though not always used, have significantly im-
case in w41x ŽC-X band case.; 65 different filters proved the ANN performance. In fact, in several
and 300 frequency points for the waveguide filter applications, some clever solutions have been de-
in w48x; while for the broadband GaAs microstrip vised in order to reduce the dimensionality of the
via simulation in w37x, six frequency points, 15 ANN, to reduce the training time and training set
DoE central composite points, and 14 additional dimension and to improve its accuracy. Probably,
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 167

the most important topics to consider in this batch mode ranged from 20 s to 9 min.’’ Another
context, and which will be discussed in detail in important point to note concerns the generaliza-
the following subsections, are: tion capability: according to w46x ‘‘Moving to the
extrapolation region, the accuracy of KBNNs de-
䢇 knowledge-based ANN teriorates much more slowly than that of MLPs.’’
䢇 use of sparsity To summarize, the main advantages of knowl-
䢇 selection of the training set via DoE edge-based ANN are:
䢇 accuracy improvement by self-organizing
maps ŽSOM.; i. the possibility of using already developed
equivalent circuits or methods of analysis;
A. Knowledge-Based Artificial ii. the dimensionality reduction of the training
Neural Network set and the consequent reduction of the
training time;
It is well known that a large arsenal of models
iii. the improved generalization capabilities.
already exist for most of the cases considered in
microwave CAD, e.g., equivalent circuits devel-
It seems fair to conclude that the pioneering work
oped for microstrip via holes or for CPW discon-
of the above authors have paved the way to very
tinuities. Two approaches have been reported so
exciting developments for the application of neu-
far in the ANN microwave literature in order to
ral networks together with the methods᎐
take advantage of previous knowledge: the hybrid
models᎐equivalent circuits already in use in mi-
EM-ANN modeling w37x and the knowledge-based
crowave CAD and, in Section VI, we therefore try
neural models w46x.
to draw some possible future developments in this
According to w37x: ‘‘The hybrid EM-ANN model
is formed by generating the difference in S-
parameters between the existing approximate
model and the EM simulation results Ž ⌬ S .. The B. Selection of the Training Set Via
Ž ⌬ S . data is then used to train the EM-ANN Design of Experiment
model.’’ The main advantage is that a simpler Another way to reduce the dimension of the
input᎐output relationship is considered, hence training set is to carefully select the training set
requiring less EM simulation points. In particu- points according to concepts on the design of
lar, for the two-port broadband GaAs microstrip experiment introduced by Taguchi. The applica-
via example considered in w37x the number of EM bility of these concepts to microwave CAD has
simulations points needed to train the hybrid been recently illustrated in w1x. In ANN modeling
model for a given accuracy has been almost half of microwave problems the DoE has been used
that needed for the complete model. Errors of typically in order to reduce the amount of time-
the same order have been obtained by using 15 consuming EM full-wave simulations, e.g., in
training points for the hybrid model and 29 train- w36᎐39x; while fractional-factorial experimental
ing points for the complete model. Accordingly, design has been adopted in w40, 41x.
also the training time has been significantly re- It seems likely that, since the above investiga-
duced Ž5 h 44 min for the hybrid model; 11 h 35 tions have demonstrated the usefulness of DoE in
min for the complete model; times are relative to ANN, future works may increasingly rely upon
an HP 700 workstation.. these types of techniques.
In w45, 46x a knowledge-based neural network
ŽKBNN. has been introduced. As noted in w46x,
C. Use of Sparsity
same work, after extensive comparison in several
cases, ‘‘ . . . the overall tendency suggests that the The sparsity concept is commonly used in the
accuracy of KBNN trained by a small set of circuit analysis area and in microwave CAD w49x
training data is comparable to that of MLP trained and, in w44x it has been introduced in the ANN as
by a larger set of training data.’’ As far as the a new form of training, the sparse-training tech-
training time is concerned, according to the au- nique. The basic remark for introducing this tech-
thors, ‘‘The CPU time for MLP training by the nique is that for each sample many neuron activa-
conventional sample-by-sample error backpropa- tions are close to zero; this gives rise to sparsity in
gation approach ranged from 22 to 60 min. The the network and has no effect on weights update.
CPU time for MLP or KBNN training by pro- Naturally the speed-up achievable with this tech-
posed gradient based l 2 optimization approach in nique depends on the sparsity present: reduction
168 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

of CPU time of more than 50% have been re- ing a number of ‘‘classes’’ of filter behaviors such
ported in w44x. that the mean square difference between all
curves within the same class is minimized. Model-
D. Self-Organizing Maps ing the filter curves within each one of these
clusters significantly reduces the problems evi-
In w48x it has been shown that a feed-forward
denced above. To obtain this result two main
neural model can represent the amplitude re-
steps have to be performed: the first one is to
sponse of a microwave filter even if the tolerances
define an automatic procedure to cluster similar
taken into account Ž"40 ␮ m. are much wider
than those which have to be expected in a usual curve behaviors, the second one is to define a
manufacturing process Ž"10 ␮ m.. It was also neural model for each cluster of filter responses.
noted, moreover, that an increase in the tolerance The first step was performed by training a
range implies a significant wider dispersion of Kohonen ‘‘self-organizing neural map’’ ŽSOM.
filter response behaviors Ždecreased accuracy.. To w50x. In particular, a SOM was trained with as
enhance the accuracy of the model its topology many input nodes as the number of frequency
has to be significantly increased. Unfortunately, samples considered to define each filter response.
training a neural model of increased topological The number of neurons of the SOM equals the
complexity leads to an excessive computational number of classes we want to identify in the set of
effort required during the training phase. filter responses. Figure 5 shows the results ob-
In order to define a general neural modeling tained in the case of four classes considered.
procedure, we can introduce a scheme which Once the group of filter responses belonging to
overcomes this problem by automatically identify- each class is defined, a MLP is trained on the

Figure 5. When using SOM a number of classes of filter behaviors are identified such that
the mean square difference between all curves within the same class is minimized. For the
waveguide filter case, a SOM with four neurons has produced the above four classes.
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 169

responses of each class. In this way a feed-for- tional effort is reduced because:
ward neural model is obtained for each one of the
classes. 䢇 training a SOM is an extremely light task.
After the SOM and the MPLs have been 䢇 Training each MLP implies a relatively light
trained the overall modeling procedure can be computational cost because it models a set
performed, as described in Figure 6. of homogeneous filter responses.

䢇 We start by giving the geometrical parame- In particular, in the experiments whose results
ters to a first step MLP, which gives an early are shown in Figure 7, the overall training time
approximation of a filter response. In this was about 80% than that required to train the
case a relatively simple topology can be used. single step MLP model.
The results reported refer to a 13-35-1 net-
work Ž35 neurons in the hidden layer., much
lighter to be trained than the 13-50-1 topol- VI. POSSIBLE FUTURE
ogy adopted in the case of single step model. DEVELOPMENTS
䢇 This first step approximation is used to feed
We will conclude our review with the challenging
the SOM, whose output indicates the class
task of suggesting some possible future develop-
which the filter response belongs to.
ments of ANN in microwave CAD. The chance of
䢇 The third and final step is then to select the writing a dreambook is naturally present but,
neural model associated to that specific class: nonetheless, we consider it worthwhile to under-
its output gives the required filter response. take this risk.

The results obtained by using this multistep

procedure significantly improve the modeling re- A. Artificial Neural Network Applicability
sults, as shown in Figure 7. Note that in this in Microwave Computer-Aided Design
example we had already obtained very good mod- The previous sections have demonstrated the use-
eling results by means of the single step proce- fulness of ANN in microwave CAD; however, for
dure. The multistep procedure has the further their widespread application, we need a seamless
advantage that it can be virtually extended to any integration of ANN with existent CAD software.
number of classes by only modifying the number Naturally, it is unlikely that the typical microwave
of SOMs neurons. Furthermore, the number of designer would like to deal with topics such as
steps can be incremented, if needed, in order to how many neurons to select or how many training
define a ‘‘modeling tree’’ virtually of any depth by samples are necessary to generate. A similar situ-
using MLP models dedicated to a relatively uni- ation was present a few years ago for full-wave
form class of filter responses. In spite of the more EM simulators: software was developed in spe-
complicated structure of the model, the computa- cialized labs and required rather sophisticated

Figure 6. Modeling procedure by SOM.

170 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

anticipated, the designer could tell the ANN en-

gine to generate a model, with specified input᎐
output parameter, by repeatedly running the ex-
ternal simulation tool.

B. Choice of the Appropriate

Input – Output Data Set
In several cases, from the user perspective, the
choice of the input data set is fairly obvious, e.g.,
in the filter case the input data are the waveguide
geometrical parameters. However, they may not
be the most significant parameters: for example,
roughly speaking, a filter response depends on the
resonances of its cavities; such resonances being
determined by the length and width of the various
cavities. In other words, it is the combination of
the width and length of the cavities that has the
most important impact on the filter response, not
their individual values. Naturally, if neurons are
fed with an appropriate combination of the input
parameters better results Žin terms of simplified
network complexity, reduced training set and time,
etc.. may be expected.
A similar remark also holds for the output
quantities. Let us consider again the waveguide
filter case where the designer is naturally inter-
ested in the frequency response of the filter Žout-
put data.. However, such frequency response is
Figure 7. Comparison between general model Župper
figure. and specialized model Žlower figure. for class 1
completely characterized by relatively few param-
filter responses. The reduction of the error standard eters Že.g., the pole-zero locations for a typical
deviation is apparent when using SOM. Similar re- filter.. It should be therefore more convenient to
sponses have been obtained for the other classes. require as output of the neural network the pole
and zero pattern than the entire frequency re-
knowledge for its use. Successively, easy-to-use Hence it seems appropriate to divide the vari-
commercial software has become available and is ables as customarily done in control theory: some
nowadays fairly common. variables are of interest for the designer Žobserva-
A possible application scenario is to have, say, ble: for the filter case in input the geometrical
an EM full-wave simulator with an included neu- parameters and in output the frequency response.;
ral network. When the designer anticipates a fairly while some other data are best suited to describe
repetitive task Žas in yield optimization or toler- the system behavior Žstate variables: for the filter
ance analysis . he can choose the structure of case the cavities resonance and the pole-zero
interest Žits input᎐output parameters, their range location.. Proper use of this classification may
of variation, the typical accuracy desired, etc.. suggest suitable ANN architectures which may
and tell the code to automatically select and train help in reducing ANN complexity.
a neural network suitable for that particular task.
The ANN set-up Žselection and training. may be
C. Extending Neuron Abilities
performed during, say, night-time, hence provid-
ing from the day after the designer with an ex- Another interesting possibility is in the direction
tremely fast simulation tool. of extending the neurons abilities. Let us consider
Another interesting possibility is to have an a knowledge-based ANN; it has been already
ANN engine which can be related to other exter- observed w46x that the knowledge neurons may be
nal software. Again, when repetitive tasks are an empirical or semi-analytical function Žfor ex-
Artificial Neural Networks in Microwa¨ e CAD 171

ample, the drain current of a FET as a function crowave models are available but they are
of its gate length, gate width, channel thickness, too slow for design purposes;
doping density, gate voltage, and drain voltage.. 䢇 since significant knowledge has already been
However, the knowledge neurons may also be developed the use of knowledge-based neu-
sophisticated CAD tools. As an example, for EM ral models is particularly relevant;
simulation problems, we can imagine knowledge- 䢇 ANN are going to play an important role in
based neurons implementing modal techniques, the most CPU intensive part of microwave
or FEM. Naturally the response of these neurons CAD, namely: yield optimization, tolerance
may require a significant amount of time. There- analysis, manufacturing-oriented design;
fore they are activated only when no other faster 䢇 some forms of design of experiment ŽDoE.
analyses are feasible. In this way the range of will probably become a common tool also in
applicability of the ANN will be increased. microwave CAD in order to reduce the di-
mensions of the training and test sets;
䢇 further improvement of the neural modeling
D. Artificial Neural Network for
Method Hybridization accuracy by means of a preliminary cluster-
ing of the responses via self-organizing maps
ANN may also be useful to perform method seems also to be very promising. This proce-
hybridization at the data level: let us consider, for dure implies that the overall modeling task
example, a waveguide filter which may Žor may is divided into several single modeling pro-
not. present rounded corners or tuning screws, cesses, allowing a higher degree of accuracy
etc. If the filter structure is simple enough then without implying an unacceptable increase
relatively fast modal techniques can be used to of the computational cost associated to the
generate the training set; however when complex training phase.
artifacts like screws are present CPU intensive
FEM or FDTD need to be used for generating It seems fair to conclude that ANN applications
the relative data. In the same way the ANN can in microwave CAD appear to be very promising;
make use of data generated by different numeri- ANN will probably be used not as an alternati¨ e
cal approaches, or even mix them with experi- to existing model-based CAD tools but rather as
mental data. a useful and necessary complement.

E. Artificial Neural Network as a Tool for

The numerical effort of an EM simulator is often
related to the desired accuracy Žnumber of modes Several discussions and fruitful exchanges of ideas with
Professor J. Bandler are gratefully acknowledged.
selected in modal analysis; grid dimension in FD,
etc... Simulation performed with a coarse grid are
fast but inaccurate; on the other hand, the use of
a finer grid may require excessive computer time. REFERENCES
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Pietro Burrascano received his Laurea His research interests include: Artificial Neural Networks,
degree in electronic engineering in 1980 unsupervised learning theory, principal component analysis,
from the University of Rome ‘‘La independent component analysis, neural units with adaptive
Sapienza,’’ Italy, where he continued his activation functions; linear and non-linear adaptive discrete-
research activity until 1981. From 1981 to time filtering, blind deconvolution of non-minimum phase
1983 he was with Telespazio S.p.A., in- systems, blind image deblurring; non-destructive matter test
volved in planning activity of satellite and defect identification by neural networks based processing
telecommunication systems. In 1983 he of eddy current inspection date; vision and image processing
joined Infocom Dept. at the University of by neural networks for robot motion control.
Rome ‘‘La Sapienza’’ as a researcher and, after 1992, as an
Associated Professor of electrical circuit theory. From 1994 he
is Full Professor at the University of Perugia, Italy.
Mauro Mongiardo was born on Decem-
He is the author of several papers in the fields of techno-
ber 3, 1959 in Rome, Italy. He has stud-
logical development of thin film filters, digital circuits synthe-
ied at the University of Rome ‘‘La
sis, parametric modelling of physical systems, digital signal
Sapienza.’’ After obtaining the Laurea
processing and neural networks. His current research activi-
degree in 1983 he has been involved in
ties are concerned with theory and applications of artificial
joint projects between the University of
neural networks to signal processing.
Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’ and a local industry
ŽElettronica .. In 1988 he became an as-
Simone Fiori was born in Rimini in 1971. sistant professor in microwaves at the
He received the Italian Laurea with Hon- University of Rome ‘‘Tor Vergata’’; during that period he has
ors in Electronics Engineering in 1996, also studied for a Ph.D. degree at the University of Bath.
and is currently working toward his Ph.D. Since 1992 he has been an associate professor, first at the
in Electrical Engineering ŽCircuit The- University of Palermo and then at the University of Perugia.
ory. at the Department of Electronics His scientific interests have been mainly focused in the CAD
and Automatics of the University of An- and optimization of microwave and millimeter-wave passive
cona. In 1998 he joined the Department components and MMICs. He has served on the Technical
of Industrial Engineering of the Univer- Program Committee ŽCAD procedures. of the Microwave
sity of Perugia as Two-Year Visiting Researcher. Theory and Technique Symposium. He has also served as
174 Burrascano, Fiori, and Mongiardo

reviewer for several Journals and Conferences Ž IEEE MTT netism, AEU.. Mauro Mongiardo has been a visiting professor
Transactions, IEEE Microwa¨ e and Guided Wa¨ e Letters, Inter- at the Bath University, at the University of Victoria, B.C.,
national Journal of Numerical Modeling, International Journal Canada, the University of Corvallis, Oregon, USA, and the
of Microwa¨ e and Millimeter-Wa¨ e Computer-Aided Engineer- technical University of Muenchen, Germany. Mauro Mongia-
ing, Journal of Electromagnetic Wa¨ es, European Microwave rdo is the co-author of one book and about 140 technical
Conference, Italian National Conference of Electromag- publications.

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